Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 316: mind reading interrogation

Chapter 317 Mind Reading Interrogation

The ostrich squinted at He Chenguang, wanting to beat him, but he held back and turned his head away from looking at him.

"Hehe, the ostrich has a small brain, so don't pay attention to him. We just went to catch a few thieves yesterday, so it's not a big deal." The hygienist said with a smile.

"Oh!" He Chenguang nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

The hygienist must not tell the truth. After all, which thieves need a whole team of special forces to deal with? But he didn't care. Originally, he felt bored and asked casually.

After more than half an hour, Qin Yuan looked at the people whose legs were gradually shaking, and said with a smile: "You can't support the horse stance for half an hour. It seems that the foundation of your body is not strong, and you will need it in the future. A lot of hard work."

Lei Zhan and the others were full of bitterness. Compared with a pervert like an instructor, they were indeed vulnerable, but perverts were perverts, and they couldn't compare at all.

But they also know that all the training subjects formulated by the instructors have been carefully planned. As long as they grit their teeth, they can persevere and make visible progress.

An hour later, everyone was dripping with sweat, all their clothes were wet, and the ground was soaked, as if it had just rained.

Qin Yuan looked at the special forces who were shaking uncontrollably, and said softly, "Okay, I'll give you ten minutes to rest."

As soon as the words fell, Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and others sat on the concrete floor, but they didn't feel any pain because their buttocks had almost lost consciousness.

Even if they were squatting on the ground, their legs were still in a squatting position, and they were obviously stiff and would not be able to recover in a while.

"Wow, I just found out today that it's so difficult to squat. I feel like these legs are not my own." Li Erniu patted his thigh hard, with a wry smile on his face.

"I think the hard times will continue in the future. When we can defeat Instructor Zang Chong and the others, the training will be truly over!" Wang Yanbing also said with a bitter face.

"Oh, don't you guys still don't want it? Where can I find someone as powerful as Instructor Qin Yuan? That is, we are from the Southeast Military Region, and we have a good commander. Otherwise, who would want to pay attention to us?" Gong Jian said in a low voice.

"That's right, I think it's okay to quit. No one is forcing you. It's you. What is that soldier called?" He Chenguang said with a stern face.

"Hehe, who said that I feel bitter? The labor and management are just complaining. Unless the instructor drives me, I will die, and I will die on the training ground!"

"Okay, you two shut up, don't feel tired, we only have ten minutes to rest, hurry up and recover!" Chen Shanming said helplessly.

Soon, Qin Yuan looked at his watch and shouted, "All stand up!"


Everyone got up like a conditioned reflex, lined up neatly in several queues, and stared at Qin Yuan with bright eyes.

"This morning, your training subject is, extreme physical strength, all of them have it, bring your weapons and equipment, and keep up with the car in front of you. If the car doesn't stop, you can't stop!" Qin Yuan pointed to the military lane ahead.


"Zhang Shuai, drive, follow the route I told you yesterday, don't look behind you, if you fall behind and can't keep up, I will treat him well!"

"Yes!" Zhang Shuai responded loudly, then started the car and slammed on the accelerator, roaring towards the mountain road ahead.

In the rear, Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and others were a little worried, knowing that today's training would definitely be difficult, but they still followed with gritted teeth.

Qin Yuan was about to get into another military vehicle when a voice suddenly came from the communicator on his body.

Holding the communicator to his ear and listening for a moment, Qin Yuan first explained to Fang Tian and Zang Chong, then turned the front of the car and drove towards the military area office in a hurry.

More than half an hour later, Qin Yuan came to a very heavily guarded building, surrounded by dozens of guards armed with guns.

As soon as he got out of the car, Qian Li walked up to a person who seemed to know him and said with a smile: "Sir Qin, the commander is already waiting for you, please come with me."

Without any hesitation, Qin Yuan followed behind the man and came directly to a very gloomy room. There were two guards with guns standing at the door, but they did not stop them.

After entering the room, Qin Yuan saw Su Guoqiang slightly frowning at a glance, as if something stumped him.

