Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 475: Changsheng’s victory, Yuanshi’s wrath (two-in-one)

Countless demon clans doubted the existence of demons, but many demon clans still maintained rational thinking after sudden changes.

"Don't panic, everyone, this must be an illusion."

"Yes, the Ox King is already a strong man. He is not a mortal body, let alone a body of flesh and blood. He cannot be burned to death by a mere divine fire."

"The powerful Daluo jumps out of the river of time and space and is immortal. He can be resurrected at any point in time. The Ox King cannot die, at least not in such a simple way."

"The Immortal Emperor is using illusions to deceive the world. It's extremely ridiculous."

"Everyone, hold on tight, this illusion will be broken by the Ox King soon. Even if the Ox King is lost for a moment, with his powerful Daluo strength, he will definitely be able to return from reincarnation."

Several demon clan remnants stood up to appease the demon heart.

They are well-informed and have a better understanding of the powerful Da Luo, so after revealing Da Luo's characteristics, they have indeed stabilized some situations.

After all, what they said was conclusive, sounded reasonable, and actually made sense.

Unfortunately, even if they calmed down, they were still no match for the heavenly soldiers and generals and the Tang cavalry.

Needless to say, the Tang Dynasty Iron Cavalry was the army that unified Nanfangbu Continent and was the most powerful military formation of the human race in contemporary times.

The opponents of such an elite force are the heavenly soldiers and generals of Heaven, the five hundred Arhats and Three Thousand Jiedi of Lingshan, not the free and unorganized little demons like the demon clan.

The combat power of heaven's heavenly soldiers and generals is erratic.

You expect them to attack the Great Sage Ping Zhang in Huaguo Mountain. One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers can sweep the Great Sage Ping Zhang across with a stick.

You feed them well and give them enough food and drink, and you have a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers who dare to kill even the powerful Da Luo.

Let's play, let's make trouble, don't make fun of heaven's soldiers and generals.

Billions of heroes in the world have stood out after all the tribulations, soared to the ancient fairyland, and became one of the hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers who besieged the Great Sage - Do you really think they are cats and dogs?

They are all heroes like Yu Linglong and Yu Bihai, who overshadowed a whole world and became the protagonists of a certain era.

The guarantee is that she is the type of Madam White Bone, a monster that even the White Tiger God can take a liking to and almost takes her as his daughter-in-law.

After they ascended, either due to their background or luck, they were not embraced. They could not be taught and trained like Yu Linglong, nor could they receive the inheritance of Xingtian and Styx like Xiao Yu. They could only continue to practice silently in the ancient fairyland.

He seemed to be incomparable to everyone.

But if ten thousand of these monsters gather together, they can scare a group of big monsters to death.

One hundred thousand of these monsters gathered together, and cooperated with the organization and welfare of the Heavenly Court and the Qimen Formation of the Fenghou... When the Bull Demon King encountered them, his life would be in danger.

As the most powerful official ruling body in the prehistoric fairy world, Tianting is not one of the most powerful official ruling institutions in the world. Its status is maintained by hard power, and its reputation is by no means in vain.

Previously, the Great Sage of Peace caused a stir in the Heavenly Palace, and God Haotian's long-standing forbearance caused some damage to the majesty of the Heavenly Palace.

In this battle, the heavenly soldiers shocked the world, and the shock caused was no less than that of the Immortal Emperor who defeated and killed the Daluo-level Bull Demon King.

Feng Hou, who presided over the Eight Formation Diagram, was shocked when she saw the performance of the heavenly soldiers and generals.

"As long as Wolong's soldiers and generals back then had the strength of these heavenly soldiers and generals, it would be entirely possible for them to make a huge comeback."

After Fenghou was shocked, she could only sigh: "Yuyou Cangtian, how many heroes have been absorbed by you, the human race still has a lot to work hard for."

The ascendants of billions of worlds have absorbed not only the monsters of the human race, but also the geniuses of billions of other races.

Compared with these heavenly soldiers and generals, the group of soldiers and generals under her disciples were completely different.

Even the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty, which had flattened the Nanfangbu Continent, were dwarfed by these heavenly soldiers and generals.

Emperor Tang personally supervised the battle. After seeing the performance of the heavenly soldiers and generals, he also silently gave up the idea of ​​​​defeating the sky.

