Although everyone wondered what this person was doing, and even let them go like this, but now they are too tired to take care of so much, as long as they can go back to sleep first, this is the business.

Arbus originally wanted to discuss with them after returning home. Of course, everyone was really tired. After today's training, they haven't had such high-intensity training for a long time.

Sitting in the office at the moment, looking at the clean corridors around, even the leaves on the flowers on the windowsill were wiped clean.

He felt very good. His decision was too rational. Before, he decided to keep Qin Yuan after careful consideration. At that time, he first saw Qin Yuan's personal ability, and then he saw his leadership ability. , in taking care of teammates, leading teammates is really too strong.

I didn't expect to have such a big surprise in training, and some of their training can really be changed, mainly because of this system problem, they used this gimmick before.

Now the system can be changed, and very good soldiers can also be trained, just like this time Qin Yuan is still obedient to these instructors.

The secretary reported the results next to him and was very happy. He also did not expect such a big breakthrough in their results, "Sir, according to my current statistics, basically everyone has been deducted points today, and Qin Yuan is really very good. It's amazing, being able to shoot directly in that obstacle situation."

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to start talking for him. You forget what you said before. You think the strongest is the US side, and now you have changed your opinion."

The secretary was a little embarrassed to say this. To be honest, he was indeed affected by that old concept before, because the military strength and military quality of the United States were the strongest in all aspects from beginning to end.

This time it really refreshed his views. He didn't live. He was looking forward to their performance tomorrow. What he was looking forward to was the transformation of this team.

Because Qin Yuan's appearance has broken their previous routine, there has never been such a problem with an instructor before, but now that their instructor team has had an accident, it only shows that their ability is not strong enough.

With Qin Yuan's breakthrough, there will be other people behind, so they will be specially trained, and all their previous training methods must be improved.

The next morning, Qin Yuan blew the assembly whistle again. This time, everyone cooperated a lot and came down very fast. After yesterday, everyone knew that Qin Yuan had too many ways to deal with them. In this item, if too many points are deducted, everyone will be punished.

So it is better for everyone to cooperate quickly, but there are still people who are not willing to cooperate with this kind of cooperation. After so many years, how could the boss be willing to give in now?

Dalong began to count the number of people next to him. Everyone gathered within three minutes. Only Arbus was still upstairs. Today, he has also made a decision. No matter what, he will not be able to get up. If he wants to train , Dream it, it is impossible for others to succumb to him.

And just in case, this time he directly locked the door from the inside, then pushed up the wardrobe at the back, and even prepared a gas mask under the bed, even if the guy set fire to water, he was not afraid.

However, he didn't expect Qin Yuan to directly change his routine today. Instead of going up to catch Abus, he just stood there and kept watching the time.

As soon as the three minutes were up, he held down the stopwatch and then blew the whistle, "I see that everyone is in good spirits today. This is obviously much faster than yesterday and has reached the standard. It's a pity, there are still people. If you don’t cooperate, I told you yesterday that you are a whole, and since some people don’t cooperate, let’s all wait together.”

The people in front of them didn't know what this meant, so Qin Yuan soon gave an order to let them start to squat down and jump around the playground until Arbus came down. When will this guy come down and stop, otherwise everyone will Sit down together.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. One of the instructors couldn't help it because he made a lot of preparations in order to be able to arrive early today, but he didn't want to be deducted points for being late. to harm.

"Report to the instructor, I really don't understand why it is his problem, but let us share the burden. Is it too unfair for us to do this?"

"That's true, but you are a whole now. I want you to have a collective concept from now on. If one person is missing, it may lead to the failure of subsequent tasks!"

Even if they wanted to refute again, they really had nothing to say. They could only squat on the ground and start to leapfrog. Under normal circumstances, they would start having breakfast at 8 o'clock.

But Qin Yuan didn't mean to stop them at all, and most of the guards were already up at this time. Everyone saw that the instructors on the playground were embarrassed, and they were all jumping around the playground.

Very soon, ten minutes have passed, this level is not good, everyone has been holding a breath in their hearts, all of them are the **** of Abus, on the other hand, Qin Yuan is very leisurely. sun.

Looking at the people in front of him, Dalong couldn't hold it anymore. This leapfrog was really exhausting. "Brother Qin, they're about to jump for half an hour. Will it be a bit long? I'll be training later. Worry about the impact."

"What are you talking about, kid? I have a watch myself, and I can see the time. It seems that the guys above can bear it. Let them shout slogans."

At the moment, Arbus was lying on the bed, and he also felt strange. He made so many preparations today, but Qin Yuan didn't show up for a long time, which was a bit unreasonable.

Just when he felt strange, he suddenly heard a roar from below.

"Albus, get up! One or two! Albus, get up!"

With such a rhythmic shouting, Arbus was not calm. He quickly got up and stuck out half of his head. He couldn't see it from this position, so he could only push the big wardrobe away, and then came to the corridor outside.

At this time, he was scolding in his heart, because he didn't know what the **** Qin Yuan was doing, why was he calling his name in front of so many people?

However, in the next second, he saw all the team members jumping frogs on the playground, and from time to time they raised their heads and looked viciously in his direction.

These players have been training for half an hour, and all of this was caused by Arbus, so everyone shouted extraordinarily domineering, and it was considered to express the grievances in their hearts.

