Everyone was stunned: “What do you mean?”

Pei Tianyuan coughed twice: “Chen Xiao, you are now in the Chinese rank, and your merits have been listed in the army region system. You will not be disappointed.”

“As for what you said about losing money, that’s even more impossible. To you and me, the giant heart is just an ordinary human heart.”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows: “The meritorious service login system… My conferment ceremony is over like this, am I still considered a serial number?”

Pei Tianyuan was helpless: “That’s natural. You will do your part in the Chinese sequence. Don’t worry, no one dares to disagree from today on…”

There is infinite emotion in my heart.

You even killed Zhao Tianlang.

Who could object?

Isn’t that the old man hanging himself because he thought his life was too long?

Chen Xiao nodded: “Let’s see the merits first. I have something to ask Zhao Tianming.”

Seeing that he no longer had the fierceness just now, Pei Tianyuan replied calmly: “Then after you finish asking about the matter, go to Chief An’s office. She will be responsible for logging in your merits.”

An Ning whispered: “See you later.”

Chen Xiao nodded, and then looked at Zhao Tianming: “Don’t you want to talk to me? Don’t you want me to go in and talk?”

Zhao Tianming raised the corners of his mouth slightly: “Of course you are welcome, come with me.”

Bid farewell to Pei Tianyuan, An Ning and other people, and entered the scientific research building.

The overall interior of the building is white and shiny. As soon as you enter, the first thing you see is a spacious and bright atrium.

The LED lights embedded in the ceiling cleverly simulate the rhythm of natural light, adding a bit of the illusion of time and space travel.

At the highest point, there is a meaningful art installation.

It was a lifelike person, except that his head had been opened and his brain was exposed.

And his brain took root and sprouted, and a towering tree grew.

It’s a bit abstract…

Chen Xiao was walking in the scientific research building, looking around, feeling that everything was novel.

At this time, the corridors of the scientific research building were crowded with people.

“Don’t be so trusting, go back and do your own thing. Your mission has been completed, right?” A person behind Zhao Tianming said seriously. He is the leader of a group in the scientific research area.

The capital sequence followed Zhao Tianming unhurriedly, more seriously than the Wolf King Chen Mo protecting Pei Tianyuan.

Everyone came to the 27th floor.

This is Zhao Tianming’s office.

It is completely different from the sense of technology downstairs. There are no intricate experimental equipment and flickering electronic screens here. Instead, there is an indescribable simplicity and tranquility.

In the center of the office, a large wooden desk stood quietly. There was almost nothing else on the desk except a few books with obvious signs of being read and a retro-style desk lamp.

Behind the desk is a row of solid wood bookshelves that reach to the ceiling, with all kinds of books densely arranged on them, ranging from classical philosophy to modern scientific theories, covering a wide range of topics.

The people from Jingcheng Sequence and others left first and guarded the door. At this time, only Zhao Tianming and Chen Xiao were left, sitting on the two boss chairs on both sides of the table.

“”Postpartum Care of Sows”… Mr. Zhao’s taste is really a bit transcendent.”

Chen Xiao chuckled and pointed to a book in the corner of the bookshelf.

Zhao Tianming said calmly: “You may not believe it, but I can always find some strange point in these books, and starting from these strange points, biology will progress.”

Chen Xiao: “…”

Although Chen Xiao had a vague suspicion in his heart, he still asked: “Are you awakened…”

Zhao Tianming raised the corner of his mouth: “It’s a human being.”

Not sure if he was changing the topic, he continued: “Let’s talk about business. If I’m not mistaken, you have seen Ma Mian.”

Chen Xiao was stunned: “You know?”

Zhao Tianming nodded: “Of course I know that a month ago, a certain disciple of Ma Mian was killed by the capital sequence when he entered the country.”

Chen Xiao’s face darkened: “You mean…his target is me?”

Zhao Tianming rested his arms on the table: “That’s right, that divine disciple was calling your name until he died. Do you think he was scary or not?”

Chen Xiao leaned back, feeling a little afraid in his heart.

If that divine disciple really broke into Jiangbei and he happened to be away, with the strength of the Jiangbei Triangle at that time, he would have no choice but to wait and be massacred.

I didn’t expect Ma Mian to act so early, he is really a beast.

From now on, we should try to let Canglong stand guard at Jianghe Tower, otherwise big trouble will easily happen.

Chen Xiao pondered for a moment and continued: “Which gods have you seen? No, what I want to ask is…which gods have you heard of?

Zhao Tianming counted them carefully: “Well… four.”

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes: “Which four?”

“Pig head, horse face, snake tail…”

“anything else?”

Chen Xiao asked.

Chen Xiao also knows these three.

Could it be that Zhao Tianming’s information is the same as his own?

The last one is a sheep head?

Just listen to Zhao Tianming speak lightly:

“And…rabbit ears.”

“Rabbit ears?”

Chen Xiao fell into deep thought again.

I have never heard of this god, nor have any interactions with him.

Just so far.

These gods all come from the animals in the Chinese zodiac, and they are all specific to a certain organ part, such as the head, head, face, ears, tail…

What does this mean?

Are there a total of twelve gods?

Could it be that these divine organs will eventually form a big boss?

A lot of questions appeared in Chen Xiao’s mind, and they couldn’t get rid of them.

Zhao Tianming continued: “Chen Xiao, do you know that God is a collection of talents?”

Chen Xiao nodded: “I heard something, but I don’t really want to believe it.”

If these gods have the talent of awakening this animal to humans all over the world.

What about dragons and tigers?

How can anyone eat dragon or tiger…

Suddenly, Chen Xiao thought that Tyrannosaurus rex was also a dragon, but he was a little reluctant.

What about the tiger?

If no one in the world eats tigers, then the myth about tigers…

Doesn’t it mean he doesn’t have any talent?

“Chen Xiao, what are you thinking about?”

Zhao Tianming’s voice brought Chen Xiao back to reality from his thoughts.

He continued: “Actually, this conclusion… is a statement that I agree with after judging by behavioral logic.”

Chen Xiao frowned: “Do you agree?”

Zhao Tianming smiled: “Yes, for example… let me ask you an interesting setting. Do you know the existence, purpose and significance of God?”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows: “You know?”

Zhao Tianming smiled.

“have no idea.”


“But I know that there is no common interest among each of their gods.”

“What’s the meaning?”

“Let me give you an example. The purpose of the existence of divine disciples is to weaken the abilities of other gods. Do you believe it?”

Zhao Tianming continued: “For example, if you awaken Pig’s super-top talent, then other disciples may target you. If they kill you, Pig Tou’s talent will be less than one super-top talent.”

“So you understand?”

Chen Xiao was like an enlightenment.

But then came more questions.

If that’s the case.

Then when all these gods come, won’t they want to slaughter all humans?

The fewer awakened people of other gods, the stronger one is relatively speaking?

What a waste of life!

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