Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 886: The dragon is in trouble again!

He suspected that someone had leaked the deployment of his own troops, but it was impossible. Even their regiment commander didn't know their specific distribution, because he was in charge of everything.

But watching the opponent's hits become more and more accurate, he became more and more worried about what was going on, and seemed to conclude that his heavy artillery was here.

Just when he was still struggling, the squad leader in the rear reported that their heavy artillery had been severely injured because of the constant pressure. Now he is in the dormitory, do you need to retreat or shift a little, or else? If it goes on like this, their artillery will not be able to eat.

The company commander is still struggling. He doesn't know whether to change the plan. If the position of the artillery is changed, then his overall layout will be changed.

But the monitor at the back is really anxious. If this goes on like this, what should they do if they are excited about the class? Do you just stand there and be beaten by them? There is no chance of fighting back now.

"Company commander, please make a decision quickly. If we keep fighting like this, we won't even have the artillery resources in the future."

In the end, he had no choice but to order them to retreat 300 meters back, and then launch an attack immediately, but they couldn't be so precise in this position, and after retreating back, they could only attack from a long distance, which would be unbearable to the opponent. to what harm.

Now there is no way to do it, since there is no way to attack, then you can only hide behind, dodge some first.

However, it was his decision that just hit the third company commander's strategy. This was what Qin Yuan had analyzed before. As long as they dared to retreat, it was the time for them to move forward.

No matter what kind of battlefield, the most important thing is the art of war. Now that their heavy weapons have retreated to the back, they lacked resources in terms of time and firepower. Taking this opportunity, the third company commander hurried them to the front.

The war has only just begun, and it has already been fought in such dire straits, and there is basically no point where it can be maneuvered. Only the third company commander and the others are attacking.

The leaders below were completely dumbfounded, and Wu Gang applauded even more. He knew that this time, their efforts in the past few months were not in vain, and they were completely suppressed.

Zhao Mingyu's face was not very good. In any case, his company had also been trained abroad, and he gave a special explanation at the time. He didn't expect to be beaten so badly under such circumstances.

There was no chance of fighting back. After only half an hour, the situation on the field had completely reversed.

The people on Wu Gang's side had already rushed to the front a few times, but they were forcibly beaten back, but they could hold on a few times like this.

The main reason is that the artillery fire on Wu Gang's side is too accurate and the speed is extremely fast. No matter where they move, they will be directly attacked by the attacker in the next second, which makes everyone feel a little incredible.

The third company commander in the back directed everyone to make the final charge. The battle was over in just 45 minutes. Everyone applauded, and Zhao Mingyu also stood up and applauded from the bottom of his heart, because the opponent's strength really shouldn't be underestimated.

He recalled what he had said before, and instantly felt a little embarrassed. At that time, he also said whether he wanted to let Wu Gang and the others. Seeing that, it would be good for people not to let them.

Sure enough, it was three days of Shibei, and when I looked at it with admiration, I wondered how these guys had exploded so powerfully in such a short period of time.

A military commander sitting on the rostrum clapped his hands and said to Wu Gang next to him: "Captain Wu, it seems that you are really hiding yourselves. You have been retaining your strength before, and this time it looks very good. Well."

Wu Gan just smiled helplessly. What can they do first in this game is his last chance. If he doesn't seize it, the whole team will face the situation of being diverted out.

Fortunately, everyone persevered, and he finally let go of his previous worries. No matter what, they won this time, and the leaders above probably have nothing to say.

Qin Yuan was dozing off while sitting next to him, which surprised Wu Gang. He walked over to take a look and couldn't bear to wake people up. Although the battle just now was really exciting, it was all thanks to Qin Yuan's credit. He has been training non-stop during this time.

Maybe it was really too tired. At this time, the sound of gunfire stopped completely, and Qin Yuan yawned and stood up.

Wu Gang hurriedly stepped forward to express his gratitude to him, this time thanks to his training, otherwise he really couldn't turn defeat into victory.

Qin Yuan waved his hand, which was nothing. On the one hand, it was his training, and on the other hand, it was everyone's cooperation. Without their cooperation, this would be impossible.

At this time, Zhao Mingyu noticed Qin Yuan next to him, and when he saw this scene, he suddenly realized.

"Good guy, I'll just say how your strength has improved so much in a short period of time. It turns out that you have invited foreign aid, hahaha, forget it, I completely admire it."

Wu Gang rolled his eyes at him, this kid has lost now, so he said sarcastic words there, "Look at what you said, then you haven't gone abroad for further training, I'm inviting our domestic ones, what's wrong with that? ?"

Zhao Mingyu shook her head quickly, indicating that she didn't mean it that way, but came over flatteringly, "Instructor Qin, I really heard about your reputation a long time ago, but I don't know if you have time recently, if possible. Also guide my team."

Zhao Mingyu's tone of voice was very polite. As a regiment leader, he was able to plead like this again and again, and he could also see the importance of loving Qin Yuan.

The main reason is that everyone knows what the strength of the previous three companies was. After his training during this period of time, he turned defeat into victory. Generally speaking, Zhao Mingyu's company was one of the best in existence. Now, it took 45 minutes to break it directly. Everyone's guess.

So Zhao Mingyu also wanted to come here to share a piece of the pie, no matter what, he also wanted to improve his strength.

Wu Gang pushed him away directly, this kid always wants to take advantage of it, "I said Lao Zhao, you are not authentic, aren't you the strongest? Of course, we have to let us study hard, Qin Yuan's mission on my side is not over yet, I didn't promise to let him go."

Zhao Mingyu was stunned when he heard this, and he almost forgot, it was indeed a first come, first come, this Wu Gang couldn't let people go, so he couldn't do anything, and Qin Yuan was even more shocked.

