Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 129: All marksmanship proficient! One-on-one 7 veteran companies?

The crisp system prompts ding ding ding.

Qin Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up!

There was a look of shock in his eyes.

what's the situation! !

Before, didn't the system say that when you complete the Devil Week, you only get 3 god-level skill rewards?

how now.

There is an extra stat boost for all soldiers at the proficient level?

"Also, can you choose?"

Qin Yuan blinked his eyes with surprise on his face.

no way!

What a surprise!

"Physical fitness, reaction speed, fighting, marksmanship? The four major skills, as long as I choose, can they all be directly upgraded to the peak level?"

Qin Yuan's face was incredible!

What is the concept of the so-called proficient level of the system?

This is a very terrifying existence!

Take proficient marksmanship, for example.

In the entire army, it is also absolute, the existence of sharpshooters.

Even if you look at the world, it is the world's top level!

"What is the most important military skill to be a soldier, that is marksmanship!" Qin Yuan's eyes suddenly became sharp, "And marksmanship training, this kind of thing depends on talent! If you don't have enough talent, even if you shoot more bullets , to no avail!"

"But physical fitness and fighting, etc., can be steadily improved with the increase of training!"

Qin Yuan briefly thought about it, and quickly made a decision, "System, I choose 4!"

[Ding Dong~ Congratulations on the successful selection of the host, all soldiers' marksmanship has been upgraded to the proficient level immediately! 】

【Ding dong~ The promotion is successful! 】

[Congratulations to the host for getting a sharpshooter recruit company! 】

The crisp system prompt rang immediately.

Qin Yuan couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw this.

Did it happen so quickly?

"I'm afraid these thorns still don't know their marksmanship. They have improved a lot, right?"

Qin Yuan couldn't help but smile brightly.

"When the time comes back to the training ground for the marksmanship test, these guys will definitely be shocked!"

Qin Yuan even thought of the exciting scene of the thorns.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this system is simply too good!"

"Let me just say, if it's just a step-by-step training, it's definitely impossible to turn the thorns of a group of recruits into an invincible and invincible division!"

"It turns out that the system has already been designed!"

"Through hard training, coupled with the improvement of the system!"

"With time, this recruit company will probably become the most powerful recruit company in the world!"


Qin Yuan couldn't even help but laugh.

For a moment.

Qin Yuan is full of pride, and his blood is boiling!

After receiving the system reward, the marksmanship of the thorns was directly upgraded to the proficient level. Qin Yuan was in a good mood, and the whole person even suddenly became enlightened. The eyes he looked at the thorns were different.

after all.

Before that, Qin Yuan was quite anxious every day.

He is thinking every day how to train recruits so that they can progress faster.

But now, with system help.

The burden of this training was instantly relieved.

In Qin Yuan's eyes, this group of new recruits has become an invincible division.

After a pause, Qin Yuan forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and then Qin Yuan began to check his three new god-level skills.

"God-level fighting, fighting skills, I have obtained before, but only peak-level fighting. Now that I have obtained god-level fighting, my fighting strength has been further improved, and it is close to absolute perfection! Fighting skills are further improved!"

"God-level fighter pilot? This skill doesn't seem to be used! I'm only an army officer now, not even an official officer! How can it be possible to drive a fighter?"

I carefully felt the detailed and exquisite fighter driving knowledge in my mind.

Qin Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

"No wonder the country costs so much to train a pilot! It's really difficult to memorize these theoretical and practical knowledge of driving operations and use them skillfully without making the slightest mistake!"

"It's just that I have god-level fighter piloting skills now, and all fighter jets on the market can be perfectly driven by me! And, bring their combat power to the perfect limit of the true peak!"

"Now, looking at the whole world, I am afraid there is no pilot who can exert the performance of a fighter to the theoretical limit, right?"

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan couldn't help showing a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This is an absolutely confident smile!

That's right!

Just so confident!

Just so powerful!

"God-class warship control! This skill is incredible!"

As soon as his mind moved, Qin Yuan felt the last god-level skill that had been perfectly controlled in his mind, and he couldn't help but sigh.

He thought that driving a warship did not need to be difficult, as long as he learned to steer.

I didn't expect that driving a warship would be so difficult.

