Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 632: eventually become special forces

Chapter 633 Become a Special Forces in the End

Need to hurry up, anyway, there is an instructor, this brother is definitely fine.

After the few people gradually moved away, Su Xiaoyu looked at the injured rookie and said, "Be patient, it may hurt a little."

Hearing this, the rookie gritted his teeth and said, "Instructor, just do it."

"Okay!" Su Xiaoyu grabbed the sharp branch that pierced his thigh, suddenly exerted force, and pulled it out directly, and a large pool of blood was instantly splattered on the ground.

The rookie let out a muffled groan, and his face instantly paled, apparently in severe pain.

Without any delay, Su Yuyu took out the wound medicine prepared by Qin Yuan from his body, sprinkled it directly on the wound, then took out the bandage from the medical box, and quickly bandaged the wound.

"Okay, let's go back, don't worry about your injury, at most one day, it will all heal."

As Su Xiaoyu spoke, he reached out and wiped the sweat from his face with his sleeve. This was the first time he had dealt with an injury, and he was inevitably a little nervous.

The rookie was supported by Su Xiaoyu, and walked into the military vehicle with a silent expression on his face. His eyes were full of reluctance. He was really unwilling.

However, he is also very clear that this accident was entirely because he was too careless and did not see the surrounding situation clearly. If it was on the battlefield, this kind of accident would be enough to lose a small life, so it was a matter of course to be eliminated.

About half an hour later, Su Xiaoyu sent him back to the dormitory of the training base. After a brief request, he left here directly. When it was dawn, someone would pick him up.

So far, there are only six new recruits left, namely Li Man, Zhang Qi, Zheng Qian, Cheng Cheng, Su Zhan, and Zhai Qing, and they are the ones Qin Yuan is more optimistic about.


An hour later, in the dense forest about 30 kilometers away from the training base, the three of Li Man squatted under a big tree, biting the snake meat in their hands in embarrassment.

With the help of the faint moonlight, Zhang Qi couldn't help showing a wry smile after seeing where they were at this time, "Brothers, we ran for an hour in a row, and we only ran less than ten kilometers, hey, it's late at night. Ah, I don't know when I can go back to the dormitory to rest."

"Speaking of this, I'm really sleepy." Zheng Qian said, and yawned his eyes were full of tears.

"After eating this bit of snake meat, we will continue to leave. Although the instructor has no set time, he will definitely give us a score. Everyone must show all their strengths and eventually become special forces." Li Man said solemnly, his eyes flashing. A gleam of longing.

"Then there's no need to say that, depending on our strength, isn't the mere special forces still able to capture it?"

"Okay, shut your crow's mouth. If something happens later, I'll be the first to trouble you."

"Hey, you can't say that. Accidents like this are destined by heaven, and those who should come can't be avoided."

"Shut up!" Li Man and Zhang Qi roared at the same time, why is this guy so annoying all of a sudden.

Zheng Qian shrank his neck abruptly, closed his mouth quickly, and concentrated on nibbling on the snake meat in his hand. If these two eldest brothers left him here, he would not be able to return to the training base by himself.

At zero o'clock, after a long journey, the recruits finally passed through a large forest without any risk and returned to the training base.

(End of this chapter)

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