Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 95: One person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven

Wei Zhongxian will of course carry out Ji Changsheng's instructions to the letter.

Du Zongjiang's past experience was clear in his mind. This was the outer elder of Danqing Pavilion. He killed Ji Changsheng when he asked. This really opened Wei Zhongxian's eyes.

He just wanted to hug Elder Ji's thigh, and never wanted to stand opposite Elder Ji.

"I'll go to my humble position right away."

"Also, tell the Queen Mother that I will make the word 'ru enough' disappear forever. The casual cultivators and common people who were deceived by this word before should pay compensation to the blessed land and spiritual stones to those who deserve spiritual stones."

Wei Zhongxian did not agree decisively this time. He first expressed his attitude: "Elder Ji, I absolutely support your decision, but it is difficult to proceed with this matter because there are not enough spiritual stones in the treasury. Compared with the disappearance of Shengguo Blessed Land, The state treasury absolutely cannot afford to pay for the area."

Take a stand first.

I support you.

But objective conditions do not allow it.

Make bricks without straw.

I need you to give me an idea.

Although he only followed Ji Changsheng for one day, Wei Zhongxian could see clearly that Elder Ji was definitely a result-oriented boss.

No matter how readily he promised before, as long as the final result did not go well, he would immediately go to the Western Paradise to enjoy happiness with Du Zongjiang.

Therefore, Wei Zhongxian must first lay out the objective conditions and then act according to Elder Ji's instructions.

Ji Changsheng did not embarrass Wei Zhongxian.

He can't change the spirit stone, and Wei Zhongxian certainly can't do it either.

But in this world, basically everything has a solution.

It just depends on whether you are willing to scrape the bones and cure the poison.

Ji Changsheng is willing.

Anyway, it wasn't his bones that were scraped.

What he was curing was the poison of the entire Sheng Kingdom.

"Let the emperor issue an imperial edict to cancel the 'if enough' measure. In the future, if there is an area that does not match the area on the blessed land certificate, a penalty of ten will be imposed. For those that were missing in the past, there will be no penalty of ten for missing, according to the ratio of 1:1 Just pay the compensation.”

Cao Ziming was sincerely convinced: "Junior Brother Ji, you are really kind-hearted."

Ji Changsheng nodded in agreement: "I think so too."

Wei Zhongxian did not dare to refute.

He just said: "There is no problem in letting His Majesty issue an imperial edict."

Anyway, the current Emperor of Sheng is just a brick.

Wherever there is need, they move there.

He couldn't even speak, and his imperial edict was just a formality.

Whatever the Queen Mother says is what she says.

Whatever Elder Ji says, the Queen Mother will do.

"Even His Majesty can't change the money." Wei Zhongxian reminded.

Ji Changsheng's eyes were lowered, shrouded in shadow, and his voice was like a cold poisonous snake, which made Wei Zhongxian shudder.

"Your Majesty has issued an imperial edict, and there will definitely be people below who will object."

Wei Zhongxian nodded subconsciously.

Although the emperor is good, bad things are all done by people below, which is definitely an insult to people's IQ.

But the interests of the emperor and the people below are indeed not bound together in everything.

Many times, when the emperor wants to do something, the people below will join forces and tacitly stop it.

The imperial power is very strong, but it cannot dominate the world.

Especially in this world where cultivation is possible, the imperial power is actually not as strong as Blue Star's ancient power.

"What we want are these people who object. If you don't have enough money, just ask them to get it." Ji Changsheng said quietly: "If the houses of these people who object are confiscated, the spirit stones will be enough!"

Wei Zhongxian: "..."

"What? Do you have any other opinions?"

Ji Changsheng looked at Wei Zhongxian.

Wei Zhongxian shuddered and spoke decisively: "Elder Ji is concerned about the country and the people. He is so impressed that he has no objection at all. He will go to report to the Queen Mother and convey Elder Ji's instructions."

Ji Changsheng continued to give instructions: "It's not my instructions, it's His Majesty's instructions. All this is His Majesty's will and has nothing to do with me, you, or the Queen Mother."

Wei Zhongxian nodded seriously: "I understand."

Confiscating homes is not a good reputation.

Moreover, the people who were copied also had backgrounds behind them.

The Vice Prime Minister has made it very clear before that many of their descendants have joined various major immortal sects.

