Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 767: Duke Miller's invitation!


After the coughing sound, the girl took a long, deep breath, the sound of inhalation was like a bellows.

After breathing, the girl's pale face instantly recovered, and she cried out with a wow.

"Grandfather!" The girl immediately reached out and looked at Duke Miller in front of her.

"Rita! Grandfather is here, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright!" Upon seeing this, Duke Miller rushed up immediately, and immediately hugged the girl in his arms, constantly groping the girl's face with his profile. .

"Ah...this...this actually did it!"

"Yeah, it's amazing. Just now, the young noble seemed to be holding the girl and swaying around, how could he squeeze out the choked fruit!"

"Did you say that this young nobleman had the **** luck..."

"Shh, keep your voice down, this young noble has saved Miss Rita now, be careful that Duke Miller troubles you..."

And when the grandson and grandson of Duke Miller hugged each other, the surrounding nobles finally reacted.

However, even if they wanted to break their heads, they couldn't figure it out. Narant's seemingly random tossing method, which could accidentally hurt the girl, actually worked.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" And Cady, who was so proud just now, wanted to see how Narant was taken care of by Duke Miller, his face changed drastically, and his mouth muttered as if he had seen a ghost.

The last moment he thought that this kid had no good fruit to eat, but the next moment he became Duke Miller's benefactor.

This is definitely a great favor, and it is still in front of the nobles at the highest level of the Nok Empire.

In this way, no matter whether Duke Miller is willing or not, the thanks to Narant must be in place at that time, otherwise, if this matter spreads out, if Duke Miller does not thank him, his reputation will be spurned by the empire immediately.

"Young man, thank you very much for rescuing my granddaughter. I'm Miller. I don't know what your name is and which family do you come from?"

When everyone looked at Narant with envy and jealousy, Duke Miller finally appeased his granddaughter.

After handing his granddaughter to the servant and the magician doctor, he looked directly at Narant and asked.

"Duke Miller, my name is Narant, I'm from the Holy Continent!" Narant didn't have any pride in front of him, but spoke humbly.

"Oh, you are Narant?" Duke Miller's expression was very exciting, but he didn't expect the extraordinary young man in front of him to be Narant.

Although Duke Miller would not call the people of the Glory Continent a country bumpkin like the Dolly family did.

But the same thing is to look down on the people of the Glory Continent. After all, there are few spiritual powers in the Glory Continent, and he is well aware of the fact that there is no magician.

And now Narant's bearing does not need to be inferior to the heirs of the great nobles in the empire at all, and even must be more or less, which is beyond his expectations.

Duke Miller immediately looked at Butler Milo, and Miller Nation nodded immediately, affirming Narant's identity.

"Baron Narant, he really is young and promising!" After confirming his identity, Duke Miller immediately praised Narant.

The tone of this sentence is very serious, and it can be heard that it is not polite.

Other nobles may not know Narant's name, or can't remember Narant.

But Duke Miller only learned about the Orc Mission yesterday, and he is naturally still fresh in his memory of Narant, the lord who pioneered and plundered the Orcs.

"Duke Miller praised!" Narant was still humble.

"Well, come on, Baron Narant, sit there with me, let's sit there and talk, this birthday party, you not only provided me with wine, but also saved my Rita, then you It's my honored guest of Miller!" With that, Duke Miller warmly invited Narant to the sofa area in the corner.

Moreover, Duke Miller even made a gesture of invitation himself.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding nobles looked at Narant with envy.

To make Duke Miller personally make a gesture of invitation, I am afraid that only His Majesty the King can enjoy such a gesture in the entire empire.

"Who is this Narant? Do you know? Duke Miller just said that he provided the wine tonight?"

"It sounds familiar, but he just said that he is from the Glory Continent, we should not have any impression!"

"I know who this Baron Narant is. He is the lord of the Storm Lord, and this wine is produced by the Storm Lord!"

"Really or not, he made the wine?"