Without rich theoretical knowledge and sailing experience, it is almost impossible to start a warship.

And if you want to control a warship perfectly and become a captain, the process is also extremely hard, and you don't know how much training you have to go through.

"Three hundred and sixty lines, every line is a champion, but it's not easy!"

"It is indeed impossible to stand at the peak of every field without spending enough energy and talent."

Qin Yuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Having obtained three skills, and also raised the thorns' marksmanship directly to the proficient level, Qin Yuan was all excited.

But he didn't know.

Benefit from recruit company training.

Zhao Ruixuan's marksmanship has also been upgraded to the proficient level.

The three of them would probably never have dreamed of it.

Now, he is already the sharpshooter he dreamed of becoming!

Qin Yuan called the military vehicle early in the morning and urged the thorns to get on the vehicle quickly, wanting to rest?

Go back to sleep!

More than two hours later.

The thorns finally returned to the military camp they were thinking about.

"Woooooo, it's back!"

"Although this devil training week is only five days, I feel like 50 years have passed!"

"It's not easy to come back alive!"

The thorns were grateful for a while.

When they washed up and climbed into the hard bed again.

Everyone showed a happy smile.

"Woooooo, I'm almost moved to tears! This bed is so comfortable!"

"I always thought that the bed in this dormitory was so hard that it couldn't compare to the Simmons at home, but now, I think this is the most comfortable bed in the world."

"Compared to sleeping in the wild, this bed is simply heaven!"

"Don't say anything, just go to sleep! Tomorrow Saturday, I'm going to have a good sleep!"

"I'm going to sleep until 12 in one breath!"

"I'm going to sleep until 8 o'clock tomorrow night!"

The thorns were so moved that they almost cried.

Many people quickly entered their dreams and fell asleep sweetly, basically falling asleep.

"Fang Tian. It's rare to come back. Don't you organize the project for everyone? I haven't listened to your jokes for a long time. I miss it so much." Hao Lian Yaoyao smiled.

"Go away, I'm so sleepy now, I just want to sleep." Fang Tian was not interested at all.

"Don't, Fangtian, I want to learn to drive, don't sleep, get up!" Little Fatty couldn't fall asleep excitedly, and kept laughing and urging.

"Fang Tian, ​​don't spoil everyone's happiness. There are so many people waiting. If you don't teach us to drive, we won't let you sleep." Another Thorn also said with a smile.

"My biggest wish in my life is to learn to drive and become an invincible old driver in Qiu Ming Mountain. Fang Tian, ​​don't ruin my dream." Su Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"You bastards," Fang Tian had no choice but to say angrily, "Then I said it."

"Those who can run long distances without shoes must be marathon runners with shoes on."

Fang Tian yawned, and then he went to sleep after covering the quilt.

"Fuck, Fang Tian, ​​you are so unkind and righteous, let you teach us to drive, what are you talking about mara...Fuck, wonderful!"

"Nit's mother, really god!"

"Fantastic! 666! I feel like my driving skills are even better!"

"Hahaha, Fang Tianzhen's special mother is a talent!"

"Fang Tian, ​​I'll sleep later, I want to ask you the shoes with high elastic vibration, have you worn them?"

"Well, to be honest, I still don't like wearing shoes. Wearing shoes affects the feel."

"I advise everyone that it is better to wear shoes on unfamiliar roads so as not to **** your feet."

"Why do I run barefoot longer, but I can only run for about 15 minutes with shoes on?"

"You should be wearing it upside down, with the nails inside."

"You bastards, you are good at riding horses!"

The wishes of the thorns were fulfilled, and one by one immediately fell asleep contentedly.

Wake up.

The sky was already bright.


Didn't get up today.

"Fuck! Am I late?"

Su Xiaoyu suddenly woke up from the bed.

For a moment.

Several thorns were also awakened by his movements.

"Damn it, it scared me to death, I thought I still had to train."

Su Xiaoyu stretched out, only to feel indescribably comfortable all over her body!

After an overnight refurbishment!

His physical fitness has almost recovered.

Just the legs and body, there will still be some faint soreness in some parts.

But, it's no longer a pain.

"Train a few! It's rare to have a good rest today."

Fang Tian turned over and continued to sleep.

