Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 291: International competition

"Xiao Qin, you really don't think about it? Our Tianfu Military Region is stronger than here in terms of resources and strength. You're a bit underpowered by staying here!"

Zhang Zhengtian, the commander of the Tianfu Military Region, still did not give up.

Qin Yuan gave him a helpless smile. Although he didn't speak, the meaning contained in it was already obvious. Zhang Zhengtian had no choice but to shake his head.

"Haha, Xiao Qin is staying here well, how could he agree to go to your place!" Su Guoqiang laughed proudly, "Besides, it seems that we are the winner of this exercise? You Tianfu Military Region only insist on In less than 30 hours, it all disintegrated, but I am ashamed to say that it is stronger than us!"

"Hmph, it's not because I have Xiao Qin on your side that I will be beheaded, and the entire Blue Army will lose its command system, so I will be caught in troubled waters by you. Shall we play again?" Zhang Zhengtian snorted coldly.

"Hahaha, it is us who won anyway. This is an irreversible fact, and Comrade Qin Yuan, with his excellent military qualities, led the Fire Phoenix Commando, which had been trained for less than a month, and beheaded the Chief of Staff of the Blue Army one after another. The commander and commander have laid a solid foundation for the victory of the exercise, and the military region has decided to award Comrade Qin Yuan’s personal second-class merit and the Fire Phoenix Commando’s collective second-class merit, Lao Zhang, what do you think?”

Su Guoqiang said proudly in front of Zhang Zhengtian.

Looking at Su Guoqiang's proud face, Zhang Zhengtian could not wait to punch him, but he didn't think in his heart that Qin Yuan was not worthy of this reward, even he himself would give it to this extent at most.

"Okay, Xiao Qin, I'll go first. If you ever change your mind, remember to come to me. The door of the Tianfu Military Region is always open to you. I hope you will also be in the next international special forces competition. Get a good grade!"

After Zhang Zhengtian finished speaking, he didn't even look at Su Guoqiang's face, and strode towards the outside.

"International Special Forces Competition?" Qin Yuan's face showed a hint of doubt, and Su Guoqiang next to him seemed to see something, and explained with a smile:

"The International Special Forces Competition is held every year. It is a stage for each country to show its top special forces. It is also the most recognized honor for every special forces."

"We Longguo also participated in many sessions, but the one with the best results was only the third place." Su Guoqiang sighed slightly.

When contacted by Commander Zhang Zhengtian's words just now, Qin Yuan thought of something, and said abruptly, "Is it the purpose of the military competition not long ago to select teams to participate in the International Special Forces Competition?"

"You guessed it right, one of the reasons for the military competition is to select the strongest special team in the Dragon Country, to win glory for the Dragon Country in the International Special Forces Competition, and achieve a good result!"

Qin Yuan's face turned serious, and he said loudly: "Commander, rest assured, this year's International Special Forces Competition, the champion must belong to our Dragon Kingdom!"

"Hahaha, good! I believe you can do it. There is still about half a month before the start of the International Special Forces Competition. During this time, you can make your own arrangements, whether to continue training the Fire Phoenix Commando, or immediately select the players, for the sake of It is okay to prepare for the competition, and there will be no interference from the military region.”


"Okay, the most important thing now is to reward you as a hero. I'm not afraid of embarrassment for your outstanding performance in the exercise. If you hadn't beheaded that old man, Lao Zhang, the military region would want to win this exercise. It is very difficult, after all, the Tianfu Military Region is indeed stronger than us!"

Qin Yuan thought about it for a while, but did not refuse. He followed Su Guoqiang to the exercise summary meeting. In front of thousands of elites in the army, he announced that Qin Yuan had won the second-class personal merit, and the Fire Phoenix Commando had won the second-class collective merit.

On the stage, Qin Yuan and the girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando team enjoyed the overwhelming applause. The excitement on the faces of Zhang Shuai, Su Xiaoyu, Zang Chong and others could hardly be suppressed, as if Qin Yuan was rewarded more than they themselves Be happy with the reward.

At this time, the system reward is also long overdue.

[Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully beheading the commander of the Blue Army, playing a key role in the victory of the exercise. 】

[Obtain the Mastery-level Mind-Reading Technique, the Sharp Knife Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando get a peak-level attribute upgrade. 】

[Master-level mind reading technique: It can read the most real thoughts of everyone within ten meters (note: the target needs to be relaxed, without any resistance). 】

Qin Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up. The ability to read minds is unbelievable. Although he only has the lowest level of mastery, it can definitely play a huge role in some interrogations and psychological warfare.

As for a peak-level attribute improvement, Qin Yuan thought about it, and directly upgraded the fighting ability of the sharp knife recruit company and the fire phoenix commando's marksmanship to the peak level.

Fire Phoenix training base.

Tan Xiaolin and others looked at the helicopters, tanks and cannons in the row in front of them, their eyes a little straight.

"Teacher... Instructor, you keep getting so many aircraft and cannons. Is it because Commander Su is not pleasing to the eye, thinking..." Tian Guo stammered.

Qin Yuan glanced at Tian Guo, and suddenly thought of the proficient mind-reading technique he had obtained, and subconsciously turned to look at her.

"What should I do? The instructor won't be dissatisfied with the rewards given by the military region, and want to rise up? Then what should I do? It's so annoying! Although the instructor often beats me, scolds me, and humiliates me, I can't betray him. Ya, woohoo!"

Qin Yuan stumbled under his feet and almost fell to the ground.

"Cough! I asked Commander Su to apply for scheduling. In the next ten days, you must master the driving skills of all vehicles and artillery fire, did you hear me!"


Time passed slowly, and half a month passed quickly.

In front of the helipad, Ye Jianting stood in front of Qin Yuan and others, and said solemnly: "Comrades, on this trip, you will represent the Dragon Kingdom and participate in the International Special Forces Competition."

"I hope you can exert your strongest strength and strive for honor for the Dragon Kingdom."

"In previous special forces competitions, our results were not outstanding, and the best was only a third place. I hope you can break this record and tell everyone that we soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom are the strongest. no confidence!"


Qin Yuan took the lead, Zang Chong, Zhang Shuai, Su Xiaoyu, Fang Tian, ​​Hao Lian Yaoyao roared in unison.

"Okay! Everyone, let's board the plane. We have to go to the nearest airport first, and then fly to Austria, which is thousands of miles away. You can take a good rest on the way.



Five hours later, when he was about to arrive at the competition site, Ye Jianting seemed to remember something, and said solemnly: "You should pay attention, some of the countries participating in the competition are full of hostility to our Dragon Kingdom, and they are likely to make provocative words. You must be calm, don't be provoked, and show the spirit of a great country, otherwise it is very likely that reporters with ulterior motives will capture it and use it to smear us."

"Don't worry, Chief, we are not children anymore, how can we be so impulsive!" Zang Chong grinned.

"Hehe, I'm most worried about you, Qin Yuan, remember to watch this guy and let him be used!" Ye Jianting seemed to know Zang Chong very well.

"Don't worry, chief." Qin Yuan glanced at Zang Chong, his tone was very indifferent, the latter silently lowered his head and said nothing.


Half an hour later, the plane landed at a special airport in Austria. When a few people got off the plane, they saw media reporters with long guns and short cannons all around. When they saw them, they immediately swarmed around them.

Gu Qinyuan and the others raised their chests subconsciously and stood in a straight line.

They are not in the country now, they represent the image of the Dragon Kingdom, and their every move may be broadcast live by dozens of countries, and they can't relax in the slightest.

At this moment, a soldier in the distance came over, with no expression on his face, and said indifferently: "You are the dragon country's team, I am your receptionist, and now I will take you to a place to rest."

After speaking, the man walked behind him without turning his head, as if he didn't want to stay any longer.

Zang Chong, who was beside Qin Yuan, raised his eyebrows, clenched his fists and was about to stride forward when he was immediately pulled by him and gave him a warning look in his eyes.

Zang Chong reacted immediately, and quickly suppressed the anger on his face, as if nothing had happened.

The head of Ye Jianting in front of him walked in the direction where the soldier left with a smile on his face, looking very calm.

Qin Yuan coughed lightly and followed Ye Jianting towards the front, followed by Zang Chong and a few people behind him.

