Chapter 279

The four Zhang Shuai behind him, listening to Qin Yuan's words, all had a trace of fear on their faces. They were also people who had experienced the devastation of the Devil's Hell Week. When they think about it now, they all feel numb.

However, it was only during this period of time that they truly broke through their own limits, turning from thorns to qualified special forces.

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and shouted in a deep voice, "Stand at attention!"


The female soldiers stood up straight as a conditioned reflex, staring at Qin Yuan, full of solemnity and solemnity.

"I'll give you one last chance. Those who feel that they can't survive the week of **** and devils can choose to quit now. Don't waste everyone's time."

"Don't quit!"

The girls shouted in unison.

"it is good!"

"Now, everyone, with a load of 30 kilograms, starts extreme off-roading. There is no finish line in front, no time limit, and they keep running towards the front until they faint. Whoever dares to stop, get out immediately!"

"Start now!"

As soon as Qin Yuan finished speaking, the faces of several female soldiers turned pale.

However, with some of Qin Yuan's prestige some time ago, the girls gritted their teeth and ran to the pile of bricks next to them. Together with the rifles on their backs, they had a total weight of 30 kilograms.

"Zhang Shuai, go to the car and lead the way in front of you, you all follow behind the car, don't be mad and leave if you don't want to run!"

The girls threw stones into their backpacks, cursing Qin Yuan constantly in their hearts, "The **** instructor has eight children, and all of them are boys!"

Qin Yuan chose a rugged mountain road. The road was full of potholes. Even if an off-road vehicle was driving on it, it would feel extremely bumpy, not to mention these female soldiers with a load of 30 kilograms on their backs.

"Come on, it's too slow, are you old ladies?"

Qin Yuan stood on a military vehicle and roared, his voice sounded like a hammer without a loudspeaker, blasting in the ears of every female soldier.


Bang bang bang!

"hurry up!"

The three of Zang Chong stood on other military vehicles with assault rifles in their hands, all of which were full of live ammunition, and shot unceremoniously on the ground at the feet of the female soldiers.

Qin Yuan roared and took out grenades and threw them on both sides of the road. The violent explosion sounded, and the dust hit them like raindrops.

With his keen observation, if someone really can't hold on, he will find out at the first time, and then tell her to stop, so that there is no real danger to her life, which is also the basis for his crazy training.

"Wow, I feel like I'm going to die, what should I do!" Tian Guo gasped heavily, and at the same time stretched out his right arm to block his nose and mouth to prevent the dust from the explosion from getting in.

"Do you think we are swords, and we have to come here to suffer this crime, isn't it good to stay in the regular army honestly?" Tang Xiaoxiao said bitterly.

"Okay, you can go to the instructor now and tell him that you have given up, a warm bed, a delicious meal will be waiting for you, no one is forcing you to work hard here!"

Shen Lanni said calmly, trying her best to breathe regularly and try her best to save her energy.

Among the eight people, perhaps she is the only one who has no resistance to Qin Yuan's cruel training.

The reason she didn't deal with Qin Yuan before was because she felt that this instructor was a little white-faced and unworthy of training her, but in the days that followed, she gradually realized how terrifying the strength of this handsome instructor was.

It can even be said that she, Shen Lani, is somewhat unworthy of being trained by Qin Yuan.

Because of this, Shen Lanni cherished this training very much, because she could clearly feel that she was changing all the time and getting stronger step by step.

"I've done it all this far, isn't it because I have a problem with my brain to give up now!" Tang Xiaoxiao defended, a typical roasted duck with a hard mouth.

"Hey, I think we are all masochists, and all the special forces are masochists!" Ouyang Qian gasped.

"That's right, who would be a normal person here, don't you think, Skylark?" Ye Cun thought.

"Okay, stop talking, save your strength, and adjust your breathing!" Tan Xiaolin said helplessly.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum. Haven't you heard what the **** instructor said? Extreme off-roading! You can stop until you faint. The sooner you faint, the better, to avoid suffering!" Tian Guo said in a desolate tone.

"Yeah, we all fainted in the end anyway, why are we running forward so desperately, isn't that stupid?" Tang Xiaoxiao noticed the appearance of the new continent, and the speed of his feet slowed down a little.

