Through the faint light, one could faintly see a group of people looking towards the sea with guns, with vigilant expressions on their faces.

Qin Yuan raised the muzzle, pulled the trigger one after another, and shot more than a dozen bullets directly from the sea, penetrating the body of the pirate on a small boat above.

The pirates in other directions noticed the movement here, but when they looked here, they only saw a few corpses soaked in the sea water. The surrounding sea water was dyed red with bright red blood, but the figure of the person who shot it did not show the slightest trace. trace.

"He's a jerk, find that person quickly, he must not have run far away, turn on all the lights!" a small leader shouted loudly, and all the flashlights suddenly shone down on the sea.

At this moment, there was a sudden burst of gunshots under the cliff in the distance, and then the pirates around him screamed and fell straight into the sea. In a short period of time, there were twenty or thirty sea Thief died.

"Bastard bastards! Don't stop, you bastards, the firepower is suppressed, the large army on the opposite side is in front, shoot quickly!" The leader shouted anxiously, while he was lying on the boat, dodging the flying bullets.

Fortunately, the distance between the two sides is very far, the sea is constantly blowing strong winds, the ship is shaking violently, even the sharpshooter cannot accurately hit the target.

"Bang bang bang!" There was a series of gunshots nearby again, and the pirates on a boat let out a scream, and then fell straight into the sea, dyeing the surrounding sea water with Yin Hong.

"Shhhhh!" A dozen high-power flashlights came to this side one after another, but Qin Yuan swam to the other side long ago, like a beast, silently waiting for the prey to take a nap.

"Damn! Pay attention to me, I don't believe this man can hide under the sea all the time, all the lights are staring at him, no matter what happens, just shoot!"

Qin Yuan listened to the exasperated voice not far away, and involuntarily showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, trying to suffocate him, this group of people obviously miscalculated.

With world-class breath-holding, he was able to hold his breath for 19 minutes. For such a long time, it was more than enough to get rid of this group of pirates. Coupled with the cover of the thorns under the cliffs in the distance, this group of sea pirates was more than enough. Thief must die!

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan carried an assault rifle on his back and swam cautiously into the distance on the dark seabed. After swimming more than 100 meters, he slowly stuck his head out.

Looking at the lights that were shaking constantly in the distance ahead, like coordinates, Qin Yuan showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He touched it and took out two high-explosive grenades from the system space.

Under the blessing of the god-level hidden weapon throw, the two high-speed grenades flew towards the distant ships like lightning.

There were two loud bangs, and two groups of rich firelight immediately exploded in front of them. The dark sea immediately reflected a touch of scarlet light. The group of pirates seemed to be frightened, and they were all lying on the board. Even want to jump into the sea, dare not stay here for a while.

"Bastard! If you have the ability to fight face to face, what are you doing to shrink your head, come here!" The leader seemed to be driven mad by Qin Yuan, shouting and shooting frantically towards the sea surface.

Qin Yuan pouted and looked at the crazy figure in the distance like a fool. At this moment, the thorns under the cliff seized the opportunity, protruded out of the rock one after another, and pulled the trigger one after another. Reaching the proficient level, without any worries, frantically harvesting the lives of pirates.

In just a short time, most of the pirates on the ship were killed and injured, leaving only seven or eighty pirates. After the frenzied venting, the leader was directly hit by a bullet precisely between the eyebrows. He was already dead and could no longer die. .

Seeing this scene, the remaining pirates didn't have any courage to stay here. Compared with the boss's order, their own lives were obviously more important. drive away.

Qin Yuan sneered, his body floated on the sea, and his fingers kept pulling the trigger. However, almost all the pirates were lying on the board, and he couldn't hit the sea at all, and the thorns farther away were even worse. in this way.

Just when the pirates felt that they had escaped from the tiger's mouth and felt very fortunate in their hearts, a hoarse scream was suddenly uploaded from the surrounding ships.

Immediately afterwards, the pirates seemed to be poisoned, their faces turned ashen, and their bodies smashed into the sea unconsciously.

