Chapter 311 The last stop

"Chief, you?" Qin Yuan looked at the middle-aged man with two gold stars with some doubts.

"Haha, it's like this. In the early years, I was also born in the Southeast Military Region, and I was a soldier under the old squad leader Su. However, there were some changes in the military region later, so I came here and stayed until now."

"So, Xiao Qin, don't be polite to me. If you have any requirements, feel free to ask. As long as I can do it, I will definitely not shirk."

Qin Yuan showed a hint of intimacy on his face, and said directly: "Chief, the main purpose of our coming here is to communicate with the brothers. We have selected the Falcon Commando and the Eagle Commando for the time being. Please approve."

"You guy, your eyes are really poisonous. Among all the special forces in the Southwest Military Region, they are the most powerful!"

"Li Ke, Zhang Hua, you two come here!" the middle-aged man shouted to the team behind him.

Deng Deng stared, two figures left the team, striding towards this side.

"Come on, let me introduce you, this is Qin Yuan. Compared with you already know his name, the purpose of his coming here today is to have a match against you. Do you two have any opinions?"

Li Ke and Zhang Hua looked at each other and said without flinching, "No problem!"

"Okay, since that's the case, Xiao Qin, why don't you just go to the cafeteria to have a meal? The competition is not in a hurry. Anyway, they don't have any tasks in the near future."

"Chief, don't bother you anymore, we all carry dry food with us, and we can eat for three days. If the two captains are convenient, we can do it now..." Qin Yuan said a little embarrassedly, there was no way, he was in a hurry.

"Well, okay then, Li Ke, Zhang Hua, bring your team and go to the nearby training ground!"


After the two finished speaking, they turned around and brought their own team and quickly ran into the distance. The rest of the surrounding teams also followed. They were also very curious about how strong the team led by the famous Qin Yuan was.

"Xiao Qin, let's go, I'll take you there." The middle-aged chief said with a smile.

"it is good!"


A few minutes later, hundreds of people filled the training ground. They were from the Southwest Military Region who heard the news. Some were special forces members, and some were just ordinary soldiers.

The middle-aged leader did not stop him, but watched this scene with a smile.

"Xiao Qin, are you going to let that team go first?"

Qin Yuan turned his head and glanced at Lei Zhan. The latter raised his chest and took the people of the Thunder Commando and strode to the center of the training ground.

"Li Ke, bring your Falcon Commando, remember to give full play to your strength, if you fail, see how I will deal with you!" The middle-aged chief said with a smile.

"Don't worry, chief, make sure to complete the task!"

The surrounding soldiers watched this scene with some curiosity.

"Hey, who knows, which team is going to fight the Falcons? Why do I never seem to have seen them?"

"Isn't this nonsense? They are the lightning commandos of the Southeast Military Region. I heard that they are very strong, but they have not performed particularly well in military exercises in recent years."

"From the Southeast Military Region? Then why did they come to us?"

"I guess it's for communication, right? Why bother with so much, just watch it carefully. They are all special forces. They didn't almost see them before, but now they can actually watch them fight with their own eyes."

"What I'm most curious about is who is that young man standing beside the chief. The chief seems to be very polite to him, but his rank doesn't seem to be high?"

"I don't know, it should be a big man. I heard that there are many capable people in the special operations force. The rank is not high, but the strength is very strong!"


Amidst the discussion, the Falcon Commandos came to the center of the training ground and looked at the Thunder Commandos with contempt.

As the leading special forces unit in the Southwest Military Region, the Falcon Commando is obviously very strong. They have all heard of the Thunder Commando. Although they are also very strong, there is still some gap compared to them.

Li Ke coughed lightly, and said with a smile on his face: "Thor, I have long admired your name, you must be merciful later, we people can't help it!"

As soon as these words came out, the members of the Falcon Commando laughed lightly, and the contempt in their eyes almost overflowed their faces.

Lei Zhan snorted lightly, turned his head and said to Qin Yuan: "Instructor, don't waste your time, please let the Eagle Commando join us!"

"You! Arrogant!" The smile on Li Ke's face disappeared, and he snorted coldly in his heart. He looked down on Lei Zhan and others more and more, thinking that he would teach them a lesson for a while, so that these people would know what a real strong man is.