"No wonder Xian Qin failed back then. Compared with Heavenly Court, our Tang Dynasty's foundation is still too shallow."

If possible, all human emperors in the past dynasties would not want to conquer the sky.

It seems that if possible, all the emperors in the past would not want to step on the lighthouse and destroy the island country with their fists.

It is really not allowed by strength.

So we can only love peace.

Datang has never been a peace-loving country.

But the Tang Emperor decided to maintain peace and establish diplomatic relations with Heaven.

Let’s follow the original plan and expand Datang’s territory to Xiniu Hezhou.

It just so happened that this time Emperor Changsheng took action against Xiniu Hezhou, and with the beacon smoke in Xiniu Hezhou, the Tang cavalry could be in place at any time.

"Your Majesty, how is the battle situation with Emperor Changsheng? Is it really an illusion?"

Next to Emperor Tang, a civil servant spoke worriedly.

Although against other demon clans except the Bull Demon King, their side has the absolute upper hand. But if the Bull Demon King defeats the Immortal Emperor, everything is still a dead end.

As long as the Bull Demon King wins, he can ascend to the throne of Demon Emperor. With the support of the Jade Emperor and the Tathagata Buddha behind him, as well as the tacit approval of the Tongtian Cult Master and the Taiqing Sage in the eyes of everyone, the status of the Immortal Emperor will be quickly replaced by the Demon Emperor, the Bull Demon King.

At that time, the heavenly soldiers and generals will become the help of the Bull Demon King, and the Tang Dynasty will be in danger.

Tang Huang's eyes flashed with golden light, and he stared at the scene of the roasted cow in the sky carefully. Then he shook his head and said, "I can't see any trace of illusion."

"But it's really difficult to kill a powerful Da Luo. It's unlikely that he will be controlled by the Emperor of Immortality and beaten passively."

This is also where many demon clans are now suspicious.

The powerful Da Luo is so terrifying. Even if it is temporarily at a disadvantage or even in a dead end, it can be reversed at any time.

The Bull Demon King was also stabbed by Taiyin Star King before, but it did not affect his combat power too much.

How could he be allowed to be slaughtered by the Emperor of Immortality now?

However, Randen Ancient Buddha did not doubt what he saw.

Instead, He was so frightened that He came out of the coffin and did a sit-up.

"Ghost Fire?"

"Why is there ghost fire in Ji Changsheng's hand?"

"Is it the ball inside the iron fan?"

"Damn it, Emperor Changsheng also knows that the Bull Demon King is under my control."

Ran Deng Ancient Buddha's heart sank.

Regarding the rivalry between the Bull Demon King and the Immortal Emperor, Randen Ancient Buddha was originally somewhat conflicted.

The Bull Demon King did a lot of things for him without knowing it.

But the Bull Demon King seemed to know his identity, so he was going to change the black gloves.

But the Bull Demon King's sudden promotion to Daluo was something that Randen Ancient Buddha did not expect.

Not to mention the Lantern Ancient Buddha, Ji Changsheng had never thought of it before, not even the Bull Demon King himself.

It was all forced by Ji Changsheng.

The Great Sage Ping Zhang killed Princess Iron Fan, causing the Bull Demon King to completely lose all scruples. With all the knots in his heart gone, facing the pressing pressure of the Great Sage, the Bull Demon King simply worked hard and broke through the threshold that had always prevented him from being promoted to Da Luo.

You must know that Guanyin Bodhisattva, Yang Jian and Zhenwu were all Daluo who were promoted with the help of the five fingers of the saint.

The Bull Demon King rose up on his own without any external help, catching all the powerful men off guard, including the Bull Demon King himself.

Once the Bull Demon King really secures his position, he will really jump out of the chessboard.

If Ji Changsheng hadn't forced the Bull Demon King, the Bull Demon King wouldn't have known that he had such great potential and could be promoted to the Da Luo realm so quickly. He was originally prepared to grind for another ten thousand years, and he wouldn't be too old by then anyway.

What the Randen Ancient Buddha needs is the Bull Demon King who can be replaced at any time, not the Bull Demon King in the Da Luo realm as an ally.

What's more, if the Bull Demon King really became one of the four emperors of heaven, in terms of status, he would even be higher than him, the ancient Buddhist Buddha.

