First of all, you have to run 60 laps on this playground, and then do some pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups, and other basic movements.

When they left, there were recruits left in the cafeteria, but they always thought something was wrong.

"We are still eating here, this is obviously a hint to us!"

"We were not taken seriously before, but now we are finally taken seriously, and we have not seized this opportunity."

Then they put down all their bowls and chopsticks, rushed outside, and said loudly to Qin Yuan.

"Sir, we have something to say."

He nodded slightly.

"Sir, we want to train with your soldiers."

Hearing that they could say this, Ye Jianting laughed and looked at Qin Yuan.

"Instructor, you don't know the plan you made, could it be these recruits?"

"Sir, if you really ask that, but my training method is absolutely unacceptable to recruits."

When the recruits heard such words, they were very unhappy in their hearts, and bit the bullet and wanted to go up.

"Instructor Qin hero doesn't ask the source, how do we know we can't do it if we haven't tried it?"

Qin Yuan was very helpless. When he trained Su Zhan and the others before, he even prepared some medicine for them.

That is, these things have been assisting them, so that their sore muscles can get better faster.

The current good recruits actually took the initiative to participate in this matter.

"Okay, you have an idea first, then I won't stop you, go to the training ground for sixty laps and talk to me later."

"Sixty laps? Sixty laps?"

"Instructor Qin, are you kidding me?"

He shook his head, "If you can't stand it, just keep eating with your cafeteria."

These recruits patted their chests for assurance.

"Instructor Qin, don't worry, we'll see you after the sixty laps."

After saying this, they ran to the training ground together and collided with Su Zhan and the others.

Zheng Qian was already out of breath at this moment, and pointed in the direction of the recruits.

"Why did these guys come here? Do you want to train with us?"

Zhai Qing and Zhang Qi both had surprise written on their faces, "No way, how could they persist with such a high intensity, don't think about it."

But after Su Zhan heard it, he looked at the faces of the recruits, "Don't say it, these recruits seem to have endless energy."

"What are you talking about? Running in circles and whispering strength, it seems that there are less rules for you!"

They all looked back at Qin Yuan and said in unison.

"Report the instructor, we are discussing the problem."

Qin Yuan ignored them at all, "Train well, or I will make a new plan for you tomorrow."

Then watching the recruits follow behind them, everyone's faces were filled with awe-inspiring expressions.

"Sir, there is indeed a drive in their marrow. This may be what I want to see the most."

Ye Jianting heard that the corner of his mouth rose slightly and patted his shoulder.

"Xiao Qin, since you said so, then this batch of recruits must be yours."

Qin Yuan actually knew from the beginning that it was definitely not that simple to come here.


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