Chapter 386 Advanced Weapons

"What's the matter? Did the company commander find something?" Fang Tian asked nervously.

"I don't know, but there must be emergencies, but we don't have to worry about anything. With the strength of the company commander, what else can't be done?" Zhang Shuai said with a smile, and there was not much worry on his face.

"What do you think about, let's just wait for the company commander's signal." Zang Chong said carelessly, reaching out and grabbing an assault rifle with a look of eagerness to try.

On the beach in the distance, Qin Yuan quietly appeared behind a boulder, staring at the dark and deep sea without blinking. With his peak-level hearing, even if there was interference from the sea, he could still faintly hear that there seemed to be something under the sea. The movement is moving towards this side.

If in other places, he only needs to release the god-level intelligent poisonous bees, and he can clearly detect all abnormal conditions, but this is the sea, the intelligent poisonous bees cannot go into the water, and the thermal imaging scan is useless, so he can only wait patiently it's here.

About two or three minutes later, a black box-like thing broke through the sea and appeared in Qin Yuan's sight.

This box is square, about three meters wide, floating on the sea, slowly drifting towards here.

Qin Yuan walked along the boulder and took a few steps to the side. Sure enough, he saw behind the black box, two figures were paddling hard behind it. It was they who pushed the box towards the island.

Without taking action immediately, Qin Yuan just watched the box being pushed onto the beach by the two of them, and then moved forward with great effort to prevent it from being swept into the sea again by the tide.

"Huh! Damn, it's finally done, I'm exhausted!" A somewhat rough voice came, and the man sat on the ground, as if he was very tired.

The other person was more alert and looked around carefully, but found nothing unusual. The traces of Qin Yuan's activities here during the day have long been cleaned up by the tide.

"I said the fourth, this is a deserted island. Usually no one comes here. Otherwise, the boss will not let us get the goods here. Are you so careful?" The burly man said in a rough voice.

"Be careful with Wannianchuan, the eighth, with your careless personality, something will happen sooner or later!" The man known as the fourth fourth was a thin man, but he seemed to be very old-fashioned.

The old man shrugged and said indifferently: "Yeah, you have been enjoying yourself for so long anyway, even if you die, you will not come here in vain, hahaha!"

"Okay, do you have a good rest? Let's hurry up and hide the goods, and then we can leave. After finishing this order, we can get a lot of money. I heard that there is another batch of fresh foreign goods from Lao Bao. It’s been a long time since I’ve tasted meat and fish, so I have to try it out.”

"Hey, this is good!" The old man immediately got up when he heard this, got up from the ground, and started to drag the box together towards the woods.

"Fourth, what are you talking about here, it's just so big, yet so heavy, if we hadn't stuffed enough foam, it would have sunk into the sea long ago." The eighth asked strangely.

"Do our business, remember to inquire less in the future, or be careful not to save your life!"

The fourth one reprimanded, then lowered his voice and said, "It's probably this thing, otherwise the boss wouldn't charge such a high price!" He made a gun gesture with his right hand.

"Fuck, it's true, I've been out for so long, and I haven't touched this thing yet!"

There was a flash of excitement on the old eight's face, and then he lowered his voice and said: "Fourth, let's go for two, anyway, there is no one else here, the boss will not know, with this guy in hand, who will dare to provoke in the future? us!"

There was a flash of thought on the fourth child's face, but he quickly shook his head: "Are you an idiot, the boss will definitely send someone to receive this batch of goods, and when the number is found to be wrong, don't think that we also stole it. Yes, I don't know how to die when I die!"

"That's right, it's still the fourth child, you are smart!" The old man was stunned, and then he stopped thinking about it and dragged the box towards the woods.

Behind the boulder, Qin Yuan has a thoughtful expression on his face. According to the conversation between the two, it can be clearly obtained that this box is full of weapons, but who is the so-called boss? Why are the weapons shipped here, is it to carry out some terrorist actions against the Dragon Kingdom?