The superiors especially cannot accept their former subordinates riding on their head, so in the battle between the Bull Demon King and the Changsheng Emperor, Randen Ancient Buddha actually supported the Changsheng Emperor to win in his heart.

The problem is that the Immortal Emperor won too cleanly.

And he actually used His methods.

The things he did in private would be fatal if the Bull Demon King knew about them. If Emperor Changsheng knew about it, Emperor Changsheng could use this leverage to completely kill him.

After all, he not only targeted Tathagata Buddha in private, but also targeted Saint Taiqing.

He wouldn't dare let these things come to light.

But he didn't want to be a slave to the Changsheng Emperor.

"Ji Changsheng."

A ghost fire flashed in the eyes of the ancient Buddha Ran Deng, and a huge murderous intention arose in his heart.

Then he saw the timid Tota King Li Tianwang and Nezha Prince who had killed the demons, and he suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

"My people are killing my demon."

The left hand hits the right hand.

No matter who wins or loses, He feels like the biggest loser.

Naturally, the monsters do not have the eyesight of the Ancient Randen Buddha, nor do they know the inside story well enough.

Under the comfort of the demon kings, most of the demon clans regained their composure and returned to the battle with the heavenly soldiers and generals.

But as time passed, the goblins became restless again.

"Why hasn't the Ox King returned yet?"

"The Ox King has been promoted to Daluo. Even if the Emperor Changsheng has the upper hand for a while, it should be reversed at this time."

"Why do I feel like the Ox King is almost cooked?"

The little demons' senses were correct.

The Bull Demon King is indeed almost cooked.

The fragrance spreads all over the world.

As long as you sprinkle some cumin on it, it'll be fine if you eat it on the spot.

At this time, the remnants of the demon race who jumped out were also a little panicked.

"Ox King, are you still there?"

"Ox King, moo."

"Ox King, Ox King, come out quickly. How can we live without you?"

In mid-air, Ji Changsheng, who was roasting beef, smiled.

"Stop screaming. Although you really can't live without the Bull Demon King, the Bull Demon King will never come back."


The yellow-haired marten boldly stood up to refute Ji Changsheng.

It was the initiator of the previous yellow wind, but it was Tathagata Buddha and Tongtian Cult Master who really made that Samadhi Divine Wind so powerful.

The yellow-haired marten attained enlightenment in Lingshan Mountain and was trained by Tathagata Buddha. He is also one of the leading monsters in today's battle at Cuiyun Mountain.

It knew that it had no other choice, so it did not sit on the wall and said loudly: "The Ox King has unparalleled magical powers and has been promoted to Daluo. It is only a matter of time before he returns from reincarnation. Emperor Immortal, even if you have the upper hand for a moment, you will always kill him." A powerful Da Luo man will not die."

Ji Changsheng looked at the yellow-haired marten with a playful look: "It does have some knowledge, and there is something about Samadhi Kamikaze. Unfortunately, the knowledge is still not enough."

Ji Changsheng was in a good mood now, so he decided not to kill the yellow-haired marten on the spot.

Yellow-haired Marten's Samadhi Divine Wind is the same level of magical power as Red Boy's Samadhi True Fire. It would be a waste to kill such a demon king directly. It is better to leave it to my dear teacher to pay off the debt.

Speaking of which, why does Tathagata prefer yellow-haired martens?

Is it possible that Zeng Duobao's true body was also a mouse?

The legendary Duobao rat?

Ji Changsheng's thoughts wandered for a moment, and then he "kindly" explained the confusion to the remaining goblins:

"Under normal circumstances, Da Luo strong men can indeed be resurrected at any point in time and come back strong."

Of course, the ordeal of the resurrection time point is still the same.

A strong person in Da Luo wants to pass through his life and ensure his safety at every moment.

The most dangerous moment for Ji Changsheng was during the six months in the Demon Sect.

Especially after Ziwei Gouchen and the others possessed those outer disciples of the Demon Sect, those six months were the most difficult disaster for Ji Changsheng to survive.

But now it has been broken by Ji Changsheng.

The Bull Demon King will also be in a similar situation, but the moment he can achieve Da Luo, it means that all his demon students are safe.

As long as the Bull Demon King can escape from birth, he can return from reincarnation step by step.

Daluo strong men are indeed so difficult to kill.

It's a pity that the Bull Demon King is not a veteran Da Luo.