Qin Yuan looked at the middle-aged chief and said embarrassedly: "Chief, please let the Falcon Commando and the Eagle Commando join together. These guys don't know the sky and the earth, just to give them a long experience."

The middle-aged chief seemed to have thought of something, took a deep look at Qin Yuan, turned his head to Zhang Hua and said, "Go, remember not to underestimate your opponent, and show all your strengths!"


Zhang Hua didn't have any expression on his face, and with the Eagle Commando, he strode towards the center of the training ground.

"Xiao Qin, tell me, what chance do we have?"

"The chief is joking. It's just a lightning strike team. It can end the battle in two minutes at most!"

The middle-aged man's pupils shrank, his face full of incredulity, he stretched out his hand and patted Qin Yuan's shoulder heavily, and sighed: "The Southeast Military Region can send you Qin Yuan, and the future is almost limitless!"

Qin Yuan smiled and didn't say much.

Around the training ground, the ordinary soldiers looked at the Eagle Commando who came up with a puzzled look.

"No, the chief actually agreed? Isn't this a joke? A lightning commando in the area wants our Falcon Commando and Eagle Commando to join together?"

"Hmph, I'll bet that this Thunder Commando can't last for half a minute!"

"It's so arrogant. I heard that the special forces of the Southeast Military Region have been in decline for many years, but I didn't expect it to be so arrogant!"

"Hey, no matter what, the chief has agreed anyway, and he must have his own ideas, so let's not worry about it, just visit honestly."

"Yes, these are all competitions between special forces. You have to look at them carefully for a while. You can learn as much as you can."

On the training ground, Li Ke and Zhang Hua looked at Lei Zhan with strange eyes, "You really want to challenge our two teams. If you fail miserably later, it won't look good!"

Lei Zhan chuckled: "Are you afraid?"

"Hehe, then there's nothing to say, come on!"

After Li Ke finished speaking, he directly smashed his fist at Lei Zhan's face, and Zhang Hua, who was beside him, followed closely behind, rushing to the left and right.

The Falcon Commandos and Eagle Commandos behind them looked at each other and ran towards the Thunder Commandos, launching an offensive in pairs.

"Hygienist, how long do you think Lei Zhan and the others will be able to end the fight?" Ostrich patted the hygienist beside him.

"It is estimated that it will take two minutes. After all, there are so many of them, it is not so easy to turn them all over."

"Brother, your tone is too big? They are the Falcon Commando and the Eagle Commando. They have both achieved first-class collective merit. In that military region, aren't they all second to none?"

A person next to him heard the conversation between the ostrich and the hygienist and couldn't help but speak.

"Hey, which team is your brother from?" The ostrich smiled and approached.

"I'm from the Thunderbolt Commando, codenamed Mountain Leopard." The man answered honestly.

"It turned out to be the Thunderbolt Commando. I have long admired the name. I finally saw it today, and it really lives up to its reputation!" Ostrich extended his thumb.

"Come on, our Lightning Strike Team is second-rate in the Southwest Military Region, and it can't make a splash in the entire Dragon Country. If you can hear it, you're in hell!" Shan Leopard pouted.

"Hey, we're from the Lone Wolf Commando, but I'm not telling you that the Eagle Commando, and the Falcon Commando, are not the opponents of Lei Zhan at all. Saying that they can hold on for two minutes is just flattering. They are!"

"Really? I've heard of the Thunder Commandos, but their overall strength is comparable to that of the Falcon Commandos. How could they be like what you said?"

Shan Leopard looked unbelievable, and then he suddenly thought of something, his eyes fell on Qin Yuan, and he lowered his voice: "Could it be because of that great god? I heard that the commander of your military region asked him to train all the special forces, it seems that Is it true?"

"Of course it's true. Could it be fake? We're all under Instructor Qin now!" Ostrich laughed.

"Dude, to be honest, I really envy you. That's Qin Yuan. He is like a **** in the hearts of our special forces team. We have watched the live replay of the International Special Forces Competition several times!"

"What's the matter? After the confrontation is over, you can go up and talk to Instructor Qin. As long as you are attracted to it, you can take it directly back to the Southeast Military Region, compared to what your chief will agree with!" the health guard urged.

