Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 253: The director's shock

This fierce wolf roar came from a boulder behind the wolf pack, a snow wolf nearly two meters long and covered in silver, looking unusually strong.

As the roar came out, the eyes of the wolves instantly became more bloodthirsty and cruel, and their sharp claws were constantly rubbing on the ground, as if they were ready to attack at any time.

"Company Commander, what should we do? These beasts are going to eat us raw!" Xiao Pang held the wooden stick in his hand tightly and hid behind Qin Yuan, his tone trembling.

On the contrary, Su Xiaoyu, although there was a trace of fear on his face, stood by Qin Yuan's side, holding a stone in each hand, without flinching.

"We can't stay here, or we will be blocked by them in the cave. After a while, you will follow me, and we will rush out together. Don't fall behind!" Qin Yuan said solemnly.

"Yes! Be careful, company commander. If there is really nothing you can do, ... you can leave by yourself. With the strength of the company commander, there is no problem in rushing out alone."

Su Xiaoyu nodded and said that he had already made the worst plan. When Xiaopang and a few other recruits from the Sharp Knife Company heard Su Xiaoyu's words, their expressions changed, but they didn't say anything. With a decisive death like heroic.

At this moment, the sturdy silver wolf let out a fierce wolf roar again, and then, the snow wolves in front of them, as if they had received some orders, stretched out their front claws and tentatively moved towards Qin Yuan. Waiting for someone to attack.

In the director's department of the base, the top person in charge had a serious look of anxiety on his face, and said angrily: "I don't care what machine malfunctions, all I know is that our soldiers may be in danger, notify the nearby support team and take the fastest possible way. Get there quickly!"


Chief Chen Xingjun sat on the stool with no expression on his face, but those eyes staring at the screen betrayed his anxious heart.

In the cave, all the branches and tents were almost burnt out at this time. A dozen snow wolves bared their teeth and slowly approached. Their eyes were full of bloodthirsty and cruel light. greedy.

Qin Yuan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Be careful, follow me!" Then, without any hesitation, he clenched the wooden stick in his hand and ran towards the nearest snow wolf like lightning.

In an instant, Qin Yuan came to the front, raised the wooden stick in his hand, used all his strength, and smashed the snow wolf's head ruthlessly.

There was a loud "bang", and the beasts like wolves were called copper-headed and iron-boned tofu waists. One could imagine the hardness of their heads. However, even so, under Qin Yuan's terrifying power, the Xuelang was still smashed to the ground, and his body remained motionless, apparently directly dead.

Only then did the other dozen or so tentative snow wolves react. Although they were very apprehensive about the loud noise, their craving for food overwhelmed the fear in their hearts. With a roar, they rushed towards the crowd.

Qin Yuan directly threw the broken wooden stick in his hand, and hit a snow wolf that was pounced with great precision, smashing him to the ground with convulsions all over his body.

Taking advantage of this gap, Qin Yuan turned his head to look at Su Xiaoyu and the others around him. Although they were very embarrassed, there were no injuries on their bodies, and they could obviously persevere.

The most important thing is that the wolves are obviously wise and know that he is extremely difficult to deal with, so they divide the largest number and besiege him, wanting to kill him directly, and then clean up the rest.

With a slight sigh, Qin Yuan violently swung his right fist and smashed it heavily on the neck of a snow wolf who was biting with its mouth open.

With the sound of bones shattering, the snow wolf's entire body suddenly stiffened, and then slammed straight onto the ground, without any breath.

Immediately afterwards, he kicked out the whip leg, and the two snow wolves that jumped towards his head were unprepared in mid-air, hit by the whip leg firmly, and flew out without any struggle.

In the director's department of the base, Chen Xingjun looked at Qin Yuan who was extremely fierce, slaughtering wolves like a chicken, his clenched fists relaxed slightly, but his eyes were still full of worry.

Although Qin Yuan is really good at fighting, he is only one person, and his physical strength is always limited, and there are sixty or seventy snow wolves in the group.

The rest of the chiefs around, looking at the picture on the screen, are also very worried. The anxiety on their faces is not concealed. Although Qin Yuan is not their soldier, this kind of king of soldiers, which is rare in a century, can no longer be limited to In a certain military region, once he has any accident, it will be the loss of the entire Dragon Kingdom.