His weakness has been grasped by Ji Changsheng in advance.

And, since Ji Changsheng dared to attack the Bull Demon King, he was naturally fully prepared.

Ji Changsheng snapped his fingers.

High in the sky, the Demon Mirror revealed its true form, shining brightly and covering the Bull Demon King's body.

When they saw the true form of the demon mirror, countless demon clans shuddered subconsciously.

The remnants of the demon clan reacted and felt a little weak in an instant.

There are many pirated demon mirrors in the world.

There is only one genuine one, and it is in Yang Jian's hands.

The genuine demon mirror, of course, has more than one function: peeking into the mirror to see the true face of the demon.

The stronger function is to immobilize the goblin's figure so that it cannot move.

And once the goblin gets lost, you can continue to track it.

This thing is the nemesis of the Daluo Demon Clan.

But the premise is that the Daluo Monster Clan must be severely damaged first.

Yang Jian had not been promoted to Da Luo before. Even if he held a demon mirror, he could not harm the Da Luo demon clan.

Even if the demon clan does not belong to Daluo, they are not Yang Jian's opponent even if they don't need to look at the demon mirror.

Therefore, Yang Jian did not kill many demon clans with the demon mirror.

Ji Changsheng borrowed the genuine demon mirror and used it on the Bull Demon King.

Under normal conditions, the Bull Demon King would not put a demon mirror in his eyes.

However, after being severely injured by Ji Changsheng, the Bull Demon King was restrained by the demon mirror activated by Ji Changsheng.

The ghostly fire that burned him was the divine fire of the ancient Buddha.

The ghostly fire, the nemesis of the Bull Demon King.

Genuine demon mirror, the nemesis of the demon clan.

The Great Emperor of Immortality, one of the most powerful men under Da Luo.

Trinity met a bull demon king who had been severely injured.

Even if the Bull Demon King is in the Da Luo realm, there is no reason to survive.

To be able to persist until now without being completely roasted is already Da Luo level of survivability.

If it were other monsters who came up, they would have been a dish on the table of Emperor Changsheng.

"Have you seen the Demon Mirror? The Bull Demon King was originally able to be resurrected. Unfortunately, his body was fixed by the Demon Mirror, and he lost the ability to travel through time and space, and became a flesh and blood body like you."

Ji Changsheng's words with a smile sounded the alarm clock for all the monsters present:

"Continue to fight back. I will take no prisoners in this battle."

A truly powerful demon king may not be able to kill him if he only wants to escape, but he is just targeting them to help the Western Sect repay their debts in the future.

The goblins who couldn't escape must be scraps, and I'm afraid even Jieyin Zhunti will look down on them.

Ji Changsheng just used them to reward his own people who went on this expedition.

Ji Dang, Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, Fenghou, Tang Dynasty Cavalry, and all other parties involved in the war all want to share the spoils.

War is not only about casualties, but also contains huge profits.

The Immortal Emperor never minded sharing these wealth with his allies and subordinates.

Only in this way will their community of interests become more stable.

And the goblins are covered in treasures.

"Brothers, kill as much as you like. After the war, I will treat you all to a banquet of hundreds of demons for three days and three nights."

"Thank you, Emperor."


"Congratulations to the emperor."

The dust of this battle has settled.

A group of demons are bleeding.

Rivers of blood flowed.

The flame mountain that burned across the eight hundred realms was extinguished by endless demon blood.

Their strength is actually not weak.

The remnants of the demon clan did not let go this time.

But the reason why the remnants are the remnants is because they can't defeat the orthodoxy.

When Haotian was a turtle, Tianting seemed like a soft persimmon that any demon king could pinch.

The same heavenly soldiers and generals were in the hands of the Changsheng Emperor, and the fighting power they unleashed made the remnants of the demon clan tremble with fear.

They hate it.

"The current world of ancient immortality is all fake racing."

"The previous Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals were all staged."

"Sending a message to the demon saints, we must continue to be patient."

"They went too far."

The remnants of the demon race also knew that the heavenly soldiers and generals were not that weak before, but they were still fooled by Haotian, and they subconsciously underestimated the enemy.

until today.

They realized the value of the orthodox official supreme ruler.


The iron fist of heaven struck down, and they were wiped out in a matter of minutes.

At the end of the fight, Master Kang could no longer sort himself out.

