In the military vehicle, Tian Guo held the assault rifle and kept moving his buttocks, looking very restless.

Qin Yuan asked curiously, "Tian Guo, haven't you participated in the exercise before?"

"I have participated in the past, but this time with the instructor, I feel my heart is beating wildly..." Tian Guo said nervously with big eyes.

"Hahaha, Pistachio, so you are so cowardly!" Tang Xiaoxiao mocked rudely.

"Barbie, aren't you afraid of dragging the instructor down? He's so powerful that he can hit us all with one hand!"


Qin Yuan looked at Tian Guo and said helplessly: "You can defeat the Thunder Commando, and your strength has already entered the top five in the entire military region!"

"Really, instructor, I'm still a child, don't lie to me!"


Half an hour later, the two military vehicles stopped in front of a dense forest. After Qin Yuan carefully checked the equipment carried by the Fire Phoenix people, he casually hid the vehicles and walked directly along a small stream.

This area is the battle area between the two sides of the exercise. It is very early now, and there should not be many eyes watching here.

Before taking a few steps, Qin Yuan seemed to sense something suddenly, and suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance ahead.

When Tan Xiaolin and others saw this, they also looked over. There was a small black spot in the sky in the distance at this time, and it was rushing towards this side at a rapid speed. Their eyes instantly became a little dignified.

"Instructor, that's Lan Fang's unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, let's hurry up and hide it." He Lu said anxiously.

Qin Yuan didn't move his footsteps, and said in a tone of examination and education: "Ye Cunxin, are you sure?"

"...What?" Ye Cun was stunned at first, and then seemed to have thought of something, a flash of excitement appeared on her face, she took a deep breath and said, "Yes!"

"Okay! Take advantage of the long distance of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and have not found us yet, and shoot it down as soon as possible!" Qin Yuan said solemnly.


Ye Cunxin was half-kneeling on the ground, raised the sniper rifle in his hand, and aimed very seriously at the unmanned reconnaissance plane in the distance.

A moment later, a loud gunshot rang out, and the unmanned reconnaissance plane in the distance fell directly towards the ground, and Ye Cunxin's face immediately showed a touch of excitement.

However, in the next second, the unmanned reconnaissance plane staggered, staggered and stabilized its figure, and then quickly flew into the distance, almost disappearing from sight.

Tan Xiaolin and the others' faces changed drastically. If this thing were to fly back, their whereabouts would be completely exposed! However, there was no chance of salvation at this time.

At this moment, Qin Yuan, who had never made a sound, suddenly raised the assault rifle in his hand, and fired a clean shot.

The unmanned reconnaissance plane immediately emitted thick white smoke, then fell directly into the ground and was completely destroyed.

"This..." Ye Cunxin and the others had shocked expressions on their faces. Although they knew that Qin Yuan's marksmanship was terrifying, they still did not expect that it would be so terrifying.

It was an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft flying at high speed. Even if it was strafing with two heavy machine guns, it would not be sure to take it down. However, Qin Yuan only relied on the assault rifle to kill it with one shot. This is still human. To what extent can it be achieved?

Ye Cunxin looked at Qin Yuan's eyes, and instantly became extremely hot, wishing that he could dig out all Qin Yuan's secrets.


The director of the Blue Army, a head of the Tianfu Military Region, stared blankly at the black screen with a dull look on his face.

It took him a long time to react, and his tone was full of disbelief: "If I heard correctly, it was an assault rifle that killed the unmanned reconnaissance plane?"

"Yes sir, the No. 54 unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, first a sniper bullet was hit in the tail, but it was not completely scrapped, and it was barely able to fly back, but a rifle bullet after that accurately hit the drone. the structural junctions, destroy it completely!"

"What kind of marksmanship is it that, at least 800 meters away, a normal assault rifle can accurately hit the structural connection of a high-speed flying reconnaissance aircraft!" Chief Ye Xiangan of the Tianfu Military Region was shocked.

Then he seemed to remember something, and subconsciously spit out a name: "Qin Yuan..."

"Notify the nearby team, rush to that area desperately, and if you encounter anyone on the red side, you must eliminate them at all costs!"

