Chapter 1796

"Did you hear that?"

"……heard it."

  Li Mo was particularly reluctant, but he still complied.

  Who made her an ancestor now?

   put his cold eyes on Chu Yi again, when he saw him walking to the living room and walking towards the sofa.

   A smile flashed in his eyes, and he walked over with Xu Qingzhi in his arms.

   Just when Chu Yi wanted to sit on the sofa, he suddenly said:

   "Let's sit on a chair."

  Chu Yi paused and turned to look at him, but he didn't want to talk to a man who was so naive in the abyss.

  Although I haven't met a few times, the naivety and simplicity of this man are really too obvious. After saying this, he somehow knows that this guy must have something else to say.

   Sure enough, Li Mo hummed in the next second.

   "That sofa, we just [used] it, you can sit on it if you don't mind."

  The corners of Chu Yi's mouth finally couldn't help but twitch clearly and subconsciously, and put his eyes on the sofa next to him.

The sofa was covered with delicate blue sofa covers, and the whole thing was neat and tidy. He also knew that Xu Qingzhi had been taking care of the house by himself from the very beginning. This kind of femininity can only be done by women. Even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe that Li Mo did it.

   And it couldn't possibly have been made by Li Mo.

  On his previous urine, hehe...

   But now, it looks neat and tidy on the whole, but in the center of the sofa, although there are not many marks, but only two slightly raised creases, he finds his eyes hot.

   Then he looked up at Xu Qingzhi, whose face was red and his ears were red after the sudden attack, and his eyes were nowhere to be placed. He knew that what Li Mo just said was probably true.

   The hands in the pockets of the clothes clenched and loosened, and there was a stagnation in the heart, unable to go up and down.

   I'm really unwilling to be "stimulated" by Li Mo so coldly, making my heart so congested.

   Seeing Li Mo's triumphant appearance, Chu Yi held back for a long time, and then his tense face slowly turned into a smile.

   He raised his foot and walked to the single sofa next to him and sat down. His long, slender legs drew a wavering arc in the air, overlapping Erlang's legs.

   "Really? I shouldn't bother you, right?"

   As soon as these words came out, Li Mo's smiling face instantly sank.

   "Send the dog back and you can get out!"

  Chu Yi laughed softly, "Like this... Am I really bothering you?"

  Xu Qingzhi saw that Li Mo's cheeks were tense.

   She sighed helplessly and said helplessly: "Chu Yi, don't make trouble with him."

Chu Yi glanced at her, "Why, Xu Qingzhi, don't tell me that this man made a public confession in front of the media, and then brought you a show of affection, and a few sweet words in private, and you will be fascinated and unable to find it again. North?"

   Xu Qingzhi choked.

   These words are really sharp.

   seems to be true.

"If this kind of behavior can impress you, then what he can do, I can do it too. Why don't I open a reporter? I believe that the news about me will definitely attract more attention than him. …”

  Xu Qingzhi pursed his lips, clearly aware that Li Mo's emotions were wrong.

   "A public confession to a married woman? Chu Yi, I think you really think that you have been so smooth these past few years, don't you?"

   Chu Yi raised his eyebrows, but just looked at Xu Qingzhi, "Answer my question, Xu Qingzhi."

  Xu Qingzhi pursed his lips, "You seem to be right..."

Chu Yi's expression didn't change, "So you really decided to be with him, didn't you? You don't care about what he did to you before? Such a man can make the first mistake, and he can also make the first mistake. Twice, even more times! You choose to forgive him?"

   "Don't you know the common problem of men? The easier it is to get, the less you know how to cherish it. You are so promising that you are determined to hang him from a tree with a crooked neck?"

   Xu Qingzhi: "..."

  Li Mo: "..."

   "You have such a bit of backbone. If you can't keep your integrity, one day you will be hurt and abandoned by him without hesitation. Can you bear the consequences at that time?"

   "Get the **** out of here! This kind of thing can never happen in your life! Are you really impatient to speak ill of me in front of my face?"

Chu Yi glanced at him lightly, "Man's oath now is a piece of nonsense, whoever believes it is a fool! Don't pretend to be a lover for me now, don't be long before you beat yourself up. Face."

   A few blue veins stretched out on Li Mo's forehead.

   It's like you're not a **** man!

  Xu Qingzhi looked like he was being reprimanded, standing beside him without daring to say a word.

What did you say?

   Chu Yi is absolutely right.

