Hearing Ye Jianting's words, Qin Yuan was stunned at first, but he quickly reacted. According to the time, he should be talking about the group of recruits.

Sure enough, Ye Jianting continued: "This year's recruits have been training for a week and are already familiar with various precautions and disciplines. You came here to screen out some potential candidates and send them directly to you for selection in the future. What do you think? Sample?"

Ye Jianting's tone was full of discussion. If Qin Yuan directly refused now, he would not mention it again.

Qin Yuan thought for a moment, and finally said, "Okay, I'll go over now."

"Okay, I'll hit all of them now, you can come directly." Ye Jianting's excitement could hardly be suppressed.

After hanging up the communication, Qin Yuan looked at the four Su Xiaoyu around him and said, "You guys continue to train them according to the plan, I'll go out for a while."

"Okay!" The four of Su Xiaoyu didn't ask anything. After Qin Yuan disappeared in front of him driving the military vehicle, they walked towards the special forces.

It didn't take long for Qin Yuan to arrive at the destination and saw Ye Jianting waiting there at a glance.

"Xiao Qin, thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay, this is what I should do." Qin Yuan smiled and shook his head.

"Okay, then let's not waste time, let's go over now." After Ye Jianting finished speaking, he walked ahead and led Qin Yuan to a very large playground.

At this time, on the concrete floor in the center of the playground, there was a large crowd of figures standing. It was the new recruits this year. Judging from their appearance, they were obviously much better than a week ago.

"All attention!" Ye Jianting walked on the high platform and shouted into the loudspeaker, focusing all the recruits' attention.

However, the eyes of the recruits soon fell on Qin Yuan, who was beside Ye Jianting. Even after a week had passed, they were still unforgettable.

There were more than 1,000 of them, facing a mere 40 or so special forces, and they were defeated in a mess, and they didn't even have the chance to fight back.

And those special forces were trained by the mysterious boss in front of them. Everyone subconsciously raised their chests and wanted Qin Yuan to notice them.

However, Qin Yuan seemed extremely indifferent from beginning to end, and he didn't even lift his eyelids, showing the demeanor of a master. In the eyes of the recruits, it became more and more mysterious.

"Cough cough." Ye Jianting coughed a few times and said loudly, "Compared to what you already know, what is the identity of Comrade Qin Yuan standing beside me."

"Today, I want to announce a good rest. You will have the opportunity to enter Comrade Qin Yuan's training base and receive his personal training."

With a bang, as soon as Ye Jianting said these words, the bottom seemed to explode, and everyone's faces were full of excitement and inconceivable.

"I heard it right, it was actually trained by Mr. Qin Yuan himself. Isn't this a special kind of treatment only for special forces?"

"Even special forces require extremely strict selection before they can enter their training base. The Thunder Commando, the Warrior Squadron, etc., which are now being trained there, which one is not a well-known existence?"

"But it's Chief Ye who said this. That's the boss of the military region, so he won't deceive us recruits, right?"

"It's definitely true, but what the officer said is that there is a chance, which means that there will definitely be a very strict selection, and those who can really enter it must be the best."


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