Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 546: Jump into the hole you dug

Seeing that the company commander had said so, Su Xiaoyu and the others did not dare to speak again, and looked down at their toes.

"Okay, just take a break and watch it, don't let them be lazy."

"No problem." All four of them showed a look of joy on their faces, and they breathed a sigh of relief. Even Zang Chong, who was very physically fit, was terrified by two high-intensity training sessions.

Ten minutes later, with the sabres and branches in their hands, the special forces finally dug deep holes one by one, but there was a hint of doubt on their faces.

"Brothers, why did the instructors assign such a task? Is there any deep meaning in this?" Song Kaifei looked at He Chenguang and the others.

Wang Yanbing looked thoughtful and said solemnly: "According to the previous training rules, these pits must be related to the follow-up tasks!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense!" Song Kai gave him a blank look.

"Stop guessing, the instructor's brain circuit is different from ours, so let's honestly wait for the task to be announced."

As soon as Xu Tianlong finished speaking, Qin Yuan's voice came from a distance: "Everyone has it, gather!"


All the special forces did not dare to delay at all, and rushed over one after another, with a little apprehension in their hearts, not knowing what strange training methods the instructor would come up with.

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and said slowly, "In the early days, there was an extremely cruel punishment, which was to bury people in the ground with only one head exposed, and then cut the scalp..."

Everyone listened to Qin Yuan's voice, and for some reason, their hearts suddenly burst, and they subconsciously looked at the deep hole they had just dug and were still fresh.

"And on the battlefield, the most vicious enemies will also bury the captured people in the ground and let them die slowly."

"As special forces, you will inevitably have to come into contact with various enemies, and even be captured by them. In this case, you can only rely on yourself, so you must learn how to deal with extreme situations. How to get out of trouble."

Hearing this, all the special forces all understood why the instructor let them dig a hole, and their feelings really wanted to bury themselves.

However, they did not flinch at all, because what Qin Yuan said was the truth. Once they fell into the hands of the enemy, the torture they would suffer is unimaginable. The only thing they can do is to adapt to these in advance, so that they can play at the critical moment. effect.

"Everyone has it. Now, jump into the pit you dug." Qin Yuan shouted to the crowd.


Without any hesitation, all the special forces turned around in unison, came to the open ground full of deep pits, and jumped in without hesitation.

"Go and bury Remember to compact it a little, otherwise the training effect will not be achieved." Qin Yuan turned his head towards Zang and said to the four of them.

"Ming...Understood." A few people obviously stuttered, but they still followed Qin Yuan's order honestly, took out the shovel in the trunk of the military vehicle, and began to fill the pit of the crowd.

Qin Yuan took a shovel, strode towards the direction of the Wolf Warrior Squadron, and finally stopped in front of Long Xiaoyun, unceremoniously scooped up the wet soil and threw it towards her.

Soon, Long Xiaoyun's whole body was filled with mud, only the upper half of his chest was exposed, and a large amount of loess was splashed on his face.

Qin Yuan stepped forward and stepped on Long Xiaoyun's whole body hard. After confirming that the porcelain was real, he walked towards the next person with satisfaction.


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