Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 303: high-altitude shooting training

After Yan Wang finished speaking, he directly bowed and grabbed towards the ground at a speed like lightning.

As a veteran special forces soldier, his skills have been polished extremely quickly. If it is a normal snake, naturally he cannot get close to him.

But obviously, Qin Yuan would not let them complete the task so easily.


Just as Hades stretched out his hand, there was an exclamation in his mouth, and his right hand was retracted like an electric shock. A python the size of a baby's arm was wrapped around it, and his sharp teeth almost pierced the leather gloves.

"Why are these things so fast!" Yan Wang grabbed the snake in his right hand and threw it on the ground.

The faces of everyone also showed a surprised look, and they all looked up at Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan showed a playful look on his face, turned around and walked towards the door, and said indifferently: "You have an hour, as long as one person fails to complete the task, everyone will be punished."

With a bang, the door of the room was closed, and Lei Zhan and the others looked at each other in dismay. For a while, no one dared to make any extra moves.

"Haha, Instructor, the herbs you have brought are really powerful. They can greatly stimulate the speed and strength of snakes. If you bite them, they won't be poisoned, but the pain will definitely be unpleasant!" , Su Xiaoyu teased.

"I guess they don't know yet. The leather gloves on their hands can only last for a while, and then they will be able to give it a good taste!"

In the room, Lei Zhan asked, "Ye Wang, are your hands alright?"

Hades smiled bitterly and stretched out his right hand: "Captain, our leather gloves shouldn't last long, look!" After speaking, he revealed two tiny teeth.

Everyone looked at them intently, with a dignified look on their faces.

"Our instructors are not only powerful, but also the snakes we found are so different. How can the speed of ordinary snakes be so fast!"

"Hey, I feel that I can't keep my hands anymore, and this training is too cruel!"

"Hehe, if you are afraid of death, leave the special team, no one is forcing you to come!"

"No, I'm just complaining. There are just a few little snakes, but I still don't pay attention."

"Don't talk nonsense, the instructor only gives us one hour, if we don't finish we will be punished, let's start!"

Not long after, there were bursts of miserable howls from the room, Su Xiaoyu shivered silently, and was filled with joy, "Fortunately, the instructor didn't train us like this..."

An hour later, Qin Yuan slowly opened the door.

At this time, the room was in a mess, and everyone had painful expressions on their faces. Obviously, they suffered a lot, but they all completed the tasks assigned by Qin Yuan.

"Yes, now put these snakes in iron cages, and every day in the future, you will have to train for an hour until your reaction speed is faster than theirs!"

"Ah? No, I feel now that my hands are not my own!" Ostrich said with a wry smile.

"Haha, shouldn't ostriches not be afraid of this thing? Are you a fake ostrich?" The hygienist mocked with his own smiling face.

"Fuck you, my name is Deng Zhenhua, you are an ostrich, and your whole family is an ostrich!"

Five minutes later, all the snakes were placed in iron cages, and Lei Zhan and others stood on the shooting range, their hands still shaking.

"Today, your training subject is marksmanship. As a special forces soldier, accurate marksmanship is an essential skill. As for now, your marksmanship is simply indescribable." Qin Yuan stood in front of the crowd and said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, Ostrich, He Chenguang and others showed dissatisfied expressions on their faces. As the first sniper of the commando, they dared not say anything else, they were full of confidence in their marksmanship.

However, now Qin Yuan said that their marksmanship was poor, and even if they believed the instructor, they couldn't help but protest.

"Report to the instructor, I can accurately hit a target less than the size of a matchbox from two kilometers away. This kind of achievement, even in the entire military region, is extremely good. I don't agree with what you just said."

Qin Yuan glanced at He Chenguang with a smile, pointed to the shooting range and said slowly, "Really, then prove it to me with actions, the sniper rifle is there!"

He Chenguang's face froze, and he spread out his trembling hands with a smirk and said, "Instructor, aren't you embarrassing others, our hand was just bitten by a group of pythons, and now we can't even hold the gun steady, how can we shoot? "

"Hehe, if you are on the battlefield now, and the enemy is right in front of you, do you have to give up the best shooting opportunity because of your hand injury?"