"Woooooo, I've been in the military camp for so long, and I've never been so eager to sleep in. I don't want to get up today."

Fatty felt the comfortable bed with a contented expression on his face.

"Hahaha, me too! I'm going to sleep in the dark today, even if I come here! I must get a good night's sleep!"

Qin Yang said with a smile.

"call out!"

Yet at this moment.

A quick whistle sounded.

"Emergency assembly!"

Qin Yuan's roar came from downstairs.

"Damn it! What's the situation? What's the special gathering again?"

"Quick, get up, your **** is on fire!"

"Fuck, it's 10 o'clock in the morning? I remember just squinting for a while after going to the toilet. It's been more than two hours?"

"Quick, quick, get up! The company commander will hit us later!"

The thorns didn't dare to hesitate when they heard Qin Yuan's roar.

The action is called a swift and violent!

3 minutes later.

All the thorns automatically stood in line and appeared in front of Qin Yuan in a neat and orderly manner.

Qin Yuan deliberately stern face, shouted sternly, and said, "Look at you! Do you still look like a soldier! Don't you know that you will get up early and go for a 10-kilometer weight-bearing run this weekend?"

"Look at your progress!"

"As soon as you get back to the barracks, you know to sleep!"

After a pause, Qin Yuan looked at everyone with a cold face, and said sternly, "Target, training ground!"

"Mission, overturn seven veteran companies!"

"Are you confident?"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

The thorns didn't even think about it, and answered Hong Sheng directly, with a shocking voice.

However, just after answering, all the thorns were covered!

"What's the situation, company commander? We're not going to training, but to overturn seven veteran companies?"

"Yes, company commander, although our fighting strength has improved a lot, it is impossible to overthrow the seven veteran companies, right?"

"What's going on here, Captain?"

The recruit company was taken aback when they heard that the target was seven veteran companies.

no way.

This sounds so scary!

Even they themselves were taken aback.

To know.

It took them a lot of effort to overthrow the four veteran companies before.

Going to play seven now?

What an international joke!

Even if their fighting strength has improved a lot, they don't want to fight seven.

Qin Yuan frowned slightly and reprimanded, "Why, don't you have confidence? The fighting skills taught by Lao Tzu have been fed to dogs?"

"This battle, you can fight it if you want, or fight it if you don't want to!"

"Early this morning, the company commanders of the seven veteran companies came to my office and asked you to fight them."

"They just want to earn some face back. If they can't beat it, it's not ashamed!"

"Win, that's even better!"

"Do you understand?"

Qin Yuan's words were very subtle.

Able to fight a battle with seven veteran companies.

This is already a great honor, a very honorable thing!

After all, this is a one-on-one seven!

Win or lose, the recruit company has a bright face.

Of course, if you can win, that's even better.

"Company commander, what do you mean, let us run over and be beaten up by their seven companies?"

"Their four companies can't beat So this time the seven companies are dispatched together to save their face for their previous failures?"

"These **** really know how to settle accounts! It's a pity that they were wrong! We are a super invincible recruit company!"

"Brothers, the enemy wants to beat us, what should we do?"

"Of course, beat him back!"

"Beat them back hard!"

"That's right! I just want to hit back hard!"

"Isn't it just one-vs-7? We have now learned an improved version of fighting skills. Everyone's combat effectiveness has improved a lot, so we may not be able to beat them!"

"Just play well! At that time, killing four will be enough, and killing five will earn one!"

"I want to hit 10!",

"I'm going to hit 20!"

"Fuck it!"

"It's done!"

The thorns communicated casually.

I immediately understood what Qin Yuan meant!

A little discussion!

The thorns have reached a consensus!


"Very good! I like your enthusiasm for not being afraid of challenges and never admit defeat!"

Seeing this, Qin Yuan showed a smile.

Soldiers, what matters most?

Morale matters!

Even if you fail, don't lose your morale!

"Now, let's go!"

"Yes! Company commander!"


"Come on!"

"Destroy the veteran company and make new recruits brilliant!"

"The recruit company is very good! The recruit company is invincible!"

One command.

All the thorns immediately roared and rushed to the veteran training ground excitedly. Mobile phone users will let you manage the recruit company and become a special force. Please visit https:// for a better user experience.

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