Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 710: Lanci will no longer contribute to the empire.

 Chapter 710 Lan Qi will no longer contribute to the empire

The mountain breeze caressed the scarlet and golden woods. In this season of falling leaves, the Brilda magic rail train once again traveled through the rolling Langar Mountains near the capital of Creja.

Lanqi is sitting in cubicle No. 404, undergoing investigation.

 He looked a little tired, but still calm.

Of course, at this moment he was already sitting opposite the original seat.

 That is the seat of teacher Landry Wassington.

 “Yes, it was me who took action and defeated the enemies on the train.”

Ranchi honestly answered the questions of the investigating officer sitting opposite.

"I can only say that the situation at that time was unbearable. Where has it been? In the capital of Brilda, there are still people who dare to openly challenge the authority of our empire! I cannot tolerate letting her run rampant for a second. I must let her know what the unparalleled imperial power and imperial faith are."

 He couldn't help but tap the table.

This person has an upright attitude, hates evil as much as hatred, but hides his merit and fame. He heard the officers opposite him nod repeatedly.

As Lan Qi's backing spirit now, her fate is basically bound to Lan Qi, and she can only watch his stories every day.

"Lan Qi, are you sure you haven't surrendered to the enemy?...I'm a little scared."

Most of the passengers were not as calm as Lanci.

"no problem."

 The empire is not that simple.

  Mechanical ships and magical beasts made of brass travel across the water. Advanced mechanical engineering and modern magical engineering are perfectly integrated here, creating miracles that are different from the magical engineering of the kingdom.

 “It seems to be coming soon.”

Lan Qi showed a determined look in his eyes and responded to her with confidence in his heart.

The carriage walkway is covered with scorch marks. If it had not been covered with a solid enough protective barrier, the train would have derailed long ago and disappeared among the mountains.

“Tata, just keep it in your heart. You accidentally helped the empire capture the Allied spy at the beginning. It was just a coincidence and it will never happen again.”

Thalia began chatting with him again in his mind.

Thalia breathed a sigh of relief with a smile in her voice.

His attitude is enthusiastic and sincere. Sitting across from him, anyone would feel ashamed for being an Imperial member. As an Imperial soldier, their love and belief in the Empire are not as strong as that of such a young man.

 It is expected that even if Lan Qi wanted to prosper within the empire, he would not have the ability.

 The train announcement is still comforting the passengers on the train.

 Now she gradually feels that something is wrong.

 Perhaps it would be better to show a little panic at this time.

The city walls lined with spiers reach into the sky, the tall buildings made of steel shine in the sun, huge airships shuttle between the flowing clouds, and the entire city is surrounded by canals that outline a magnificent outline.

He can no longer help the empire, and he will never become a traitor.

 Among the several departments under the headquarters, the "Prætorian Guards" serve as the emperor's personal bodyguards and also guard important places such as palaces and government agencies.

Lanqi nodded and watched the investigating officer leave.

 The "Air Defense Force" manages the air defense warning system, operates the capital's air defense forces, and resists enemy air attacks. The "Fortress Garrison" guards several large fortresses on the periphery of the capital, forming the capital's first line of defense.

However, Ranchi will carry out Landry's legacy and use his status to work hard to change the empire. This can be regarded as allowing Landry to rest in peace under the Nine Springs.

 He gained a new identity. Miss Unity, the Allied spy, also escaped. The only injured person was Mr. Landry.

Lan Qi sat in the booth and looked out the window quietly.

 Although we have experienced some twists and turns, overall it is still good.

 Being able to quickly integrate into the environment is certainly an extraordinary talent for a spy, but Lan Qi seemed to be a native in the blink of an eye.

This time is different from the Protos Empire in the northern continent. He is very clear about his position and camp.

"The extremely dangerous elements are no longer on board the Blilda. Please rest assured, passengers. The Brilda's magic rail train has now been taken over by the Imperial Capital Garrison. Please actively cooperate with the military's investigation. The train will arrive at the terminal soon." Brilda, please wait patiently for a while."

The train gradually left the golden mountains and entered the endless green plains. On the distant horizon, the majestic outline of the Holy City became increasingly clear.

Fortunately, most of the passengers were unharmed, but in other carriages, the bodies of imperial guards accompanying the train could be seen everywhere, and their blood was soaked in broken glass windows and twisted metal.

Capital garrison soldiers shuttled back and forth in the carriage, comforting the frightened passengers, and collecting evidence for investigation.

 The "Gendarme Department" is responsible for maintaining social order in the capital area, suppressing resistance activities, and supervising the words and deeds of officials and people.

