Chapter 358

"But fortunately, our comrades found them. Although we paid a lot of money, we beat them back again and left two bodies."

"Now people from the technical department are urgently determining the identity information of this group of gangsters based on fingerprints and facial recognition, but this will take a lot of time. The top priority is to ensure the safety of the rule of man."

President Wen's voice was very solemn, his eyes kept on Qin Yuan, and there was even a trace of pleading and hope in it.

The identity of the president of this biological company is extremely sensitive. Whether it is in the business or biomedical world, he has a certain position. He even cooperates with the military region in some special medical research.

"Mr. Wen, don't worry, we are here to help you solve these terrible incidents, and we must go all out to ensure the safety of the rule of man." Qin Yuan said solemnly, with reassuring confidence in his tone, as if no matter how hard it was The task seemed easy in his hands.

"Okay!" President Wen was overjoyed immediately, and his frowning brows could not help but stretch a lot.

Ye Jianting, who had been silent all the time beside him, also showed a proud expression.

"Mr. Wen, have you prepared for through-the-wall radar?" Qin Yuan asked.

"Yes, after learning that the robbers had retreated into the villa area, I immediately dispatched the only two through-the-wall radars, which are now urgently transported here, and should be here soon."

As soon as Mr. Wen's voice fell, a helicopter came from a distance and stopped steadily in the open space.

After the hatch opened, a few people in black attire quickly lifted down two old-fashioned computer-like devices.

Qin Yuan looked at President Wen and said: "President Wen, please arrange your subordinates to approach the villa carefully, and then determine the distribution inside and the location of each gangster according to the through-the-wall radar, and draw a rough image, we will draw a rough image based on the image. Determine the rescue plan as soon as possible."

"no problem!"

As soon as President Wen waved his hand, he directly summoned a few exceptionally capable subordinates and quietly assigned tasks.

In fact, when Qin Yuan first got off the helicopter, he had already sent out more than a dozen god-level intelligent poisonous bees, and he had touched the situation in the villa. .

But he couldn't say it clearly, he could only make a compromise and wait until Mr. Wen's people used the wall-penetrating radar to confirm the action, but if the gangsters jumped over the wall in a hurry, he wouldn't have any hesitation and just used god-level poison. The poisonous needle of the bee killed the three gangsters.

Soon, Mr. Wen's subordinates had a clear picture of the location and topographical distribution of the gangsters in the villa, and drew them into a simple floor plan.

"Xiao Qin, what are your plans?" President Wen looked at Qin Yuan with a hopeful expression.

Qin Yuan made a contemplative expression, and then he said the plan he had thought of for a long time: "In this case, the best plan is to kill from a distance."

"The No. 1 gangster is hiding behind the curtain to observe, the No. 2 gangster is with Ren Zhi, and the No. 3 gangster is sitting on the sofa in the middle of the villa."

"Except for the No. 1 gangster, the other two gangsters are behind the thick wall. Ordinary sniper rifles can't penetrate at all. Do you have ten-type sniper rifles in your hands?"

Qin Yuan looked at President Wen and said that they came in a hurry, plus they didn't know the specific task, they only brought their own equipment, and they couldn't do anything about the thick wall.

The ten-type sniper rifle is known as the Barrett of the Dragon Country sniper rifle.

"Yes, Xiao Zhang, hurry up and find the Falcon of the Black Tigers. I remember his weapon is a ten-type sniper rifle. President Wen shouted to a person next to him, who saluted and ran behind him.

Qin Yuan was not idle either, he turned his head to Ye Cunxin and Shen Lanni and said, "You two go to find the best shooting position on your own, and the number one gangster will be handed over to you. When I shoot here, I will kill him immediately. Don't give him any chance to fight back."


Ye Cunxin and Shen Lanni nodded heavily, then hugged their equipment and went to find the best shooting position.

"Instructor, what about us?" Tian Guo raised her face and said with hope in her eyes.

"Cough, go and help evacuate the crowd. When the gunshots go off for a while, it may cause some commotion."

Tan Xiaolin and He Lu had a disappointed expression on their faces, as if they didn't help Qin Yuan in this mission, which was a very unhappy thing.

