Chapter 313

Leng Feng's right whip leg struck Zhang Hai's head like lightning at a tricky angle. If he was hit from the front, the latter would definitely fall to the ground unconscious.

It was too late for Zhang Hai to dodge at this time, so he could only raise his arms and stand in front of him, ready to take the blow.

The next moment, an unimaginable force swept out, Zhang Hai's face changed greatly, his entire body flew out uncontrollably, and the pain from his arms and chest made him faint.

Ye Mo outside the field was surprised: "Leng Feng has been hiding his strength before?"

Qin Yuan chuckled lightly and did not speak.

As if it was a signal, Long Xiaoyun, Shao Dui and others seized the moment when everyone in the Sirius Commando team was absent-minded, and they burst into full force, seized the fleeting opportunity, and launched a storm-like offensive.

The form on the field changed in an instant, and everyone in the Sirius Commando obviously did not expect that Long Xiaoyun and the others had hidden their strength, and they were all caught off guard, and they were quickly defeated.

"Hey, I didn't expect that the Wolf Warrior Squadron would have undergone such an earth-shaking change in such a short period of time. If it wasn't for the boss's disagreement, I really wanted to be trained by you for a while!" Ye Mo couldn't help but said, Eyes full of amazement.

"Hahaha, you look down on yourself too much, no one in the major military regions of the Dragon Country does not know the name of your first soldier, Ye Mo!" Qin Yuan said with a smile.

"Come on, what is the first soldier king, someone else imposed it on me, and now it's just a joke. With you, Qin Yuan, who would dare to be called the soldier king?"

Qin Yuan didn't answer and said with a smile: "It's not too early, we have to go back quickly, so we won't disturb you!"

"Well, I have to come again when I have time. I will train these guys well, and then there will be another confrontation. It will definitely not be as embarrassing as today."

Qin Yuan nodded with a smile, then led Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and others to the apron.

In the past two days, they have been running around in various military regions. They are a little tired physically and mentally and need a good rest.

"Instructor, is this the end of the competition, and there are still many well-known special teams that have not challenged?" Ostrich couldn't help but said.

"Not enough yet?" Qin Yuan said with the corners of his mouth twitching.

"Of course, it's been a great two days. We met gods, killed gods, met ghosts and eliminated ghosts. We killed more than a dozen special teams and lost their helmets and armors. We didn't have a single defeat. Just thinking about it makes our blood rush!"

"Okay, I'll arrange a helicopter for you later, and you can continue to challenge the rest of the special forces." Qin Yuan sarcastically said.

"Don't, instructor, I just said casually, don't take it to heart, just be a fart!" The ostrich shrank his head and hung at the back of the team, hiding his figure.

"We have even defeated the most powerful Sirius Commando in the military region, and it is meaningless to challenge other teams. I believe that in future exercises and missions, our Southeast Military Region will never be at a disadvantage like before!" Geng Jihui said excitedly.

"I think it's better to be cautious. You can't take it lightly when you meet any opponent. Only in this way can you continue to improve."

"That's natural. Although our strength in the Dragon Country Special Forces is already at the top level, on the international stage, if we want to emerge, we must be cautious and cautious. After all, the equipment and tactics of foreign troops are at the leading level. ."

"Hey, anyway, in the next International Special Forces Competition, even if the instructors don't take action, we will definitely have enough strength to win the first place!"

Qin Yuan listened to the discussion of the special forces, his face did not show any expression, but he snorted coldly in his heart. This strength is so impetuous, it seems that they need a cordial greeting.

After more than five hours, everyone returned to the training base of the Southeast Military Region. Looking at the neatly arranged five special teams, Qin Yuan said with a smile: "You must be very tired after two days of running around. Take a good rest today, and tomorrow In the morning, all gather here!"


All the special forces shouted angrily, their faces full of excitement.

After everyone disbanded, Qin Yuan also temporarily put down all the burdens, took a shower, and ran directly to a certain military doctor's room.


In the early morning of the next day, Qin Yuan stood on the training ground refreshed, with a refreshing fragrance faintly exuding from his body.

Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and other five special teams waited here early. After seeing Qin Yuan, they said hello in unison, but the excitement in their eyes still did not completely fade away.

Qin Yuan coughed lightly, looked at the crowd and said, "All of them, with a load of 30 kilograms, and armed cross-country for 40 kilometers!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone's faces were full of confusion, and Lei Zhan couldn't help but ask: "Instructor, do we still need training, even the Sirius Commando is no longer our opponent, is it meaningless to train again? ?"