In the cave, the snow wolves that Qin Yuan flew up one by one, under the blessing of god-level power, would die immediately if they were hit by him.

At this moment, the silver wolf on the boulder in the back let out a long roar again, and the dozens of snow wolves around seemed to be stimulated by some kind of stimulation.

When Su Xiaoyu heard this desolate and distant voice, her complexion suddenly changed greatly. She accidentally cut her shoulder by Xuelang's sharp teeth.

With a "bang", the snow wolf was hit hard by the stone in Su Xiaoyu's hand, and fell to the ground with a whimper, with only blood left.

"Company commander, this group of beasts is about to rush up, hurry up and leave us alone!" Su Xiaoyu said with a pained expression, clutching his injured shoulder.

As soon as the words fell, almost all the snow wolves roared and rushed up, swept up with a stench, making people feel sick.

"It's nonsense! The situation here has already been discovered outside, and the reinforcements will arrive soon, you can hold on for a while!" Qin Yuan shouted in a deep voice.

Then his eyes instantly became fierce and fierce, looking at the majestic silver wolf in the distance, he said loudly: "You hold on for a while, I will kill that wolf king!"

"Company commander, be careful!" Xiao Pang fiercely smashed back the snow wolf that was rushing towards him, and said anxiously.

In the director's department, Chen Xingjun stood up abruptly, the anxiety on his face could no longer be concealed, and angrily rebuked: "This bastard, what does he want to do! He really thinks he is a superman! He actually wants to face the wolf alone. king!"

The black-faced chief surnamed Wang did not wrinkle: "Although it is the best choice to solve the wolf king as soon as possible when encountering a pack of wolves, but that is when there are sufficient personnel and well-equipped, and now Qin Yuan is so reckless. Going out, it is very likely that you will be completely surrounded by wolves and torn apart!"

"Hey, it will take more than two minutes before the nearest support team arrives. They only need to retreat into the cave and hold their teeth for two minutes. They have a great chance of getting through this disaster, but now..." Another chief said lightly. He sighed, his face full of regret and pain.

"Old Li, you are also confused. Once they hide in the cave, they are likely to be swarmed by wolves. In a dark cave, human eyesight is not comparable to that of wolves. When the support team arrives, they will face Possibly several skeletons without flesh and blood."

"Hey, hey, look, that Qin Yuan... he's not human at all!"

Hearing this sentence, several leaders of Chen Xingjun looked up one after another, their faces suddenly full of shock, as if they saw an incredible scene.

Outside the cave, Qin Yuan's figure was like a flash of lightning, and he jumped out a few meters away. Before the surrounding snow wolves could react, they were punched like a cannonball and fell to the ground with a whimper.

With his ability to sense danger, Qin Yuan could clearly perceive the wolves that were biting towards his back without turning his head. His fists and soles always landed on those snow wolves just right, blasting them out completely.

The loud noise of bang bang kept coming out, and the surrounding snow wolves seemed to be unaware of fear, rushing towards him frantically, but they couldn't cause any damage to him, and they couldn't even get close.

With a "click", Qin Yuan took advantage of the momentary gap to swipe a whip leg directly on a tree trunk with the thickness of a calf next to it. With the sound, the small tree broke directly, and the snowflakes on it continued to fall.

Qin Yuan grabbed the tree trunk with one hand, then broke it into a large wooden stick more than one meter long, and swept away the snow wolves that were rushing towards them. Several snow wolves were blown away without any defense.

The faces of several chiefs who were watching this scene were full of shock, and they opened their lips subconsciously, but couldn't think of anything to say, their eyes were full of fire, and their breathing became a little heavy.

"Hurry up and notify the rescue team, we must save them!" The person in charge shouted to the messenger, staring at Qin Yuan who was like a **** and a demon in the picture without blinking.

Outside the cave, Su Xiaoyu and Xiao Pang also looked at Qin Yuan in shock. It was like they knew each other for the first time, and their confidence in surviving suddenly rose in their hearts.

