Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 295: change the rules of the game

"'s impossible! You must be cheating, it's absolutely impossible!" Captain Brady of the United States pointed at Qin Yuan and others and shouted, looking very crazy, unable to accept the cruel reality.

Teams from other countries, who were watching this scene, looked at Brady with pity and contempt.

The International Special Forces Competition is jointly organized by dozens of countries, and there is no chance of cheating at all, otherwise the competition will not be able to occupy a sacred place in the hearts of all special forces.

The participating teams of these small countries had no expectations for the championship, so no matter how abnormal Qin Yuan and others behaved, they would not make them feel jealous or hostile.

And Brady's crazy performance in the United States made them feel contempt deep in their hearts, and even a trace of joy, but because of the savage power of the United States, they did not dare to express their emotions.

"In the second round, the Dragon Country team's total score... 600 rings!" the Austrian referee announced as if he had eaten raw flies, his face extremely ugly.

Qin Yuan glanced at the Austrian referee, but did not leave the shooting range, but looked at Brady and Kojiro with a playful expression.

"The time is almost over, and if you don't hit the target, you are going to announce your withdrawal from the competition?" Su Xiaoyu glanced at the time on the big screen and asked in confusion.

"Hahaha, Xiaoyu, you are too naive, why are you making things clear? Save some face!" Hao Lian Yaoyao said with a mean smile, not to mention how comfortable he was.

"You bastards, don't be complacent, this is only the second game, the next fighting match, you are all dead!" Brady took a deep breath, the veins on his face burst out, and his body trembled slightly. It seems to be accumulating boundless anger.

The team members around Brady looked at each other, gritted their teeth, picked up the sniper rifle, and tried their best to start shooting at targets thousands of meters away.

On the international committee stage, Ye Jianting's face was indifferent, as if he didn't care about these things at all, but his slightly clasped hands revealed his truest thoughts.

Ye Jianting turned his head subconsciously and glanced at the member of the United States not far away. The other party's face was a little gloomy, and he stared at Qin Yuan with a pair of eagle eyes, as if he was planning something.

After a long while, the U.S. commissioner stood up abruptly and winked at the other national commissioners sitting beside him.

In an instant, Austria, Fusang, Kimchi, and the rest of the members who had good relations with the United States got up one after another, came to the closed conference room together, and closed the door tightly.

Ye Jianting frowned deeply, and a bad premonition rose in his heart. He wanted to get up several times, but in the end he gave up. Looking at Qin Yuan's figure in the distance, his eyes were full of worry.

On the shooting range, all the contestants quickly completed the shooting competition.

Among them, the total score of the American team was 456 rings, followed by the Fusang team, which played 452 rings. Their results were excellent in previous competitions.

However, unfortunately, the Qin Yuan they met this time, compared to the terrifying results of the six hundred full rings, the two teams were simply not enough to watch, and it could be said that they were the difference between clouds and mud.

Brady glared at Qin Yuan fiercely, and then walked directly towards the rest area. It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and the third game was to be played tomorrow morning, so we could ensure that everyone was in the best condition. of.

"Company commander, what are we going to do next? Do you want to go around? It's my first time going abroad!" Su Xiaoyu stepped forward and said excitedly.

"What's so good about this broken place, it's similar to my small county town, let's take a rest, we can't lose the chain in tomorrow's fighting match!" Hao Lian Yaoyao objected.

"Just because of our strength, even if other teams play together, they can beat them to shit. If you want me to say, the first place in this international special forces competition is none other than us!"

Su Xiaoyu raised his head and said, his face full of confidence.

"Hehe, since Uncle Xiaoyu is so powerful, then tomorrow's game will be handed over to you alone, the company commander will be watching from the side, and we will never disturb you!" Zhang Shuai said with a smile.

"Don't, I'm talking about us, us!" Su Xiaoyu looked nervous, no longer complacent.

Qin Yuan didn't speak. He had already raised the fighting ability of the sharp sword recruits to the proficient level. With just his strength, it would be easy to defeat the United States and Fusang.

