Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 167: Why are you flying? How do they unlock it?

Chapter 168 Why Are You Flying? How do they unlock it? 【For subscription】

Both Xu Pengfei and Xu Kai were extremely excited. Seeing that their nephew was so energetic, Xu Peng was full of relief:

"Hahaha... Not bad! You caught your old uncle in the first exercise, as expected of our old Xu family!"

Xu Kai just touched his head and laughed.

Hua Yingxiong on the other side has red eyes. Before, in order to make Hua Shanke change his mind, he sent him to the recruit company. Now that his grandson has become so good, Hua Yingxiong is naturally happy. laughing out loud!

And the juniors who are praised seem to be all the same, just giggling!

Qin Yuan smiled warmly upon seeing this. Hua Shanke and Hua Yingxiong are indeed related!

Seeing the appearance of Hua and Xu, Qin Yuan was also happy from the bottom of his heart!

However, at this moment, Su Xiaoyu glanced at this side with thirsty eyes, and then quickly walked away.

Qin Yuan could not help frowning slightly, what does Su Xiaoyu mean?

Could it be that this kid Su Xiaoyu felt uncomfortable when he saw his relatives reunited?

But looking at his boy's appearance, it doesn't look like it!

Qin Yuan leaned forward directly, patted Su Xiaoyu on the shoulder, and smiled at Su Xiaoyu: "A manly man, Su Xiaoyu, why have you become so snarky?"

When Su Xiaoyu heard this, he glared at him: "What, the company commander! I'm so rude, I'm trying to discharge your electricity to attract your master's attention, okay? Let's not talk about this, hurry up to the company commander, take advantage of that The two chiefs were restrained, let's go and see the helicopter! Zangchong and the handsome guy are waiting there!"

What the hell?

See a helicopter?

What's so good about that thing?

Isn't that Wu Zhi 19?

Strictly speaking, this latest Huaxia armed helicopter is actually nothing special!

However, Wu Zhi 19 is nothing to him!

But in the eyes of thorns, this is a big baby!

Pulled by Su Xiaoyu, before he got close, Qin Yuan found that Zang Chong, Zhang Shuai and the others were in front of three shiny new Wu Zhi 19s with their eyes lit up!

Zang Chong stood beside Qin Yang and kept urging:

"You bastard! Can you do it! Hurry up! Don't waste your time! The group of people will come over in a while!"

"Damn, do you think this computer is so easy to crack? Give me a little more time! Damn, the computer in this headquarters is really good, even better than the missile base just now!"

At this time, Qin Yang was so excited that his whole body trembled a little, and his hands were about to show afterimages on the keyboard!

On the other side, Helian Yaoyao shouted with great excitement:

"It's activated, it's activated! I'll just say it! I've learned the operation of this helicopter before, and it can definitely be done!"


In an instant!

The propellers of one of the helicopters turned extremely fast!

Violent wind and vigorous incitement!

The thorns were instantly excited!

"I'm rubbing it! It's too awesome! I didn't expect you to fly a helicopter, Hao Lian?"

"It's awesome! It's too strong!"

"Quick, take us around!"

The thorns immediately jumped into the helicopter excitedly, looking eager to try!

"What are you doing?" Qin Yuan's puzzled voice sounded.

Zang Chong and Qin Yang seem to be tinkering with the procedures in the helicopter!

But Hao Lian Yaoyao directly started a helicopter!

Zhang Shuai and the rest of the people were all around, not knowing what they were doing!

These thorns are too hilarious!

As soon as the thorns heard it, everyone's hand movements were stagnant!

Immediately, I stood up!

It's just that when they saw Qin Yuan, they all showed a mean smile on their faces. Zhang Shuai even held the box in his hand and said to Qin Yuan:

"Company commander, look, this is the most advanced Feijiang drone! Before I joined the army, I wanted to play with this thing, but my grandfather said nothing and took me there for fun! Haha, now this big baby It's got it!"

"Can you be a bit more promising!" Qin Yuan immediately gave him a contemptuous look!

Qin Yuan thought it was a baby!

It was a drone!

But think about it, Zhang Shuai and the others are still 18 or 19 years old, so it is not surprising that they are curious about this thing!

On the other side, seeing Qin Yuan coming, Helian Yaoyao shouted loudly and excitedly:

"Company commander, my helicopter is about to take off. Would you like to have a good time!"

