As soon as the voice fell, a loud bang came over, and the thorns turned their heads to look, but found that the fat head was heavily smashed on the cabin board, his face was dull, his body was extremely stiff, and he couldn't get up.

Seeing this scene, Su Xiaoyu couldn't help laughing. Looking at Zang Chong, he said in a weird tone, "Is this what you call stronger than me? Quack, this guy can't move with excitement!"

"Don't worry, just based on our quality, as long as we don't commit two mistakes, we will definitely win the championship smoothly. By then, the reputation of our Sharp Knife Recruit Company will be completely out!"

Hao Lian Yaoyao said with some yearning, as if he had made up the scene, and a silly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Shuai frowned slightly. As a military commander from a family, his knowledge is naturally very broad. He is very clear about the strength of the special forces in each military region.

Although the Sharp Sword Recruits Company under the leadership of Qin Yuan is not comparable in strength, it is still quite difficult to defeat all the teams and win the championship.

But the next moment, Zhang Shuai's eyes swept to Qin Yuan who closed his eyes and rested, and his heart instantly became very confident.

After an unknown amount of time, the helicopter landed at a military base in the northwest region, which was the competition venue for the national military region competition.

At this time, it seemed very rushed here, and there were all kinds of combat vehicles and transport aircraft command vehicles everywhere.

"Which army are you from?"

A loud shout came from a distance, and everyone turned their heads to see that a tall and thin leader strode towards this side.

Qin Yuan stepped forward to meet the man, and after saluting, he handed over the match ticket given by Chief Chen Xingjun.

The man seemed impatient, and threw the admission ticket into the trash can next to him, frowning and said, "You are already five hours late, don't you want to participate in this competition?"

"What? It's five hours late. It's impossible. We came here after receiving the order. Did you make a mistake?" Before Qin Yuan could speak, Zhang Shuai took a step forward and stared.

"Hmph, you were indeed five hours late. Now the other teams have already left for the competition, and now all the equipment and ammunition have been taken away by the rest of the teams."

"As for now, you can either turn back directly and give up this military competition, or rush to the competition site on foot now, and then find a way to get the weapons yourself!"

Qin Yuan frowned, took a step forward and said solemnly: "We choose to go to the competition location on foot!"

The leader's face was stunned, but he didn't say much, and threw a map to Qin Yuan, "Your camp is marked on it, which is nearly 100 kilometers away from here. If you don't arrive before the official start of the game, you It will go where it comes from!".

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, the man suddenly thought of something, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Oh, I forgot to tell you, there are still about eight hours before the game officially starts." , walking directly into the distance.

"I'm Cao..." The savage had ten violent tempers. Seeing this man's arrogant appearance, he could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, and clenched his fists and was about to smash him.

But as soon as he lifted it up, he was grabbed by Qin Yuan, looking at him lightly, the anger on the savage's face stagnated, and some indignant said: "Captain, this **** is too arrogant, don't stop me, look I won't knock all his **** out!"

Qin Yuan glanced at the figure that had disappeared in the distance, a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, ignored the savage, and directly spread out the map in his hand.

All the thorns gathered around, Zhang Shuai frowned at the map and said: "Captain, this camp is indeed 100 kilometers away from here, but it is 100 kilometers away in a straight line, and the road is full of virgin forests. If you want to rush over, eight Hours are definitely not enough!"

As soon as these words came out, the savage and Hao Lian Yaoyao and the crowd immediately seemed to explode, and they said with some resentment: "This guy is playing with us, let him rush there for eight hours to try!"

Hua Shanke frowned and said, "I remember, we haven't dealt with that person, have we? Why did he target us like this?"

"Who knows, maybe the uncle is here, endocrine disorder!" Su Xiaoyu was no longer nervous at this time, and said in a relaxed tone.

"Okay, don't complain anymore, no matter if someone is targeting us or something else, our Sharp Knife Recruit Company wants them to see what is the real special forces, and it's impossible to be on the stage with some clever tricks. This time, The champion must be ours!"