"That's good."

The investigating officer put away his notebook, stood up and said to Lan Qi.

We are finally arriving at Brilda, the legendary capital of the Creain Empire.

But the Landry played by Lanci is natural and confident, so for him, many parts do not need to be deliberately performed.

This time there was an accident with the Brilda's magic power, and the person responsible was the 2nd Gendarmerie Brigade responsible for the outer areas of the capital.

As an elite force guarding the center of the empire, the Capital Garrison is famous for its rigorous selection and brutal training, and is specifically responsible for the security and defense of the capital.

"Then Mr. Landry, my commander may come to ask you questions later. I don't mean to embarrass you. It's just that you are the central figure in the incident and we need your cooperation so that we can get more clues about the enemy. ”

 Because nothing the young man opposite said was a lie.

  The Magic Engineering of the Imperial Department has vigorously developed mechanical innovation on the basis of being independent of magic weapons. It aims to chart a technological route without over-reliance on magic. One day, magic can be defeated by machinery.

 Correspondingly, functions such as mechanics, gunsmiths, and snipers almost all originated from the Creation Empire.

For Frey, who calls himself a "remote output player in the back row," he once told Lanci that he must go to the Creation Empire if he had the chance.

Only a gunsmith who is strong enough can control the high-level Imperial firearms with terrible recoil.

 “Are you okay, sir?”

Just as Lan Qi was staring intently at the increasingly clear outline of the city, a male voice came from beside him.

This voice is steady and powerful.

Only then did Lan Qi notice that there was an officer in his thirties or forties, with a neat military appearance and a neatly pressed uniform, standing beside the door of the compartment where he was.

He is tall and straight, with a strong build, his golden brown hair is meticulously combed, and his temples are slightly gray, giving him a majestic yet calm feeling.

The officer has a short beard on his face, a slightly pointed chin, a high nose, and a pair of blue-gray eyes that look a little rough but have keen insight.

"I am fine."

Lan Qi looked over with a smile and replied.

  Compared to the usually introverted Lanci himself, Mr. Landry’s character seems to be more confident and outgoing.

“I am Burke von Arnold, commander of the 2nd Gendarmerie Brigade, Capital Garrison Command.”

The officer did not enter the compartment, but stood at the door and introduced.

“Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, please sit down.”

Lan Qi recognized the opponent's military rank from his military uniform at a glance. He stood up and greeted the opponent with courtesy, and extended his hand to motion for him to sit opposite. Although this officer is calm and polite, this will not affect the imperial soldiers' ability to perform their duties.

Once the Imperial Gendarmes detect signs of disloyalty or rebellion, they take immediate and resolute action.

If you go to work at St. Creation's Monastery located in the outskirts of Brilda, if there is a security incident in the school, you will probably deal with Commander Burke of the Second Gendarmerie Brigade.

“I heard that you repelled the enemy. Were you injured?”

 Lieutenant Colonel Burke von Arnold sat down, put his hands on the table and clasped them, and asked Ranchi across the table unhurriedly.

 He could see that the young man with black hair and blue eyes opposite him was a noble, and he was quite powerful.

 For the vast majority of them who have not yet stepped into the realm of the extraordinary and the holy, the sixth level is already a dominant force in the border areas, which is rare even in the capital.

 Luckily there was such a strong person on this train, otherwise it might have turned into a major safety accident.

 “I was not injured, my battle with the enemy was just over.”

Lanci replied humbly.

Hearing this, Lieutenant Colonel Burke hesitated and took the investigation record from the soldiers who followed.

"But I heard from the passengers in other compartments that you had an overwhelming advantage against the strong female enemy."

Lieutenant Colonel Burke looked at the paper, raised his head and asked.

“If I push her too hard, I might really get hurt.”

Lanchi smiled easily.

 “Is that so?”

Lieutenant Colonel Burke muttered to himself, then looked at the young man with black hair and blue eyes, sizing him up unabashedly.

There is nothing wrong with the calmness of a strong man, but the young man opposite him is stronger than he imagined, and there is some hidden mystery.

“According to the passenger information, your name is Landry Wassington. What is the purpose of your trip to the capital Brilda?”

  Lieutenant Colonel Burke continued to ask questions and take notes.

“Because of work, I received a letter of appointment from Brilda.”

Lan Qi bent down and was about to take out the documents in the suitcase at his feet.

 When he looked up again, Lieutenant Colonel Burke had turned his head and looked out the window.

 It seems that we have almost arrived at the station.