However, they also knew that this mission was rather special and did not require a lot of manpower. The test was sniper marksmanship. In the Fire Phoenix Commando, Ye Cunxin and Shen Lanni were the sniper team.

Looking at the distant back of the Phoenix Commando, President Wen asked in surprise, "Xiao Qin, are you planning to kill two gangsters hiding behind the wall by yourself?"

Wall sniping is completely different from normal sniping. It requires extremely superb marksmanship and proficiency with heavy anti-material sniper rifles, otherwise Ken may not be able to hit the target accurately.

In this case, it is extremely rare to hit the enemy with one shot. Now, looking at the orders arranged by Qin Yuan, it is obvious that he is preparing to kill two targets by himself. Thinking about it, it makes President Wen feel a little unlikely. He has lived for decades and has seen too many soldiers and gods, but no one has ever achieved this level.

It didn't take long for two people to come from a distance, one of them was a little slender holding a sniper rifle in his hand, it was a ten-type sniper rifle.

President Wen glanced at the slender man in surprise, and then seemed to think of something, with a hint of anger on his face: "Falcon, what are you doing?"

"Sir, what do you mean? Just call me for any sniper mission. Why do you want to take my gun directly? Isn't my marksmanship not good enough?"

The slender man who was called a falcon spoke aggrievedly, as if he was a bullied little daughter-in-law.

"Ahem, Falcon, your marksmanship is indeed the best among the black tigers, but this task is indeed a bit difficult. For the sake of safety, let's lend your gun to Comrade Xiao Qin." Wen Always talking, he pointed sideways to Qin Yuan beside him.

"Who is he?" Falcon squinted at Qin Yuan, his face full of ill will.

Qin Yuan has been observing the situation in the villa with the god-level intelligent poisonous bee. At this time, the criminal No. 1 moved his body and seemed to want to leave behind the curtain.

Immediately, without any hesitation, he strode towards Falcon, and before he could react, he reached out like lightning and grabbed the Type 10 sniper rifle in his hand.

Falcon's face changed drastically in an instant. Just now, he only felt that a shadow appeared in front of him. Before he could see what it was, his hands were light, and the weapon in his hand had disappeared.

"What are you doing!" Falcon shouted in a deep voice, clenching his fist and smashing it directly at the back of Qin Yuan's head. As the elite of the Black Tiger Commando, his strength should not be underestimated. The huge fist swept the strong wind, even A cow was hit in the head and had to faint directly.

However, Qin Yuan continued to walk forward as if he didn't notice it. Just when his fist was about to land on the back of his head, Falcon's eyes changed, and he subconsciously restrained himself.

But what he never expected was that, a second before the fist went down, Qin Yuan turned around like lightning, and clenched his fist with his left hand extremely lightly, defusing his attack lightly.


Falcon's face was full of disbelief. This was a punch from his almost full strength. Even if the captain wanted to take the next step, it was very difficult, but the man in front of him took it casually, without even frowning.

"Nonsense!" President Wen's face seemed to be covered with a layer of dark clouds, and he was obviously really angry. "Not convinced? Could you use a sniper rifle to penetrate the thick villa wall and kill the two gangsters exactly? ?"

"Hurry up and go back to the wall and think about it for me. After this mission is over, I will take care of you!"

Falcon opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, his face was full of incredible, hit the gangster hiding behind the wall? Or two? how is this possible! !

Although the ten-type sniper rifle can indeed penetrate the wall of the villa, penetration and hit are two different things, right? Not to mention the Dragon Kingdom, even in the whole world, he has never heard of similar deeds.

Falcon turned his head to look at Qin Yuan, as if he wanted to say something, but finally left with pursed lips.

"Hey, Xiao Qin, I'm really sorry. The black tiger guys are used to being arrogant on weekdays. It's all because of my bad discipline. I treat him to apologize to you." President Wen's face was full of apology.

"The task is important, I'll talk about other things later." It was indeed the weapon he grabbed first, but the task was urgent, and it was not the time to worry about such trivial matters.