So if you want to move them, you need a nominal scapegoat.

The new king who has just ascended the throne is very suitable.

Although Ji Changsheng will not be afraid, as a righteous person, he can do righteous things, and he can also get blood on his hands, but his righteousness must be upheld.

"Do your best for me, and on the day I leave Shengguo, I will give you a gold and jade intermittent pill."

Wei Zhongxian was overjoyed: "Thank you very much, Elder Ji."

In this world where cultivation is possible, some injuries can be healed.

For example, for these eunuchs who were cut off, unless special techniques were used, ordinary castration could not stop them from cultivating.

Only when one reaches the level of an elder who transmits scriptures and has his limbs shattered by Yu Laomo himself, there is no possibility of recovery - it cannot be said that there is no possibility, but he has to rely on the elixir from the ancient immortal world.

This world's elixirs can't do it.

But Ji Changsheng can make Wei Zhongxian return to his knees.

The Golden Jade Intermittent Pill is not considered a rare elixir in Xuandu Guan, it is only used to restore broken limbs.

For Ji Changsheng, buying a gold and jade intermittent pill is very simple.

But for Wei Zhongxian, if it weren't for Ji Changsheng, this would be a treasure that he would never see in his lifetime.

"I work with my heart, and I never treat my own people badly."

"I understand."

Wei Zhongxian left the prison with murderous intent.

This death will definitely be the end of many princes and nobles.

But Wei Zhongxian saw his own glorious tomorrow.

Ying Hongye looked at Ji Changsheng, and the applause represented her admiration.

"Chang Sheng, have you ever been in the imperial court before?"

"Why do you say that?"

"You are so skilled at framing others and trying to manipulate people's hearts, including those of your subordinates."

Ying Hongye felt ashamed: "I have been trained by the Ying royal family since I was a child, but my skills in this regard are not even half as good as yours."

Before meeting Ji Changsheng, Ying Hongye never felt stupid.

Among her peers, she has always been considered the most mentally mature.

But after meeting Ji Changsheng, Ying Hongye opened up a new world.

How can a person be so shameless?

Ji Changsheng thought to himself, I have really been around before.

The intrigues at the end of the universe are much more powerful than when your system was still in feudal ancient times.

At that time, the rules and regulations were more complete and supervision was stricter. Only in the name of justice could we achieve our goals.

It was different under the ancient feudal system. The methods did not need to be so upright, so there was no need to be too high-sounding.

Although Ying Hongye received an orthodox royal elite education, the difficulty of top-down learning and bottom-up climbing is naturally different.

Moreover, one relied on teachers and books to learn, while the other relied on practical teaching and practical learning. Ji Changsheng naturally made greater progress than Ying Hongye.

"Junior sister Ying, what are you talking about?"

Cao Ziming was not happy to hear this.

"Junior Brother Ji is just worried about the country and the people, and based on the premise of worrying about the country and the people, he uses some tricks. I don't see any of the framing, false accusations, or manipulating people's hearts. I only see Junior Brother Ji's pure heart. , I saw that Junior Brother Ji was upholding justice for the common people and casual cultivators who were unable to protect themselves. Whoever accuses Junior Brother Ji is my enemy."

What can Ying Hongye say.

She could only roll her eyes at Ji Changsheng and complained: "Changsheng, look what you have done to Senior Brother Cao. You must never go to Danqing Pavilion in the future. I'm afraid you will go in sideways and come out lying down."

Ji Changsheng shrugged: "Hongye, believe me, the elders of Danqing Pavilion will definitely be very grateful to me. Senior Brother Cao has perfectly achieved his goal of going down the mountain to practice, and all of this is my credit."

"It is indeed your 'credit', but it does not affect the fact that the elders of Danqing Pavilion will beat you up." Ying Hongye said: "Believe me, the original intention of Danqing Pavilion is definitely not to make Senior Brother Cao become this kind of person. You The force is too strong. Those elders just want Senior Brother Cao to gain more experience and skills, and they don't want you to be trained according to the demon cult."

Cao Ziming frowned even more: "Junior sister Ying, what nonsense are you talking about? Why am I a demon from the Demon Cult? Don't you see the awe-inspiring righteousness shining in me?"

