Things have come to this point, and Kenkichi Ueda finally realizes the seriousness of the problem.

Hurriedly ordered the 7th Infantry Wing under the 9th Division to quickly support the Xia Yuan Brigade.

The attempt was to be able to block the counteroffensive of the Chinese army and stabilize the situation on the battlefield.

Ueda Kenkichi's order reached the 7th Infantry Wing as quickly as possible, and after receiving the order, the 7th Infantry Wing immediately gathered its troops and prepared to support the Shimoto Brigade.

After the 7th Brigade of the Devil Infantry was quickly assembled, they hurriedly rushed to the direction of Wusong Town to support.

On the way, they encountered the attacking 62nd Division, and a fierce battle ensued.

The devil's offensive was very fierce, and the 62nd Division hurriedly sent troops to support, and after a fierce battle, temporarily resisted the devil's attack.

The two sides are at a stalemate for the time being.

At this time, Zhou Weiguo continued to attack with his troops, and after eliminating a group of little devils, he successfully made peace with the Snow Leopard Special Combat Team.

Li Jian hurriedly came to see Zhou Weiguo.

"Report to the sir, we have successfully completed the task, cut off the command headquarters of the devils, and killed all the little devils in the headquarters of the Xia Yuan Xiong Mi level devils. "

When Zhou Weiguo heard this, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "Okay! Well done, this counterattack on your special combat team can be said to have made a great contribution, and when this battle is over, Lao Tzu will reward you well." "

"Thank you, sir. "

"In addition, we have seized the code book of the devils, and we have brought back the radio station of the devil headquarters. Li Jian continued.


Zhou Weiguo's eyes couldn't help but light up, and he asked excitedly: "You mean, you have seized the devil's code book and radio station." "

"Yes!" replied in the affirmative.


A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Weiguo's mouth, and he nodded with a smile and said, "Is there a devil's address book?"

"I have a codebook, and of course I have an address book. Li Jian hurriedly replied.

Zhou Weiguo's old face was already happy, and he was thinking in his heart, how to use this thing to be a good yin devil.

At this moment, a soldier ran over quickly, stood upright, raised his hand and saluted, and said loudly: "Report to the captain, the friendly army of the 62nd Division has sent someone to inform." "

"It is said that the first division of the devil's 9th Division suddenly came to reinforce them, and they have already exchanged fire with them, and the little devil's offensive is very fierce. "

"As for the 62nd Division, we hope to give some support on the premise that it is convenient for us. "

Zhou Weiguo nodded and said, "Immediately reply to the 62nd Division, just say that we will rush to support immediately." "

At this time, the little devils of the Xia Yuan Brigade were basically wiped out, and the remaining little devils were all gone.

The area around Wusong Town has been completely in the hands of the Chinese army.

The Xia Yuan Brigade was basically wiped out, and even some little devils could no longer pose any threat.

Since the people of the 9th Division have come to support, in order to save the results of this reversal, it is natural to repel this little devil of the 9th Division first.

Zhou Weiguo immediately ordered: "Immediately send the order, order the troops to gather, and rush to support immediately." "

"Li Jian, bring your people with the radio station and codebook, come with me. "


Zhou Weiguo took the Snow Leopard Special Combat Team and rushed to the battlefield first.

Zhou Weiguo held the binoculars and observed for a while, nodded with a smile and said, "I didn't expect this little devil to be quite fierce?"

"Captain, we heard that the 62nd Division has invested a brigade of troops, and it is only barely blocking the attack of this little devil, and it is currently dominated by the little devils, so we asked for help. Qin Feng hurriedly replied.

Zhou Weiguo nodded and said, "Has the number of this little devil been clarified?"

"The Seventh Wing of the Devil Infantry, the 9th Division has a total of four infantry wings, namely the 7th Infantry Wing, the 19th Wing, the 35th Infantry Wing, and the 36th Infantry Wing. "

"And this seventh infantry wing is the strongest wing of the four wings. "

"I see, it's no wonder. Zhou Weiguo nodded.

Zhou Weiguo glanced up at the east, at this time there was already a trace of fish belly white in the east, and after several hours of fierce fighting, the sky was already dawning.

Zhou Weiguo nodded and beckoned to Li Jian.

Li Jian hurriedly came over.

"What do you command, sir?"

Zhou Weiguo lay in Li Jian's ear and commanded softly.

Li Jian couldn't help frowning and asked, "Is this okay?"

Zhou Weiguo smiled and said, "If you don't give it a try, how do you know it won't work!"

"Okay!" Li Jian nodded, turned around and left in a hurry.

Zhou Weiguo immediately instructed Qin Feng: "Immediately send the order, let all troops immediately enter the attack position, and prepare to launch a counterattack against the little devil." "


Qin Feng couldn't help frowning and said, "Captain, now it's the little devil who is attacking, the devil's momentum is booming, let's launch a counterattack now, I'm afraid we won't be able to reap the benefits!"

Zhou Weiguo sneered and said: "With Lao Tzu here, why worry about not reaping benefits." "

"Lao Tzu sees that this bullshit Seventh Wing is too arrogant, an infantry wing, dare to attack so unscrupulously. "

Lao Tzu looked very unhappy, so he wanted to destroy them and kill his little devil's arrogance. "


"How many people are in a wing of the devils, all of them together are less than four thousand. "

"We now have a brigade of the 62nd Division, plus thousands of our people, to deal with an infantry wing of the devils, it is not more than enough. "

"Execute the order!"

Seeing that Zhou Weiguo was so resolute, Qin Feng didn't want to say anything more, so he hurriedly responded.


Turned around and went to deliver the order.

Under Zhou Weiguo's order, the troops rushed to the battlefield at the fastest speed and entered the sortie position.

Zhou Weiguo immediately ordered: "Notify me and wait for Lao Tzu's order." "


At this time, Li Jian came back, smiled at Zhou Weiguo and nodded.

Zhou Weiguo said with a smile: "It's done?"


Li Jian nodded and said, "But whether the little devil will be fooled or not, I don't know." "

Zhou Weiguo said with a smile: "The so-called plan is in people, and success is in heaven, let's just wait! What if the little devil is fooled?"

"Then we'll make a profit, and we'll make a lot of money. "

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