Almost at the same time, several rapid gunshots rang in her ears. Tang Xiaoxiao could clearly feel that several high-speed air currents almost hit her feet and hit the ground, scaring her to scream again and again, and she used the milk to suck. , desperately running forward.

Time passed slowly, and the girls' faces became pale, almost like white paper, as if they would fall down at any time, but they still persisted.

Qin Yuan's face was still dissatisfied, he raised the assault rifle in his hand and shot wildly towards the sky: "Hurry up, it's only been less than an hour!"

"Just because of your physical fitness, it's just a dream to join the Fire Phoenix Commando! Just go home and farm! You don't have to go back to the original army!"

Bang bang bang!

"Don't stop, just stop for a while, you will be eliminated immediately, and you can crawl with your hands if you can't run!"

At this moment, his face was extremely white, and Tian Guo, whose body was shaky, couldn't hold on any longer, and the blackness in front of him fell directly to the ground.

Qin Yuan has been observing everyone, and seeing this scene, his legs suddenly exerted force, and his body swept away like a bolt of lightning. When Tian Guo was about to smash on the gravel, he directly picked her up by the waist.

After sensing for a moment, the worry in Qin Yuan's eyes disappeared, and he nodded towards the female soldiers of the regular army who were seconded from the rear.

Immediately, two female soldiers rushed over and carefully carried Tian Guo towards the training base, where there were Chinese herbal medicines prepared by Qin Yuan, which could eliminate the dark injuries caused by extreme off-roading.

Tan Xiaolin and the others turned their heads to watch Tian Guo being sent away, and continued to run forward with peace of mind, but they were obviously overwhelmed, and now they can continue to run forward, completely relying on a breath in their chests.

If Qin Yuan announced to stop training now, after their highly tense nerves were relaxed, they would faint directly.

"Sisters, you must... hold on, let the **** instructor see, we female soldiers are not... easy to mess with!" Tan Xiaolin shouted intermittently, cheering for everyone.

However, at the next moment, Tang Xiaoxiao couldn't hold on any longer, and fell to the ground softly under his feet. He was still in the air, and his consciousness had fallen into a faint.

Qin Yuan took another shot. After checking, he ordered two female soldiers to send them back to the training base as well.

Like dominoes, He Lu and Ouyang Qian fell to the ground in the next few minutes.

There are still four people who are still insisting on it. Ye Cunxin and Shen Lanni do not talk about their physical fitness. Qubi Azhuo grew up in the Daliang Mountains since he was a child, and they are among the best in terms of physical fitness and cross-country experience. The three of them can Up until now, Qin Yuan was not surprised.

However, Tan Xiaolin's performance was somewhat beyond his expectations. As the instructor of the Fire Phoenix Commando, she is usually stable and intellectual, like the little aunt next door, who lends a helping hand when everyone is in trouble.

It can be said that she is the glue in the team, and has some irreplaceable roles in the Phoenix Commando.

However, Qin Yuan knew that her father was Deputy Commander Tan of the Military Region, an orthodox head of a family. Regardless of her background or background, she should not have plunged into the deep pit of the special forces and endured such destructive training. , she should be wearing neat military uniforms and calmly giving orders in the command room.

Shaking his head, Qin Yuan stopped thinking about these things. Now Tan Xiaolin is an ordinary soldier under his command, and his task is to train her to be a qualified special forces soldier!

As time passed, Tan Xiaolin was the first among the four who could not hold on, then Ye Cunxin and Shen Lanni. At this time, only the lonely figure of Qubi Azhuo was left on the rugged mountain road.

Rao is Qin Yuan himself, and he admires this somewhat taciturn female soldier. Among all people, she is the only one who is born to be a special forces soldier.

An hour and a half later, Qubi Azhuo's body suddenly trembled violently, apparently reaching the limit. She turned around with all her strength, took a deep look at Qin Yuan, and then fell straight to the ground. go.

In the last scene before fainting, Qubi Azhuo saw Qin Yuan's figure rushing towards her quickly. The surroundings were quiet, as if there were only two people left in the world. She raised the corners of her lips in satisfaction, and her consciousness instantly fell into a dead silence. .


