Chapter 383 Hide and Seek

"Did I hear it wrong? Two thousand push-ups in forty minutes? How could that be possible!" Harley's face was dull.

"Hey, I know that there is absolutely nothing good about coming to this island. It is estimated that I will be soaked in the sea for a long time in the future."

"I was complained, and it was useless anyway, so hurry up and complete the task assigned by the instructor."

After the old fox finished speaking, he walked towards the beach ahead, and everyone in the Thunder Commando looked at each other and immediately followed.

After more than half an hour, everyone was lying in the tidal sea water, exhausted and out of breath, but they did not dare to take a deep breath, so as not to be choked by the sea water into their nostrils.

"No way, I can't hold it anymore. When will this kind of hardship be the best!" In the red blood cell special team, Song Kaifei's face was full of pain. Even with the continuous washing of sea water, he could still see his forehead. The sweat that kept oozing out was obviously exhausted to the extreme.

Next to Xu Tianlong's face also burst into blue veins. With a posture of exhausting all his strength, he gritted his teeth and said with great difficulty: "It won't be long, just hold on."

"It's past eight o'clock in the evening, and the entire military region is still here to train in the sea, right?"

"I think it's pretty good, let's train secretly, become stronger in silence, and then shock everyone!" Li Erniu smiled slyly.

Wang Yanbing was amazed: "Good guy, I didn't expect Erniu to be a joker too, it's really unbelievable!"

"Hey, Yanbing, stop laughing at me." Li Erniu said a little embarrassed.

"Don't waste any more time, there are less than five minutes left. If we can't complete the task given to us by the instructor, then tonight will be difficult!" Gong Jian said solemnly.

Wang Yanbing stopped talking, gritted his teeth and tried his best to do push-ups quickly.

In the end, everyone completed the task within the specified time, but their physical strength was almost exhausted, lying on the wet beach, gasping for breath like a dead fish.

"Give you ten minutes to rest, then continue." After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he walked directly to a leeward place behind him, where Zang Chong and the four were setting up a tent, and they were going to rest here at night.

In the Lone Wolf Group B, the ostrich was half lying on the ground panting, his expression a little dull, suddenly he seemed to think of something, turned his head reluctantly, and said to Geng Jihui: "Captain, how can we rest tonight? You don't seem to be carrying our tent?"

"Haha, are you stupid for training? You still want a tent. You think you are on vacation!"

"Then don't we want to be primitive people and sleep in the woods?" Ostrich said with a wry smile.

"Oh, this is an island. It's full of sea breeze at night. If you're not careful, you might catch a cold."

"Then just like the instructors, can you just find some boulders that shelter from the wind?"

"Hehe, we don't have a tent. The ground here is very wet, and the temperature difference between day and night is so big at night that the body can't bear it at all."

Geng Jihui glanced at everyone and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I have already figured out a way. Now hurry up to recover my strength, and I will continue the mission in a while!"

"Yes!" The crowd stopped talking, and lay casually on the beach, trying to calm their beating hearts.

Soon, ten minutes passed, Qin Yuan walked over slowly, and then let them toss on the beach for more than three hours, until the sky was completely dark, and today's training was over.

"You can go to me to rest, just find a place to sleep, just remember to be careful, there are many poisonous mists such as poisonous snakes on this island." Qin Yuan turned around and left, ignoring everyone.

"Hmph, what the instructor said is light, and you can just find a place to sleep. It's just a place where birds don't poop. Wherever you go to sleep, you will suffer." Shi Sanba saw Qin Yuan's figure gradually drifting away, and he couldn't help it. murmured softly.

"Hey, Sanba, if you had said these words earlier, I would respect you as a man!" One meter five arched Huo Dao.

"Che, why do you think I'm a fool!" Shi Sanba rolled his eyes, then ignored him and walked into the woods alone, looking for a place to rest at night.

In the other direction, the ostrich looked at Geng Jihui expectantly and said, "Captain, didn't you say there is a way to solve the problem of sleeping tonight?"

Geng Jihui chuckled and said to the crowd, "Follow me!" After speaking, he strode forward.

Although Xiao Zhuang, the sanitation staff and others felt a little strange, they still followed.

It didn't take long for everyone to come under a large banana tree, looking at the large banana leaf, Lao Pao's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood what the captain meant.

"Captain, do you mean to use these banana leaves to block the wind?" The hygienist also responded.

"Yes, when I was training before, I accidentally saw this banana tree. The leaves here have experienced too much wind and rain, and there is no problem with sheltering from the wind and rain. We find some tall trees and use them to put Surround yourself so that you can stay away from the wet ground." Geng Jihui said with a smile.

"Good way! Let's do it quickly, I'm already exhausted, I have to go to sleep to make up for it!" After the head bird finished speaking, he eagerly stepped forward and folded a large piece of banana leaves, and then chose a nearby tree. , climbed up and started tidying up his bird's nest.

Geng Jihui smiled and said to the crowd, "Let's not waste time, but we must be vigilant when sleeping at night. The instructor is likely to give us some surprises."

"Impossible, the instructors haven't done this for a long time, maybe they have forgotten it." Xiao Zhuang couldn't help but said.

Lao Pao patted him on the shoulder and said casually: "It's always right to be careful, okay, hurry up and pack up and sleep."

"it is good!"

The rest of the special forces also found their places to sleep. Except for the sound of the waves, there was no other sound on the entire island.


In the early morning of the next day, Qin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, washed with mineral water at will, and walked slowly into the woods.

At this time, it was about five o'clock, the sun had not yet risen, and the sky looked very dark. Soon, he came to a large rock. In a sheltered place, Lei Zhan and others were lying in the corner paved by dry branches and weeds. He was breathing abnormally evenly, apparently not waking up.

"Hehe, I slept soundly."