"This food is enough for our God of Cookery to last for ten thousand years."

"If I were to cook, I could use it for a hundred million years."

"I've never made such a wealthy meal before."

Master Kang was full and the goblins fell down.

Those fairies who had their masters behind them finally collapsed and cried and shouted:

"Master, help me."

"Stop, my teacher is the Master of Tongtian."

Li Changxi had already planned to stop, but when she heard a silly bird saying that her teacher was the Master of Tongtian, she swung the crescent blade towards him.

Merits are everywhere.

Li Changxi majored in Yaoguang Luohuan and minored in merit. When she was in the immortal world, she was also the master of using merit to refresh her realm.

After finishing the killing, Li Changxi curled her lips and said, "Jie Jiao's disciples really didn't make mistakes in killing them."

It’s so valuable.

"Senior brother, senior brother, help."

"How can this be so? Emperor Changsheng, you don't follow the rules."

"You can just kill a monster with no background. My master is Heaven...Pfft..."

Before the other demon king finished speaking, his merits were wiped out by Li Changxi again.

She felt comfortable.

Normally, of course, all the monsters with backgrounds would be returned.

Today is different.

The war has escalated. In a life-and-death situation, there is no need to give any space to the fence-sitters.

From the moment the opponent stood in the Bull Demon King's camp, he already had a way to kill him.

In this prehistoric fairyland, even the leader of the Tongtian Sect doesn't give face to them. Where are there people who need to give face?

Finally, the Buddha's light rose up from Lingshan Mountain in the west.

Tathagata Buddha couldn't sit still anymore, so he personally came to Cuiyun Mountain and bowed his head to Emperor Changsheng: "Emperor, God has the virtue of good life, how about we end this matter?"

Ji Changsheng took out his ears, casually cut off a piece of beef weighing a thousand kilograms, and threw it to Tathagata Buddha: "We can talk after eating the beef."

The Ji party members below are continuing to kill.

Tathagata Buddha's eyelids twitched, he suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice: "The poor monk does not eat beef."

Ji Changsheng smiled: "Your teacher, Master Tongtian, doesn't eat beef either. Isn't it delicious now? Eat it. If you don't eat yellow-haired marten, you will die."

At this time, Li Changxi's crescent blade was already placed on the yellow-haired marten's neck.

Smiling like a flower towards the Tathagata Buddha in the sky.

Men and women are matched, so work is not tiring.

Encountering this pair of evil stars, Tathagata Buddha was furious in his heart, but on the surface... he could only endure it.

Forget it, the teacher was forced to eat Kui beef, so what does it matter if I suffered a little humiliation?

We can't really let all the junior brothers and sisters who finally regained their freedom temporarily be buried here.

If that were the case, he would not have the face to meet the junior brothers and sisters of Jie Jiao, let alone the leader of Tongtian Cult.

And without the support of the Tongtian Cult Leader, all his plans would not succeed.

This battle was not won, and the Bull Demon King was more useless than he expected. Tathagata Buddha could only accept the reality, avoid the edge for the time being, gritted his teeth, endured the humiliation, and swallowed a thousand kilograms of beef in one gulp.


Li Changxi took a photo of Tathagata Buddha eating beef.

The entire process was video recorded.

Then Li Changxi said angrily: "Tathagata, you, the dignified leader of Buddhism, take the lead in eating meat and breaking the Buddhist rules and precepts. How can you have the face to be the World Honored Tathagata?"

Ji Changsheng nodded with deep understanding: "Knowing the law and breaking the law will be punished by one degree. Tathagata, you are the master of Buddhism. Do you only allow the Buddha to eat cows and not the monks to eat meat? This is simply unreasonable. I think you should abdicate in favor of others and leave Buddhism to the future. Buddha, only then can Buddhism hope to flourish."

Tathagata Buddha is so angry.

"The Emperor Changsheng wants to have sex with a poor monk?"

We agreed to talk after eating the beef.

Now that he has eaten, Ji Changsheng and Li Changxi are singing and talking about these nonsense, which brings shame on him.

Tathagata Buddha was already very angry today, but now his Buddhist practice no longer supports him to continue the conversation.

Cuiyun Mountain is not heaven.

Here, Tathagata Buddha has absolute certainty to suppress Ji Changsheng.