Qin Yuan glanced at him, then turned his gaze to Geng Jihui, Chen Shanming and others, and saw doubts in their eyes, obviously they were thinking the same way.

"Do you think that you are invincible in the military region?"

"Of course not. Instructor, you can bring down all of us with one hand, but now the entire Longguo Military Region has indeed no opponents. Isn't the previous two days of competition enough to explain this, no team is Our opponent!" The ostrich said naturally.

The hygienist who had been silent all the time couldn't help but stroked his forehead, "What is this guy called an ostrich, let's just call him a bird!"

"Hehe, apart from me, no one is your opponent?" Qin Yuan's tone was full of ridicule.

Although Lei Zhan and others did not dare to refute, their eyes were still full of puzzlement, thinking that there was nothing wrong with their words.

"Zhang Shuai, Zang Chong, Su Xiaoyu, Fang Tian!" Qin Yuan said loudly.


The four Zhang Shuai stepped forward and said loudly.

"Lei Zhan, bring all your team members and play against them. As long as you can win, you don't need to train any more. You can leave at any time!"

"This..." Lei Zhan glanced at Zang Chong and the others, then turned to look at the team members behind him, gritted his teeth and said, "Are you confident?"

"Yes!" Yan Wang and the others shouted loudly, their eyes were full of flaming flames of war. They were all very aware of the power of the Sharp Sword Recruit Company. Among them, Zang Chong and others were the best among them. It would be extremely difficult to beat them.

However, as the veteran special forces of the Southeast Military Region, they have some self-confidence in their hearts. Because of Qin Yuan's existence, the Sharp Sword Recruit Company has become very popular, and its strength is even more powerful, but they still have enough confidence to defeat each other.

"Okay!" Lei Zhan said loudly, and took a step to the opposite side of Zang Chong. The surrounding Long Xiaoyun and others retreated one after another, leaving enough space for them to fight.

"Zhang Shuai, I'll give you half a minute to get them done. If you can't finish them... Haha." Qin Yuan said indifferently.


The four Zhang Shuai said loudly, their faces full of confidence, as if they didn't take Lei Zhan and the others to heart at all.

"Okay, let's start!"

As soon as Qin Yuan finished speaking, Zhang Shuai's figure was like a bolt of lightning, swiftly attacking Lei Zhan's body, his right fist swept the ear-piercing sound of breaking the air, and slammed into his head fiercely.

Lei Zhan's face changed drastically in an instant, and he almost didn't react. A shadow had already come to him, giving him almost no time to react.

" this the strength of the Sharp Knife Recruit Company? It's ridiculous. I originally thought that the strength of the Raiden Commando had reached the top, but now I know how ignorant this idea is."

Between the lightning and flint, Lei Zhankan raised his arms to block his head, but the next moment, a piercing pain suddenly came from his abdomen, as if he was hit by a cannonball in the front, and his body fell out of control. It flew out and hit the ground heavily.

After a long while, Lei Zhan regained his strength. He stooped and stood up from the ground with difficulty, his eyes full of bitterness.

Looking up and looking forward, the bitterness on Lei Zhan's face became more intense. In such a short time, the old fox and the seven people from the King of Hell all fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

The three of Zang Chong looked at them as if they were nothing, talking and laughing, as if they didn't care about them at all.

"Chen Shanming!" Qin Yuan said solemnly.

"Here!" Chen Shanming took a step forward like a conditioned reflex.

"Bring all your team members and have a fight with Zhang Shuai and the others!"

"This..." Chen Shanming said with a wry smile on his face and lowered his head: "Instructor, we are not..."

"Hmph, I don't even dare to take action. What kind of special forces are you? Let's just cancel the Red Blood Cell Special Forces!" Qin Yuan said angrily.

Chen Shanming gritted his teeth and shouted loudly, "Red blood cell special forces, gather!"

"Yes!" He Chenguang took a step forward with tragic expressions on their faces, standing opposite Zhang Shuai and the others.

After more than ten seconds, several more figures fell to the ground.


"Long Xiaoyun!"


Long Xiaoyun looked at Qin Yuan with some grievance and said, "Instructor, I haven't returned to continue training, you can't..."

"Hehe, if one person makes a mistake, all of them will be punished. Since you fall into my hands, you are a whole. Don't grind it, hurry up!"

