Chapter 370 New Rewards

When people are forced into a desperate situation, they will burst out a hundred times or even a thousand times their usual courage, and this group of terrorists is no exception, and they become even more crazy.

They also have many conventional terrorist attacks, namely human bombs.

Of course, these guys naturally won't kill themselves, they will tie up some innocent civilians and threaten them to do so.

In the other direction, Qin Yuan had already come down from the top of the building and silently touched the front.

He already knew the plot, and knew that these terrorists would use car bombs next. In the movie, this did bring a lot of casualties, but now, Qin Yuan naturally won't let them succeed.

As soon as he approached, Qin Yuan saw a taxi with a bomb strapped to it. The driver above was full of horror, but he still stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards it.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yuan jumped out of the hiding place, raised the assault rifle in his hand, and frantically pulled the trigger.

Soon, all the terrorists around were cleaned up. Qin Yuan turned around and shot a few shots on the wheel of the taxi, which forced it to stop, and then removed the bombs tied to innocent civilians.

"Instructor, we have found our compatriots in the abandoned factory. None of them were injured. Now we are negotiating to evacuate here." Lei Zhan's voice came out.

"Okay, cooperate with the comrades here and evacuate as soon as possible. Geng Jihui, Long Xiaoyun, Chen Shanming, you should arrange the defense lines along the way as soon as possible, and the enemy is likely to come back."


Everyone quickly carried out Qin Yuan's orders, but the enemy came faster than expected.

The ostrich was lying on the roof of a dilapidated building, using a sniper scope to observe the surrounding situation vigilantly. Soon, he saw that on the only way to evacuate ahead, a black crowd was about to rush towards this side.

"Instructor, the enemy's support has arrived, there are about 400 people, and there are several armored vehicles!"

"Prepare to fight!" Qin Yuan said solemnly. After replenishing all the medicinal pills on his body, he walked directly to the abandoned factory. Many people have gathered here, and the surviving Yiweia soldiers are also here.

As soon as Qin Yuan came here, an Yiweiya officer came over and said in Chinese: "Dear sir, thank you for your help, the Yiweiya people will never forget you!"

"Instructor, this guy wants us to help clear up terrorists in other places." Lei Zhan leaned over and said in a low voice.

Qin Yuan couldn't help rolling his eyes. Their mission this time was to safely evacuate the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom. As for the battlefield here, it was their civil war, so let them fight it themselves.

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan coughed lightly, and said to the Yiweia officer with a serious face: "Dear sir, according to reliable information, there are now more than 400 meters of terrorists coming here with heavy firepower. We'll be there in about two minutes, and we have to work together to drive them back!"

"Uh...four...four hundred?" Officer Yiweia showed a look of horror in his eyes, and he couldn't help but turn his head to look at his subordinates, who only had less than fifty left.

"Dear sir, I'm really sorry, we just received an order and need to perform another mission, goodbye." After that, Officer Ivia left without looking back, and the soldiers behind him quickly followed.

"Che, so cowardly, no wonder he was beaten almost to the point of destroying the country." Lei Zhan's face was full of disdain, then he put it behind him, looked at Qin Yuan and said, "Instructor, what should we do next?"

Since he met Qin Yuan, Lei Zhan found that he was getting more and more lazy. If he had any task, he could just follow him directly without thinking about the battle plan.

"You help the comrades here, evacuate these compatriots as soon as possible, I will lead people to open the way ahead." Qin Yuan finished, looked at Lei Zhan and Yang Rui and said: "We must protect them, if anyone is injured, I will Take your questions!"

"Instructor, rest assured, even if I die here, I will definitely protect the safety of my compatriots!" Yang Rui said solemnly.

Qin Yuan didn't say much, patted the two of them on the shoulders, and then strode out, everyone behind them immediately got busy.

"Instructor, the enemy has entered a range of 300 meters, do you want to shoot?" Long Xiaoyun stood behind a dilapidated wall and said in a low voice. The faces of the members of the Wolf Squadron behind him showed excitement, and he held his hands tightly. weapon.

"Yes, remember, we must pay attention to safety. Our purpose is not to destroy the enemy, but to evacuate here safely with our compatriots." Qin Yuan said solemnly.