"Have your sister! Play it yourself!" Qin Yuan rolled his eyes, not interested at all.

"Company commander, this is the most advanced Wuzhi 19! You can't sit outside if you have money! Don't you want to experience it? If you miss this village, you won't have this store! Besides, this time is limited! I'm afraid we can only After playing for a while, the Blue Army people will be unhappy, maybe they will let us down!" Hao Lian Yaoyao kindly persuaded.

"The Blue Army is unhappy? Why are they unhappy? A group of defeated generals, who has the right to be unhappy?" Qin Yuan became a little angry when he heard this. Was driven away by the Blue Army? I said, what are you doing with all this energy? Didn’t the chief just say that this headquarters has become the material we even seized, can we play whatever we want?”

But at this time, Qin Yang said with a resentful expression: "Company commander, they just said that! When they left, they locked all the high-tech equipment and waited to see us. What a joke!"

At this time, Zangchong also roared in anger:

"That's right! You can't even go to the sky in a helicopter. These scumbags have one thing in their mouths and one thing in their hearts! Play us like stupid spores!"

"And this?"

Hearing the words, Qin Yuan couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Since all the words have been released, and restrictions have been set for them, this is the blue army soldiers wrong!

Qin Yuan turned back suddenly, sure enough!

The eliminated Blue Army soldiers are looking at themselves in anger one by one!

The anger in his eyes didn't hide at all!

But think about it!

A small recruit company completely took away their headquarters. They were unhappy, and it was understandable to make some stumbling blocks for the recruit company!

But Qin Yuan is not the one who gets angry. He smiled and said directly to Qin Yang:

"Get out of the way, let Lao Tzu come!"


in minutes!

All helicopters and high-tech weapons are unlocked!

"Hahaha, the company commander is still awesome!"

"Qin Yang, your skill, compared with the company commander, is like a single spark and a bright moon competing for glory!"

"As soon as the company commander makes a move, you will know if there is any! I love you, company commander!"

The thorns cheered excitedly!

not far away.

Fang Huaji and Wang Lang, who had already been eliminated, were lying on the ground bored and depressed.

At this time, Fang Huaji said to Wang Lang angrily:

"Oh, I didn't expect it! We capsized in the gutter! We were cleaned up by this recruit company!"

Wang Lang smiled and said:

"Who said no! But Chief of Staff, it's not ashamed to lose to Brother Qin Yuan! In front of Brother Qin Yuan, no matter how powerful a soldier is, he has to lose!"

"The other thing is, haha, Chief of Staff, I have locked all our latest equipment! The recruits even let these rookies touch the shell of the weapon, they will never activate our latest equipment! "

Fang Huaji immediately sat up with a shudder, and said suspiciously: "You locked it? Xiao Wang, it stands to reason that we are all prisoners! According to the all our weapons and equipment are It should be captured by the other party and let the other party use it at will, how could you do such a violation of the rules?"

"Don't get excited, Chief of Staff! I just put a lock on the command system. They can't break it by themselves. What does it have to do with us? It only shows that they are not capable enough! There is no such thing!"

"Even if we are captured, it is natural to lock the command system. Is it possible to use something if it is taken away? Even if you pick up a mobile phone on the road, you still have to crack the password!"

When Fang Huaji heard this, he immediately felt reasonable: "Not bad, not bad! There are no rules for the exercise, we can't lock the equipment! Now the chief is talking with his relatives over there, and they are probably embarrassed to go to the chief to ask for help. ! This secret loss, they are settled!"

"Hahaha, that's right! Chief of Staff! This time, let them have fun!" Wang Lang laughed.

But Wang Lang's voice just fell!

Suddenly, there was a roar from the top of the head, looking up, Wang Lang suddenly looked terrified and surprised:

"Fuck! Helicopter!"

"I rely on it! Drone?"

"This motherfucker, what's the situation? This, why is this flying up? I remember it's all locked! How did they unlock it?"

?? Recommend a good book "Global Gao Wu: Only I Know the Plot"!

?There have been too many things in the past two days, and there has been no stable update!

?Yuyou is really sorry!

?Starting tomorrow!

?Xiaoyou really started to explode!

?Please supervise the big guys!




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