Don't call me evil god

Chapter 73 Semi-finished product alternatives

Seeing Pet's operation, Novin couldn't help but be amused.

"Good boy, where is my bug if you leave this card?"

If we insist on making a judgment, there is nothing wrong with Peter's statement.

When they ambush those lone Bloodfang gangsters before, no matter what the method was, they still prevented the Bloodfang Gang from harming others.

This time the situation is that the believers are confronting the Blood Fang Gang.

It makes sense to give more rewards.

It's just that Pete's approach can be called a guide to induce confessions, tricking the unsuspecting Bloodtooth Gang members into "personally admitting" their crimes, making Noven dumbfounded.

"Forget it, no matter what method they use, the Blood Fang Gang's power has indeed been weakened."

[Preventing serious crimes, based on the level of contribution, justice points +900]

[Destroy 7 ordinary members of the Blood Fang Gang. Based on the level of contribution, justice points +300]

[Destroy the followers of the evil god, and based on the level of contribution, legendary experience +731]

As the rewards continued to be distributed, Noven was generally satisfied with the performance of the believers' temporary action.

When Peter and Gale joined the battle, they knew how to use their own advantages, assigning manpower to deal with ordinary members of the Bloodtooth Gang, and separated Evan from the battlefield to specifically target them.

Clean up the miscellaneous soldiers first, and then focus on the boss.

There is no doubt that this is the decision with the least damage.

Except for the shield-wielding believer who resisted two Evan attacks head-on and was seriously injured, the others were basically uninjured.

At most, the mages were mentally exhausted from casting too many spells in a short period of time and needed to rest for a few hours.


Except Brandon!

Nuowen finally figured it out. The reason why this guy who firmly followed the warrior route was dismissive of mages and priests was probably because he was not intelligent enough and had no brains at all!

"What the hell is this guy thinking? He and his two teammates dare to challenge Evan and so many of his subordinates!"

Novin was so angry.

If Pett and the others had been slower after receiving the reminder from [Guilty Sense], or if Evan had arrived faster, the outcome of this battle might have been completely different.

Couldn't we be a little more roundabout and delay the arrival of support?

It was obvious that they could rely on their numerical advantage to achieve a crushing victory, but in the end, Brandon gave them a narrow victory.

When he activated God's Eye and looked at the scene, Noven became even more angry.

Brandon got a small notebook from nowhere and wrote seriously in it:

"On a certain day of a certain year in the New Calendar, the future legendary warrior Mr. Brandon fought hard for a long time in the lower city of Green Harbor and defeated Evan, the leader of the Blood Fang Gang and a descendant of the second-level evil god, I hope everyone knows!"

"This idiot only thinks about fighting head-on!"

Noven was angry, but through this battle with Evan, he also realized a problem that needed to be solved:

Believers lack the experience to judge the progress of the battle!

This is caused by the insufficient number of battles.

After all, before they believed in Novan, they were all ordinary people who had not received formal combat training.

The few days of training in the cave only allowed them to learn some basic coordination.

But when facing an opponent like Evan, it's not enough.

Just one outburst from the other party almost caused an accident.

For example, when Evan released [Heroic Strike] twice in a row.

If Brandon and the others were experienced professionals, they would know how to judge the enemy's accumulated anger based on the fighting time.

Then we can almost estimate that Evan may release combat skills multiple times at any time.

If he was prepared, the believer in front should know how to retain enough anger to resist Evan's explosion with continuous [Shield Block].

The actual situation is:

He was unprepared and needed to use combat skills urgently, but he was not angry enough and was directly knocked down by the broken shield.

Another example.

Evan's attack was difficult to parry, and the priests and believers in the rear had to rely on a large amount of [Secondary Healing] and [Divine Word: Shield] to help their companions resist the damage.

But sometimes, the companion's condition has almost recovered, and casting [Secondary Healing] will not have much effect, and will only waste the spirit of the priest's followers.

From the perspective of a god, Noven sees that at least one-third of magic is wasted.

In the second half of the battle, because the divine spells were used too many times, the priests and believers were actually at the end of their game. Even if Evan did not charge to solve it, he would faint due to mental exhaustion even if he cast spells a few more times.

There is no doubt that this is also a problem caused by lack of experience.

How to make up for it?

Noven thought for a moment.

Suddenly he remembered the various role-playing games he had played before traveling through time.

The enemy's health status and resource status will be prominently displayed in the game.

It is equivalent to directly showing him something that requires a lot of battle experience to deduce!

He just needs to make decisions based on the enemy's different states.

"This method seems to be able to make up for the believers' lack of experience?"

Novan thought about it.

From the perspective of his [God's Eye], he can indeed see the various states of mortals.

"But...tsk, it seems there's no way to display it in real time!"

Noven scratched his head in distress.

The picture he envisioned was that, like those role-playing games he had played before, believers could intuitively see the status of themselves, their teammates, and their enemies at any time.

For example, hang a bright health bar and resource bar on the enemy's head.

When you see that the enemy's anger is almost full, take precautions to deal with the outbreak.

But there is still the same problem.

This kind of visual effect that allows believers to "know instantly" requires Norman to simulate it with his divine power!

This is different from sending down an oracle.

Whether it is imparting knowledge, publishing activities, or providing various intelligence, including knowledge points and legendary experience, in essence, the core is Norman using the method of sending down oracles to directly instill information into the minds of believers.

Believers need to spend time and concentrate to read the information of the oracle themselves.

The oracle itself is just a text message, and Norman's own divine power will not affect mortals.

The visual effect involves distorting the reality in the believers' cognition!

This is something that can only be done with divine power!

As for using those pure divine powers instead?

Unfortunately, it still doesn't work.

Nowen can directly pack up a portion of pure divine power and give it to believers as a reward;

But if he wants to use this pure divine power, it will inevitably be polluted by his own divine power and filled with chaotic aura.

In other words.

Nowen can only see the pure divine power, but cannot touch it, and cannot use it himself.

"Let's continue to use the oracle as a substitute and make a semi-finished product for believers to use."

"Maybe there will be a better solution in the future."

Nowen sighed and began to write the oracle.

What he has to do this time is different from the past, where believers pray to him first and he gives feedback after getting the results.

Nowen plans to make a semi-automatic feedback mechanism.

This will also be his first true divine art!


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