In an instant, bursts of rapid gunfire came out. Facing the sudden attack of three well-trained special forces, the terrorists were a little flustered, and after they dropped dozens of bodies, they organized a counterattack.

In the abandoned factory behind them, the Thunder Commando, the Jiaolong Special Team, and comrades from other units immediately began to transfer to the ship. They were so fast that they ignored the sound of gunfire behind them.

Qin Yuan stood in the corner, sticking out his body suddenly, holding an assault rifle in each hand, and pouring bullets frantically, almost instantly, dozens of bullets shot out, taking away a large number of terrorists.

Not bothering to put on the clip, Qin Yuan withdrew a few dozen meters away in a few short steps, and two explosions sounded behind him.

"It seems that these terrorists have a lot of combat experience, and the shells of the armored vehicles are also very accurate." Qin Yuan murmured, just as he was about to continue fighting in another place, Gao Yun's voice suddenly came from the headset.

"Comrade Qin Yuan, the situation has changed. The terrorists on the Sharaf side have known the situation here and have already deployed their troops to try to capture you as a bargaining chip."

"Chip? What kind of chip, does Sharaf dare to negotiate terms with our Dragon Kingdom?" Qin Yuan showed a killing intent on his face. It seems that Long Kingdom hasn't shown his fangs for a long time, and now even some cats and dogs dare to come out and negotiate terms. !

"What do you think?" Gao Yun asked in his tone.

"What else can I do? I originally planned to bring back my compatriots safely, but now it seems that this dog must be beaten so that it won't dare to bark in the future!"

Although Qin Yuan's voice was flat, Gao Yun could feel a biting killing intent through his headset.

"Okay, you can do it as you see fit, I'll wait for you on the ship!" Gao Yun hung up the communication after he finished speaking.

Qin Yuan didn't stand in place to think for a moment, and then directly released all the god-level intelligent poisonous bees, and quickly found a safest route to get to the ship as quickly as possible.

After telling Lei Zhan and Yang Rui about this route, Qin Yuan clenched the weapon in his hand and strode forward to the place where the gunfire was most violent.

As long as the hundreds of terrorists here can be stopped, Lei Zhan and the others will be safe, and Qin Yuan will be able to let him go.

"Long Xiaoyun, how is the situation now?" Qin Yuan came to a dilapidated room, stuck his head out and looked out.

"Report to the instructor, there are still many enemies, all of which are scattered in the front two streets. They tried to break through the defense line here several times, but they were all beaten back by us."

Long Xiaoyun's voice is still very calm, as if he will not be affected by any emotions, but he is very fortunate in his heart. If they were faced with such a tragic task before receiving Qin Yuan's training, they may have been damaged now.

These terrorists are extremely experienced in combat, plus they have a lot of heavy weapons such as rockets, armored vehicles, mortars, etc., and the most powerful ones in their hands are more than a dozen grenades. Whether it is the number of people or weapons, There is a huge difference.

But the three special teams were able to stay here and prevent the enemy from advancing a single point.

"Rocket, covert!" Not far away, Geng Jihui shouted and rushed towards the bunker next to him. After Qin Yuan's training, they were still able to clearly distinguish the sound of artillery shells piercing the air, and accurately where the calculation falls.

With this ability, the enemy's rockets and armored vehicles have almost become decorations, and they can only be suppressed for a short time.

With his peak-level concealment skills, Qin Yuan quietly appeared in the enemy's hinterland, and at a glance, he saw a dozen cars parked not far away.

The car was filled with time bombs, apparently to use car bombs to break through the blockade of the special forces ahead.

Qin Yuan took out a hand and thunder from his waist, then took out the insurance, and without any hesitation, threw it towards the car in front of him.

The hand thunder slammed on the ground with a crisp sound, and rolled over with a grunt. The expressions of the terrorists around him changed dramatically. Just as they were about to dodge desperately, the hand thunder burst violently.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen cars filled with bombs were directly detonated. With more than a dozen loud noises, the ground of several adjacent streets shook, and large pieces of glass were directly shattered, as if the end of the world had come.

