Do Not Seek Fairy Fate

Chapter 493 Ten Limits

Chapter 493 Ten Limits

Restricted by the rules of heaven and earth and the inheritance of skills, the limit of practitioners in this world is not high.

A real master who is rare for ordinary people to see, but it is equivalent to a monk in the late stage of Qi refining in the outside world.

If there is a secret method, which conforms to the rules of this world, it can barely erupt the power of the Taoist foundation.

Only a celestial master can be regarded as a true Daoist.

This is the limit.

And Mo Qiu, when he walked out of the wounded place, his strength had already recovered to the level of the first entry into the Taoist foundation.

In addition, he is proficient in many martial arts, spells, supernatural powers, and has the ability to control fire, and has the best magic weapon in hand.

His strength has long surpassed that of ordinary Daoist monks.

to be honest.

If it wasn't for not being aware of the situation in this world, he would be afraid that the magic weapon in Zhuo Baifeng's hands would fall into the hands of outsiders.

At that time, he could enter the capital directly.

not to mention.

The current him has acquired the treasures of Lord Yinshan and the old demon of Heishan for many years, and his cultivation has recovered.

It stands to reason that the world is so big that anyone can go there.


Good knife skills!

Don't beg for light praise, flick your fingers, and the Xuanyin Soul Slashing Sword turned into a ray of dark wind and hit the blade light.

When the sword came out, there was a muffled sound of thunder.

Sword Qi and Thunder Sound!


The sound of the collision was melodious and pleasant, and it also made the person come to a standstill, shaking the knife and falling to the ground.

It's a woman!

This is no surprise to Mo Qiu.

Most of the famous people in this world are women, Tianshan old mother, Wusheng ancestor and even the current emperor.

All women!

This woman is different.

This woman has a mediocre appearance, a dull expression, stiff skin and flesh, and she is like a walking corpse.

The long knife in his hand is also unremarkable, with a dull color and an ancient and clumsy handle, as if made by a craftsman.

It can be said that his whole body does not have the temperament that a master should have.

But the power that happened to erupt was so astonishing that it was enough to pose a threat to Mo Qiu.

This is when the woman holds the knife with one hand, her body is tense, and the blade of the knife is pointed at a distance of more than ten zhang.

The simple action made Mo Qiu's eyes shine.

Who are you? He said slowly:

The timing is good, and the sword technique is even more amazing. It's a pity... I have more than one flying sword.

As he said that, the flying sword floating beside him trembled slightly, turning into a wisp of dark wind and spinning around him.

On grade.

The Xuanyin Soul Slashing Sword is not as good as the Tianlei Sword.

But the rules of heaven and earth are different here, the power of the Heavenly Thunder Sword is limited, but this sword has little effect.


When performing certain sword arts, the power is also increased.

If it weren't for this flying sword, the knife just now would have been really troublesome for him.

It's a pity! the woman said blankly, her expression immediately became serious, and she said:

I am the grandson of Emperor Tianchun, the eighth daughter of His Majesty, the master of the Justice Department, Princess Yong'an wins the disaster.

Win a disaster. Mo Qiu nodded, looking at the other party with a flash of light, his expression gradually became serious:

The knife just now was very good.

The way you practice... is also very powerful!

The strongest in this world is just a beginner.

For him who carries the inheritance of Yuanying and is proficient in all dharmas, he probably doesn't like kung fu.


It actually used the evaluation of 'very powerful'.

To be able to threaten him with the body of a mere real person, such skills are naturally extraordinary.

Excellent. Winning and misfortune's face remained unchanged:

I have heard for a long time that the Taiyi sect has a wonderful inheritance and is unparalleled in the world. Today, I am going to see a thing or two.

Don't look around.

The Seven Mysterious Formation of the Wanfahui is still in operation, the Tianlei Sword is trapped, and he is also suppressed by the formation.

But he didn't take it seriously, and stretched forward with one hand:


Girl please!

As soon as the word please came out, his eyes lit up.