Seeing this situation, Arbus couldn't help frowning. This guy's methods are really clever. I didn't expect that he would use this trick to drag him down like this. It is estimated that he is really going to be targeted by everyone. Can run in a hurry.

Qin Yuan raised his brows slightly when he saw him coming down, and the instructors breathed a sigh of relief, but Qin Yuan still did not order them to stop.

"Hey, what are you guys doing? Do I sometimes tell you to stop? What are you looking at? Go on!"

The instructor in front raised his head and stared fiercely at Arbus, his eyes seemed to tear him apart, and at this moment he was only guessing.

"I really can't think of it. I think you are a eldest young master. Do you really want me to send someone to carry the sedan chair to invite you?"

"Hehe, don't think you won in this situation, I didn't come down because of you."

Qin Yuan sneered, and then applauded next to him. He had to deal with this guy. There were many ways to deal with him.

"Hey, you all heard it. It seems that he is still very unconvinced. Do you blame me? I am most afraid of others being unconvinced, so I must convince him."

Everyone had a bad premonition in their hearts. Every time Qin Yuan said this, they would definitely suffer. Sure enough, under Qin Yuan's order, everyone jumped to the drain in front and soaked in the stinky water.

This morning, a stinky water ditch package came directly, and it was uncomfortable for anyone to change.

"In the early morning, I'll give you a wake-up call. Besides, I'm here to teach you all sincerely. We in Longguo have a trick called "Basic Kung Fu Zhamabu. You can start learning it today."

In this stinky water ditch, everyone put on their horses, because they had never been in contact with them before, their center of gravity was a little unstable, and some people fell directly into the stinky water.

Not to mention how uncomfortable this taste is, but all of this is what Qin Yuan and the others have experienced before, but now they have changed another way to make them feel the same.

After a while, Qin Yuan looked at the time on the watch, and it was almost time to eat breakfast, "Everyone is not allowed to move without my order, and keep this posture."

After he finished speaking, he took Chen Feng and the others to the cafeteria. Anyway, let's fill his stomach first. On the other hand, the situation of Arbus is not so good. Qin Yuan just left, and the people next to him scolded secretly. .

"You bastard, do you know that all these things we received today are all because of you?"

"What do you mean? You dare to scold me! When I came to Skull Island, you didn't know where I was. You are qualified to scold me."

Before, he always used this old-fashioned attitude to suppress others, but now everyone doesn't like him at all, because everyone is equal in front of love. Today, because of his own mistakes, everyone will be accept punishment.

And this guy doesn't have any apology now. This is what makes everyone the most angry. The people next to him also complained, and more people began to scold. Arbus couldn't believe that these people usually call him brothers. of.

"What do you mean? Don't you see it clearly? This is what he did on purpose. He deliberately provokes the relationship between us. Don't forget, no matter what, we all belong to the same camp."

But now everyone can't control that much. Let's take care of the things in front of us first, and put aside the things in the same camp. At present, it is he who is dragging everyone down.

The instructor next to him didn't plan to let him go at all, "I tell you, you'd better not run into me in the fighting training later, or I want you to look good."

"What are you? You are also worthy!"

At this time, Arbus is still unforgiving, and Rem next to him can't stand it any longer, so he can only stand up and persuade him, "Enough, Arbus, I think you should reflect on yourself, this time. You really implicated the brothers, and it is not easy for everyone in the morning, no matter what, you have to apologize to everyone."

"What! Now that you're not even on my side, what do you mean?"

Rem shook his head helplessly. The current Albus is too extreme. No matter what anyone says, he doesn't believe it, so he can only think about it himself.

After a while, Qin Yuan and the others brought their breakfast over. It was so frustrating in the morning that everyone was hungry. Although today's breakfast was only bread, it was better than nothing.

Qin Yuan smiled and held the bread in his hand, "I am very kind, although you made a low-level mistake this no one can gather it, but I will not treat you badly. I brought you breakfast myself."

Before everyone was moved, Qin Yuan's operation shocked everyone in the next second. He took a piece of bread and threw it in front of the first instructor.

"Starting from you, five people will eat a piece of bread."

This is even more devilish than the devil. The bread is a small one the size of a palm, and there are five people who eat it. Usually, they can eat four or five to be full.

But now Qin Yuan's rules are rules, "I don't care how you distribute them. Anyway, you have to think for yourself. Whether or not someone can eat bread depends on how you usually treat others."

Everyone has been an instructor before, so they all know what kind of training this is. In fact, it is to enhance everyone's sense of unity. In this case, it must be distributed reasonably so that everyone can eat bread.

In addition, their points are all tied together. If someone is deducted because they have not eaten and their physical fitness declines, and the number of deductions is too many, they will still be punished, so it is better to cooperate.

Qin Yuan ordered them to go down. Dalong and the others distributed a piece of bread for every five people according to the number of people. The first instructor in front looked at the bread in his hand. Although he was very hungry, he still took a small bite and tried his best to give it to him. Other teammates left the weight.

Most of them were good until he came to Arbus, because this guy happened to be ranked fifth. He suspected that Qin Yuan was deliberately targeting him, otherwise why would he deliberately rank him in this position? Location.

Taking turns in order, he was the last person to eat the bread. Even so, his eyes were still disdainful.


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