After thinking for a moment, Qin Yuan did not take action immediately, but chose to change despite the changes, and at the same time, by rubbing the headset, he told Zang Chong and Lei Zhan in Morse code that Long Xiaoyun and the others should not act rashly.

A few minutes later, the two men hid the box in the woods with great difficulty, and then swaggered towards the beach, and nothing unusual happened during the period.

When the two of them were about to enter the sea, Qin Yuan rushed out like lightning. Before they could react, he raised the assault rifle in his hand and pulled the trigger.

With two gunshots, the two people in front fell in response, but they did not die. Before the shooting, Qin Yuan had put on a blank bullet and hit the acupoints of the two of them. They only temporarily lost their movement. ability.

Just as he was about to go forward to interrogate the intelligence, Qin Yuan suddenly had an alarm bell in his heart, and the peak-level danger perception frantically reminded him that there was a fatal danger ahead.

Without any hesitation, Qin Yuan's legs suddenly exerted force, and this body jumped behind the boulder like lightning.

Almost at the same time, two explosions sounded on the beach, and a strong smell of blood came from the humid sea breeze.

Qin Yuan frowned. When he was about to step forward to investigate, there was a sound of dense footsteps behind him. He turned his head and saw that Zang Chong, Long Xiaoyun, Geng Jihui and others had come here, their faces full of worry.

When the two of them entered the woods, they were already awakened, but after receiving Qin Yuan's order, everyone carefully ambushed without making any sound.

They didn't worry that Qin Yuan would encounter an accident until the sound of these two explosions that almost spread across the island, so they rushed out quickly. After seeing that the instructor was all right, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Yuan nodded to everyone, and then walked directly to the beach. At this time, the place was covered with a dark red, and the strong and pungent **** smell almost condensed into substance. With each breath, it would drill into the lungs along the nostrils. If It's an ordinary person who has long been out of breath.

"Company commander, who are they, why did they blow themselves up?" Su Xiaoyu frowned deeply, as if he couldn't understand.

"Hehe, Xiaoyu, are you stupid, these two people were obviously tricked by the boss they said!" Zhang Shuai rolled his eyes, a little speechless Su Xiaoyu's IQ, how could a normal person be stupid!

Qin Yuan also nodded, although the light here was very dim, but with peak-level eyesight, he still noticed that there was something similar to a lucky bag hanging from their waists.

But what makes him a little strange is that the capacity of the lucky bag is very small. Even if it is really a bomb disguised, the equivalent will not be particularly large. How could such a violent explosion occur?

After thinking for a while, Qin Yuan still didn't understand, but he didn't bother, he turned and walked towards the woods.

"Don't go over and destroy the scene. The boss behind the scenes will definitely come here to take away the weapons. Then we will ambush here and catch turtles in the urn!"


Long Xiaoyun, Yang Rui and others nodded, they naturally knew this, so they all followed behind Qin Yuan and walked towards the box.

Coming to the front, Qin Yuan cleaned up the branches used for cover, then took out the dagger, followed the gap of the box, and quickly pried it open, revealing the contents inside.

There are several dark green weapon boxes inside this large box, and a lot of foam-like things are filled around to provide buoyancy and avoid sinking into the sea during transportation.

Qin Yuan took out a weapon box at random, and then opened it directly. There were several strange weapons in it, which Qin Yuan had never seen before.

"Instructor, this is the latest high-tech weapon developed by the beautiful country. I heard that even there has not been fully mass-produced, how could it appear here?" Long Xiaoyun recognized the weapon inside, with a smear on his face. Shock.

Qin Yuan nodded, and then continued to open the rest of the weapon boxes. Sure enough, there are all kinds of the most advanced weapons here. Some of them are just concepts in the Dragon Kingdom. If they are sold on the black market, they will only rely on these dozens of The weapons can be sold for millions of dollars.

"Company commander, the situation is not right. There are not only weapons, but also a lot of bullets here, enough to support a small battle. Who are the bosses in those two people?" Zhang Shuai's face was full of solemnity.