After about a minute or so, all the remaining pirates on the ship died in the hands of dozens of god-level intelligent poisonous bees. There was a dense mass of corpses floating in the entire sea area, and an extremely strong smell of blood was almost on the nostrils.

Putting all the god-level intelligent poisonous bees into the system space, Qin Yuan swam towards Thorntou, and soon returned to the bottom of the cliff.

"Wow, captain, you are too powerful, so there must be more than 100 pirates, right? It was solved easily by you, I really admire you so much!" Su Xiaoyu covered her hands with one hand. In his heart, he opened his mouth with some exaggeration.

Qin Yuan glanced at him, and there were countless training methods for the devil in his heart, and he said in a deep voice: "There should be less than a hundred pirates and drug dealers on Huji Island now, but these artillery fire is too troublesome. , is there any way you can rush up?"

Zhang Shuai pondered for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile, "Their firepower is so ferocious, it's not easy for us to find such a hiding place, if it's on the deserted coast, we just can't support it. One minute."

"That's right, I don't know where these pirates got so many shells. It's been a few minutes, and it doesn't mean to stop. It seems that it can really last until dawn!" Fang Tian also said a little. Depressed road.

Qin Yuan looked up at the sky. There are still about two or three hours left, and the sky will be bright. They obviously can't wait until this time. Who knows if these pirates and drug dealers have contacted reinforcements. These people are lonely soldiers. There is no backup!

After pondering for a moment, Qin Yuan bit him and said solemnly: "You guys hide here, and after the artillery fire stops, immediately rush to the heights of Hujiu Island and take those Hujiu Islands in one fell swoop!"


Although the thorns had concerns on their faces, they still obeyed Qin Yuan's orders subconsciously.

Nodding his head, Qin Yuan threw the assault rifle behind him, then ran towards the front and plunged into the icy sea water again.

After swimming more than 100 meters from the coastline, Qin Yuan slightly discerned the direction, then dived directly into the bottom of the sea, and swam quickly in the other direction. He wanted to land on the island elsewhere, and take advantage of the dark night to eliminate all the artillery fire.

Without the bombardment of artillery fire, the thorns under the cliff can rush out, and it is easy to deal with the remaining pirates and drug dealers.

On the high ground of Hujiu Island, a little scoundrel ran to Chuanshan in a panic, and said with a cry: "Boss, it's not good, the brothers we sent out are all dead..."

"What! You make it clear to the labor and management, those **** were clearly suppressed by artillery fire under the cliff, what did you eat! Two hundred brothers just disappeared?"

GuChuanshan's face was full of shock and anger, his eyes stared blankly at the little guy who reported the report, and his lips trembled slightly in anger.

"Old...Boss, see for yourself..." The little scoundrel trembled and handed Chuanshan a telescope.

Chuanshan grabbed the binoculars, raised it and looked towards the cliff in the distance. At a glance, his face immediately became sluggish, and there were corpses floating on the sea in the distance, almost filling the sea. , Look at the clothes on the body, obviously all of them are his subordinates!

"Bastard! Pass it on to me, don't stop all the gunners, and suppress the group of guys under the cliff, as well as the coastline on both sides, send people to guard me, don't let them secretly touch it!"

"Don't worry, boss, our cannonballs are extremely sufficient and can last until dawn. Under the suppression of artillery fire, it is impossible for them to rush out!" The little boy seemed to be shocked by the superb command of the boss, and the panic on his face slowly slowed down. fade away.

Qin Yuan emerged from the sea at a distance of more than 200 meters from the coastline, frowning and looking forward. At this time, high-power searchlights were constantly patrolling back and forth, and ordinary people would definitely be found if they wanted to go ashore.

But he had no intention of concealing it. He stretched out his hand towards the back and took out an assault rifle. Without any hesitation, he shot straight ahead. Under the cover of the silencer and the sound of sea waves, the sound of the gunshot was almost undetectable.

At the moment when the gunshots sounded, the high-power searchlights on the watchtower exploded instantly, and the surroundings fell into darkness.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Qin Yuan pulled the trigger one after another, and almost in a moment, all the searchlights on this coast burst out, except for the faint moonlight, there was no light at all.