However, what worries him in his heart is that those people secretly used means, such as the previous shooting competition, when they were forcibly delayed for half an hour.

However, in the face of absolute strength, these small means are just side-steps, and they can't be on the table at all!

After returning to the rest room belonging to Longguo, Qin Yuan was about to take a hot bath when there was a knock on the door, and Su Xiaoyu, who was watching TV on the sofa, immediately got up and opened the door.

"S... Chief, why are you here!" Su Xiaoyu looked at Ye Jianting outside the door and asked in surprise.

"Why, I'm not welcome!" Ye Jianting pretended to be sullen.

"No... No, absolutely not, come in quickly, and I'll peel an apple for you."

"Xiaoyu, I want to eat apples too!" Zhang Shuai chuckled lightly.

"Yes, I'll eat it too, go and cut a pot over!" Fang Tian also joined in the fun.

"Fuck off, I want to eat and cut it myself, I'm here for the boss, how far you go!" Su Xiaoyu glared angrily.

"No need, you can do whatever you need to do. The honor of the Dragon Kingdom still needs you to fight for it. Qin Yuan, come out, I have something to tell you." Ye Jianting waved his hand and glanced at Qin Yuan, who directly turned towards him. Go outside the door.

After closing the door, Qin Yuan asked with some doubts: "Sir, what do you have to do with me?"

Ye Jianting was silent for a moment, then said solemnly: "In tomorrow's game, you must be careful. If there is no accident, the United States and the Austrian country at home will definitely make some adjustments for you."

"Because there are so many countries that support the United States, even if I oppose it, it is estimated that the effect will not be too great."

"If tomorrow's game is really too dangerous, you... just quit. After all, your safety is the most important thing. I believe the comrades watching the live broadcast in China think so too."

Ye Jianting's voice revealed deep helplessness. He longed for Qin Yuan to win the first place in the competition more than anyone else. However, in the previous competition, their performance was too dazzling, which would inevitably lead to hostility from the United States. deliberately targeted.

Qin Yuan pondered for a moment, but neither agreed nor objected, but said solemnly: "Don't worry, Chief, we will definitely be careful!"

"Well, go back to rest as soon as possible, I won't disturb you!" Ye Jianting turned and left after saying that, his back looking a little sad.

After Qin Yuan returned to the room, Su Xiaoyu asked curiously, "Company commander, what did he say to you, chief? It's so mysterious."

"What are you asking, since the chief doesn't want us to listen, it means that this is not what we should know." Zhang Shuai scolded lightly, but there was obvious curiosity in his eyes.

Without any hesitation, Qin Yuan said directly: "Tomorrow's fighting game, remember not to hold back and use all your strengths!"

"Of course, how could I keep my hands, my fists have been itchy for a long time, and the captain of the United States will keep it for me at that time. I can't take care of myself if I don't beat him up!" Zang Chong said with his chest out.

Qin Yuan didn't say anything more, grabbed clean clothes, and walked directly to the bathroom.


Early the next morning, when Qin Yuan and others came to the scene of the game, it was already quite lively. Several teams wanted to come forward to communicate with them, but after seeing the gloomy American team not far away, they couldn't help but stop.

"The wastes of the Dragon Country, you are sure to die. The first place is from the rice country. No one can take it away!" Brady stepped forward and said in a sinister voice, no longer the despair of yesterday.

"Company commander, did this guy kick the donkey out of his head yesterday? How dare he come to provoke him!" Hao Lian Yaoyao clenched his fist with a disdainful expression on his face.

"It's alright, let's keep him awake during the game so that he won't daydream all day!" Zang Chong grinned and looked at Brady with the eyes of a fool.

"Hmph, stupid Dragon Kingdom!" Brady seemed to be very confident, and walked directly towards his own competition area.

"Company commander, this is a bit wrong. The captain of the United States has changed too much. Is there any conspiracy?". Zhang Shuai frowned.

"No matter what his conspiracy and tricks, the last game is a fighting match, relying on real strength, are you afraid that they will not succeed!" Zang Chong looked disdainful.

"The savage is right, but you can't take it lightly. You must be careful when you compete for a while." Qin Yuan said solemnly.