Ye Xiangan gave the order without hesitation. If it weren't for the fact that the missile unit was not in place yet, he would even want to bomb the area in all directions.

"Chief, there are still more than 20 kilometers away from the nearest team. Even if we rush past, the group of people from the red side will definitely be evacuated." A person beside him hesitated.

Ye Xiangan pondered for a moment, but still firmly said: "Execute the order, since Qin Yuan's trace has been discovered, he must be killed, otherwise I will not sleep well even if I sleep!"



In the dense forest, Qin Yuan directly led the Fire Phoenix Commando team and continued to approach from the other direction after eliminating the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

About two hours later, everyone was resting in a hidden place to replenish their strength.

Tang Xiaoxiao suddenly came over and whispered: "Instructor, Commander Su is looking for you." Her voice was very small, her eyes kept staring at Qin Yuan, and a storm was already in her heart.

Commander Su actually came to find a special forces instructor in person. This had never happened before, and she was even more curious about Qin Yuan's identity.

"Commander Su, are you looking for me?" Qin Yuan stretched out his hand to take over the communication equipment and asked with some doubts.

Although the military headquarters did not assign him a task, his whereabouts were always passed on through the communication equipment on Tang Xiaoxiao's body.

"Xiao Qin, according to the information intercepted by our technical department, your current location, about 15 kilometers in front of the left, is exactly where the blue army staff is stationed."

"I know this may be difficult, but I still want to ask, are you sure you can get rid of them? Being able to eliminate their chief of staff can definitely play a key role."

Su Guoqiang's voice came out quickly, and it seemed a little rushed. Obviously, this exercise with the Tianfu Military Region brought him a lot of pressure.

Qin Yuan pondered for a moment, then said solemnly: "No problem!"

"it is good!"

Su Guoqiang's voice revealed excitement. He lowered his voice and said, "Xiao Qin, I'm not afraid to tell you the old story. The overall strength of our military region is more than a little worse than that of the Tianfu military region. Now that the exercise has just started, we feel that Those who are tied up, urgently need a special soldier to open the situation!"

"Don't worry, Chief, leave it to me!" Qin Yuan's voice revealed strong confidence.

"Okay, pay attention to safety, if you can't do anything, you must choose to retreat!"


Putting down the communication device, Qin Yuan's eyes moved to the front left, with a contemplative color on his face.

"Instructor, do you have any tasks?" Tan Xiaolin leaned closer and whispered.

Qin Yuan greeted everyone in Huofenghuang and explained Su Guoqiang's mission carefully.

"No problem, there are instructors with us, the Chief of Staff of the Blue Army is simply vulnerable!" Tian Guo said excitedly.

"Hahaha, don't talk about Chief of Staff, even if I go straight to the Blue Army headquarters now, I won't frown!". Ouyang Qian looked fearless.

"Instructor, when is the action, I can't wait!" Ye Cun said with his sniper rifle in his arms, his eyes full of fire.

Looking at the girls who didn't seem to know what fear was, Qin Yuan said with a smile, "Okay, then let's go kill the blue army chief of staff!"


About an hour later, Qin Yuan violently made a stop gesture, and the girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando behind him immediately stopped and quickly took a defensive posture.

"Instructor, what happened?" Tan Xiaolin stepped forward and asked in a low voice.

"We have entered the blue army's alert range!" Qin Yuan pointed to a big tree in the distance.

Tan Xiaolin followed the direction Qin Yuan pointed, and after a lot of energy, she faintly saw a vague figure.

"You all lay in an ambush here, wait until there is movement inside, then rush in, try not to let any of the enemies go!" Qin Yuan said solemnly.

"What about you?" Tan Xiaolin's voice was mixed with deep concern.

"I will sneak in and kill the blue army chief of staff as soon as possible. Otherwise, he will withdraw as soon as possible. If you want to find his position, it will be even more difficult!", Qin Yuan whispered.

"Is this too dangerous? We can ambush them first, and when they move their positions, ambush them on the road. This is the safest way!" Tan Xiaolin's eyes were full of worry.

"We can't wait too long!" Qin Yuan sighed in his heart.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. You must hide here and not be discovered by the enemy!"