After thinking for a while, Qin Yuan said to the crowd, "You should keep the contents here first, and then re-seal the box. I'll go around and see if there are any other clues."

Everyone nodded, and then started to get busy. Qin Yuan turned around and searched along the coastline inch by inch. Every time he walked a kilometer, a god-level intelligent poisonous bee would be left behind, which was used as a camera, so that no one would be silent. Sneak into the island with sound.

It didn't take long for Qin Yuan to closely monitor the entire island. As long as anyone passed by, he would clearly see it.

After returning to the special forces, Qin Yuan looked at the sky and said, "There shouldn't be anything unusual tonight. You should rest quickly. There might be a battle tomorrow."

With so many advanced weapons thrown on the island, the boss will definitely send someone or even take them here in person, just from the point of view of silence, it is enough to see how seriously the other party attaches.

"Instructor, I think we should send a vigil to prevent the enemy from sneaking in while we are sleeping."

Qin Yuan pondered for a moment, then nodded, although with dozens of god-level intelligent poisonous bees, he could find any abnormality immediately, but thinking about their future missions, he would definitely not They are all around, and the necessary vigilance is still necessary.

"Then you can arrange it yourself, I'll go to bed first."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he walked directly to his tent. Zang Chong, Zhang Shuai and the others also followed. This emergency can be regarded as a special task, and they naturally won't get involved.

After everyone left, the five special teams got together to discuss for a while, and finally adopted a rotation system, with four people on duty every three hours until tomorrow morning.


There was nothing to do that night, and the next morning, Qin Yuan woke up from his sleep, and after a brief sparse, he went directly to the place where the special forces rested.

"Is there anything unusual?"

Although he has completely controlled the island, Qin Yuan still inquired as usual.

"Report to the instructor, everything is normal!" Lei Zhan straightened his chest and saluted, and now it was his turn to be on duty.

"Okay, if nothing else happens, those people will take action today, and they won't let these advanced weapons go unnoticed. We don't have any information about the other party, and we don't know where they come from and how powerful they are, but this is your task today. "

"This time, I will not take action. All the planning and execution will be carried out by you. Do you have confidence?" Qin Yuan looked at everyone and asked.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Long Xiaoyun, Geng Jihui and others had solemn expressions on their faces.

"it is good."

Qin Yuan didn't say much, turned around and started to pack his breakfast. Naturally, he couldn't make a fire during the special period, but he heard that raw fish sashimi was delicious, so he planned to try it.

"Report, at six o'clock, on the sea about three kilometers away, there is a freighter coming this way."

He Chenguang's voice sounded in everyone's headsets at the same time, Gong Jian subconsciously looked at the top of Shishan Mountain behind him, where He Chenguang was holding a sniper rifle, staring at the slowly approaching freighter in the distance.

"Can you see who is above?" Chen Shanming said solemnly, that direction was the Dragon Country, and it was normal to see the freighter going out to sea.

"There is no one on the deck, but it is heading this way and has no intention of changing direction."

"Everyone, hide first, Chenguang, be careful not to be discovered by the other party!"


The crowd soon hid behind the woods and carefully observing the increasingly clear shadows on the sea in the distance.

Outside the tent, Zhang Shuai was a little worried: "Company commander, if this is really the target, then things will be a bit tricky, that freighter is not small, no one knows how many people are hidden inside, these advanced weapons must be It is very important, the other party will definitely send a large number of people."

Qin Yuan didn't say much. He slowly used a dagger to pick up a thin slice of raw fish coated with sauce and chewed it in his mouth with a contented expression on his face.

After swallowing the fish in his mouth, Qin Yuan said leisurely, "Don't you have confidence in them?"

Zhang Shuai was choked and opened his mouth, but still said nothing.

"Fang Tian, ​​have you contacted the military region and asked them to prepare personnel to receive this batch of advanced weapons?" Qin Yuan asked, looking at Fang Tian.

"Don't worry, company commander. I contacted Commander Su directly. He takes this matter very seriously. He will send someone here after we deal with it."

(End of this chapter)

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