"Yes!" Long Xiaoyun glanced at the Warrior Wolf Squadron and the others who could stand behind him, his face was extremely aggrieved.

It didn't take long for everyone in the Wolf Warrior Squadron to fall to the ground. Zang Chong's four people's faces were full of joy. Since the International Special Forces Competition, they haven't shot for a long time, and they are about to fall ill.

Five minutes later, Lei Zhan and the others stood up with grinning teeth, and the arrogance in their hearts completely dissipated. It turned out that in front of the Sharp Sword Recruit Company, they hardly had the strength to fight back.

Qin Yuan looked at them and was about to order to continue training when he suddenly seemed to sense something, and a knowing smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Long Xiaoyun, who had been looking at Qin Yuan for some reason, suddenly felt a little lost in his heart, as if he had completely lost any hope.

Qin Yuan turned around and walked towards the gate of the base. After walking a few steps, he saw a figure with a dog on a leash.

"Zi Yu, you are here."

Qin Yuan strode forward and directly grabbed Lin Ziyu's hand holding the rope. The latter's face immediately turned red, and he was trying to break free, but he was gripped even tighter.

"You... let go, they are all watching..." Lin Ziyu's voice was like a mosquito, his eyes fell on the five special teams behind Qin Yuan.

"Hehe!" Knowing that Lin Ziyu was thin-skinned, Qin Yuan took the rope away from Lin Ziyu's hand with a smile, and the Black Emperor licked Qin Yuan's hand excitedly.

Since participating in the International Special Forces Competition, he has no time to feed the Black Emperor, so he directly entrusts it to Lin Ziyu, and the Black Emperor is very smart, so he basically doesn't have to worry about it.

At this moment, this guy was as tall as his waist, his fur was black and shiny, his teeth flashed coldly, and his sharp claws could easily scratch a few marks on the concrete floor.

"Good guy, what did you eat, Hei Huang, so fast!" Qin Yuan couldn't help but said.

The Black Emperor barked a few times and seemed to be answering his words, but unfortunately he didn't understand dog language, and he couldn't understand what it was saying.

"I won't disturb you, bye!" Lin Ziyu waved her hand and walked outside the training base. She still has a lot of things to do. She had already asked for a day off yesterday, and now she is busy.

Qin Yuan took Heihuang and came to Lei Zhan and others, but suddenly found that Long Xiaoyun's face was a little lost, and his eyes were low and staring at the ground.

Lei Zhan asked curiously, "Instructor, where did this **** dog come from, is it to improve our food?"


The Black Emperor bared his teeth and glared at Lei Zhan, as if he would have rushed directly if Qin Yuan hadn't been holding him.

"Yo, this dog has quite a personality!" Lei Zhan's eyes brightened, and he naturally had no idea of ​​what he wanted to eat. As a veteran special forces soldier, he naturally knew that a military dog ​​like the Black Emperor could play in actual combat. What a great effect.

"Hehe, Lei Zhan, I'll give you a chance to have a match against the Black Emperor. As long as you can win, I'll let you take a day off today. Where do you want to go, how about it?"

"Really?" Lei Zhan's eyes widened. He didn't have any interest in rest or anything, but the instructor actually let a dog fight against him. Thinking about what happened just now, he had to think about what this dog had. special place.

After pondering for a moment, Lei Zhan nodded became more and more curious.

As soon as Lei Zhan's voice fell, the black emperor's eyes suddenly lit up, and his sharp claws kept rubbing the ground, as if he couldn't wait.

"Hey, hygienist, this **** dog seems to be able to understand human speech, so strange!" Ostrich said in a low voice, his eyes full of curiosity.

"The dog raised by the instructor, even if it speaks now, I don't find it strange!" The hygienist said without hesitation.

"It's also..."

During the conversation between the two, the surrounding special forces team members had spontaneously retreated, leaving the venue to Lei Zhan and Hei Huang.

Qin Yuan glanced at Lei Zhan, and blew his whistle violently. The Black Emperor, who was ready to go, seemed to be receiving a signal, his limbs exerted force, like a black lightning bolt, and he rushed in front of Lei Zhan almost instantly. .

Lei Zhan's face suddenly changed wildly. He knew that the speed of the military dogs was very fast, and he deliberately pulled the distance away, but the speed of the black emperor could not be described in words. He only saw a black shadow just a few meters away. It was in front of him in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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