It's just that due to the previous prohibition of the leader of Tongtian, Daluo strong men are not allowed to take the initiative to intervene, so he cannot take the lead in violating it.

But Lord Tongtian is his teacher after all.

If it is really violated, Tathagata Buddha will not take it seriously.

Just go to the teacher and admit your mistake.

What else could Master Tongtian do to him?

Thinking of this, the Tathagata Buddha's eyes already had murderous intent. The Buddha's light was so bright that he might take action at any time.

Ji Changsheng said calmly: "Tathagata, do you want to do something wrong?"

Tathagata Buddha tightened his fist.

Lingshan is a subordinate institution of Tianting.

Although he is a feudal official, he is still ranked below the four emperors, although his actual power and strength are not necessarily weaker than the four emperors.

"I think this Lingshan really needs to change its owner. Otherwise, if things go on like this, there will be rebellion in Lingshan."

As soon as Ji Changsheng finished speaking, another voice sounded from the sidelines: "Junior brother's words are reasonable. The life-long tenure of Buddha is indeed not conducive to the long-term development of Lingshan."

Of course, those who dare to speak like this are not ordinary people.

A chubby figure instantly appeared between Ji Changsheng and Tathagata Buddha, blocking Tathagata Buddha's terrifying murderous aura.

He has big ears and a broad face, his shoulders are full and his abdomen is plump, and his body is fat. The mood of spring is full of joy, and the eyes of autumn are shining. The open sleeves are full of blessings, and the mango shoes are shining brightly. The first one in the Paradise Field is the smiling monk Namo Maitreya.

Maitreya Buddha clasped his hands together, smiled at Ji Changsheng and said, "Junior brother, senior brother is here."

Ji Changsheng returned the gift and said with a smile: "Senior brother, you came at the right time. The Tathagata violated the Buddhist rules and precepts, and also threatened me with other crimes. What crime should I do?"

Maitreya Buddha said with a smile: "In Buddhism, no one can cure the Tathagata's sins. I'm afraid it will take internal discussions among the four emperors of heaven to decide."

Ji Changsheng said directly: "I think it would be better to leave this spiritual mountain to Senior Brother Maitreya."

Tathagata Buddha calmed down and said in a deep voice: "As long as the Great Heavenly Lord agrees, the poor monk will have no problem."

He was in strategic alliance with the Jade Emperor. He was not surprised that Maitreya Buddha and Ji Changsheng came together, nor did he think they could change the world.

He is stronger than Maitreya Buddha, and the Jade Emperor is stronger than the Immortal Emperor. No matter how you calculate it, they should not be the ones feeling the crisis.

Even if Maitreya Buddha and Ji Changsheng join forces, Tathagata Buddha is not afraid at all, so he continues to go straight to the topic: "Emperor Changsheng, give the poor monk a face, and let's end today's matter."

Ji Changsheng sneered: "What face do you have?"

I also want to give the spiritual mountain as a bride price to my senior sister to become a saint.

No face is worth this price.

Tathagata Buddha's face darkened, and he threatened calmly: "If all the disciples of Jiejiao are wiped out again today, it is entirely possible for the teacher to overthrow the table again. If Emperor Changsheng wants to be a sinner, and recreate the last scene of the Great Tribulation of the Gods, poor The monk has no objection."

Maitreya Buddha's expression changed slightly and he looked at Ji Changsheng worriedly.

He naturally helped Ji Changsheng come to the platform, but he could not solve the threat from Tathagata Buddha.

At the end of the Great Tribulation of the Gods, the saints beat the dogs brains out, the Jiejiao army was wiped out, and the leader of the Tongtian cult was beaten to the point of vomiting blood. In the end, he became ruthless and wanted to drag everyone to death together, and directly began to destroy the world.

If Daozu Hongjun hadn't died at that time, it's hard to say what the final outcome would have been.

The most disgusting thing about saints is that they have the ability to overturn tables. It is difficult to kill saints of the same realm, but it is not difficult to destroy other living beings in the world, especially the living beings under Da Luo.

If he really gets ruthless and the saint destroys the universe and repeats the earth, wind, water and fire, then the Pangu universe will be reincarnated and start from scratch. There may be no problem between the saint and Daluo, but all the foundations must be re-developed, and the saint must become a polished commander and must do everything personally.

