Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 155: 3-man attack team! Eliminate the leader!

Chapter 156 The three-person attack team! Eliminate the leader! 【25, please subscribe】

"What's the matter, company commander? Here's your chance?"

"Company commander, what do you mean, found the commander?"

"Damn it! Stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere to find it doesn't take much effort!"

"Hahaha, that old thing must be planted in our hands now!"

"Come on, brothers! Don't miss this opportunity!"

The thorns were immediately excited when they heard it!

Wang Yongfa?

This is one of the people they hate the most!

Qin Yuan smiled and looked at everyone, "Be quiet."

For a moment, the thorns immediately quieted down.

"This time the head of the hunt is a violation of the rules! But if everyone doesn't speak out, it will be judged as accidental injury at most."

"Now, your task is to send suitable candidates to eliminate the head of the regiment."

"This task is easy to say, and difficult to say."

"Give you 3 minutes to start the discussion now!"

Qin Yuan looked at everyone and said.

Originally, Qin Yuan thought that if he eliminated his teammates, he would be punished.

But after finding some information in my mind, I found that the elimination of teammates is very common in real exercises.

after all.

In the exercise, there have been cases where comrades were accidentally injured and killed because of mistakes.

The military will be responsible for this sort of thing.

After all, there are many people during the exercise, and this kind of thing is inevitable.

As long as you don't intentionally hurt your teammates, you'll be fine.

The main thing is.

Today's thorns are just recruits of the recruit company. Strictly speaking, they are not real soldiers at all!

They are naturally more fearless.

"Hahaha, what else is there to discuss!"

"Brothers, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity cannot be missed! Since we are going to take action, we must kill with one strike!"

"Yes! Never let that old thing escape!"

"If the marksmanship is very accurate, we only need one shot to kill him all!"

"If that's the case, then send the three of our brothers with the strongest marksmanship, the handsome savage fish, to carry out this glorious and arduous task?"

"Handsome guy, what do you think?"

"Of course I have no problem! It's my honor to be able to eliminate the head of the group with my own hands."

"Hahaha, I am also very proud of Zangchong to be able to eradicate this scourge for the brothers."

"Both the handsome guy and the savage agreed! Of course I, Su Xiaoyu, have no problem. With the three of us shooting, that old guy will definitely die! But the key to the problem now is how to find the head of the regiment?"

The thorns immediately discussed.

Moreover, Zhang Shuai and three were selected as gunmen to kill Wang Yongfa.

It's just that Su Xiaoyu is very puzzled, how did he find Wang Yongfa?

Qin Yuan smiled lightly and said, "Actually, when you were just resting, I had already explored the way ahead alone, and the regiment commander is 700 meters away from the 80-degree direction. How can I tell you this news?"

"Not many opportunities!"

"Zhang Shuai Zang Chong Su Xiaoyu!"

"You three, come with me now!"

"The rest, now there are three platoon leaders in charge, you can wait for our good news!"

"Yes! Company commander!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately nodded excitedly.


Under the leadership of Qin Yuan, Zhang Shuai and the three quickly ran towards the 80-degree direction.

The physical fitness of Zhang Shuai and the three of them are all strong.

A mere 800 meters away, you can reach it in the blink of an eye.

It's just the remaining thorns who couldn't help but sigh.

"Brothers, do you think we can succeed in eliminating the head of the group this time?"

"That will definitely be successful! With the company commander, plus the handsome guy, a super god-level sharpshooter, it's no wonder he didn't succeed!"

"Hahaha, then let's wait for good news!"


The thorns were very excited.

next to the dense jungle.

Wang Yongfa's face was exhausted, and he suddenly smoked.

The combat staff and instructors next to him were hesitant to say anything.

These are extraordinary times!

Not to mention smoking, even a small spark can be discovered by the enemy.

It's just that now the main force of the Red Army has been defeated, and these remnants of the defeated generals can't turn the tide.

"Oh, in fact, I should have expected that such a day would come!"

"The defeat is like a mountain. This time the main force of our Red Army has collapsed. If we want to win this battle, there is no hope."

"Old Zhao, you say, is there any hope for us this time?"

Wang Yongfa looked sad.

"The main force has failed to unite. How can the remaining combat power of us reverse the defeat of a war?" Instructor Lao Zhao couldn't help but sigh.

This is not a war that was fought decades ago. Even if there is only one person left, we must fight to the end.

Modern warfare is about technology and efficiency.

A few more people, a few less people, can't affect the battle situation at all.

"Captain, I want to interject, can I?" At this time, the usually high-spirited and very spirited captain of the guard company, now with a dusty face, spoke with great disapproval.

"What do you want to say? Xiao Wang, it's the time now, just speak bluntly." Wang Yongfa was disappointed.

"Captain, when our soldiers fight, what we fight for is one breath! Since we are fighting, we must show the strength and integrity of soldiers!" The captain of the guard company was filled with indignation. As the saying goes, the brave who meet in a narrow path wins! Even if we know we are not invincible, we must be brave and show our swords and fight the enemy to the end!"

"Head of the regiment, why are you now, you have no pride and integrity? You really have no courage at all! No wonder you will lose the battle!" The company commander of the guard company said angrily.

"Huh?" When Wang Yongfa heard this, he was suddenly shocked, and his eyes lit up, "Show the character and integrity of a soldier, never give up, with a sword spirit? Fight the enemy to the end?"

"Little Wang, you, where did you hear these truths?" Wang Yongfa immediately became excited.

Seeing this, Company Commander Wang couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then explained, "Report to the regiment commander! These are all things that I have come to understand!"

"Hahaha, good! Good! Xiao Wang, you really deserve to be the captain of the guard who has stayed by my side all the year round! Over the past few you have really accepted my edification haha, you can actually realize that Such an exciting soldier quality." Facing the rebuke of the company commander of the guard company, Wang Yongfa was not angry at all, but was very excited!

The instructor on the side was also very excited after listening to it!

He couldn't help but glance at the guard company commander.

"Little Wang, you are right! As soldiers, we must never give up, and we must fight the enemy to the end! Otherwise, we are not soldiers!"

"The greatest glory of a soldier is to die on the battlefield!"

At this moment, Wang Yongfa is full of pride!

"If possible! I hope my Wang Yongfa's spirit can stay in this exercise forever!"

"Even if I lose, I, Wang Yongfa, can't belittle myself, I have to cheer up, seize the opportunity, and give the Blues a painful blow!"





But suddenly!

Three bullets shot directly from different directions.

Every bullet is a direct headshot to Wang Yongfa!

Thick smoke billowed from Wang Yongfa's body immediately!

Wang Yong is stunned!

He couldn't help but blink his eyes!

Shocked and surprised!

"I, I, Laozi, Laozi was eliminated?"

Wang Yongfa's face was as ugly as eating shit!

brush the ground.

Wang Yongfa's whole body fell to the ground powerless!

It is 300 meters away from Wang Yongfa.

Su Xiaoyu couldn't help but smile brightly, "Oh, I'm so excited to see that old thing falling down! It's just a pity, the bullets are not real!"

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