Qin Yuan was also inspired to be competitive. Originally, he only wanted to complete the mission of the commander, and he despised this military competition. After all, this is only a programmed game. It is better to fight pirates and criminals with real guns. .

But now, he will show all his strength, win the championship of this competition, and slap those villains in the face!

After calming his mind and carefully observing the map in his hand, Qin Yuan pointed to a place and said in a deep voice, "Climbing over this mountain should save a third of your time, you all prepare and let everyone see it, The Sharp Sword Recruit Company is the strongest special force in the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Yes! We are the strongest!" The thorns roared with their necks tied, and the blood in their chests was stimulated.

Five minutes later, everyone sorted out their equipment and rushed forward under the leadership of Qin Yuan.

In the office of a certain military region, Chief Chen Xingjun sat on a chair with an old fox-like smile on his face, while Su Guoqiang on the side was a little worried: "Old Chen, are we being too ruthless this time? Eight hours, isn't it a little urgent?"

"Hahaha, Lao Su, the potential of these little brats is more than that. This time it's not just me, the old men above who pay attention to them also want to try their limits."

"Once they complete this challenge, the strength of our military region will definitely be raised to a new level!"

"However, time is so tight, what if there is an accident?" Su Guoqiang was still a little worried.

"Without the tempering of blood and fire, how can it be forged into real steel? Since Qin Yuan is so confident of winning the championship, he must show some strength. Otherwise, why can he get preferential treatment from the resources pouring out of the military region?"

Chen Xingjun said in a deep voice. Seeing that Su Guoqiang was still speaking, he pushed the teacup in front of him and said in a sullen voice: "Okay, okay, don't be a mother-in-law, they are not three-year-old children, they don't need a babysitter!"

Su Guoqiang hesitated, but he still took the teacup and said nothing more.

On the rugged mountain road, Qin Yuan took a recruit company of sharp knives and hurried through the dense forest.

The other special forces in the military region that came with them have disappeared since they got off the helicopter. Qin Yuan had some guesses in his heart, but he didn't say much, and kept looking down at the map in his hand.

With world-class jungle warfare experience, peak-level danger perception, and peak-level vision, Qin Yuan was able to find the safest route in the dense forest.

The thorns followed behind Qin Yuan, rushing forward steadily, with his ability to cut through thorns and thorns, which could save a lot of physical strength.

But even so, after running for four or five hours, they were already exhausted and panting, and their waists could hardly straighten up, but fortunately, they were wearing combat boots before they rushed here, otherwise they would have been too tired to climb. Woke up.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and everyone was exhausted. Qin Yuan was at the front of the team, his body was soaked with sweat, and his feet were a little vacuous, but his face did not flinch at all.

"Everyone, hold on, we are a recruit company of sharp knives, a unique recruit company, we are a team that wants to win the championship, a little difficulty can't stop us from moving forward!"

Qin Yuan cheered loudly for the team members, and the faces of the thorns behind him showed a hideous look, their blood seemed to be burning, and a new force poured out from the depths, roaring: "The Sharp Knife Recruit Company, the battle Invincible! We are the champions! The champions!"

Everyone seemed to have been beaten with blood, rushing towards the front frantically, and all the pain and exhaustion on their bodies were left behind.

At this time, everyone had crossed the rugged mountain road and the dense jungle, and there was a wide road ahead. According to the map, it was less than ten kilometers away from the camp.

Qin Yuan took a deep breath and shouted loudly, "There are still the last ten kilometers, can you guys still do it!"


A tidy roar sounded, and everyone's heart was filled with blood, gritted their teeth, and rushed forward step by step.

Half an hour later, there were many military tents on a wide open space.

At this moment, an extremely strong iron-blooded aura pressed down like a mountain, everyone's hearts seemed to be blocked, and their breathing became a little heavy.