Of course, no fool would dare to do this—coincidentally, Master Tongtian is a fool.

During the Great Tribulation of the Gods, Tongtian had already done this once, but was stopped by Dao Ancestor.

Now, it is indeed possible for Tongtian Cult Leader to do it.

Tathagata Buddha's threat is real.

It's a pity that Ji Laomo takes soft things rather than hard ones.

"Tongtian? Does he want to destroy the world again?"

The corners of Ji Changsheng's eyes and brows were filled with disdain.

"Tathagata, do you think the whole world is a group of Sabi like you? It's enough that the same thing happened once. Who will give Tongtian a second chance to attack? Even if he is given a second chance to attack, Daozu You can stop Him once, but you can’t stop Him the second time?”

Don't even use Taozu.

The results of the Master Tongtian were all fake matches, and Ji Changsheng was the behind-the-scenes director.

When there were no Four Swords of Killing Immortals, Saint Zhunti could single-handedly kill the leader of the Tongtian Cult with the Qibao Miaoshu, and also smashed the Qingping Sword of Tongtian.

With this kind of strength, he will not have a second chance to threaten other saints.

As much as Ji Changsheng looked down on the IQ of Master Tongtian, he looked up to the strength of other saints.

Destroying the world requires a process.

As long as it takes time to activate, everything can be solved.

Ji Changsheng himself is a master in time management. As long as the saint wants to, the saint's use of time will only be more efficient than him.

Therefore, the threat of Tathagata Buddha is a joke to Ji Changsheng.

not to mention:

"Tathagata, do you think I will let Tongtian go?"

Tathagata Buddha's pupils dilated.

He was really confused by this.

"Ji Changsheng, are you crazy?"

Forget it if you are not afraid of the Tongtian Cult Leader.

What does it mean not to let go of Tongtian?

Ji Changsheng said coldly: "Originally, I only killed one Kui cow and ate a hundred whole cow banquets. This matter has passed. I don't intend to pursue it."

The Immortal Emperor is still broad-minded.

"But Tongtian is so shameless, and with you helping others, Tongtian once again made the wrong choice and stood on the opposite side of me."

Tathagata Buddha and Maitreya Buddha were stunned when they heard this.

They have never seen such a brave person.

What is the difference between this and pointing at the leader of Tongtian Cult and scolding him?

There really is no difference.

Ji Changsheng continued to curse: "You are a brainless thing. The first time I killed his mount, he didn't know the pain. The second time I killed all his disciples and told him there is no third chance. Tathagata, you don't Come to me and I will come to you.”

Tathagata Buddha was extremely angry and laughed back: "Ji Changsheng, you are seeking your own death. You have gone crazy."

Maitreya Buddha looked at Ji Changsheng in surprise.

He also felt that Ji Changsheng's inflation was a bit too much.

Forget about tearing down the Tathagata Buddha’s platform.

How dare you speak to the leader of Tongtian Cult like this?

Ji Changsheng smiled disdainfully and glanced at Li Changxi.

Li Changxi made a gesture to Ji Changsheng.

Then Ji Changsheng felt relieved and sent a message to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

After a while.

Guanyin Bodhisattva held the unconscious King Yuqing and knelt in front of Yuxu Palace.

"Unfaithful disciple Cihang, I came here to apologize to my mentor."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva shed tears and confessed: "Teacher, my disciple is incompetent and failed to protect my brother, so he suffered this great shame and humiliation."

King Yuanshi opened his eyes.

Frowning slightly, the next moment, King Yuanshi appeared in front of Yuxu Palace.


He saw the bulging belly of King Jade Qing.

In an instant, there was a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and the color of the sky and the earth changed.

King Yuanshi looked livid: "Who did it?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva bowed his head and said, "Many treasures! Master, here is the evidence."

Tathagata and Tongtian want to end it.

It's not that easy.

A two-in-one 8,000-word chapter has been delivered. Please continue to ask for subscriptions and monthly votes. Today's update, the young lady made an appointment with me to watch "The Three Evils" in the afternoon. I'm going to help you find out whether this movie is good or not. I'll continue my 10,000-word explosion tomorrow. Thank you for the complete, sound, and fresh 10,000 rewards, thank you for the reward of 500 starting coins, thank you for the reward of Zhiwu Linzhi, book friend 20230825200052411, and book friend 20240225004131939

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