Cao Ziming once again showed his awe-inspiring righteousness.

The light of righteousness shone in the cell.

Ji Changsheng nodded with satisfaction.

"Hongye, what you said is indeed wrong. If the demon sect's demons have such methods, how can they still be demon sect's demons? Are they worthy of touching Senior Brother Ci Cao?"

As long as demons from the Demon Sect can shine with holy light when they walk around the world, they can really become holy sects.


The special effects of the Heavenly Demon Sect's skills look like devils at first glance.

Ji Changsheng absolutely hated this.

If he hadn't been able to use illusions, he wouldn't have been able to hide his identity as a disciple of the Demon Sect.

At least put on a disguise.

Xuandu meditates on the energy of merit and virtue, which is shining with golden light.

Danqing Pavilion is built with great righteousness and purity.

What about the Demon Cult?

It's either a sea of ​​blood or a mountain of bones.

Or there may be gusts of dark wind, or the roar of resentful spirits.

Just like that, still bragging that you are a holy cult all day long?

How can people believe it?

As the appointed young leader of the Demon Sect, Ji Changsheng was worried about his future.

When I go to the Heavenly Demon Sect in the future, I must teach those idiots of the Demonic Way and let them see how the Holy Sect is practiced.

Ying Hongye looked at the plausive Ji Changsheng and the possessed Cao Ziming, and shook her head helplessly.

"I know what my problem is. No wonder among the three of us, I am the weakest."

"What's your problem?"

"I'm not as shameless as you in Changsheng, and I'm not as simple as Senior Brother Cao. I have to go to the extreme in my cultivation, and I'm stuck in the middle. The aura of merit and virtue and the righteousness of Haoran are different from what I thought before. It seems that I have to adjust myself in time. cognition.”

Ying Hongye actually made slow progress.

She just met a pervert like Ji Changsheng.

Breaking through the realm is measured in days, Fairy Linglong was not so exaggerated back then.

So Ying Hongye was a little stimulated.

Cao Ziming learned from Ji Changsheng, and actually achieved a huge breakthrough in his cultivation in a short period of time, which also stimulated Ying Hongye.

However, Ying Hongye was still a little unwilling.

"I am a princess of the Ying Kingdom and a righteous fairy. Do I have to follow you, Changsheng, to learn how to be a demon witch?"

Ying Hongye looked up to the sky and sighed: "Senior Brother Cao has no brains, but I still have some. Changsheng, follow you. Unless you can be invincible, sooner or later you will be the enemy of the whole world."

Ying Hongye didn't think Ji Changsheng was an undercover agent of the Demon Sect.

Again, the disciples of the Demon Sect are really not that arrogant.

Not so unscrupulous.

But Ying Hongye felt that Ji Changsheng was much more exaggerated and more dangerous than the disciples of the Demon Sect.

Ji Changsheng patted Ying Hongye's shoulder and said, "Hongye, senior sister once discussed the situation in the ancient immortal world with me, and we came to a conclusion - the so-called Taoist ancestor and the six saints are invincible, in fact, it means that the Taoist ancestor has attained the Tao." , chickens and dogs ascended to heaven. Before that, neither the Six Saints nor the Jade Emperor had opened up any gap with other quasi-sage great figures, and some were even obviously inferior to other great figures."

Ying Hongye's face changed color: "Changsheng, are you crazy? Do you dare to discuss such a topic?"

"It doesn't matter. The temple master has explained that Master Taiqing has been making frequent changes in the ancient immortal world. The heavens are in chaos, and the saints cannot rely on the heavens to lock everything in. Now is the best time to talk about these topics."

Both Ying Hongye and Cao Ziming were a little moved.

They really don't know these things.

Ji Changsheng continued: "What can you learn from the rise of the Six Saints and Haotian God?"

Ying Hongye pondered: "Is it more important to stand in line than ability?"

Ji Changsheng looked at Ying Hongye with approving eyes: "I said Hongye, you have a future, and you are right. First, take sides, and then show your abilities. Back then, the two Lich clans were invincible in the world, and they were so strong that they could not They all put Taoist ancestors in their eyes, claiming to have the power to kill saints, so now they have been blown away by the rain and wind. Among the six saints, leaving aside the Master Sanqing and Nuwa Empress for the time being, let’s talk about the two Western Sects, who all rely on the way of heaven. She became a saint with a loan. According to my senior sister, she is also a Daluo and can defeat the two saints of the West. What's the use? Taiyin Xingjun is cold, aloof and alone, but the two saints of the west are embraced by the Taoist ancestors, so they laugh At the end.”