"Commander, are you looking for me?"

"Xiao Qin, you're here." Su Guoqiang seemed to have reacted, with a smile on his face.

"You are looking for me, do you have any other tasks?" Qin Yuan asked bluntly.

"Well... it's like this. According to your combat report yesterday, our comrades noticed something unusual and contacted the insider urgently, but there was no reply. If he guessed correctly, he..." Su Guoqiang's face showed a touch of grief.

Qin Yuan's heart tightened. When he acted last night, he felt a little abnormal, as if the other party knew that someone would be ambushing them.

If it wasn't for his last shot, Lone Wolf Group B and Zang Chong would have died on the beach now.

Su Guoqiang restrained his emotions and continued: "As for the few people you captured, we conducted all-night interrogations, but we did not get any information, and no one spoke."

"That's why I thought of you!" Su Guoqiang looked at Qin Yuan with a hint of trust in his eyes. The previous pirates were not the same as all the interrogation experts in the military region.

However, when Qin Yuan made his move, it only took a few minutes to get all the information, which gave him a lot of confidence.

"Don't worry, Commander, give me half an hour and I will give you a satisfactory answer!" Qin Yuan said solemnly.

"Okay, I believe in you, you can definitely do it. Now the pirates are in the interrogation rooms, and you can go there at any time."

Qin Yuan nodded and walked directly to the room inside. According to the information, this man was nicknamed the Hound. He was the small leader of the drug dealer organization and should know a lot of useful information.

At this time, there were only a few guards in the room, and there was no reaction after seeing him, as if he didn't see him at all.

Qin Yuan didn't waste any time, and walked directly towards the first interrogation room on his left.

When he opened the closed door, he saw a young man in his twenties. This man was a little dark all over, with a knife scar on his forehead. His face was full of frivolous expressions, giving people a feeling of being generous.

"Sir, you're here again? I've already made it clear, as long as you meet my conditions, I'll tell you everything I know!" The Hound said lazily, without even looking at Qin Yuan. .

"Hehe, the hands and feet don't hurt anymore? Would you like to try the bullet passing through again?" Qin Yuan said with a smile.

"Ah! It's you!" Hearing Qin Yuan's voice, the hound jumped up from the stool, but was dragged down by the handcuffs.

"You, you, what are you doing, the Dragon Kingdom is a civilized country, you can't torture me!" The Hound raised his arms to block his chest, his face full of horror.

"Hehe, don't be nervous, I'm just here to talk to you." Qin Yuan was still smiling, but there was a hint of coldness in the bottom of his eyes.

For this kind of scum, if he didn't need their information, he would have killed them directly when they were at the beach. After all, they all had guns in their hands at the time, so they were considered gunmen.

The hound swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and wanted to say something, but his lips were trembling all the time. In the face of this man who lost his hands and feet, he could not wait to get under the table.

"Where are you from!" Qin Yuan asked suddenly.

The hound's face froze for a moment, and he wanted to speak subconsciously, but he stopped abruptly, and said bravely, "I... I am a nearby fisherman, and I was caught by you indiscriminately when I was fishing at night."

Qin Yuan looked at the hound who was obviously lying, but there was no anger on his face, and he sighed in his heart: "Perfect-level mind-reading skills are amazing!"

From the moment he stepped into the interrogation room, he had activated the perfect mind-reading technique. Although the hound was lying in his mouth just now, he had already said the answer in his heart: "Golden Triangle!"

When people answer questions, although they will lie on the lips, they will recall subconsciously in their hearts. This is unavoidable unless they have received special anti-interrogation skills.

But obviously, this group of drug dealers from the Golden Triangle do not have that condition.

After ten minutes, Qin Yuan walked out of the interrogation room with a smile under the hound's uneasy gaze, as if he had already obtained a satisfactory answer.

"What's going on?" The Hound was full of wonder. Just now, this evil spirit had been asking questions, but with his scheming, he naturally wouldn't really answer, he was just fooling around.