What's the situation? Didn't Wu Gang say that he would do a favor and leave after their assessment was over? What does this mean now? Do you want to regret it?

It's just that it's not easy to ask questions now. This time the battle is really exciting. Both sides have to go back and write a battle report to analyze this battle.

On the way back, Wu Gang was in a good mood. He knew that their fate had completely changed, and he no longer had to worry about being shunted out. From this moment on, he could do it by himself.

He patted Qin Yuan's shoulder, "Don't worry, what I said just now was all to deceive him, this guy is really not enough, their strength is already so strong, and they want to occupy you, so I outright and decisive."

Qin Yuan nodded when he heard this, expressing that he understood, and he had other things to do, so he couldn't stay here forever.

Wu Gang expressed his understanding that he hoped that Qin Yuan could stay tonight to participate in their celebration party, which can be regarded as a thank you during this time.

Qin Yuan also agreed. If he leaves again, he will save face for others. Besides, there is nothing too urgent, so stay and have a celebration together.

As soon as the vehicle entered the regiment headquarters, Qin Yuan noticed the guard next to him and hesitated, but looked at Wu Gang next to him and said nothing.

After they returned to the office, Wu Gang and Qin Yuan were chatting happily, mainly about the analysis of this record. When the two mentioned Wu Gang, they were very interested, and the tactical guidance for this time was divided on the map. come out.

Wu Gang is not the kind of person who is arrogant and arrogant. He knows that he won this time. Thanks to Qin Yuan's credit, he is not so easy to be proud of. Instead, he chose to replay, and he changed his direction this time.

Let Qin Yuan be responsible for guarding, and he will attack to see if he can use a plan to break the previous position and change the result.

This is very interesting. The two have been discussing for more than two hours without knowing it. Wu Gang is particularly fascinated by this kind of thing. He has deeply studied these tactical plans. with him.

At this time, a soldier in the outer perimeter kept walking around the perimeter with several letters. The soldier hesitated for several times, but did not dare to report forward. He knew the temper of their regiment commander. If he disturbed his interest at this time, he would definitely To be scolded.

At this moment, the secretary also came out of the room. As soon as he came out, he felt a little strange to see the little soldier hesitating at the door.

"What are you doing? Why are you sneaking to the regiment? Why don't you just go in if you have something to do?"

The little soldier looked aggrieved, he held the letter in his hand and said: "Secretary Chen, I don't have the guts, you know, once the head of the regiment discusses something, he is very enthusiastic, if anyone interrupts now He must be scolded for sure."

"Why are you so clueless? If it's a military report, won't it be delayed by you?"

However, the secretary turned around and thought about it. If it was a military report, this kid wouldn't be so worried. He could only ask what was going on, and the little soldier explained it.

It turned out that the letters from other troops were all from Qin Yuan, and they were still the same as before, but this time they sent five letters in one go.

The secretary took a look at the address where the letters were received, and they were all sent by the same company.

Thinking of this, he took the letter and sent the little soldier on. It was enough to leave such a simple thing to him.

It happened that he was going to the head of the regiment to stamp an official seal. He knocked on the door and walked in. He guessed well with the little soldier. He had just entered. The head of the regiment was a little unhappy about being broken by others. What kind of tactics to deal with Qin Yuan.

Seeing his dedicated appearance, the secretary was also a little embarrassed, but hurriedly handed the letter to Qin Yuan.

"Instructor Qin, take a look. This is a letter from the guard."

Qin Yuan also smiled, and then he found it strange that the letters were all his own, and he instantly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

He hurriedly checked the date and it was fine, it wasn't too late, it was all sent yesterday, and it took a day to get here.

The numbers of the troops were all covered up. When he opened the letter, he saw that it was actually sent by Zhao Meng, and the other two were from Chen Feng.

Because this time they belonged to closed training, so there is no way to contact them normally, they can only rely on this kind of letter.

Fortunately, it was not too long. The letter probably meant that something had happened to Dalong, so Qin Yuan had to go back and have a look.

Qin Yuan quickly went through it in his mind. Dalong's company was an assault company under the 503rd regiment in the southern military region.

The letter did not explain the specifics of what happened, but only said that something happened to Dalong. I hope Qin Yuan will rush to the company's side as soon as possible to meet and solve it together.

Qin Yuan was a little anxious in his heart. It was not too late. He called Chen Feng directly, but after making several calls in a row, they were all He was very worried about Dalong's situation, especially on the The matter of his parents had just come out, and combined with what was said in the letter, the feeling of unease in his heart became stronger and stronger, and Wu Gang next to him also noticed his abnormality.

He could only quickly put down the pen in his hand and come to inquire. He frowned as he listened to what Qin Yuan said, and he could only comfort him. It might be that he was still training or had other things in the army, so he couldn't answer it anytime. Telephone.

And immediately asked Secretary Chen to arrange the vehicle and send Qin Yuan there directly. Qin Yuan is a little sorry about this. I was going to participate in the celebration party with them tonight. It seems that I can only be absent because of the incident. Sudden.

"Oh, do the two of us still need to talk about this? Besides, this time you have helped me so much, I just want to thank you for this celebration, but well, there will be opportunities in the future, you will deal with it first. this matter."

Qin Yuan nodded, still a little moved in his heart. After a while, Secretary Chen prepared the vehicle, and he didn't have time to think about going there first, and the southern military region was still far away.

If the speed is faster, it is estimated that it will not be able to arrive tonight, then it will only be until tomorrow morning. At this time in the car, he received a call from Chen Feng.

It turned out that Chen Feng had just left for the Southern Military Region, and he had just finished dealing with the team's affairs, and he also told Qin Yuan a more difficult thing, that Dalong had escaped from the team without authorization.




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