22. Fang Ya found a fried noodle stall in the university town! Full-level three-wheeled motorcycle driving skills!

The other side

Fang Ya reviews the edited food short video and then posts it to Douyin

She has more than 15 million fans on Weibo and Douyin.

The food videos I’ve taken recently are quite disappointing, because most of the food has been taken before, and there are fewer and fewer really delicious foods, and it’s impossible to take them again.

Oh, I can only stop for a while

Fang Ya swiped her fingers and scrolled through Douyin in boredom.

After scrolling through a beauty video, the next one is a food video shot on the street

【This fried noodle is really amazing! It’s so delicious that it makes you cry!】

The video shows a close-up of Xuan Chao Noodles, with a young girl giving a thumbs-up while eating.

The video owner has only a few hundred fans, but the number of likes is four to five thousand.

Fang Ya clicked on the comment section with more than 100 comments

【Is it the fried noodle stall in the narrow alley of University Town on Changlin Road? I ate there yesterday and the fried noodles were super delicious!】

【It was indeed that stall. The stall owner was a handsome young man. His fried noodles tasted so good that I can’t describe it!】

【There were just too many people eating there and the queue was too long, so I didn’t even get a chance to queue. I could only drink a cup of mung bean soup. After drinking their mung bean soup, I no longer liked their milk tea!】

【I didn’t get in line either, I’ll go early to line up tomorrow!】

【Which one? Is the one really delicious or fake?】

【It’s just fried noodles, how can it be delicious? I don’t believe it!】

【Beauty is not deceiving, this fried noodle is really delicious! I never ate fried noodle before, but now I want to eat it all the time!】


Fang Ya looked through the comments and it didn’t look like an advertisement, it looked quite real.

She left a message: [It’s really that delicious, don’t lie to me】

Within two minutes, the Douyin video account owner excitedly replied to the message

【Wow!! Is it Fang Ya herself!! A food blogger with millions of fans!!】

【The humble home is full of glory!! Sprinkle flowers!!】

【I watch your videos all the time!!】

【Absolutely true!! The fried noodles are super delicious!! In the narrow alley of Changlin Road University Town!!】

【The stall owner is very handsome and young!! Go there at 7pm, the one with the most people in line must be this one!!】

The first time a big internet celebrity left a message, the video owner was inevitably excited and replied to many messages.

Fang Ya didn’t reply. She clicked”like” and silently wrote down the address. She would go to the university town when she has time to try the fried noodles that everyone praises.

…… morning

Lu Qin got up at 5 o’clock, and the little guy was still sleeping in the room with the little bear

After washing his face and brushing his teeth, Lu Qin walked to the yard, unplugged the charger of the three-wheeled motorcycle, and put it under the seat cushion.

Then I rode out to buy food.

Before going to bed yesterday, Lu Qin used the system points to draw a lottery

628 points, six draws

The rewards are OK, dozens of mints, a tube of children’s toothpaste, [full-level three-bike driving skills】

The children’s toothpaste selected by the system is not an ordinary toothpaste. After being used by children under ten years old, it can effectively prevent tooth decay and clean the mouth.

Perfect for the little ones

With full-level driving skills, Lu Qin felt extremely skilled the moment he rode on the three-bengzi dining car.

Now, he can pass the second test of driving a three-wheeled vehicle with his eyes closed, and can even drift into the parking space.

Not only that, Lu Qin found that when riding a three-wheeled motorcycle, he could hear and see more clearly, and could accurately judge the road conditions around him and avoid traffic accidents.

The ground guard turned the handle and the three-wheeled vehicle started

With a beautiful U-turn, the three-wheeled dining car quickly jumped out of the small courtyard gate.

Lu Qin bought enough ingredients for fried rice noodles at the farmers’ market, including cabbage, bean sprouts, ham, etc.

Vegetables must be fresh on the same day. Given the popularity of Lu Qin’s stalls, all kinds of ingredients generally won’t be left over until the next day.