After the surroundings became quiet again, Qin Yuan got up from the ground in a bit of a daze, and then patted the dirt on his body. He didn't expect that the power of these dozen car bombs was so powerful that he ran more than 100 meters away. Yes, they were almost affected.

Spitting on the ground, Qin Yuan held a weapon and strode forward. With the pinnacle-level danger perception and the lock of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, almost no one could cause him any danger.

After about five or six minutes, almost all the terrorists around were cleaned up, and the rest were frightened and wanted to flee in panic, but they were called by the three ostriches with sniper rifles one by one.

"Instructor, we have arrived at the ship safely, and no one was injured." Qin Yuan just rushed to Long Xiaoyun and others when the voice of Lei Zhan came from the headset.

"Okay, we will also evacuate immediately." Qin Yuan nodded, and just as he was about to leave with everyone, Gao Yun's voice came over.

"Comrade Qin Yuan, Sharaf's reinforcements are less than 3,000 meters away from your location, and Yiweia is also dispatching troops to come here, and wants to use your strength to eat these reinforcements of Sharaf, look…"

"Hmph, our mission has been completed, and we don't need to participate in other countries' infighting." Qin Yuan said neatly.

"I think so too, but because of diplomacy, I can't say it too dead. You all come back as soon as possible. Let's leave and take our compatriots out of here."

"it is good!"

Qin Yuan hung up the communication, then looked at Long Xiaoyun and the others and said, "How is it, no one was hurt, right?"

"Hey, the ostrich is unlucky. He was hit by a stray bullet on his left arm, but fortunately, he used the powder you provided, and it's no big deal now." The hygienist said with a smile.

Qin Yuan turned his head and glanced at the ostrich's left arm, and saw that there was indeed a trace of blood on it, but it didn't leave too many wounds, so he didn't care much. In the face of proficient gold sore medicine, there are almost no such injuries.

"Everyone can evacuate, pay attention to the surrounding situation, and don't be attacked by the enemy." Qin Yuan said, and led everyone to run directly behind him. Under the surveillance of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he naturally knew that there was no enemy ambush here. , but in order to keep everyone's vigilance, he deliberately said this.

Soon, Qin Yuan took everyone back to the ship, and the rewards of the system also came.

[Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for completing the task of rescuing compatriots, and obtaining 5 bottles of peak-level golden sore medicine, 5 bottles of peak-level detoxification pills, and 5 bottles of peak-level bigu pills]

Qin Yuan swept through the notes of these pills one by one, among them, the effect of the peak-level golden sore medicine has been greatly improved compared with that of the proficient level. The general injury can be completely cured in about a few minutes, and it will not stay. leave no trace.

The pinnacle-level detoxification pills can detoxify the vast majority of poisons, except for the lost strange poisons recorded in some ancient books.

As for the peak-level bigu pills, you can go without food for two days. There are a hundred bigu pills in a bottle, which can definitely play a huge role when performing tasks in the wild.

After returning to the ship, when everyone was about to leave, Gao Yun suddenly received a call, and his face suddenly became a little dignified.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yun came to Qin Yuan's side with a wry smile on his face: "Comrade Qin Yuan, maybe we can't leave yet."

Qin Yuan, who already knew the plot of Operation Red Sea, naturally knew what but he still made a puzzled expression and said, "What happened?"

"Just now, I received news from the office that a reporter named Xia Nan accidentally took a picture of a terrorist organization kidnapping people and is now in danger."

"Our aim is not to give up any of our Dragon Country compatriots, so..."

Qin Yuan nodded, then thought of something, said solemnly: "But our weapons have been taken back when we boarded the ship, so we can't go with our bare hands, right?"

If it was Qin Yuan himself, of course he could use many means to kill the enemy, but Long Xiaoyun and Lei Zhan obviously couldn't.

"You don't have to worry about this, Ivia will provide us with sufficient weapons." Gao Yun said bluntly.

A trace of doubt appeared on Qin Yuan's face, and then he quickly understood, and snorted softly: "Their wishful thinking is quite loud, and they say it nicely, to provide us with weapons, but in fact they are sitting on their hands and enjoying the success."

(End of this chapter)

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