Along the way, Qin Yuan saw many teams from other countries, and they followed their respective receptionists and walked towards the resting place prepared by Austria.

These Austrian receptionists are enthusiastic towards other countries, just like they are treating guests who come to their own homes.

Especially when facing the American team, I can't wait to get down and lick each other's shoes, how humble and humble.

And Qin Yuan and others' neat steps and sassy heroics quickly attracted the attention of the media and other countries.

The faces of the contestants of Fusang Kingdom were still full of humble smiles, with a very polite look, but their eyes were abnormally sinister. If Qin Yuan hadn't possessed peak-level eyesight, he might not have seen it.

The American players snorted coldly, with disdain on their faces:

"Hey, the Dragon Kingdom's team is here, they have always been the best at pretending!"

"That is, if it is on the battlefield, it will definitely be beaten!"

"You don't need to go to the battlefield. Remember to take care of the next special forces competition and let them know that this is not the place for the weak!"

"Hahaha, that's natural, looking forward to that day."


Although the voices of several people in the United States were very small, Qin Yuan could still hear them clearly with his peak-level hearing.

He turned his head and glanced at the few people, and instantly remembered their faces in his heart, then turned his head and continued to walk forward, but he had already sentenced them to death in his heart.

After arriving at the resting place, the Austrian receptionist told the precautions impatiently, and left immediately without even looking back.

"What does he mean? It's so unpleasant to see us?" Zang Chong said angrily, eager to catch up and give him a few punches.

"Okay, because of the relationship between the U.S. and the U.S., the Austrian country has always had a hard time dealing with our dragon country. Don't mind this. It's what you should do to defeat the opponent with your strength in the game." Ye Jianting said with a smile.

"Yeah, what's the point of competing with a little scoundrel, let's teach them a good lesson when the game starts!" Hao Lian agreed with Yaoyao's face.

"Not only Austria, but also the United States and Fusang. Let's greet each other one by one, making them regret coming to this special forces competition!" Su Xiaoyu replied.

"This is the warrior of my Dragon Kingdom. You guys have a good look at the process of the game. The game will only start tomorrow. Don't stay up all night tonight, you must rest well!"

"Don't worry, Chief!"

"Hahaha, okay, then I'll go!" After Ye Jianting finished speaking, he got up and walked towards his room.

"Company commander, what are we going to do tomorrow? Do you have any plans?" Zang Chong asked.

"Whatever plan you want, it's over when you see people do it. Just relying on the strength of our company commander, it's not God who can kill God and Buddha!" ​​Zang Chong said carelessly.

After he finished speaking, he felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and when he turned his head, he found that the company commander was looking straight at him, and his whole body was shaking with fright.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. There may be powerful people in other countries. We can't take it lightly, because we represent the Dragon and we can't be sloppy."


Zhang Shuai and the others said solemnly.

Qin Yuan nodded, grabbed the rules of the competition on the table, looked down, and quickly memorized all the rules in his heart.


Early the next morning, the International Special Forces Competition kicked off.

In a large square, the competition committee members stood on the platform and read the rules of the competition aloud. Qin Yuan and others stood in the crowd and listened quietly.

In this International Special Forces Competition, a total of 30 countries participated, and their strength should not be underestimated. Each participating team is composed of six people, which is the most standard special forces team size.

There are many cameras around, which are broadcasting this scene live, so that people who have not come to the scene can clearly see this scene through a dedicated channel.

In the various military regions of Longguo, today all the special forces did not continue the arduous training in the past, but were concentrated in the large conference room and watched the live broadcast on the screen.

"Hey, where is our Dragon Country team? There are too many people here, I couldn't find it!"

"Idiot, look at that team standing tallest and most imposing, that's our Dragon Country team!"

"I saw it, I saw it, it's so handsome, I really want to participate in the International Special Forces Competition!"

"Hehe, it's just you? Don't think about it, if you see the leader, he is Qin Yuan. In the military competition, he defeated the Heavenly Wolf Commando led by the first soldier Wang Ye Mo by himself, and won a big victory. Tournament champion!"

"Ah? He is Qin Yuan, he looks so young!"

At the scene of the International Special Forces Competition, the international committee members quickly announced all the rules.


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