Just after Zhao Tianming left.

Chen Xiao walked to one of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked out at the entire capital.

From the height of the 27th floor, you can see almost the entire area.

Chen Xiao could sense that Zhao Tianming was almost down to the first floor. This was the powerful ability of [Deep Sea Glory lv2] and the reason why he was not afraid of Zhao Tianming running away with the money.

One hour.

Ten quotas, the secret of the shofar.

It can be regarded as a profitable and harmless transaction.

If this kind of transaction can happen every day, then why worry about Jiangbei not getting stronger?




Accompanied by loud noises from the bottom of the building.

Accompanied by bursts of burning smell.

Chen Xiao knew that this was the beginning of the meeting, and they had already started waving their horns.

It is estimated that their jaws will drop in shock. After all, the existence of sheep’s horns violates both the rules of nature and the animal world.

Time passes minute by minute.

Until Zhao Tianming returned to the top floor.

His body was covered with dust, his clothes were torn in many places, and he was stained with a lot of blood. Compared to an hour ago… he was a completely different person.

Chen Xiao said calmly: “Don’t tell me that someone in your prophet team died because of the ram’s horns.”

Zhao Tianming did not answer: “This is not something you should worry about. I just want to say that we have gained nothing in this hour.”

He changed the topic and spoke seriously: “By the way… some of your skills actually don’t mean much when it works on me.”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows and released a charming light. This skill has been used repeatedly and failed.

It’s probably because the skill level is too low. If you have time, you have to look for a higher-level charm skill.

Otherwise, when chatting with people like Zhao Tianming, you will always feel like you are being plotted.

But the horns were not decrypted, which was what Chen Xiao expected.

Even if they were all Homo sapiens, they would never be able to study such a weird thing as a ram’s horn in one hour.

To take a step back, if I really researched that fast, I would definitely be priced by the minute…

Zhao Tianming saw that Chen Xiao didn’t reply.

He continued: “But we have an idea, maybe we can…”

Chen Xiao interrupted him: “The hour is up. If you want to renew the lease, you can continue to pay for ten places.”

Zhao Tianming tentatively said: “I want to cut a small piece off the edge of the horn.”

Chen Xiao touched his chin: “You are going to buy it out. This is not cheap. Give me a hundred places and I can consider it.”

Zhao Tianming: “…”

“Chen Xiao, you should know that no one can get a hundred places.”

Chen Xiao smiled: “Of course I know, because I won’t let you cut the horns.”

With that said, Chen Xiao snatched the horn from Zhao Tianming and put it into his pocket: “Chief An is still waiting for me, so I’ll take the first step. I will send the people from Jiangbei over in a few days. You can give them to me.” Nice renovation and a pleasure to work with. ”

Before leaving the house, Chen Xiao turned around and said, “It’s impossible to cut it open, but if you want to borrow it normally, you can come to me in Jiangbei.”

“By the way, be prepared for the opportunity…”

After saying that, Chen Xiao disappeared on the spot.

Zhao Tianming was left standing there.

He didn’t know what he was thinking.

Just murmuring:

“Sheep head…”

“Sheep’s horn…”

Left the scientific research area.

Chen Xiao quickly returned to the military area.

Office of the Second Executive Officer.

“You are finally back.”

An Ning sat on the chair and looked at Chen Xiao with a smile: “Thank you today.”

Of course Chen Xiao knew what she was referring to, but he still joked.

“Thank you for what?”

“You can’t thank me with your mouth, right?”

An Ning pointed at the computer screen: “Thank you for this, do you want to come and take a look?”

Chen Xiao walked over.

I only see my own photos and various information on the screen:

Name: Chen Xiao

Sex: Male

Current military position: Chinese sequence

Merit: 3150 points

Remaining merit points: 3150 points

Chen Xiao was confused: “Is more than three thousand meritorious deeds very high? I thought it was at least tens of thousands…”

An Ning turned her head sideways with a look of helplessness on her face. She clicked the mouse on her hand and changed the page directly:

Name: An Ning

Gender: Female

Current military position: Beijing Military Region-Second Executive Officer

Merit: 1900 points

Remaining merit points: 500 points

Chen Xiao not only sighed: “Sir An, do you even take such good-looking ID photos?”

An Ning was speechless: “Is this the point?”

Chen Xiao chuckled: “It seems that this meritorious service is quite valuable.”

As the strongest teleporter in the military region, An Ning can be said to have saved countless lives.

He had been in the executive position for a long time before and after the end of the world, and he had only accumulated 1,900 merit points in total.

It’s enough to prove…the value of merit.

Peace of mindNing nodded: “Normally, one hundred merits are all great merits.”

“Your merits are an exception, because the things you did, whether it was saving Cangzhou, killing two followers, or the border defense war in Caiyun Ancient Town, these are all above great merits, otherwise do you think you would have so many merits?”

Chen Xiao touched his chin: “Then can I use merits to exchange now?”

An Xin Ning nodded: “Of course, this is the current reserve inventory. Which one do you like, I will apply for it for you.”

As he said, An Xin Ning pushed two lists to Chen Xiao on the table.

One is about daily supplies.

One is about opportunities and special items.

Chen Xiao directly discarded the first one.

In terms of supplies, there is nothing on this list that catches his eye.

Pick up the second one directly.

In the front is a large area of ​​opportunities that require a price.

Including gold ribbons, realm maps, star compasses, resonance bells, etc.

The merits required are high and low.


But none of them are the type that Chen Xiao likes.

Look down.

Finally, we come to Chen Xiao’s favorite part, the opportunity without cost!

Although it is not as detailed as the rules, there is also a brief description on the list.


Blue Lotus Lantern: A lantern with blue ghost fire inside, which can illuminate all evil spirits in the dark night and guide low-level monsters to avoid

Required: 1000 merit points

2. Void Foot Ring: Wearing this ring, the speed is increased by 20%, and it can even hide in the void for a short time

Required: 1200 merit points

3. Echo Wall: Go back to the past and listen to the sounds that happened in the past, the meaning is unknown

Required: 1500 merit points

4. Cornucopia: A gift from the God of Plenty, gently shake it to randomly produce a large amount of food and water, the number of times is limited

Required: 2500 merit points

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