You can buy enough ham for three days at a time, and lean pork must be fresh that day.

Lu Qin bought another ten kilograms of old rock sugar to make mung bean paste.

Today we will set up a stall and add a new product – ice crystal cake

Ice crystal cake is a delicate pastry that takes time and effort to make. Lu Qin does not plan to make more.

The purchase limit method is adopted to attract popularity on the one hand and enrich the variety of food on the other hand.

Lu Qin walked around the farmers’ market for half an hour before stopping in front of a rice and flour shop.

“Boss, is this the polished japonica rice from Lingu?”

Lu Qin grabbed a handful of polished rice from the woven bag, twisted it with his fingers, and asked:

“You are good, young man. Can you tell the difference between the japonica rice from Lingu?”

“It is rounder and more translucent than the japonica rice from other places, and also flatter.”


“How much is one pound?”


“Ten pounds”


“Is there glutinous rice?”

“Yes, the one on the left is 5.6 yuan, and the one on the right is 6.4 yuan. Which one do you want, young man?”

“Is the one on the left Xingyang glutinous rice?”

“Authentic Xingyang glutinous rice, if it is fake, we will compensate you tenfold”

“Weighing 60 jin”


The ground attendant scanned the code to pay, picked up the rice bag, looked up, and wrote down the store location.

“Boss, I’m leaving. I’ll buy at a discount next time.”

“Okay, slow down, boy.”

To make authentic and delicious ice crystal cake, the choice of ingredients is very important

The land and water produce the rice

The best rice and glutinous rice for making ice crystal cakes are Lingu and Xingyang, two small counties adjacent to each other in the north.

To make traditional Chinese pastries, the raw materials must be handmade

Western-style pastries made with rice flour crushed by modern machines will have a much lower taste.

You can taste it if you taste it carefully

Lu Qin asked around and bought a small millstone from an 80-year-old woman. It was 12 inches in size and could grind five or six kilograms of rice at a time.

The small millstone was gathering dust in the old lady’s utility room. Lu Qin bought it for thirty yuan.

Lu Qin also bought steamers, peanut oil, honey, charcoal, molds and other essential items for making ice crystal cakes.

The honey must be osmanthus honey, and the peanut oil must be squeezed in a local workshop. Commercial peanut oil is not acceptable.

After shopping for nearly an hour and a half, Lu Qin spent more than 600 yuan on all the ingredients and tools.

The three-wheeled food truck is loaded with goods and rides towards the south of the city.

Arrived at the community

Uncle Ge and some neighbors seemed to be waiting for the landing crew.

Seeing the three-wheeled dining car, Uncle Ge said with a smile:

“Xiao Lu, are you back from shopping? It’s the weekend today, are you still going to set up a breakfast stall at Sunshine Primary School?”

Lu Qin slowed down the car and replied,”Yes, although the students are not in school, there are still several residents in the community near the elementary school, and they also have businesses.”

“That’s great. Let’s go eat your fried noodles and green bean paste later.”


“Boss Xiao Lu, your fried noodles are so delicious and not greasy at all. I want to have a second bite after the first one!”

“My daughter-in-law has no appetite recently and hasn’t eaten breakfast for several days. Hey, she ate your fried noodles yesterday and almost bit off her chopsticks! She wants to eat it again today!”

“My little tiger too, he must eat your fried noodles today!”

“What time does Mr. Lu open his stall? We go there on time.”

“2 hours later, some preparation work is needed”

“Okay, waiting for you!”

When Lu Qin returned home, the little one was still sleeping. Today was the weekend, so Lu Qin let her sleep in for a while.

He started preparing the ingredients for the stall.

To stir-fry rice noodles, you only need to soak the rice noodles and drain the water.

It is also easy to chop vegetables and meat into baskets

While the mung bean paste is cooking, Lu Qin starts preparing to make ice crystal cake.

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