43. You’re praising it before you even taste it? This is the real ice crystal cake!

Facing the aunt’s serious expression, the customers around her couldn’t help but laugh.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Sister, you really need to keep up with the times. These penguin nicknames are just random and not real.”

“It turns out it was fake. I was wondering why Boss Lu had so many wives!”

Lu Qin also shook his head and smiled bitterly. These customers in the penguin group were too naughty.

As one wave of customers leaves, another wave of customers comes

Now that Lu Qin’s stall is well-known, he doesn’t have to worry about business at all

Basically, customers have already started queuing before the three-wheeled food truck arrives.

If the stall is set up one and a half hours early, Lu Qin can sell out all the goods.

At this time, the neighbors near Lu Qin’s rental community came to visit.

Uncle Ge came with a gray-haired old man.

“Old Getou, it’s so rare that you treat me to a meal, but you treat me to breakfast!”

“What’s good about this breakfast?”

Uncle Ge said mysteriously:”You will know after you have tasted it. I tell you, Old Mai, I guarantee that your emperor’s tongue will be convinced!”

This seemingly ordinary white-haired old man is named Mai, and he was once a state banquet-level figure.

Now living a carefree retirement life

“Oh? Then I want to see it.”

Mai Dejun said this to avoid offending Lao Ge, but he didn’t care in his heart.

There are delicious foods on the streets, but he has never come across anything that can be put on the table and presented.

Some things are considered delicacies by the public, but they may be made of seasonings and cannot withstand careful scrutiny.

Especially the”delicacies” at snack stands, which are all made with sauces and condiments, and you will get tired of them if you eat them too often.

Uncle Ge and Mai Dejun came to Lu Qin’s stall

“Uncle Ge is here. How many servings of fried noodles would you like today?”

“Two servings of fried noodles, two cups of green bean paste, I brought my friend here, this is Lao Mai”


Lu Qin smiled and nodded at Mai Dejun, then started to stir-fry the noodles.

Mai Dejun looked around Lu Qin’s stall and found that the hygiene was very good, even the bottom of the pot was very clean.

It is often said that the more unhygienic the corners, the more delicious food is hidden there.

That is a fallacy

The most important thing for a chef is not to cook, but to ensure the cleanliness of the ingredients.

In this way, the guests can feel at ease when eating and swallowing.

In this regard, Lu Qin almost achieved full marks

Mai Dejun was surprised. This kind of snack stand should be very dirty.

Laymen watch the excitement, experts see the doorway

As Lu Qin flipped the spoon, Mai Dejun’s smile faded.

Flipping the pan is not about exerting too much strength, but about accumulating skills and experience

The main thing is to rely on a sense of ingenuity

Lu Qin skillfully used his wrist strength to make the rice noodles in the pot churn but not fall apart.

Using different heat and the strength of flipping the pan can determine the taste and texture of the fried noodles when they are out of the pan.

This craft has seven or eight years of experience.

Mai Dejun can see

If other chefs cook the same food, with the same spatula and ingredients, the food will taste different.

“Good boy, very good craftsmanship”

Mai Dejun sincerely praised

Uncle Ge asked in confusion,”Old Mai, you’re praising it before you even taste it?”

Mai Dejun has a relatively high status in the southern culinary world, and it is not easy to get his recognition.

The reason why Mr. Ge dared to bring Mai Dejun here was that he was very confident in Lu Qin’s skills.

However, before he even tasted the fried noodles, Mai Dejun praised them, which surprised Ge Da Ye.

Fried noodles out of the pan

Mai Dejun smelled the food first, then looked at its appearance.

After saying”yes” twice, he tasted it with great anticipation.

The delicate and smooth taste made Mai Dejun’s eyes light up

“Better than expected”

Mai Dejun closed his eyes and savored the food carefully, then took a second bite, and a third bite.……

Only after finishing the whole portion of fried noodles did Mai Dejun breathe a sigh of relief.


Mai Dejun looked at the landing agent. This handsome young man actually had such a skill.

It’s true that a great country will produce many talented people!

Seeing Mai Dejun praising Lu Qin, Ge Daye couldn’t help showing a bit of pride on his face.

It’s like Lu Qin is his own son, and he is praised for his great success.

“Come, Lao Mai, try the mung bean paste made by Xiao Lu”

“Mung bean paste?”

Mai Dejun took a sip and found it soft and sandy, sweet but not greasy.

“This mung bean paste tastes very good, with tangerine peel and yellow rock sugar in it”

“Yes, you are absolutely right.”

Lu Qin nodded and glanced at Mai Dejun, who should also be a cook.

“Lao Mai, there is also ice crystal cake, which is the best”

Uncle Ge became proud again

“Xiao Lu, although Lao Mai and I came here together, can each of us buy two boxes of your ice crystal cake?”

“Yes, that’s right. Lu Qin nodded.

Uncle Ge scanned the code to pay, then took out four boxes of ice cream and stuffed two boxes into Mai Dejun’s hands.

When Mai Dejun heard the word”ice crystal cake”, he was stunned.

Why does it sound familiar?

After thinking for a moment, he was shocked.

Yesterday, my apprentice called me and asked about”Ice Crystal Cake”.”

He was still thinking that this kind of niche local pastry should be made by very few people.

Unexpectedly, that person is the young man in front of me.

Isn’t this a coincidence?

Mai Dejun opened the box of ice cream with great anticipation.

He had eaten ice crystal cake, but he didn’t have a deep impression of it.

When I was young, I went to a small town in the north and saw people selling this kind of cake on the street.

Bingjinggao is a kind of rice cake, made of glutinous rice.

But the ice crystal cake has an extra layer of ice, which gives you a cool feeling when you eat it, just like a cold drink, which is quite special

However, the ice crystal cake that Mai Dejun ate in his early years tasted average, slightly sweet and sticky.

I bought it once, I won’t buy it again

So, he had an impression of the ice crystal cake, but it was not deep.

Looking at the ice crystal cake made by Lu Qin, Mai Dejun’s eyes flickered.

This ice crystal cake is very delicate, four centimeters square in size, crystal clear, like a beautiful jade.

The front of the snow skin is decorated with osmanthus honey and marigold leaves

Through the ice skin, the texture inside is clearly visible

Mai Dejun couldn’t help but reach out and pick up a piece of ice crystal cake

Feels smooth like a mirror

He took a bite

Refreshing taste

It is very different from the ice crystal cake I had when I was young.

“This is the real ice cream!”

Mai Dejun closed his eyes and savored the unique taste of the ice crystal cake.

It tastes cool and sweet at first, and after chewing it for a few times, it exudes another unique aroma.

It leaves a lingering aftertaste on your lips and teeth!

Mai Dejun is a state-level chef. Although he is retired, he has eaten countless delicacies in his life.

He also knew a famous white cake master from Longguo, but even the cakes made by him could not compare to Lu Qin’s ice crystal cake.

There are hundreds of kinds of Chinese cakes, and Mai Dejun has tried more than half of them.

But the only pastry that could shock him so much was this ice crystal cake!

After swallowing a piece of ice cream, Mai Dejun couldn’t help asking:

“Boss Xiao Lu, how do you make this ice crystal cake?”

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