But why does this evil spirit seem to know everything? Thinking of this, the hound subconsciously felt a chill all over his body, he couldn't help shivering, and the atmosphere around him became a little gloomy.

About an hour later, Qin Yuan interrogated several drug dealers one by one and got all the answers he wanted to know, but his heart was a little dull.

When he came to the interrogation room, Qin Yuan stood in front of Su Guoqiang, and slowly opened his mouth in the expectant gaze of the other party:

"Commander, this group of people are from Jinshanjiao, but they are just a group of cannon fodder leading the way, and the real leader did not appear, because...our insider was discovered by them, so they just decided to let the insider pass this information and attract us to go. Take the bait."

"These guys were all kept in the dark, and the last four gunmen appeared, the purpose was to kill our exposed comrades, which was considered a revenge."

Qin Yuan's voice was a little low. If it wasn't for his god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he had detected the abnormality in advance and solved the four gunmen. They must have achieved their goal now.

After Su Guoqiang finished speaking, there was deep sadness on his face. Even though he had vaguely guessed this, he was still a little unbearable after he got the news.

"Has it been interrogated, what was their original purpose?" Su Guoqiang said solemnly.

"Before they discovered our inside line, their boss, nicknamed the killer whale, originally planned to go ashore through there to discuss opportunities for cooperation with an organization, which will open up a huge channel for the Golden Triangle."

"But what exactly is that organization, I didn't ask, because these people's level is not high enough to know these secrets." Qin Yuan said with some regret.

"Okay! Qin Yuan, you have made a lot of credit this time, this information is very important!" Su Guoqiang's eyes showed a hint of joy, and then he got up directly, looking a little impatient.

As soon as he walked out, Su Guoqiang slapped his head violently, turned his head to Qin Yuan and said, "Xiao Qin, there is nothing to do here for the time being. If there is any progress in the future, I will tell you as soon as possible. I will go to a discussion meeting first. respond to the incident.”

"If you have time, you can follow along!"

"I won't go. Those guys are still on the training ground. Without me watching, they wouldn't know what to do." Qin Yuan shook his head.

"Haha, I forgot about this. Xiao Qin, you just train them. If anyone is disobedient, you just tell me to see if I don't take care of them!"

After Su Guoqiang finished speaking, they left immediately, as if they were really anxious.

Qin Yuan didn't stay here either, he just left here and drove his military vehicle towards the training base like lightning.

Soon, he followed the training path set in advance and quickly caught up with Zhang Shuai and the others. At this time, Lei Zhan and other special forces had been running wild for more than two hours, as if they had just been fished out of the water. , panting violently.

Even when they heard the roar of Qin Yuan's car, no one looked back, as if they had lost consciousness, and just ran forward by instinct.

"Company commander, it's been almost three hours. Shouldn't it be time for them to take a break? If something really happens, it won't be good!" Fang Tian asked worriedly as he drilled his head out of the car window.

Qin Yuan glanced at him and said angrily: "You drive well, if a car drives into a ditch, Zang Chong can't hate you!"

With hundreds of god-level intelligent poisonous bees, he has already accurately scanned everyone's physical condition just Although he is already extremely tired, he is still a little short of the limit.

Zang Chong followed: "That's right, Fang Tian, ​​you drive well, every time I sit in your passenger seat, I feel uncomfortable all over, like a roller coaster!"

"Oh, I'm a certified driver, let alone a military vehicle like this. Even if you gave me a racing car, I would dare to drive it!" Fang Tian said disdainfully.

"Haha, it's as if it's true. You grew up in the military region, how could you possibly have the opportunity to touch a racing car?" Zang Chong looked disdainful.

"Okay, let's stop. Su Xiaoyu took a leave of absence and left. How come you two are bickering?"

"Hey, by the way, company commander, why did Xiaoyu suddenly ask for leave? He didn't tell me before, is there something unexpected?" Fang Tian asked strangely.

"It should be the family urging blind date? Now parents are eager to urge this." Zang Chong guessed.

"Don't you have a cell phone? Just ask yourself, you need to guess here?" Qin Yuan looked at the two of them like a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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