Like the epiphyllum blooming, the lotus platform is in full bloom, and the colorful sword lights cover the world in an instant.

Tianchong, open!

Myriad Blade Art!

This time, Mo Qiuwei never let go of the opponent's every move, his eyes reflected everything around him.

The slightest change in Yinghuo's body is all in the perception.

The moment she swung the knife, it seemed as if a seal had been released on her body, and a mysterious force burst out suddenly.

The strength also went directly from the perfection of qi refining at the level of a real person to the realm of just entering the dao foundation.

The sword glow is even more subtle.

At this moment, Ying Huo swung seven hundred and thirty-one knives, each of which was accurate.

Compared with the imperial sword of the Taoist master, its subtlety is even better than that.

Knife out.

The sword light suddenly appeared.

The sound of muffled thunder followed closely behind.

Sword Qi and Thunder Sound!

This woman waved the knife with her hand, and she cut out rolling thunder sounds, which also opened Mo Qiu's eyes.

Sword Qi Leiyin is not just pure speed.

It is the fusion of spirit, energy and spirit, reaching a certain mixed state, which makes the heaven and earth vibrate.

Then came Lei Yin.

In the great Taiyi Sect, there are many Daoist monks, but there are very few people who have cultivated Sword Qi and Thunder Sound.


But seeing such a unique skill in a 'pure' warrior in this world is simply unimaginable.

I was amazed in my heart, but Mo Qiu's movements were not slow.

As soon as the opponent's breath moved, the Xuanyin Soul Slashing Sword came out.

The sword was like a swimming fish, swaying gently, suddenly plunged into the light of the sword, and sparks burst out.

Taiyi Demon Refining Sword Art!

As one of the supreme sword tactics of Taiyi Sect, the exquisiteness of this way of swordsmanship is naturally extraordinary.


Seeing this, Ying Huo's eyes contracted, and the light of the saber suddenly retracted, Miao Zhihao slashed on the flying sword.

At the same time, his figure flickered, matched with the knife, and rushed forward brazenly.

Essence, open!

Earth Soul, open!

Eight yuan burns and cuts!

The light of the saber was like lightning, with just a flash, he was already cornered, and the fierce saber aura rushed straight to his face.

Mo Qiu could even feel that the center of his eyebrows was beating crazily, and warning signs were coming out frequently.

this woman...

The strength has skyrocketed again!

With a gloomy face, the Xuanyin Soul Slashing Sword bounced, crossed an arc, and stopped obliquely in front of him.

As soon as the sword light turned, the red candle, the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​fire, and the divine light of refining demons spread all over the front for several feet.


Yinghuo growled, his body flickered wildly, his knife slashed at the flying sword, and he gritted his teeth and rushed forward desperately.

The aura on her body was already at its peak in the early days of Dao Ji.

And the saber technique is exquisite, every move and every move is perfect, facing the flying sword, he is not at all inferior.

How can it be?

Mo Qiu frowned, and the mana in his body was urging wildly, and the sword light in front of him flourished, drowning the opponent in an instant.

Yinghuo narrowed his eyes, and finally his face changed color, his body retreated violently, and the light of the knife bloomed in front of him.

Eight seals!

Myriad Blade Art!

Ding Ding Dang Dang...

In an instant, he retreated hundreds of feet, avoiding the flying sword.

Where did you learn this skill? Mo Qiu didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, but asked in a deep voice:

Is this method really martial arts in this world?

It was really hard for him to believe that a person of the same level as a real person could push himself to such an extent.

Even if he is proficient in various methods, if his cultivation base is perfect in refining qi, it is absolutely impossible to achieve it.

You... Yinghuo's expression changed slightly, and he regained consciousness in an instant:

I heard that Taiyi Sect came from another place, but I didn't expect that you are not from this world at all.

No wonder!

No wonder it's so strong!

What? Mo Qiu's eyes flickered:

Your method also comes from the outside world?

No. Holding a knife in hand, Ying Huo shook his head coldly:

The Ten Great Limits are the secrets of ancient times, and they are originally the exercises of this world, which are different from your inheritance.

