But this is the reality in front of everyone, Qin Yuan's speed has not been affected in the slightest, and even the surrounding instructors have some admiration.

Dalong's side was relatively miserable. At first, everyone could hold on to it, but later on, they felt more and more powerless. Chen Feng's speed was not a problem. Now the only one behind their team is Zhao Meng.

Zhao Meng gradually became exhausted. He gasped for breath. Today's training is the most intense he has ever encountered. He has never felt so tired, and the weight on his back is getting heavier and heavier. more and more backward.

Qin Yuan turned his head and saw that Zhao Meng had been left behind. He let Chen Feng and Dalong continue to run forward, and he was going to pick up Zhao Meng.

No matter what, he would not leave any of the team members behind, so he was able to see the love that kept the number one, and suddenly turned the direction and ran towards the back, the instructor next to him felt a little strange, what does this kid want to do?

"Did I say this person is crazy? This achievement is not defined by their own country, but by individual achievements. Even if his players are behind, he is still in the front."

"Not and understand their Asian brain circuits."

These instructors were also full of endless sarcasm in their conversations, all of which were described by some relatively insulting words, mainly because it was difficult for Qin Yuan's faces to appear in some large-scale competitions during these years of competition.

Zhao Meng was suffocated by the backpack, his sweat dripped down, he could hear his own heartbeat, and his footsteps were completely chaotic. At this moment, a voice sounded.

"Adjust your breathing and follow your usual training left and right."

Zhao Meng raised his head and saw Qin Yuan beside him. He was a little surprised, but quickly shook his head and urged Qin Yuan to hurry up, because he knew that with Qin Yuan's physical strength, it was absolutely no problem. Until now, most people They are already very tired, but Qin Yuan still maintains a very relaxed state, feeling that there is no problem at all.

"Brother Qin, don't worry about it. My current ranking is not named after a country. Anyway, it is reserved for the last. If I can't have dinner tonight, I can't drag you down."

"What are you talking about, brat? I am the leader of the team this time. Not only will I bring you all back safely, but I will not give up every player."

"Brother Qin, I... I really can't run anymore. Just leave me alone and leave quickly. "

Unexpectedly, Qin Yuan directly took his backpack and put it on him in the next second. Zhao Meng was stunned. What is this operation?

"What are you still doing, hurry up, what do you want to do? I've already helped you here, can you still walk?"

Zhao Meng was moved indescribably, but he felt more guilty. He felt that he had dragged down the entire team, but under Qin Yuan's constant urging, he could only run along, without the heavy burden. Burden, his footsteps are getting faster and faster.

Qin Yuan's speed was also very fast, slowly surpassing the people around him, but everyone was stunned when they saw that this guy was carrying two backpacks on the left and the other, which was too exaggerated.


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