An hour later, the female soldiers woke up and turned around, a strange but familiar bitter taste came out of their mouths. They quickly realized that this was the Chinese herbal soup they would get every time they ate.

This kind of special soup made by Qin Yuan, every time they drink it, the fatigue and fatigue after training will be miraculously removed.

"Wow, it's so comfortable, I really want to sleep like this, I wish there were no **** instructors in my dream!" Tian Guo muttered, rolling up the soft quilt beside her.

"Well... how long has it been?" Ye Cun said in a daze, his body seemed to grow together with the bed, and he didn't want to move.

"It's eleven o'clock in the morning, and it's been an hour since you fainted."

A somewhat reverent female voice came from the dormitory.


The girls heard an unfamiliar voice, and the vigilance they had trained during this period of time made them stand up like a conditioned reflex, looking for any weapon in their hands with both hands, and looked up at the voice coming from the voice.

However, he saw a few female soldiers in military uniforms looking at them with admiration, and aware of the vigilance in the eyes of several people, a female soldier who looked like a squad leader quickly said:

"We were brought by Chief Qin Yuan to take care of you when you fainted. After all, the instructors are all male, which is a little inconvenient..."


Tan Xiaolin and the others suddenly realized, smiled at them embarrassedly, and put down the strange things that they had grabbed at random.

Yes, this is a training base located deep in the military region. There are layers of heavy guards on the periphery. How could it be touched by people with bad intentions.

Tian Guo found Hua Dian, and said in a sad tone: "Bastard instructor, invited so many female soldiers, it is obvious that in the next training, we will collapse and faint will become a common occurrence, woo woo woo, we are so miserable. !"

"Hey, what can I do, I can't beat him, I can only let him be at his mercy!" Tang Xiaoxiao sighed.

"Humph! I've decided! I'm going to punish the **** instructor severely! Really!" Tian Guo said with a pink fist.

Looking at Tian Guo's sworn appearance, not only Tang Xiaoxiao, but also Tan Xiaolin and Qubi Azhuo looked over curiously, "Happy Fruit, how can you punish him with such a powerful instructor, you are bragging again? ?"

"That's not it, I want to give birth to eight children to the instructor, and they are all boys. He is exhausted!"

Ye Cunxin and the others stared blankly at Tian Guo, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Come on, Pistachio, I think you're a greedy instructor, and you're so righteous, shameless!" Shen Lanni said unceremoniously.

"What, I am using my body to feed tigers and use my body to subdue demons. What a fearless spirit this is. You don't appreciate me, and you still laugh at me. It's totally unreasonable!"

"I bother!"

The girls scorned in unison.

At this moment, a hurried assembly whistle sounded outside, and the girls hurriedly dressed in their clothes. In less than two minutes, they stood in a neat queue downstairs.

Qin Yuan looked at Tian Guo with a half-smile but not a smile on his face, "What are the eight sons, make it clearer."

"Ah! Instructor you!"

Tian Guo opened his mouth wide in shock. He really didn't expect that the other party would hear clearly what he secretly molested the instructor.

"Instructor, you... have cameras installed in our female soldier's dormitory!"

Tang Xiaoxiao couldn't help but said, but before he finished speaking, he rejected the idea by himself. It was a joke. They really thought they were pigs. They checked the entire dormitory, not to mention the cameras, even if it was some button recordings. The device can't be hidden from their eyes.

Qin Yuan ignored the two of them and said solemnly: "It seems that you are very energetic. In that case, push up on the spot for an hour. If anyone is lazy, don't blame me for being merciless!"

"Start now!"

As soon as the words all the female soldiers lay on the ground one after another, and did push-ups with the most standard posture. They did not dare to slack off in their speed, for fear of being punished by Qin Yuan.

"Too slow, slower than the old lady, speed up!"

Whoosh whoosh!

The girls didn't dare to stop for a moment.

"Tian Guo, it's all your fault, why do you have to molest the instructor, don't you know that his heart is black, and you want us to be punished with you!"

"Hey, hey, don't bite people! What do you mean by blaming me? Could it be that without me, the **** instructor wouldn't punish you severely!" Tian Guo retorted.

"What you said makes sense, but if I don't listen, I blame you!"

"Hey, I said Barbie, when did you become so cheap? You look like a land scumbag!"

(End of this chapter)

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