Immediately afterwards, a group of muddy and sweaty teams appeared in the eyes of everyone in the camp. The team that appeared in front of them all looked like beasts, and their aura gathered together, making it almost impossible to look directly at them.

The tall and thin leader looked at the Sharp Knife Recruits Company who appeared, subconsciously looked at the watch, a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes, and muttered: "I arrived more than an hour earlier, as expected..."

But the next moment, all the colors on his face disappeared, and he became very indifferent again. He took a few steps forward to Qin Yuan, and said solemnly: "Very good, you all arrived here within the specified time, and that tent is yours. Yes! Tomorrow will officially start the military contest!", turned around and left after saying that.

Zang Chong squeezed his fist behind him. If he was still a recruit, he would have rushed up to beat him into a pig's head, but after meeting Qin Yuan, he has been able to suppress his emotions very well.

Qin Yuan looked at the tall and thin leader's back, turned and said to everyone in the Sharp Knife Recruit Company: "Hurry up and rest, there will be some action tomorrow morning!"

After speaking, Qin Yuan walked directly towards the tent. He didn't show much curiosity about the special forces from various military regions around him. The thorns were already exhausted and went straight into the tent.

At three in the morning, the whistle of the emergency assembly cut through the gloomy sky.

Qin Yuan opened his eyes abruptly, as did the thorns around him. Without any hesitation, he ran to the camp at the fastest speed to gather.

The surrounding tents also rioted, and a figure emerged and quickly gathered in the open space.

A somewhat dark man stood in front of Fang, looking at his watch, his face full of anger: "For two full minutes, what did you eat, if you were on the battlefield, before you got up, the enemy had already stretched out their guns. into the bed!"

"Just like you, you still come to participate in the military competition, what is the strongest special force, you are just insulting the name of the special force!"

"Everyone, do 1,000 push-ups on the spot, and finish them within 15 minutes. If you can't do it, get out as soon as possible, so as not to be embarrassed for a while!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone did not hesitate, and immediately began to do push-ups, Qin Yuan and others were no exception, but he had some doubts in his heart.

The dark man nodded with satisfaction and shouted: "I know some of you know me, and many of you don't know me, now I'll introduce to you, my name is Li Zhengzhong, but here, you can only call me ghost !"

Having said that, the ghost pointed to the tall and thin man beside him, and continued: "His name is Rakshasa, and we will be responsible for the next big competition!"

Rakshasa stepped forward and said, "This is not a place for you to take a The real competition will start in two days, but before, our task was to filter out some waste, only if we can persist until The last person can be called a special force"

The ghost on the side looked at the watch on his wrist, and said in a somber tone: "There are ten minutes left, if you can't finish it, get out now!"

"It's fine if you can't hold on, why do you have to suffer here, just announce your withdrawal, it's good for all of us, you don't have to suffer, and I don't have to look at you bastards!"

Everyone did not give up. They gritted their teeth and did push-ups. Soon, ten minutes passed. Qin Yuan stood up first, followed by the thorns of the Sharp Knife Recruit Company. Many other special forces also finished ahead of schedule. Yuan silently kept those people in his heart.

Those who can participate in the military competition are all carefully selected in the military region. Even if they are not soldiers, they are similar. All of them completed a thousand push-ups within the specified time.

"Very good, now start the first test, you need to break through the defense line, drill into the dense forest, infiltrate the enemy headquarters 100 kilometers away, and obtain an important piece of information."

"Whoever gets the information first will be the first in this test, and during this process, there will be two regiments of troops to chase and intercept you."

"Once you are caught, you will lose your qualifications to participate in the next test and competition!"

The ghost sent the map in his hand to all the participating teams, and after a roar, all the teams ran towards the front.

"Captain, isn't this military competition too harsh, such a perverted and demanding event is just a test before the competition?" Xiaopang followed behind Qin Yuan, his tone a little timid.


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