"As a special forces soldier, you have to overcome all difficulties, make the impossible possible, and accomplish what others can't do, otherwise you have to do something!"

Qin Yuan said loudly, his eyes swept over everyone one by one.

"Report the instructor, we were wrong." Ostrich lowered his head and said.

"Very well, now everyone, run forward, target the helipad!" Qin Yuan said loudly.


Without any hesitation, Lei Zhan and the others turned around and strode forward.

On the way, Li Erniu couldn't help but asked: "Hey, Chenguang, didn't the instructor say that he wants to train marksmanship, so why did he let us go to the apron?"

"How do I know." He Chenguang shrugged, "I've never heard of the training methods used by the instructors, not to mention I've seen them!"

"Think about it so much. Anyway, the instructor won't hurt us. Besides, as long as I can improve my strength and let me do anything, I won't blink an eye."

Gong Jian in front of him thought for a while, and couldn't help but say: "Yanbing, you don't have to force yourself like this, you are not the only one who lost to the soldier king, Ye Mo, don't take it to heart."

Hearing the instructor's words, He Chenguang, Li Erniu and other members of the Red Blood Cell Special Forces cast their gazes over one after another, with worry in their eyes.

"Yeah, Ye Mo is the number one soldier in our Longguo Military Region. There are countless people who lost to him, but he only used one punch to knock me out. !"

Wang Yanbing clenched his fists.

Chen Shanming sighed secretly in his heart, and stopped talking. He was surrounded by the crowd, and strode towards the apron.

Ten minutes later, everyone stopped in front of several transport helicopters. At this time, there were already several drivers inside, as if they had been waiting here for a long time.

Qin Yuan turned his head and glanced at Zhang Shuai, who nodded, ran towards the drivers, and began to tell in detail what they needed to do.

"I said that your training course today is marksmanship, but as special forces, training on the shooting range is too low, so I thought of a special way for you..."

Qin Yuan said, glanced at several helicopters not far away, the meaning contained in them is self-evident.

"I'm sorry, the instructor didn't want us to train marksmanship on the helicopter, right?" Ostrich said with wide-eyed eyes.

"What kind of immortal training method is this, the instructor really can't use common sense to measure it!"

"No, how do you train on a helicopter? Do you shoot targets on the ground at high altitudes? Will there be any accidents?"

"How do I feel that the instructor will not let us so easily..."

At this moment, Zhang Shuai walked over and nodded to Qin Yuan.

"Okay, everyone, get on the helicopter, hurry up!"


Although there were some doubts in their hearts, everyone still meticulously carried out Qin Yuan's orders.

This kind of transport helicopter can carry more than 20 people, and all the special forces quickly boarded the plane, and the propellers of several helicopters started one after another, stirring the air to fly high into the sky.

"Hey? Brothers, why are there umbrella bags here? Could it be that the instructor wants us to skydive? Isn't it shooting training now?" Little Bee asked with a puzzled face.

"I suddenly have a bad feeling..." Harley smiled wryly.

"Haha, this is exciting, otherwise it would be too boring to shoot targets all day!" Hades said excitedly.

At this moment, Qin Yuan's voice came from the cabin loudspeaker: "Everyone, put on your umbrella, when the helicopter flies to an altitude of 1,000 meters, you need to jump off, and then finish two bombs. The bullets are clipped, and the target is the target on the shooting range!"

"What? This... how is this possible? The airflow in the high air is already huge, and it is difficult to stabilize the body. How can there be enough energy to shoot?"

"That's right, what's more, the minimum opening height of the umbrella bag is 300 meters. We jumped from a height of 1,000 meters, and there is no time to shoot at this distance!"

"I can barely shoot, but I definitely can't grasp the accuracy, let alone such a small target, even if I throw a large sheet on it, it looks like the tip of a needle, how can I hit it accurately? ?"

Listening to the discussion in the headset, Qin Yuan coughed lightly, and everyone immediately closed their mouths, daring not to make any sound.

"Now that the altitude of the helicopter has reached one thousand meters, I will give you a demonstration first, so you can see clearly with your eyes wide open!"