Shan Leopard was about to speak when there were bursts of exclamations all around him. He quickly turned his head and looked towards the center of the training ground. His eyes were instantly rounded, as if he had seen a ghost.

On the field, Li Ke, who was besieging Lei Zhan, was already lying on the ground, his face was extremely pale, his teeth were clenched, as if he was suffering from intense pain, trying to stand up, but in vain every time.

In other places, the members of the Falcon Commando and the Eagle Commando were already lying on the ground, and the rest obviously couldn't last long. On the other hand, in the Thunder Commando, no one fell, and the judgment was almost determined.

"It's incredible, Xiao Qin, I didn't expect the Thunder Commando to change so much after just a few days in your hands. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it!"

"These are the results of their own efforts, I'm just a little guidance!" Qin Yuan said very modestly.

A minute later, the only people who could still stand on the field were the Thunder Commandos. Although they also received a few punches and kicks, and their bodies were throbbing, they still stood with their heads held high and accepted. Surprised eyes all around.

"Okay, you showed me an exceptionally exciting match. You deserve to be the Raiden Commando. You are very strong!" The middle-aged chief stepped forward without any embarrassment on his face, as if the people lying on the ground were not his subordinates. .

"The boss is good, it's just a fluke, if there is another game, we may lose!" Lei Zhan gasped.

"Hahaha, don't be humble. No matter how modest you are, you will be proud. Xiao Qin, why don't you go to the restaurant together, let the team members have a good meal and replenish their strength."

"Chief, I'm really sorry, they are still in the training stage, they can't relax too much." Qin Yuan was a little confused.

"Alright then, I won't leave you guys. When I go back, I must say hello to the old chief on my behalf!"


After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he saluted the middle-aged chief, and then led everyone towards the apron.

On the training ground, after everyone left, the middle-aged chief looked at Li Ke and Zhang Hua with an ugly expression: "Tangtang Southwest Military Region's two ace special forces teams have been defeated so thoroughly together. Where do you usually train? went!"

"Chief, we are not strong enough, please punish us!" Li Ke whispered.

"Hmph, there's no need for punishment. In the next month, you don't have any tasks. I don't need to say more about what to do."

"Understood, please rest assured, Chief!" Li Ke and Zhang Hua said solemnly.

The Falcon Commando and Eagle Commando members behind him shivered involuntarily.


In the next two days, Qin Yuan brought five special forces to challenge those well-known special forces one after another. Because of Su Guoqiang's previous dredging, they did not encounter any obstacles.

On the third day, several helicopters landed on the apron of the Tianfu Military Region. Qin Yuan jumped off the helicopter first, glanced around, and immediately found the two teams waiting here, it was the Heavenly Wolf Commando and the Earth Dragon Commando.

"Qin Yuan, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Ye Mo, the captain of the Sirius Commando, the first soldier of the military region, stepped forward with eagerness on his face.

"Captain Ye, we took the liberty to come and didn't disturb you, right?" Qin Yuan smiled and shook hands with Ye Mo.

"Haha, what's the matter? Anyway, we don't have any tasks in the near future. I have heard that you are taking your team to challenge everywhere. I heard that you will definitely come here. Following your news, I will be waiting here early."

"Let's talk about it now, it's already noon, let me go to the restaurant for dinner first, otherwise we won't talk about the competition!" Ye Mo said bluntly.

"Then... Okay!" Qin Yuan shook his head helplessly, with a smile on his face, was embraced by Ye Mo's shoulders, and strode towards the restaurant.

At this time, Qin Yuan was not in a hurry. Anyway, the Tianfu Military Region was the last destination of the trip, and it was also the most powerful one.

The five special teams have already played several rounds of confrontation at this time, and they are not in a hurry.

After lunch, Ye Mo took Qin Yuan and others to their training base. There are not many people here, so there is no need to worry about being disturbed.

"Qin Yuan, I won't participate in the competition later, how about we two?" Ye Mo stared at Qin Yuan with fiery eyes.

Ever since he lost to Qin Yuan in the last military competition, he has been wanting to do it again, which has almost become his obsession.

(End of this chapter)

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