   She is a tendon, and she intends to hang herself on a tree with a crooked neck like Li Mo.

   is really worthless and has no backbone.

   "Xu Qingzhi!" Chu Yi shouted again in a deep voice,

  Xu Qingzhi blinked, looking at him weakly, pitifully and innocently, "It seems like this..."

  Chu Yi had an expression of being fiercely angry. He held his head and took a deep breath. After calming down for a long time, he calmed down and said lightly:

"Okay! If this is your choice, then I will fulfill you. Although I am very angry now, I made this stupid decision because of your lack of backbone and worthlessness. However, who made me like such stupid and worthless people? And you?"

   The veins on Li Mo's forehead jumped, and Xu Qingzhi hugged his arm tightly, preventing him from moving.

But Chu Yi was still adding fuel to the fire, "I have said my feelings for you many times before, and I have never thought about hiding anything. It doesn't matter, as long as you are happy, I will always watch you, as long as you live in the future. If you are unhappy, I will definitely appear by your side, no matter what the cost, I will take you away and never let you go again."

The arm under the    arm seemed to be getting harder and harder, Xu Qingzhi felt that if Li Mo used a little more force, she would not be able to hold him.

   During the process, he kept winking at Chu Yi, but Chu Yi clearly saw it, but he still said everything in his own way.

   At this moment, he has stood up from the sofa, and after saying these words, he took a deep breath.

   raised his foot and walked towards the door, "Moon is supposed to be sent back by me, and I will help you return it from the apartment."

   He said, someone walked up to Xu Qingzhi, looked down at her, suddenly reached out to support her forehead, leaned over and kissed her forehead.

"I wish you happiness."

  Xu Qingzhi was stunned for a moment, and the whole person froze in place for a long time without reacting.

  Li Mo couldn't bear it any longer. One hand was held by Xu Qingzhi, unable to move. He directly grabbed Chu Yi with the other hand, but Chu Yi flexibly avoided it.

   "Chu Yi, you are a dog man, don't leave if you have the ability, see if I won't tear you up,"

  Chu Yi strode to the door, turned to look at him, and sneered.

   "Do you think I'm as stupid as you? It's obviously not that troublesome as long as you do this, but it makes things more complicated?"

  Li Mo held Xu Qingzhi in one hand and pointed at him, "Come here!"

  Chu Yi: "Am I crazy? Come up and beat yourself up?"

  Li Mo gritted his teeth, "Coward!"

  Chu Yi raised his eyebrows, "I advise you to be careful, Xu Qingzhi is not you, she is pregnant now, if you accidentally hurt her..."

   Before he finished speaking, Chu Yi saw that the cruel expression on Li Mo's face suddenly changed, and he quickly let go of all his strength and looked down at Xu Qingzhi.

"Are you OK?"

   Checking her body up and down, with worry and caution on her face.

  Chu Yi laughed, "I don't know who is most like a coward at this time,"

   Li Mo didn't care about him at this time, he didn't care whether he left or not, he directly pulled Xu Qingzhi to the sofa and sat down.

   "Are you okay, did I hurt you?"

  Xu Qingzhi shook his head: "No,"

   "Is there any discomfort?"

  Xu Qingzhi still shook his head, "No."

  Li Mo breathed a sigh of relief, then suddenly fixed his gaze on her smooth forehead.

The expression on   's face sank and sank, and finally raised his hand and rubbed a few times where Chu Yi had just been kissed.

   "Damn Chu Yi! I must peel him off!"

  Xu Qingzhi smiled when he looked at him so annoyed that he was about to explode.

  Li Mo glanced at him, his tone aggrieved and unhappy.

   "What are you laughing at?"

  Xu Qingzhi stared at him, "Are you jealous?"

  Li Mo's face changed slightly, "...Well, I'm jealous!"

   he said, and rubbed her forehead again.

   In the end, I simply took out a wet tissue and wiped it on that spot, and then put a lip print on it.

   "Protect yourself in the future! You are all mine now. No one is allowed to touch you without my permission, you know?"

   The smile on Xu Qingzhi's face continued, and he reached out and poked his chest, "So domineering?"

  Li Mo couldn't smile, "I can't be happy now, and I'm very angry, and I feel very uncomfortable. Also, don't laugh. He kisses you, are you still so happy?"

   Xu Qingzhi thought about the "kiss" that Chu Yi gave her just now.

   Or he is an international actor.

   Such a close borrowing method can deceive Li Mo.