 They are not in a hurry for this moment.

 Arriving at Brilda only means that we can talk more safely.

As the train gradually slowed down, the bustling station came into view.

Hearing the news that the Blilda train was attacked outside the city, crowds of people and reporters surrounded the platform.

They were talking a lot. Although the military police tried hard to maintain order, as expected, even the train station in Brilda, the political and economic center of the empire, was lively enough.

"Mr. Landry, I may have to delay you for a while, but don't worry, I will send you to your desired destination as soon as possible. Should we talk while walking, or should we just sit here and finish talking?"

Lieutenant Colonel Burke added.

 “Let’s talk while we walk.”

Lanchi picked up the suitcase and stood up, suggesting to Lieutenant Colonel Burke.

“Wise choice, I believe it will not be easy to get rid of the human wall and reporters by yourself later.”

 Lieutenant Colonel Burke did not delay and started chatting with Lan Qi while walking.

While they were waiting at the door of the carriage, with the sound of the door opening, another group of imperial troops wearing different military uniforms were already waiting outside the door of the fourth carriage.

 There was something strange on the platform. There were not as many people as I saw just now. They seemed to be actively avoiding these imperial troops.

 Their numbers are far inferior to the gendarmerie troops of the Capital Garrison Headquarters.

 In other words, there is only one action team.

The leading officer's hat has a deep brim that almost blocks his forehead.

 “Chief Nicholas, why are you here?”

The first person to speak was Lieutenant Colonel Burke. He asked the officer code-named Kestrel outside the door.

 He obviously knew the other person.

Lan Qi observed silently, and upon closer inspection, he discovered that only the fourth carriage had the door open at this moment. Apparently, the passengers in other carriages were not allowed to get off the car either. The purpose of opening the door was only to let these officers get on.

Lanqi had done sufficient work before coming to the Creain Empire. The information Nigel gave him included the detailed structure of the military in the capital of the Creain Empire.

From the clothes of the officers standing at the door of the carriage, it can be seen that they are officers from another department independent of the Capital Garrison Headquarters - the Imperial Special Operations Division, also known as the Imperial Magic Agent Force.

  Among them are the Foreign Intelligence Division, which dispatches intelligence personnel to lurk in other countries to spy on military and political intelligence. There are also the Sabotage Operations Division, which officially appears on the battlefield to carry out assassinations, kidnappings, sabotage and other terrorist activities in enemy-occupied areas, and disrupt enemy rear areas.

More focused on the internal affairs of the empire is the Domestic Secret Service, which is responsible for monitoring domestic dissidents, uncovering anti-war elements and spies, and maintaining the stability of the regime. Finally, there is a secret laboratory that develops various silent special weapons. , such as poisons, alchemical organisms, high-performance explosive devices, etc. The research institute is also located in the capital Brilda.

 The Director of the Special Operations Division is directly responsible to the emperor and can directly mobilize resources from all parties without going through the military system.

  Relatively speaking, the Imperial Special Operations Department has extremely high authority in the Empire.

“We suspect that this attack was probably a result of internal and external collusion, with insiders involved.”

Nicolas the Kestrel standing on the platform said.

He is much younger than Lieutenant Colonel Burke. He has a handsome face with sharp edges and neatly trimmed dark auburn hair, showing the neatness and ability that a soldier should have.

 The Domestic Secret Service Section 1 led by him is responsible for monitoring dissidents in the capital area and maintaining regime stability.

“In my opinion, I need to focus on investigating the people related to this accident. Both the deceased and the survivors may be suspects. To be cautious, I need to cross-investigate again in person.”

Nicola Kestrel had a slight smile on his face, but it made people feel an unmistakable chill.

"no problem."

 Lieutenant Colonel Burke is dark and solemn. He often interacts with the Imperial Special Operations Office for cases. He trusts the judgment of Chief Nicholas of the Kestrel.

 Lieutenant Colonel Burke readily agreed, then turned to Lan Qi and patted Lan Qi's shoulder gently, as if to comfort Lan Qi not to be stressed.

 Because the investigation by the Imperial Special Operations Branch will definitely be more rigorous, and the young man at the center of the incident will definitely be subject to more questioning and investigation.


Thalia was already panicking in Lanci's heart.

She thinks Lan Qi is really a troublemaker.

Must take over Landry's identity, and then interpret the accident as Landry repelling the enemy!

  Although he has gained a seemingly better status, if he is targeted by the real hawks of the empire, he may never have peace in the capital Brilda, let alone what he wants to do.

 (End of this chapter)

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