Both Ying Hongye and Cao Ziming were silent.

One of these two people is the princess of Yingguo and the other is a disciple of Danqing Pavilion. They are both good.

Therefore, they actually know some information about the Six Saints.

Sanqing is a cheater. His reincarnation skills are the best in the world. He is the incarnation of the great god Pangu. He is born with immeasurable creation merits.

Ji Changsheng is now working hard to earn merit, and all the merit he acquires is acquired.

From the day he was born, Sanqing possessed the heaven-opening merits of Pangu, that is, innate merits.

When it comes to reincarnation technology, Sanqing's origin is at the end.

More authentic than Daozu.

Comparing with them is just asking for trouble. No matter who among these three takes the top position, they can basically win.

Nuwa, the empress, was of a higher generation than Sanqing.

The most important thing is that Nuwa, the Empress, was already one of the Four Emperors of the Demon Clan at the time when the Lich Clan and the Lich Clan were roaming the ancient world. She was at the top of the food chain.

No one has any objection to whether Nuwa can become a saint.

Those who dissatisfied the other quasi-sage Dalo the most were the two saints of the Western Church.

Sanqing relied on Pangu Yuanshen's origins, and Nuwa Empress relied on strength and qualifications to convince the public.

But before the two saints of the Western Sect embraced the lap of Taozu, they were only at the middle level among Daluo.

They couldn't even get in line.

Li Changxi was very dissatisfied.

The lunar star shines in the sky. In her words, if she was unhappy back then, she could put the territory of the Western Sect into permanent trouble, and the two Western Sect members could not do anything to her.

The reason why the two saints in Western religions are able to rise to the top is all because of their good thigh holding.

"The two saints of the Western religion made countless great wishes to Heaven, saying that I would do these things after I become a saint. The premise is that I can become a saint. Then Heaven lent the saint's strength to them, and they then used the saint's strength. Go and repay these debts owed to Heaven, can you understand?"

Ying Hongye and Cao Ziming both nodded.

Ying Hongye complained directly: "This is the same as the Blessed Land business model, and there is essentially no difference. When Sheng Taiping does Blessed Land business, he first borrows spiritual stones from the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce. After the Blessed Land is built, he sells the Blessed Land and then slowly pays it back. The loan to Tongtian Chamber of Commerce. The two saints of the Western Sect just turned borrowing spiritual stones into borrowing cultivation, and the object of loan was changed from Tongtian Chamber of Commerce to Heavenly Dao. To put it bluntly, it was through the back door. There are no people with no background in Tongtian Chamber of Commerce. I can’t borrow spiritual stones. And the way of heaven only lends the cultivation of the two saints of the West, and does not lend the cultivation of the other quasi-sages, the great Luo saints.”

Ji Changsheng snapped his fingers: "Essentially, that's what it is. So there is a difference between a saint and a saint. Mr. Sanqing and Empress Nuwa are real saints, but the two Westerners are saints who were loaned out. They are They are predicting their future cultivation in advance. In essence, they are quasi-sage strength, and Tiandao has forcibly strengthened them. The problem is, Tiandao is the Taoist ancestor. So to put it bluntly, it is the Taoist ancestor who is supporting his own people. If you hug the right thigh, a pig will I can help you rise to the top. This has been the case since ancient times, and it will still be the case in the future."

Ying Hongye and Cao Ziming did not refute.

Although the saint is superior, Ji Changsheng's analysis is reasonable and well-founded.

"Leaving aside the filter of saints, the Three Purities depend on one's birth, the two Westerners rely on their thighs, and only Empress Nuwa relies on merit and self-struggle. In fact, I admire Empress Nuwa the most." Ji Changsheng said.

So he is also following the path of merit.

"So to put it bluntly, when you reach the level of a saint, it also depends on your alignment and background. Hongye, don't you think I have the appearance of a saint?"

Ji Changsheng suddenly changed the topic, and Ying Hongye almost didn't react.