With a sneer, Qin Yuan, under the blessing of his peak night vision ability, swiftly swam towards the shore, and soon emerged from the sea water, entering the jungle like a ghost.

He didn't run far, and there was a bit of dense footsteps in front of him, accompanied by a faint light, but it was obviously impossible to find him in the dark jungle.

Without any hesitation, Qin Yuan pulled the trigger one after another, and the pirates who came here died without making any screams.

After getting rid of these people, Qin Yuan didn't stop, and strode towards the high ground in front of him. Those artillery pieces were erected there, and the deafening loud noises kept coming from his ears, which perfectly covered the sound of his gunshots and footsteps.

More than a minute later, an open space suddenly appeared in front, and more than 20 pirates armed with firearms were very nervous guarding here. In the distance, there were artillery pieces, and the gunners on one side were constantly filling new cannonballs.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Qin Yuan's mouth, and the god-level intelligent poisonous bees that had been hovering beside him suddenly swarmed forward.

After a terrifying scream, the pirates who were guarding here all fell to the ground with their faces ashen, and the cannon sounds in their ears suddenly stopped. guns at the place.

Before they could touch the gun, there was a sound of gunshots in the distance, and all the gunners were in severe pain, and the eyes were instantly plunged into darkness.

Under the cliff in the distance, Su Xiaoyu was sitting on the wet sand holding the barrel of a gun, and suddenly heard the sound of the cannon disappearing, and his face suddenly showed ecstasy, "The sound of the cannon has stopped! Come on!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and support the captain!" Without any hesitation, Zhang Shuai quickly ran forward.


"Kulun, hurry up, the other party is killing him, there will be no time if you don't leave!" Chuanshan ran to the camp of the leader of the drug dealers on Hujiu Island, his face full of panic.

"What's the matter? What happened to the other party, do they have a backup force?" The fat Cullen grabbed the panicked Chuanshan with a question on his face.

"No! Those people are simply devils. All my brothers are dead. Let's go, there's really no time to go!" Chuanshan's voice was trembling.

"How is it possible, aren't they only a dozen people? I lent you two hundred subordinates, plus your own hundreds of brothers, how could they all die!" Cullen's eyes were full of disbelief.

"What I said is true, don't worry about those goods, it's the most important thing to save one's life!" Chuanshan was about to pull Cullen away when a burst of gunshots rang out.

The entire head of Cullen in front of him exploded like a watermelon, and thick blood splattered all over him.

Turning his head sluggishly, a dozen people led by a handsome young man slowly walked towards him. The mountain felt an intimidating aura pressing down like a mountain, and his legs seemed to weigh thousands of pounds, and he couldn't move at all.

"Where is the data!" Qin Yuan asked in a voice without any emotion, looking at Chuanshan who was constantly shaking in front of him.

"" Chuanshan swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, resisting the terror in his heart, and said in a hoarse voice.

"Humph! It's the information you robbed yesterday!" Zang rushed forward and put the muzzle against Chuanshan's eyebrows, and said impatiently, "I advise you not to play tricks, or labor and capital will shoot you in the head. !"

"No... No, I remembered, and now... I'll take you to get it." Chuanshan's face was full of panic, his legs softened and he almost fell to the ground, his voice was crying, and he was already regretful. .

Originally, he had been robbing merchant ships passing by in the country of face and the nearby waters. After connecting with a major force in Jing Sanjiao, he obtained a lot of weapons that he never dared to think of before. He recruited hundreds of subordinates with these weapons, so he was a little bloated. , looked down on those merchant ships, and was obsessed with ghosts, which brought this crisis of destruction.

Hao Lian Yaoyao and Chen Cang carried the weakened Kawashima back to the base of the pirates at the foot of the mountain, and pulled out a hard drive.

After getting the information, Qin Yuan looked at Chuan Shan, the pirate leader with a pleading face, and without any hesitation, killed him with one shot.

For such pirates with blood on their hands, if they were in the country, they would naturally have to take them back and hand them over to their superiors, but since this is the country of the face, Qin Yuan will naturally not be so troublesome.


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