When the special forces heard the words, they immediately showed a touch of expectation, and they stuck their heads out and looked at the helicopter where Qin Yuan was.

Qin Yuan didn't say much. He brought a sniper rifle and a magazine, and jumped down sharply. Everyone watched this scene, and their breathing became more careful.

The gust of wind kept blowing in his ears, Qin Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, if not for the presence of goggles, he could hardly open his eyes.

After adjusting his state, Qin Yuan controlled his body and flew in a head-down posture, then looked at the training base below, and soon saw the blurred outline of the shooting range.

After taking a deep breath, Qin Yuan did not hesitate, raised the sniper rifle in his hand, quickly found a target the size of a sesame through the sniper scope, and then pulled the trigger one after another.

After a few gunshots, all the bullets in a magazine were emptied. Qin Yuan quickly removed the empty magazine, replaced it with a new magazine, and continued to shoot downwards.

On the helicopter, everyone looked at this scene, the boss with his mouth open, his eyes filled with unbelievable light.

Relying on the screen that was already arranged in the cabin and connected to the shooting range camera, they could clearly see that the bullets hit the target with incomparable precision, and all of them were ten rings, and none of them missed the target.

"Instructor, is he really human?" Ostrich murmured dully. As a paratrooper and first sniper, he admitted that he was absolutely unable to do this.

And before, he had never seen such a scene that only appeared in movies.

"All the ten rings, the forehead is a god, the instructor is so perverted, does he know it himself!" Wang Yanbing's face was full of shock, as if he had re-acquainted with Qin Yuan.

"I said everyone, let's think about ourselves first, and it will be our turn in a while. If the results are not qualified, we will definitely be trained!"

As soon as these words came out, there were wry smiles on everyone's faces, and for the first time in their hearts, they questioned their marksmanship. Maybe the instructor was right, their marksmanship was really rotten.

Qin Yuan in mid-air finished shooting two clips, and the height had reached 400 meters. He directly opened the umbrella bag and slowly fell to the ground.

"This is your training mission this morning. Before lunch, I don't care whether you use a mask or a blind cat hits a dead mouse, everyone must hit a ten ring, otherwise everyone will not be able to eat!" Qin Yuan pressed the headset Loudly.


Although they thought it was very difficult, the special forces did not flinch, their eyes were full of burning fire, and then, under the leadership of their respective captains, jumped out of the helicopter and started training.

After Qin Yuan landed, he sat comfortably on a chair and drank beer. These people were veteran special forces soldiers, and their skydiving training had already been completed. It was almost impossible for an accident to happen, so he didn't need to worry too much.

During the first round of skydiving, due to the first high-altitude shooting, they did not adapt to the violent airflow, and almost everyone missed the target, which was also expected by Qin Yuan.

After everyone fell back to the ground, they boarded several other helicopters that had already been prepared, and flew to an altitude of 1,000 meters for training again.

Time passed slowly, Qin Yuan glanced at his watch, then turned to Fang Tian who was holding the telescope and asked, "How are their grades?"

"It's okay. After two hours of adaptation, almost everyone achieved the tenth Although it is not stable, after a few more trainings, it should be almost the same. After all, their foundation is really good. very good."

"Well, it's okay." Qin Yuan nodded and continued: "Notify them that they can stop training and go to eat!"


Hearing the order to stop training, all the special forces were moved to tears. For two hours, they were almost all flying around in the air, and their bodies had long been overwhelmed.

When they returned to the ground, they all seemed to be drunk, swaying when they walked, and almost fell into the flower bed next to them.

After eating, everyone got the Chinese medicine prepared by Qin Yuan and rested in the dormitory for an hour after applying it.

They have already experienced the devastation of Devil Week, and they no longer need to carry out extreme challenges, and they can improve their strength as soon as possible by taking adequate and reasonable rest.

On the silent training ground, the piercing and urgent muster whistle sounded, all the special forces got up in a conditioned reflex, quickly sorted out the internal affairs, and ran downstairs in a hurry.

Qin Yuan looked at the refreshed people with a satisfied smile on his face: "All of them, with a load of 30 kilograms, keep up with the military vehicle in front!"

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