As an outsider, he should be killed!

She gritted her teeth tightly, murderous intent welling up in her eyes.

Top Ten Limits? Mo Qiu's eyes flickered, and he nodded slowly:

Forcibly hooking up three souls and seven spirits to boost one's cultivation, the name of the Ten Limits is worthy of the name.

The method you practice is quite rewarding, but it needs to consume your own life energy, and your life will not last long.

With your talent, it should be no problem to live past three Jiazi, but now I'm afraid you don't have many years to live.


There's nothing to be sorry about. Winning a blank expression:

It's enough to kill you!

The sound fell, and he charged forward again with the knife.

With one step, several seals were released instantly on her body, and the aura on her body exploded exponentially.

Essence, open!

Movement, open!

Tian Cong, open!


Heavenly Soul, open!

Punish evil and slash!

Every time she opened one, her strength skyrocketed a lot.

The glaring sword light covered the whole world, even making Mo Qiu's perception sting.

Amazing! He said leisurely:


Limited by your own realm, the early stage of the Dao Foundation is your limit. Even if I am suppressed by the formation, I will not succeed.

While speaking, the Xuanyin Slaying Soul Sword has cut out countless sword lights, which even made the formation here tremble.


Suddenly, a wisp of green smoke appeared in the field.

The green smoke expanded wildly, but in the blink of an eye, it covered several feet of land, and then solidified.

The Xuanyin Soul Slashing Sword was wrapped in green smoke and was about to withdraw when the sword body was suddenly locked tightly.


A heavy brown ball fell to the ground.

Yin Bodhi!

The most precious treasure of Luojiao is refined from the most yin and cold things, and it is claimed to be able to seal anything in the world.

Since this object appeared in the world, only more than thirty years ago, there was the only one miss.

Fortunately, that thing was a magic weapon at that time. Although the Xuanyin Soul Slashing Sword was good, it was far from being comparable to it.

In an instant, he was banned.


Yinghuo's eyes lit up, and his figure rushed out in a flash of lightning, unable to cut him with a single blow.

Without the flying sword, the Nine Fire God Dragon Shield was also resisting the formation above, and Mo Qiu at this time could be described as bare-handed.

In the face of the incoming knife light, there is no resistance at all.

far away.

The seven real masters of the Ten Thousand Dharma Association all had excited faces and staring eyes.

The sword shines through the sky.

A land of ten feet is within reach for winning and misfortune.


The knife falls, but cuts in the air.

Everyone was shocked.

Moqiu stood on one side of his body, the falling long knife was reflected in his eyes, and he flicked the spine of the knife with his fingers.


With a light flick, Ying Huo felt as if he had been shaken by a huge earthquake, his figure swayed with force, and the light of the saber fell colorfully.

Don't ask for your eyes to remain the same, wave your long sleeves, stretch out one hand, flick or click out with five fingers.



He flipped his big hand over, his five fingers were like a mountain, and lightly pressed forward, a huge force burst out, and when he won the disaster, he couldn't bear the force and retreated a hundred feet.

How is it possible? Yinghuo was stunned.

Nothing is Impossible.

Mo Qiu shook his head lightly:

Mo was also a martial artist in his early years. When it comes to martial arts, he has more than a hundred years of experience than you.

In terms of moves alone, you...

Not as good as me!

He knew what the plan was for winning and misfortune, he fought close to hand, and didn't give himself a chance to cast spells.

At the same time, lock the flying sword, and use the strong against the weak.


What they thought was their weakness was precisely what Mo Qiu was proud of.

When it comes to the method of controlling the sword, the Taiyi sect has a large number of talents, and Mo Qiu would not dare to be called the first in the same rank.

But hand-to-hand combat...

Even if the Golden Core Grandmaster is present, he is not afraid of the same level of cultivation.

Stop it!

Don't beg to sigh:

You have good talent, stop now, I can let you go.

Ying Huo's cheeks trembled, his eyes flickered frantically, and then his expression froze, showing determination.

