Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 642: Go to the gear store now

The four of them understood immediately, turned around and ran towards the cafeteria. It was past ten o'clock now, and they didn't even have a hair in their stomachs, so they were already very hungry.

Qin Yuan glanced at the recruits who had already had enough to eat, pointed to the tap not far away and said, "Give you five minutes to wash the pot."


The recruits responded, picked up the cauldron that was still a little hot, and quickly ran towards the faucet.

After packing up, the recruits began to conduct 400-meter obstacle training under Qin Yuan's order.

"What is in front of you now is the 400-meter obstacle that every recruit has to go through."

Qin Yuan looked at the recruits who were listening attentively, and continued: "For the first 100 meters, you need to sprint to the opposite side. For the second 100 meters, you need to pass the five-step pile, cross the deep pit, the single-plank bridge, and so on."

"The third hundred meters, the subjects are high and low nets, drilling bridge piers, deep pits two meters below, high walls and so on."

"And the last 100 meters, the same as the beginning, sprint back to the starting point, this training subject, two and a half minutes is a qualifying score, since you are recruits, this is the first time you have received this kind of training, I will give you ten seconds of grace, is there any question?"


The recruits roared loudly, with a faint excitement in their eyes. The previous training was all boring physical training such as push-ups and squats. Now it's finally interesting.

"Very good, start training now, Zhang Qi, you take the lead, and the others start every ten seconds."


Everyone responded. Zhang Qi took a deep breath and rushed over. He was quite familiar with these. After all, when he was young, he often saw similar training, so even without Qin Yuan's explanation, he could still reach the finish line with standard movements. .

Ten seconds later, Li Man strode forward. Compared with Zhang Qi, his speed was significantly faster. When passing through various obstacles, his movements were more capable, but he was just a little unfamiliar with the route.

Watching the recruits rush out one by one, Qin Yuan couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on his face. The talents of these six guys are indeed not bad, almost the same as Zhang Shuai and the other four.

As long as they are taught carefully, they will be outstanding special forces in the future.

It didn't take long for everyone to complete a round of training, and the time was almost the same as Qin Yuan's request.

For the next hour, Li Man and others stayed on the 400-meter obstacle course, adjusting their movements and rhythm again and again, and the time required to complete them became shorter and shorter.

In the end, at the end of the training, everyone's scores were within two minutes. Although they still had a lot of room for improvement compared to Su Xiaoyu, Qin Yuan was already satisfied. To three days, there will be time to continue to sharpen.

After a ten-minute rest, Qin Yuan looked at the crowd and said loudly, "Now go to the equipment and follow me." After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the back.

When the recruits heard this sentence, their faces were obviously stunned, and they didn't seem to have digested the meaning, but just a moment later, everyone's eyes burst into a strong light of excitement.

"That's great. Going to the arsenal now, it must be training marksmanship. We can finally shoot, hehehe."

"To be honest, the reason why I entered the military area was because I was attracted by the image of a soldier with a gun on the poster. My toys when I was a child were all kinds of plastic guns."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and follow, the instructors are almost gone."

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly reacted from their excited state, and hurriedly chased after Qin Yuan.


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