"Changsheng... You said you have the appearance of being invincible in the world, and I reluctantly agree. You said you have the appearance of a saint, but you are exaggerating a bit."

"As a human being, you still have to have dreams. What if they come true? Let's take a step back and ask, am I invincible?"

Ying Hongye and Cao Ziming both nodded subconsciously.

In terms of strength, Ji Changsheng is still far behind.

But in terms of means and courage, they really have never seen anyone better than Ji Changsheng among their peers.

"Imagine that a hundred years from now, I will be in charge of Xuandu Temple, Senior Brother Cao will be in charge of Danqing Pavilion, and Hongye will be the human emperor of the Ying Kingdom. The three of us will have the final say on whether the world will be in chaos or not."

Ying Hongye and Cao Ziming could not help but be immersed in the future described by Ji Changsheng.

Seriously, it's tempting.

Even for Cao Ziming, it was very tempting.

He had never thought about being the master of Danqing Pavilion before, because he himself believed from the bottom of his heart that Du Zongsheng was more suitable than him.

But after seeing what the Du family had done, Cao Ziming's thoughts had been shaken.

Senior Brother Du is not as good as he thought.

In this case, there are some things that must be done.

He has never been the type to shirk responsibility.

And he feels that he has made great progress recently.

In the past, he was indeed not suitable to be the master of Danqing Pavilion.

But now he is studying with Ji Changsheng. Who says that if he was not suitable before, he will not be suitable in the future?

Besides, isn’t there Junior Brother Ji who is here to give me guidance?

Even though Cao Ziming was like this, Ying Hongye became even more excited.

Her ambitions were greater than Cao Ziming's from the beginning.

Although Emperor Ying was defeated back then, the country of Ying was not destroyed yet.

The fire is still there.

It's just that Ying Hongye couldn't see the hope that a spark would turn into a prairie fire.

But from Ji Changsheng, Ying Hongye saw a glimmer of hope.

Because Ji Changsheng is really shameless and very capable.

The most important thing is that she is willing to believe Ji Changsheng.

Although Ji Changsheng acted unscrupulously, he had never had a criminal record when it came to targeting his own people.

Whether it was towards her or Cao Ziming, Ji Changsheng was sincere.

Ji Changsheng's sword is only used against foreign enemies.

Only by working with such a ruthless boss who always protects his own people can he feel safe.

Ying Hongye was not naive. If Ji Changsheng was as pure and flawless as Cao Ziming, then she would really not dare to place her hopes on Ji Changsheng.

It is precisely because Ji Changsheng is unscrupulous that he is even more worthy of trust.

"Hongye, you have background and talents, but the problems left over from the history of the Ying Kingdom are too serious. If you stay in Xianmen, whether in Xuanduguan or Danqing Pavilion, you will not be able to reach the highest point, and you are also worried about this. You know everything." Ji Changsheng said.

Ying Hongye nodded.

This has nothing to do with her talent.

Ying Guo's past is there.

It is impossible for any of the major immortal sects to let the descendants of Emperor Ying become their boss.

Even the Danqing Pavilion is impossible.

Because Danqing Pavilion is still a cultivating sect after all, they can support Ying Guo, but they must support it independently, rather than becoming a vassal of Ying Guo.

"Senior Brother Cao, your talents and methods are not the best. In theory, you are not qualified to compete for the top Immortal Sect Master in the world."

Cao Ziming also nodded.

Ji Changsheng waved his hand: "But these are not important. If I say you can do it, you can do it. Follow me and I will help you get to the top in Yingguo and Danqing Pavilion. Believe me, no one is more suitable than you. There has never been any savior. , we have to rely on ourselves and cannot place our hopes on others."

Cao Ziming was completely convinced: "Junior Brother Ji is right, there is never any savior, we have to rely on ourselves."

Ying Hongye also nodded slowly.

"When one person attains the Dao, chickens and dogs can ascend to heaven. I have attained the Dao. Brother Cao, you can win by lying down with Hong Ye. I can't trust anyone else, and I can only trust you. Senior Brother Cao, if you feel aggrieved, you can be a chicken. Hong Ye, you can feel comfortable and just be a chicken for me." Beautiful dog."

Ying Hongye kicked him out with one kick.

She couldn't tell whether this guy's last words meant that he was sincerely exchanging his sincerity with her.

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