"Your Excellency, this is probably true. This Marquis of Umm brought the wine back!"

"This...I didn't expect that the lord of the Storm Territory was so young. The territory is not only rich in delicious wine, but now it has been appreciated by Duke Miller. I am afraid it will rise soon in the future!"

"Yeah, this Baron Narant is really lucky. Wine is the most delicious wine. Will he worry about earning gold coins in the future?"

As Narant left with Duke Miller, the crowd immediately began to discuss.

When they learned that the wine was actually produced in the Narant territory, the mentality of the nobles immediately changed.

Originally, if Narant was just a lucky boy and gained the appreciation of Duke Miller by virtue of this favor, then they would still be a little jealous, feeling that he had a bad luck. ,

But now the wine that became famous in Nok's capital turned out to be his Narant's. Now that kind of person can only look up and find a way to win over and make friends.

Because, although such a character came from the Glory Continent, although he was only a baron, as long as there were no accidents, his future achievements would definitely be immeasurable.

When the nobles onlookers were talking about Narant with great interest, he retreated to the entrance of the hall with a livid complexion.

And with him, it is his father, the Marquis of Piccolo.

"Father, what's the matter with you calling me here?"

"Bick, you go to the palace now and ask His Royal Highness the second prince to come." The Marquis of Pic also had a solemn expression and explained to him.

"Father, go now?" Cardi hesitated.

"Yes, let's go now, is Narant with the Frank family?"

"Yes, father!" Cardi nodded, although his father was seeing Narant for the first time, but the name had been sent by the spies the day before yesterday.

"Since this is the case, then I am afraid that the things we discussed with Duke Miller just now will change!"

"No, father, Duke Miller has just passed away and he won't take this matter into consideration anymore!"

"Why not, what Duke Miller cares about most is his granddaughter, and now that Narant has rescued his granddaughter, and is still in front of so many nobles in the capital, if that Narant proposes, then Miller The Duke will surely help!"

"Do you think that Duke Miller just said that he is taking care of us and the second prince? No, Duke Miller is thinking of His Majesty the King, and he does not want His Majesty to think that he is involved in the open and secret battles between the princes."

"So, if Narant now raises the matter of the Frank family again, Duke Miller will definitely help this time."

"After all, he is to repay Narant's kindness, even the king will not have any opinion!"

"This..." Cardi reflected in the dullness, and after listening to his father's words, he also realized the problem.

"Okay, hurry up, the sooner the better, otherwise Duke Miller will probably discuss with our Dolly family again later!"


Narant was invited by Duke Miller to sit on the sofa beside him.

Natasha and Ball naturally followed.

And Natasha did not avoid suspicion, and sat directly next to Narant, looking at him with adoration in her eyes.

Although Natasha used to admire Narant, but this time, seeing him save a little girl from the brink of life and death, the psychological impact must be even greater.

In particular, the nobles of the Nok Empire are helpless, even a strong man like Duke Miller.

And in just over ten seconds, Narant completed the things that everyone thought could not be reversed. There is no need to say more about the pride and satisfaction in his heart.

Duke Miller glanced at Natasha and Ball and didn't say anything, but said to Narant: "Baron Narant, I don't know what you did just now, how to force the fruit of the potion. from?"

Although Narant's actions just now seemed messy and useless.

But now that I think about it carefully, Duke Miller can conclude that Narant had a great deal of confidence when he stood up, because he looked very calm at the time.

"Duke Miller, this is a first aid method in my hometown, specially to help people who are choked by food or foreign objects. This method is called Heimlich Maneuver!"

"This method relies on quickly stepping on the stage to squeeze the abdomen of the human body to pressurize the upper body... Well, it can be understood that the opening of a skin bag is blocked by something. If we squeeze the skin bag hard, the blocked item will easily be squeezed out. That's what I just used!"

Narant didn't hide it and gave an explanation directly.

The Heimlich method was considered the easiest and most effective way to treat airway obstruction in the past life, and there is no hidden principle in it, so it can naturally be told to everyone.