Qin Yuan chuckled, then took out a tear gas from his pocket. Although the place was very open and the pungent smell could not last for too long, it would still make them feel uncomfortable for a long time after being hit at close range.

However, what surprised Qin Yuan was that, before he could open the insurance, the people of the lightning commando in front of him suddenly opened their eyes, as if they had woken up early.

Rubbing the corners of his eyes, Harley smiled and said, "Instructor, we knew you would come to sneak attack, and we were already prepared, hehe!"

"Oh? Really, it seems that you are not tired. In that case, the training volume for today is doubled and all doubled." After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he turned around and walked in the other direction.

"Well, did I say something wrong?" Harley said cautiously, not daring to look at the ugly expressions of his teammates.

"Hmph, are you the only one who opened your mouth? Don't talk if you don't know how to speak. It's alright now, everyone has been implicated by you, aren't you happy?" Hades stared at Harley, wishing he could go up and scratch him twice.

"Hey, it's me who's wrong, it's me who's wrong, let's go to the beach to gather, the instructor will pass soon, don't touch him again."

After Harley finished speaking, he hurried towards the beach.

"Okay, let's hurry over as well." Lei Zhan finished speaking, and strode forward, Yan Wang and the others looked at each other, and said nothing, raised his legs and followed.

When Qin Yuan came to the resting place for the rest of the team, they also seemed to be alert. Before he could make a move, they all woke up, feeling very boring.

On the beach, Qin Yuan looked at everyone and said, "Let's run on the beach for two hours to warm up."


Everyone roared in unison, then lined up, turned around and strode forward.

After more than an hour, everyone was tired and sweating profusely, and their faces were extremely pale. The place was full of soft sand, and it took a lot more effort to run than on land.

"It's too slow, speed up, with your physical ability, you still want to be the strongest special forces soldier, it's a joke!"

Qin Yuan did not know when he appeared beside the crowd and shouted loudly.

Everyone's faces were a little bitter, but they still exerted their last strength, and walked forward with gritted teeth.

In the end, everyone completed this warm-up training, and their tired steps were a little weak, and they almost fell directly to the ground.

"Ten minutes to rest!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he ignored the crowd, turned around and walked towards the grill that was built by Zhang Shuai and the four of them not far away. It was already eight o'clock in the morning, and it was time to eat.

"Hey, savages, how do you feel like these days? I feel bad when I blow the sea breeze and eat barbecue every day. You can also reprimand these rookies."

Su Xiaoyu was rinsing seasoning on a grilled fish, while rushing towards Zang, his craftsmanship has improved by leaps and bounds during his time as an instructor, almost no different from the food stalls.

"Hey, that's definitely cool. Now Hao Lian and the others are training outside every day. I heard that they are all exhausted. Fortunately, we were selected by the company commander to be an instructor here, hahaha!" Zang Chong couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Qin Yuan came over, glared at him and said, "You dare to fish in front of me, it seems that you are too relaxed these days. You must contribute to the next training. I will give you the task. If it doesn't work, let's go back to the furnace, um... just go with Lei Zhan and the others."

"Ah? What mission?" Fang Tian said nervously. They are now instructors. If they really train with Lei Zhan, they will probably lose their faces.

"You will find out later." Qin Yuan said, picked up a skewered crab at random, and began to roast it on the fire.

Zang Chong looked at each other and couldn't guess what task Qin Yuan was going to give them, and the seafood in his hand suddenly became a little boring.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan picked up the grilled crab and walked towards the crowd while eating. Zang Chong and the four quickly followed.

After saying this, Long Xiaoyun, Geng Jihui and others have already stood in a neat queue, waiting for a new training mission.

"Next, your training mission is very simple, that is to hide on this small island, I don't care what method you use, in short, in an hour, I will go to catch you, the first team to be caught, armed 100 kilometers off-road, 90 kilometers for the second, and so on.”

Although Qin Yuan's voice was very indifferent, he heard a sudden suddenness in the hearts of the special forces.

Isn't this just wild lurking training? If it was someone else, they would have absolute confidence and would definitely stick to it until the end, but now they have to face Qin Yuan!

And the first team to be caught will be punished for 100 kilometers of armed off-road, who can stand it!

"This training is limited to this island. You can hide and disguise at will, or you can work together to knock me down after I discover you. If it can be done, I can directly count you as having completed the training."

Qin Yuan looked at everyone with a smile, it seemed that they were very harmless to humans and animals, but Lei Zhan and the others were shaking all over, and only those who were full would try to challenge this pervert!

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. Although there are no ferocious beasts on this island, there are many poisonous poisons, many of which have no antidote. Remember to be careful when training."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, they should not have the opportunity to speak, so he directly waved his hand and said, "You can start, you have an hour to avoid."

Everyone looked at each other and didn't dare to waste time, and they all went into the jungle.

" The training intensity is really getting bigger and bigger now. I don't know how long I can last. The instructor is amazing here. Did he experience a lot of this kind of abnormal training."

The old fox sighed a little. He is much older than others. This is an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. Although he has a lot of valuable experience, it is an indisputable fact that his physical fitness is declining. It felt like all the bones in my body were falling apart.

"I feel that only with such intense training can our strength be improved rapidly. When we didn't meet an instructor before, who would have thought of the changes now." Training and strength have already been greatly improved, which can be said to be completely different from before.

"We don't have to worry too much, this island is so big, we have an hour anyway, we can find a place to hide, just like playing hide-and-seek, I don't believe that the instructor is still a human radar, you can find us at any time. The location!" Harry's tone was full of confidence.

"Hehe, for a special soldier who is comparable to the God of War, it is easy to find the location of the prey. All we need is to hold on for as long as possible. If the first one is caught, we have to be armed with a hundred off-roaders. kilometers."

(End of this chapter)

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