  Where did he kiss her forehead, he just kissed his own fingers.

   This is probably just a prank to stimulate Li Mo.

   "You know what? When I saw you and Mo Xiaona together, I was probably in the same mood as you are now."

  Li Mo paused and turned to look at her.

  Xu Qingzhi smiled, "But you are a little better than me in that you can say it like you are now. But I didn't have this position at the beginning. I didn't even have a position to be jealous, I feel very uncomfortable."

  Li Mo looked a little unnatural, Xu Qingzhi recovered and looked at him with a smile.

   "Sorry, I'm talking about the past endlessly again. I don't mean anything else... It's because of what I wanted back then that I couldn't, so I feel double happiness now."

  Li Mo pressed her forehead.

  Xu Qingzhi said softly, "Don't say sorry or sorry to me again. Compared with these, I hope our future will be better."

  Li Mo pressed against her slightly, "Yeah. It will be fine. Don't worry, I will never give Chu Yi, that dog man a chance to take advantage of it, and no one will do it!"

   Xu Qingzhi laughed out loud.

  Chu Yi has simply become his heart disease. �

  Li Mo's birthday party, Zhiqin's new product launch,

   has long been the hottest topic on the Internet.

   They all thought that the couple had really just got on each other this time.

   A lot of people have been gossiping about Li Mo and his ex-girlfriend, and even this reunion, they have ridiculed Xu Qingzhi's behavior and fate.

   In the end, I didn't expect that, in the end, there was such a reversal.

  Everyone was caught off guard, was messed up with CP, and was forced to take a big bite...two bites of dog food, really...don't know what to do.

  The old lady and Qiao Zhilan watched the news and gossip on the Internet at home, and they couldn't close their mouths.

   Especially seeing Li Mo actually appearing at the Zhiqin press conference and what he said.

   It's really God's eye, and suddenly he poured something like emotional intelligence into his mind.

  Otherwise, this child will end his life.

   "Hey, that stinky boy can be considered a success. It really wants to kill me."

  Qiao Zhilan smiled and said, "Thanks to Mr. Chu's help in the middle, otherwise that stinky boy would never know what a sense of crisis is! He would never know how much he cares about clear knowledge!"

The old lady nodded again and again, "Yes, this Mr. Chu appeared too timely. But what is his current situation, is he really interested in Qingzhi? If that's the case, it's not easy to do! Qingzhi has our family. ink..."

   "That kid looks good to me, I must be very sad now... or else... why don't we introduce him to someone?"

  Qiao Zhilan smiled helplessly, "Don't worry about these things. This kind of thing depends on fate. When fate comes, feelings will follow their natural course."

  The old lady shook her head, "Maybe his fate was introduced to him by us!"

   Qiao Zhilan shook her head, helpless.

  The old lady thought about it for a long time, and suddenly clapped her palm, and her eyes suddenly brightened.

   "I remember Qian Lao's eldest granddaughter is about the same age as him? She is also a good person. I watched her grow up since I was a child."

   Qiao Zhilan sighed, "The child is indeed good, but she has been abroad for so many years..."

   "Hey, I heard that she seems to be in the entertainment industry too. I heard that she is working as an agent... I remember it seems to be the agent of an actor... I don't care who it is..."

   "That's right, the two of them must have a common language! I'll give Qian Lao a phone call to see when his eldest granddaughter will come back..."

   "Mom, most of today's young people are in free love, and few people accept this arrangement anymore..."

   "Meet first, and if you look at each other, wouldn't it naturally develop into free love?...Hey, hello, is that Qian Lao?"

   Apparently the call has been made.

  Qiao Zhilan: "..."

   After Chu Yi left, he drove to the city by himself. The car had just parked downstairs in the apartment, and he picked up the phone that had been silent. There were already nearly ten calls on it.

   Now the screen is flashing. Looking at the caller ID, Li Mo pursed his lips and connected the phone.


   "I'm going back to China in two days. I've intercepted a lot of your messages recently. Could you please be more peaceful during these two days?"

   "Well. Let's talk when you come back." Chu Yi said lightly and hung up the phone.

   He directly held the phone and opened the door and got out of the car. �

   Obviously, Chu Yi's "stimulation" is still very good. Li Mo has pushed away almost everything in the company. Only a few important meetings will he reluctantly attend.

   For most of the rest, he stayed by Xu Qingzhi's side almost every step of the way, eating, drinking, sleeping, and accompanying him almost all the time.

   (end of this chapter)

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