Qin Yuan said, turned directly around the corner, and half-squatted in front of the flower bed to set up a ten-style sniper rifle, using the dense foliage as a cover.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yuan's consciousness connected with several god-level intelligent poisonous bees in the villa, and accurately grasped the position of the two gangsters.


Qin Yuan pulled the trigger violently, and a dull and heavy gunshot suddenly echoed.

Mr. Wen's heart, who had been paying attention to the situation from behind, seemed to tighten as well, but in the next second, another dull gunshot sounded, and the air seemed to be shattered, causing ripples that were hard to see with the naked eye.

It was followed by a clearer gunshot. Ye Cunxin, who was lying in ambush in the other direction, shot. Qin Yuan, through the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, clearly saw the gangster standing in front of the curtain being shot in the head. Hit the ground straight.

The other two gangsters looked even more tragic at this time, and they could be directly used to sharpen the rookie with tofu brains. This shows how terrifying the ten-style sniper rifle is.

"Report to President Wen, the three gangsters have been killed, and everyone is safe and sound!" A voice still mixed with shock came from President Wen's headset.

"Okay!" President Wen shook his fist fiercely, and the tension in his heart completely dissipated.

Since this nasty incident, he has been under great pressure. The CEO of a biomedical company, a top scientist in biotechnology, has been **** and has received widespread attention from the society.

In less than an hour, he received more than a dozen calls from his superiors, ordering him to resolve the matter as soon as possible, not to mention the pervasive media, which made him a little overwhelmed.

In the other direction, Falcon, who was about to get into the car, suddenly stopped, listening to the sound from the headset, his face was full of disbelief.

"He actually did it."

The ten-type sniper rifle is an anti-material rifle. It is several times more difficult than ordinary sniper rifles to hit the target.

However, Qin Yuan directly used it to penetrate the wall, and precisely sniped two criminals from a distance of five hundred meters. Falcon, the first sniper of the Black Tiger Commando, clearly knows what a terrifying marksmanship this is.

If it were him, Falcon wouldn't even have the courage to shoot.

Thinking of this, Falcon's dissatisfaction with Qin Yuan was completely dissipated, and it was replaced by reverence, "When you go back, you must ask the officer who this person is, and if you have the opportunity, you must ask him for marksmanship."

On the other side, Qin Yuan got up and handed the ten-style sniper rifle to the assistant next to President Wen, then said with a smile, "President Wen, since the mission has been completed, we will go back first."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Ye Jianting next to him, who didn't have any objection.

"How about that? You've helped us so much, and you have to stay for a meal. Let me thank you all." President Wen hurriedly stood in front of Qin Yuan.

"Sir, it really doesn't work, I have to go back to continue the training mission." A wry smile appeared on Qin Yuan's face.

"Yes, old Wen, please be careful. This mission is not your own business. We should take action. There is no need to say thank you." Ye Jianting inserted directly between the two, looking at Wen with a wary expression on his face. In general, lest he be a drunkard and continue to carry a **** and dig walls at the dinner table.

"Training task? What training task?" There was a hint of doubt on Mr. Wen's face, as if he was curious.

"Nothing. That is, Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui, and Chen Shanming's group of boys returned to the furnace and rebuilt, and let Qin Yuan clean up at Ye Jianting said very casually.

"What?" President Wen's eyes widened, and he seemed to find it a little unbelievable. The Thunder Commandos and the Red Blood Cell Special Forces, which are not well-known existences, have performed many arduous tasks, and can almost be said to be the pillars of the Southeast Military Region, with impressive strength. And know.

But now, Ye Jianting actually said that these special teams were like rookies.

"Could it be that their instructor is Xiao Qin?" As soon as President Wen finished speaking, a dazed look appeared on his face, "That's right, apart from you, I really can't think of anyone who can hold down those guys."

Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui, Yang Rui, these special operations captains, who did not come from Thorn, but with the increase of experience, they seem to be a little more stable, but deep down they are still full of Thorn.

To be able to be their instructors, even if they are directly assigned by the superior, they must be convinced, otherwise the training mission will not go on.

In the entire Longguo Military Region, the only person Wen could think of was Qin Yuan who had such strength.

(End of this chapter)

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