Originally, they were indeed desperate. In the face of dozens of hungry snow wolves, even if their strength was comparable to or even surpassed that of the elite special forces, they had no weapons in their hands, and they were almost certain to die.

Qin Yuan, who was in front, used the hard tree trunk in his hand to tear open a gap in the snow wolves coming up from all around, and then the whole person jumped and rushed towards the wolf king with incomparable speed.

At this time, on the boulder, the wolf king's green eyes stared at Qin Yuan's figure. As a wolf king, its intelligence has far surpassed that of an ordinary snow wolf.

When it usually hunts its prey, it only needs to command the wolves to attack from a distance, and there is no need to do it in person, and now, the pair of green pupils are full of fierce rays of light, and the sharp claws draw a line on the stone surface. A deep ravine.


The wolf king looked at Qin Yuan who was rushing, and let out a long roar, then his limbs tensed up, like a bolt of silver lightning, he jumped off the boulder and rushed towards him quickly, his sharp teeth flashing with an astonishing cold glow.


Qin Yuan snorted coldly, and slammed the tree trunk in his hand, smashing the silver wolf king fiercely with an astonishing sound of breaking through the air.

However, what surprised him was that the wolf king seemed to sense the strength of the blow, his body curled up slightly in mid-air, and the speed of the attack slowed down a lot, and he was able to avoid the waving tree trunk.

After the blow was missed, Qin Yuan didn't stop at all. He turned around and took a step forward. The trunk of the tree smashed towards the silver wolf king's head with a faster speed and fiercer force.

With a bang, this blow was extremely fast. The silver wolf king's body just landed on the ground, without any chance to dodge, was directly smashed on the head by a tree trunk with a thickness of calf.

With a whimper, the silver wolf king was blasted a few meters away, fell to the ground struggling, and seemed to want to get up, but fell to the ground again and again.

Qin Yuan looked at the thick tree trunk that had been shattered in his hand, and then looked at the silver wolf king who had not died in the distance even though he had suffered heavy damage. He couldn't help but admire this beast's defense.

Throwing away the broken tree trunk in his hand, Qin Yuan was about to step forward to completely deal with the silver wolf king when he was suddenly attracted by the fierce wolf roar behind him.

Half a meter away from the Silver Wolf King, Qin Yuan's mouth suddenly showed a mocking smile, and then he slowly bent down and stretched out his hands as if trying to break its head.

At this moment, the silver wolf king who was struggling in front of him suddenly got up, opened his **** mouth and turned around to bite Qin Yuan's neck fiercely.

If he was bitten, Qin Yuan's neck would definitely be directly bitten off, and he couldn't die any longer.

However, Qin Yuan seemed to have expected it a long time stood up straight, and before the silver wolf king struck, he raised his right leg and kicked the wolf king with lightning precision. 's head.

With a "bang", the silver wolf king's body flew out at a strange angle, and after hitting the ground heavily, there was no movement.

Almost at the same time, the snow wolves who were about to surround them suddenly stopped and stepped back in horror, their eyes full of fear and withdrawal, no longer the madness before.

On the other side, the wolves that were besieging Su Xiaoyu and Xiaopang seemed to sense something, they stopped attacking, looked at Qin Yuan's direction in horror, and then ran towards the distance without looking back. It looked extremely embarrassed, as if some devil was chasing them behind.

"How are you?" Qin Yuan came out of the cave and asked worriedly. At this time, Su Xiaoyu and the others were all covered in blood, obviously injured.

"Hey, it's okay, company commander, this little injury is nothing at all!" Xiao Pang said with a smile, but it seemed like a wound was involved, with pain on his face.

When Qin Yuan was about to take out the proficiency-level gold sore medicine, there was a sudden "buzzing" sound above his head.

Looking up, a armed helicopter appeared in the sky, and one by one silhouettes slid down the ropes quickly.

"My name is Li Cheng, are you all okay?" A man with two bars and two stars in full armor stepped forward and asked eagerly. Seeing that Su Xiaoyu and the others were all covered in blood, he rushed behind him and shouted: " Medics, come here, there are wounded here!"

A medical soldier rushed forward and was about to take out the medical supplies and treat Su Xiaoyu and the others when they were suddenly interrupted by Xiao Pang raising his hand.


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