Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 562: I will certainly not be polite

"Hehe, don't worry about him."


The man's face was obviously stunned, and it was unclear why other recruits could be sent to the infirmary after fainting, but this man couldn't.

Ye Jianting at the back also noticed the situation here, strode over, and asked with a smile, "Xiao Qin, what's going on here, is there any problem?"

"This guy is pretending." Qin Yuan said bluntly.

"What?" Ye Jianting's face sank obviously, but he quickly recovered. After carefully observing the recruit who was still on the stretcher with his eyes closed for a while, he turned his head to the body behind him and said, "Drive him back to the admissions office and persuade him directly. Retreat, it is said that I have the order!"

"Yes!" The two guards responded and were about to lift the recruit on the stretcher.

"No, I was wrong, sir, please, don't persuade me, I really know I'm wrong, and I will definitely not do it again in the future."

The recruit opened his eyes in fright, his face full of pleading.

However, Ye Jianting didn't seem to hear it, and still laughed and discussed with Qin Yuan the few recruits who were still insisting on the playground.

"Stop talking nonsense." The two warriors each held the man's shoulders, and then almost dragged him towards the military vehicle.

At this time, there were still six recruits left on the playground. They were all sweaty and sweaty, and their clothes were all wet. Although they were already tired, they stumbled, but they still tried their best and ran forward with big strides. .

One of them was the burly recruit who was the first to perform the mission.

"Xiao Qin, these are really good seedlings. Not only are they outstanding in physical fitness, but they are also very tenacious. It seems that another outstanding special forces team will be produced this year." Ye Jianting looked at the staggering figures on the playground. There was a flash of excitement in his eyes.

Qin Yuan nodded slightly, expressing his agreement with Ye Jianting's opinion. If these recruits are trained well, their strength will definitely not be worse than Zhang Shuai and the others.

A few minutes later, several figures on the playground finally couldn't hold on anymore, rolled their eyes, fainted directly, and slammed heavily on the concrete floor.

"Quick, take them to the infirmary for treatment." Ye Jianting said loudly to the dozen or so medical soldiers, his tone was obviously a few faster than usual.

"Yes, sir!" The medics didn't have any delay. They carefully carried a few recruits who persisted to the end onto the stretcher, and then strode towards the medical station.

After their figures disappeared, Ye Jianting turned around and said to Qin Yuan with a smile: "Xiao Qin, these recruits who have completed the screening, let them train here for a week to polish their bodies and bones, and then send them to you, why? Sample."

"Yes." Qin Yuan nodded slightly, just in time for the Thunder War Warrior Squadron and the others, and they could finish their training in about a week.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you. It's the same sentence. If you have any requests, even if you ask them, Lao Su and I will do our best to satisfy you!"

Ye Jianting said in a deep voice, his face full of seriousness.

"Don't worry, if I really need it, I will definitely not be polite." Qin Yuan exchanged a few more words, and then drove the military vehicle towards the training base.

About half an hour later, Qin Yuan returned to the training base. At this time, the special forces seemed to have just completed their training mission, lying on the ground sweating heavily.

"Company commander, is there any new mission?" Seeing Qin Yuan returning, Su Xiaoyu immediately greeted him with curiosity on his face.


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