It is best if this method can be spread, and it should be able to save a lot of people in the future.

"It turned out to be like this, this method is really amazing!" Duke Miller heard the use of the skin bag as a metaphor, and instantly understood the principle, and couldn't help but praise.

"By the way, Baron Narant, you rescued my Rita today, then I must thank you well, I don't know if you have anything you want, just mention it to me, as long as my Miller can I will do my best to satisfy it!”

After finishing speaking, Duke Miller was worried that Narant would be overhearted or embarrassed to mention it, so he continued: "Baron Narant, you don't need to be polite to me, no matter what you ask, you deserve it, I am Le's granddaughter is definitely a treasure in my palm!"

Seeing Duke Miller's sincere demeanor, Narant knew that Duke Miller really didn't look like a vain person, glanced at Natasha and Ball, and immediately smiled and said, "Duke Miller, actually I don't have anything to mention. After all, a cute girl like Tully, anyone else would lend a helping hand.”

"However, since you said that, Lord Duke, I have something I want your help here. This is also the reason why I came to Nok Capital."

"This matter is about the Dolly family suppressing the Frank family!"

"Baron Narant, are you sure this is the case?" Although Miller had already anticipated it, he was still a little surprised, "Baron Narant, you can actually change other requirements, such as changing fiefs and so on."

"As long as you want, I, Miller, can accept you as a noble of the Nok Empire, or even expand it to the size of the earldom!"

"County?" Narant did not expect Duke Miller to be so generous.

Since Duke Miller has spoken in person, this territory will definitely no longer be a dangerous area like those on the Black Rock Plains, but a relatively safe and prosperous territory in the hinterland of the empire.

Such a territory, as long as the Nok Empire does not fall, I am afraid that it can be passed down from generation to generation, and it can really be called a family of great nobles.

In addition, now that he already has such a relationship with Duke Miller, as long as he runs diligently and faster in the future, this friendship can definitely be maintained, and I am afraid that it can be stable in this Nok Empire.

However, Narant was very satisfied with his new storm collar and did not want to replace it.

Moreover, he has too many secrets and is not suitable for staying in this hinterland, so he smiled and shook his head: "Duke Miller, thank you for your kindness, but I still like the feeling of being free!"

"Baron Narant, you probably don't know yet. Just over a week ago, the Orc Empire sent a mission to our Holy Alliance."

"And they came for you anyway!"

"Come for me!" Narant was obviously taken aback.

"That's right, these orcs plundered their border tribes because of you some time ago..." At that moment, Duke Miller informed Narant in detail about the orc mission.

"Baron Narant, so, I think your best choice now is to change your territory and come to the hinterland of our Nok Empire."

"In this way, even if the orcs want to trouble you, it is impossible!"

"Although we have frictions on both sides, I am sure that the orcs have not dared to actually start a war between the two races for the time being!"

The reason why Duke Miller wanted Narant to join the Nok Empire.

One is to repay kindness.

The second is to take a fancy to the prospect of Narant.

Although I have only heard about it, whether it is wine or looting orcs, this is enough to show that Narant is different.

Such talents If possible, it is naturally best to pull them into their own empire. After all, whether it is with foreign races or other empires of the Holy Alliance, they also have a competitive relationship.

And Duke Miller felt that he had informed Narant of the news in advance, so he would definitely choose to join the Nok Empire.

"Duke Miller, thank you for your kindness, I still decided to stay in the Black Rock Plain!" However, contrary to Duke Miller's expectations, Narant once again firmly rejected his invitation.

Duke Miller took a deep look at Narant and found that for the first time he could not see the thoughts of a young noble.

"Narant, since you have such a choice, I won't advise you any more, but if your territory is really in trouble in the future and there is no other way out, you can come to me!"

"Next, then I'll help you solve the Dolly family's affairs!"

Duke Miller shook his head after a moment, and was not ready to struggle any more.


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