Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 67 The growth of weirdness

"The weird is extremely difficult to kill. If you want to find the weird, give up the idea as soon as possible. When you encounter the weird, the best way is to escape."

"This thing will not move around, it will only stay in a fixed position. We rushed into the occupied area and poked the weird nest."

"We were caught off guard and did not have much experience in dealing with the weird, so we had to cross the wall of different time flow speeds and escape to Jiangcheng..."

As Xu Yifeng said this, he did not notice that his body was undergoing some weird changes as time went by.

His shadow disappeared.

I don't know when it disappeared.

It was still there just now.

Even the three extraordinary and inhuman beings present, including Su Chen, did not notice it.

It was just that the changes in Xu Yifeng were too obvious, so Su Chen noticed it.

Originally, Xu Yifeng still had a human form.

Now, rotten maggots have grown all over his flesh and blood, and his two big eyeballs have fallen out of their eye sockets.

The human skin did not grow out, and it still looked like a horrible skeleton with flesh and blood, but there were sparse hair growing.

Originally, except for the loss of human skin, it was still somewhat lively, but now it was lifeless and did not look like a living person.

"What's going on?"

"Could it be that the real Xu Yifeng is dead, and the current Xu Yifeng is just an evil ghost with Xu Yifeng's memory?"

Su Chen's eyelids jumped, and he subconsciously took a step back, then his eyes flickered, thinking about countermeasures.

Characteristics, the heart of the beast, was beating wildly at this moment, not exerting power to threaten anyone.

Instead, it was frantically reminding Su Chen of the weirdness of the "Xu Yifeng" in front of him, and the terrible danger that would exist if he continued to face Xu Yifeng.

Su Chen had faced many crises, but this was the first time that the heart of the beast had given such a crazy warning.

This means that even if he is a level 4 monster, with two level 3 guards around him, it is impossible to fight against the weirdness...

"Did you turn off the lights?"

"Why is it so dark all of a sudden?"

"I remember that this laboratory uses several sets of generators. It is impossible for it to suddenly run out of power."

Xu Yifeng said strangely.


My eyeballs fell out.

It's really weird that I can still see.


Su Chen coughed twice and gestured slightly. The giant tiger guard and Gangzi retreated to him.

The two level 3 guards, one in front and one behind, firmly guarded him in the middle.

Su Chen's footsteps kept moving backwards, and he had long lost the arrogance that swept the laboratory alone before.

It turns out that there is such a thing as weirdness.

Today is really too arrogant.

Su Chen thought he was invincible.

Zombies can still be understood by physics, science, evolution, genes, etc.

This weird thing is a bit outrageous. Could it be that the other side of the erosion gate is really hell? !

In this case.

Let's just keep hiding.

If the sky falls, there is still a taller one to support it. Anyway, Su Chen can withstand it and doesn't want to withstand it.


"The power supply has a problem."

"Go on."

"By the way, don't you want to join me? Talk nicely. If the information is valuable, I can consider it."

Su Chen retreated calmly, and with two level 4 guards, he did not dare to make any sound and retreated to the outside of the laboratory.

Even a fool can see that Xu Yifeng's current state is not right. If he doesn't leave now, when will he wait?

Wait until Xu Yifeng really becomes weird?

"That's right."

"What does the weird look like when you killed it! By the way, this scapegoat is so effective, how did you get it?"

Su Chen slowly retreated.

Still talking, trying to stabilize Xu Yifeng who was changing.

"The surrogate doll, this thing is so powerful that it can't be used by creatures below level 4."

"Only extraordinary level 4 creatures like us can bear this price."

"I'm not exaggerating. Level 3 extraordinary people will die if their human skin is lost. Level 4 extraordinary people like us can still withstand it with our physique..."

"At that time, the weird old man with maggots all over his body was crushed by the level 5 corpse king of Yang City. Fortunately, I was sharp-eyed and picked up the props that exploded."

"Hey, wait."

"Why do I feel so itchy? I feel like something is drilling around in my body."

Xu Yifeng scratched his body. The maggots were scratched by him until only half of their bodies were left, wriggling in his flesh and blood.

This scene made Su Chen's scalp numb.

Weird, what on earth is this?

At this time.

Xu Yifeng's appearance has completely changed, with sparse hair and a bent spine. If he put on a layer of old man's skin.

Isn't that just a weird old man?


"Where are my eyes?"

"Why is there nothing in my eye sockets!"

Xu Yifeng scratched and actually touched his eye sockets. At this time, he seemed to have noticed something. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Su Chen who had retreated to the door of the laboratory, and asked distortedly.

"Are you running away?"

"Am I cursed and about to breed weirdness, and the evil ghost is revived?"

Su Chen did not answer.

His wings vibrated.

He led two level 3 guards out of the laboratory, and at the same time lifted the stone door and smashed it towards the laboratory.


"Why are the strange tools opened by others good, but I finally picked one up, but it turned out to be a strange tool surrounded by curses?"

"I'm dead."

"Don't even think about it!"

Xu Yifeng roared, followed the place where Su Chen's figure came from, and then hit the stone door thrown by Su Chen.

Dr. Monster obviously knew about the weirdness. This stone door was obviously mixed with some substance, and it actually smashed Xu Yifeng back.

The next moment.

Xu Yifeng completely completed the resurrection of the evil ghost.

The weird old man who was crushed by the level 5 corpse king in Yang City was resurrected on Xu Yifeng's body.

Bang bang bang!

On the other side of the stone door, there was a sound of collision in the laboratory, and finally it gradually became weak.

It is obvious that the stone door of the laboratory that can be easily moved or even smashed by the level 4 creature is indeed made of materials that can resist weirdness.

In theory.

The power of the Level 4 weirdness is not much inferior to that of the Level 4 monster. It is easy to move this stone door.

Even without the Level 4 extraordinary level, even the Level 3, no, even the Level 2 evolver who specializes in physical evolution can move the stone door.

"What is mixed in this stone door? It can actually restrain the weirdness. If I had known that there was this thing, I would not have killed Dr. Monster so quickly."

Thinking about it.

Su Chen stretched out his hand and stabbed it on the stone door, looking at the material under the stone skin.

I saw that under the stone skin, there was a golden light shining.

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"This is..."

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