"What? An hour, did I hear it right?" Su Zhan staggered all over and almost fell.

"Instructor, are you kidding me? It's been an hour, let alone an hour. I feel like ten minutes is enough." Zheng Qian shrank his head, a little afraid to look at Qin Yuan.

The iron bar under their feet was only the size of a fist. Standing on it, the weight of their whole body was pressed down, and the soles of their feet were sore. In addition, they had to keep their balance all the time. It was simply impossible.

Qin Yuan glanced at a few people, and said in a flat tone: "If you can't hold on, you have to hold on. This is to exercise your sense of balance. If anyone falls, they will do a thousand push-ups on the spot."

After saying this, Qin Yuan didn't look at the increasingly bitter faces of several people, turned around and walked under the pavilion, avoiding the increasingly poisonous sunlight.

Su Zhan and several others watched Qin Yuan leave eagerly, and they all seemed extremely aggrieved for a while.

"Brothers, what should we do? Are we really going to stand on it and sunbathe for an hour?"

"Then what else can you do, bear it, an hour is not too long, and it will be over."

"But when the problem is now, the bottom of my foot can't bear the pain. It is estimated that within a few minutes, my foot will be abolished."

"Don't be so pessimistic. Since the instructor has arranged this task, it means that we can complete it. It is nothing more than suffering some hardships. If you want to become a special forces soldier, this must be experienced."

"That's right, everyone hold on, and don't give up easily."

Several people encouraged each other, their eyes became more and more firm, endured the discomfort of the whole body, and gritted their teeth to carry out the training.

With the passage of time, everyone's faces became more and more difficult to look, the sweat on their faces was pouring down like no money, and their bodies couldn't stop shaking slightly.

But everyone is doing their best to keep their body balanced and not falling to the ground without saying anything. After all, if you make a mistake, you will have to do a thousand push-ups. Who doesn't want to bear this kind of price? of.

In the end, an hour later, when everyone heard Qin Yuan's announcement that they could rest, their tense nerves instantly relaxed, their legs softened, and they smashed directly on the soft ground.

At this time, everyone's faces were extremely pale, and the soles of their feet were shaking uncontrollably. If they took off their shoes, you could see that everyone's feet had become bloody.

Qin Yuan turned his head to Zangchong and said, "Go, they will be carried into the shade."

"No problem!" The four of them responded, and they were done quickly.

At this time, Qin Yuan had already taken out a bottle of dark Chinese medicine and handed it to Su Xiaoyu next to him, "Give them the medicine, otherwise, they will not be able to continue training in this state."

Su Xiaoyu nodded, reached out to take the medicine bottle, half squatted beside the recruits, and carefully began to apply the medicine.

After taking the medicine, everyone's complexion has obviously improved a lot, but the complexion is still very ugly.

Qin Yuan sighed slightly, and then directly activated the aura of physical recovery, shrouding several people in it.

A few minutes later, Li Man and the others were surprised to find that they had been exhausted just now, but now they have become alive and well, as if they had been sleeping for more than ten hours in a row.


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