Seeing that Qin Yuan had made a decision, Tan Xiaolin could only obey the order at the moment, looked at Qin Yuan's back, and quickly disappeared into the depths of the jungle.

With the peak-level concealment skills, Qin Yuan easily touched the vicinity of the Blue Army camp. Even the most advanced detection equipment would never be able to find his trace.

At this time, there was a tent in front of him, and there was a faint light inside. Now the sky has darkened, and there are constantly patrolling blue army sentries around, but they can't find him.

In addition to these bright posts, there are also many dark posts all around.

Qin Yuan pondered for a moment, and then silently touched a dark whistle. With his peak concealment skills, he quickly came behind the man without attracting any attention.

Before the man could react, Qin Yuan covered his mouth with his left hand, and the dagger in his right hand was already on his neck.

"Don't scream, you're dead!"

The man was still struggling. He felt the cold touch on his neck, and Qin Yuan's warning voice, his body slowly relaxed, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Brother, how did you get here?"

"Shut up, you are already dead, and dead people can't speak!" Qin Yuan reminded again rudely.

"I wipe, you are Qin Yuan!"

Unexpectedly, the man seemed to recognize him and turned his head to look at him in shock.

"Do you recognize me?" Qin Yuan asked curiously.

"I... I'm from the Kuangyun Commando of the Tianfu Military Region. During the competition in the military region, I was eliminated by your subordinate Su Xiaoyu. That **** kept mentioning your name, and you are the champion, so I will be more. I took a few glances at your photos."

The man looked at him with some reverence. The strong are highly respected wherever they are, no matter if he is from his own military region or not.

Qin Yuan nodded, and then went directly to the other dark post. It seemed that all the special forces were stationed here, but he was not surprised at all. After all, it was the station of the blue army chief of staff, so it would naturally be strictly guarded, but it was a pity They met themselves.

Four minutes later, Qin Yuan solved all the dark whistles and quietly came to the outside of the tent.

At this time, there are four people guarding there, and according to the feedback from the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, there are a total of 28 special forces here, and the defense can be said to be extremely tight.

At this time, all the dark whistles on the periphery have been pulled out. When Tan Xiaolin and others rushed in, they would not be caught off guard.

After pondering for a moment, Qin Yuan silently moved towards a tent in the middle, where the lights were still bright, and there were several people discussing something in front of the computer screen. He didn't know any of these people, but according to the military rank , one of them should be the chief of staff of the Blue Army!

Soon, Qin Yuan had come to the outside of the tent. With the blessing of peak-level concealment skills, he did not attract anyone's attention.

Reaching out to his waist, Qin Yuan took out a hand. Lei, after pulling out the fuse, threw it directly into the tent.

Several people inside saw the hand Lei on the ground, and their expressions changed drastically.

"Enemy attack, protect the chief of staff!"

A special soldier shouted loudly, and threw himself forward, trying to suppress his hand with his body. Lei, but his speed was still a little slower, and before he could get on his back, a soft sound came violently.

Several people in the tent immediately came out with yellow smoke, announcing that they were eliminated at this Damn, what are you doing to eat, you were actually touched here by the enemy, hurry up and find the enemy! "

Someone outside the tent shouted loudly, and more than 20 special forces immediately poured out of the rest of the tent. Qin Yuan's figure was soon found. The moment he threw Lei, the peak-level hidden magical power was temporarily ineffective.

Qin Yuan didn't plan to confront these people directly, so he jumped and hid behind a bunker.

In the distance where the Fire Phoenix Commando was hiding, the women's expressions changed drastically when they heard the explosions and the rapid gunfire coming from the front.

"Instructor, he was discovered, let's go save him!" Tian Guo said eagerly.

Tan Xiaolin didn't have any hesitation. When Qin Yuan left, she had already told her the plan, which should be the critical moment for them to appear.

At this moment, Tang Xiaoxiao suddenly held the communication device in her hands tightly. After fiddling a few times, she quickly handed the headset to Tan Xiaolin.

As soon as he took over the headset, Su Guoqiang's very excited voice came from inside: "Hahaha, Xiao Qin, you did a good job. We learned from the intercepted information of the Blue Army that their chief of staff has been eliminated!"

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