After all the participating teams arrived one after another, the international committee began to announce the rules of the third round.

With the announcement of the rules of the competition, the faces of special forces from various countries suddenly became slightly puzzled, and they all looked at their companions, as if something went beyond their expectations.

"What's going on? Why did the rules suddenly change?" Su Xiaoyu's eyes widened, looking at the chattering international committee members above.

"Yeah, the rule for the third game in the past was not that each team would draw lots to decide their opponents. After winning, they would get points. The team with the most points at the end would get the first place, but why is it now a melee?" Zhang Shuai said deeply. He frowned, feeling a sense of crisis in his heart.

"According to the current competition rules, the participating teams are likely to join forces to control the ranking of the competition. This situation is very unfavorable for us." Hao Lian Yaoyao said solemnly.

"Is it something that the United States did? That Brady provoked us wantonly just now. Obviously, he knew in advance that the rules of the game have changed!" Zang Chong said angrily.

Qin Yuan raised his head and looked in the direction of the American team, and found that Brady was staring at them with a wicked smile on his face. When he saw his gaze, Brady raised his right hand and gestured to his own. neck, making a defiant gesture.

However, Qin Yuan didn't pay any attention to him at all, his eyes continued to move, and he saw Fusang, Kimchi, Curry and other national teams wearing a pair of pants with the United States. Their expressions also looked at them strangely, obviously they had conspired. .

In front of the live broadcast screen of Longguo, it belongs to the position of the Fire Phoenix Commando.

Tian Guo looked at the depressing atmosphere around her, and asked with some doubts, "Skylark, what's wrong with them, why did their faces become so ugly?"

Tan Xiaolin said helplessly: "The rule change in this third game is obviously aimed at the instructors. If you guessed correctly, the United States has secretly united many teams and is waiting to besiege the instructors together."

"They are for the instructors, and they are angry for Long Guo, but they are helpless, so the atmosphere is a little depressed."

"Oh, so that's how it is..." Tian Guo murmured, "Mi Guo is indeed too hateful, but... don't they know that the instructors and their fighting skills are outstanding? Back then, he beat us all with one hand. , and now there are Zang Chong to help them, it is still very simple to deal with this situation."

"We all know the strength of the instructors, but others have not seen it before, so naturally they will be a little worried." Shen Lanni's tone was very calm.

"Is that so..." Tian Guo nodded, suddenly very fortunate in her heart.

At the competition site, after the international committee announced the competition rules, some people with agile thinking had already turned their attention to Qin Yuan and the others with very strange expressions on their faces.

"Captain, has the Dragon Country team been deliberately targeted? Otherwise, the rules may suddenly be changed, which has never happened in previous competitions."

"Doesn't it need to be said, it must be, Long Guo's performance this time is too dazzling, if they continue to develop, they will definitely be No. 1, and the United States will definitely not be able to sit still!"

"Shh, be quiet, we are just a small country, we can't get involved here, lest we die without knowing how to die!"

"Hey, what's the matter, anyway, our strength can't compete with them at all, and those big countries don't bother to put their eyes on us."

"No no, you still have to be careful and listen to me. After entering the arena for a while, come to the corner immediately, so as not to be accidentally injured by them, did you hear me?"

"Hey, anyway, we are just here to join in the fun. They beat to death, it has nothing to do with us, just hide and watch the fun."


After all the participating teams entered the competition area one after another, many teams from small countries shrunk in the corner spontaneously, and all their eyes fell on Qin Yuan and the others who were surrounded.

Apart from the U.S. and Fusang teams, the other dozen or so bribed teams had already surrounded Qin Yuan and the others, staring at them, and there were more than a hundred special forces experienced in battles.

"Hahaha, the wastes of the Dragon Country, I said, you will die without a doubt, and seeing you jumping around like this this time, the victory will always belong to my rice country!"

Brady stared at Qin Yuan furiously, his eyes full of viciousness and resentment.

"Don't keep your hands, fight me to the death, the special forces competition can miss and kill people, even if the senior officials of Longguo pursue it, I will carry it for you!"


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