Chapter 558 Continue training!

There is only one thought in my mind, that is to rush forward with all my strength, this time I finally completed this training task, but my physical strength has also been exhausted, and it is extremely difficult to even move a finger.

Qin Yuan ignored the special forces and ate the barbecue slowly, taking a sip of the drink next to him from time to time, which seemed very comfortable in the hot noon.

Ten minutes later, the physical strength of the special forces recovered a little, and they all stood up struggling, watching Qin Yuan waiting for the next training mission.

"Give you ten minutes to settle down and fill your stomach."

"Yes!" All the special forces had a look of joy on their faces, and they all got into the woods to look for it excitedly.

This is a large and semi-primitive forest with a lot of game. As long as you look for it carefully, you don't need to eat those snakes, worms, mice and ants.

Soon, after filling their stomachs, all the special forces came to the temporary campsite to gather again. Compared with before, their faces were obviously much better.

Qin Yuan got up and looked at the crowd, pointed his finger at the river behind him, and said loudly, "Next, you need to bring all your equipment and cross the river to the other side, and complete it within five minutes. There is only one requirement, and you can't get excited on the river. Make the slightest ripple, otherwise it will be judged as a mission failure."

Hearing Qin Yuan's order, the special forces subconsciously looked at the clear and calm river in front of them, and their faces couldn't help showing embarrassment.

The river is not particularly deep, but it is a hundred meters wide. It is very difficult to walk from the bottom of the river to the other side. It requires plenty of physical strength and enough lung capacity.

As a result, the instructor actually wanted to increase the difficulty of training, so it wouldn't be intentional to play with them!

"What, what are you waiting for? Do you want me to demonstrate it myself?"

"Can you?" Ostrich asked tentatively.

"Hehe, what do you think?" Qin Yuan's eyes slowly fell on the ostrich.

"...Uh." Ostrich's face froze, he lowered his head embarrassedly, not daring to look at Qin Yuan's line of sight.

"You have four minutes and thirty seconds left." Qin Yuan retracted his gaze and said indifferently.


All the special forces were startled, they didn't dare to hesitate at all, they quickly **** their equipment, and then quickly walked towards the river.

Thunder Commando, Lei Zhan stood on the bank, took a deep breath, and walked directly toward the river, his footsteps fell very lightly, and the river water overflowed his abdomen, shoulders, until it completely submerged the top of his head.

In the clear river, Lei Zhan slowly opened his eyes. After a while, he stepped on the slippery mud and walked cautiously towards the opposite bank. During this process, he held his breath all the time, not even daring to spit out the air in his lungs. .

The rest of the special forces also acted quickly, immersed in the river water, and soon, only the five Qin Yuan remained on the ground.

"Set up the camera." Qin Yuan looked at Su Xiaoyu and said.

Although Su Xiaoyu had some doubts in his heart, he acted quickly, took out a suggested camera, and pointed the lens directly at the river.

More than four minutes later, a head suddenly appeared on the other side of the river, and Lei Zhan stepped out first, as if he had been holding it for a long time, hurriedly spit out the turbid air in his lungs, and took a deep breath of fresh air.

Soon, the rest of the special forces also came to the other side one after another, and some of them had already turned purple, which was obviously very hard work, but fortunately they completed the tasks assigned by Qin Yuan.

Two minutes later, Qin Yuan shouted loudly, "Continue training!"

(End of this chapter)

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