Mo Qiu shook his head.

It seems that the other party has made up his mind.


Originally, there was still some pity for talent.

Fated soul!


Yinghuo gritted his teeth and roared, the veins on his forehead popped up, his skin suddenly turned bright red, and his breath rose sharply.

The soul of life is the foundation of life.

Once the soul of life is opened, every breath will consume her one year of life.

Three souls and seven souls are fully opened.

At this moment, within Ying Huo's body, it was as if a huge melting pot was turning, constantly venting its power outward.

Compared with this force, her body is as weak as a baby, and it may burst at any time.

Mysterious fetus!


The sharp roar made the air tremble.

Ying Huo raised his head to the sky and roared furiously, his long hair flew up, his body trembled without any wind, and the air within a few feet suddenly exploded.

The terrifying air wave rushed straight into the sky, like a pillar of wind, roaring and roaring and dancing in the air.

Mo Qiu narrowed his eyes.

Road base mid-term!


Winning a low growl, the ground under his feet shattered, and the boiling mud rushed straight to hundreds of feet.

The sword light, crossing the distance between the two in an instant, appeared in Mo Qiu's eyes.

The extreme speed makes the air friction ignite a fire.


Eight-joint cut!

Eight blades of light slashed across, and all the land covered by the blade was shrouded in light, like sea water rising and falling.

Don't ask for one hand to stretch out, and the body retreats violently.

The tremor of the arm also showed the difficulty of blocking the blow.


With such an opponent, Mo Mo underestimated you!

His figure swayed, and he landed straight on the ground, his eyes glowed red, and his whole body instantly ignited a raging fire.

Ten Limits!

You should also experience the Vulcan body created by Mo Mou!


The void shook.

Mo Qiu's body was suddenly blazed with flames, the red light shook the sky, and the spiritual fire intertwined in the air, turning into a flame giant with a height of more than ten feet.


The giant roared in the air, and the sound shook hundreds of miles. He flipped his big hand, engulfing the surrounding air, and smashed down hard like a five-fingered mountain.

The giant palm towered to the sky, covering all the land of Lixu.

Forty-nine years!

During the forty-nine years of recuperation and recuperation, Moqiu could comprehend and understand what he had learned all his life over and over again when he was unable to move.

Until they mastered it well, they created the Vulcan Dharma Body.

This skill is similar to the beast transformation of the insect demon and Wang Hu, but it is even worse.

It is based on Moqiu's own fire-controlling blood, its own spiritual fire is the shape, and the real body of Wuyue Town Prison is the foundation.

The three are blended together, plus supernatural powers such as the Vulcan mantra.

It can be described as a lifelong study.

Once cast, the flame bloodline will be fully stimulated, blending with its own spiritual fire, evolving into a dharma body, and can explode with terrifying power second only to the golden core realm.


There is another breakthrough in the technique of refining evil, breaking through the seventh rank, refining evil into a gang, and the power of the gang fire is more fierce than before.

Then it turned into the magic body of Vulcan, as if the gods descended from the sky, and the power was so powerful that it even overwhelmed the surrounding mountains. Compared with the light of the knife that wins and misfortune, it is like an inconspicuous insect, which can be easily flicked.


The light of the knife and the flame collided, and a figure flew out obliquely.

It is a win and a disaster.

Yin and Yang change!


Win and misfortune are in the air, the whole body is cracked, blood is pouring out of the body, the breath suddenly rises sharply again, and a bloody sword glow cuts out again.

Turning palm!

Mo Qiu showed a solemn face, the Vulcan Dharma Body flipped over with a big hand, and collided with the sword light again.

The escaping flames scattered all over the place, and the billowing flames instantly turned the dense forest into a raging sea of ​​flames, causing the soldiers in the distance to turn pale and flee quickly.


A figure fell heavily to the ground.

Mo Qiu flickered, and appeared in front of the dying Ying Huo, with pity in his eyes.


He shook his head lightly, with a flash of inspiration in his eyes:

Soul search!

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