【Animal No. 230001】

[Get a chance to evolve]

【Talent promotion】


[Testing completed]

[Please select the talent to be promoted]


2.【Dragon Breath】

3.【Dragon Transformation】


When Chen Xiao learned that the game was over, he let out a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that he would be trapped here forever.

Then he immediately got into trouble.

Do you have to choose to upgrade your talents?

He glanced at Jiang Yunhan next to him. The boy was not entangled, but took off happily.

His eyes were three points brighter than usual.


They only have one talent!

Of course there’s no need to worry!

It turns out that this is my trouble with happiness!

Moreover, the talents provided by the rules are all your own innate talents!

Can’t those produced through [Reproduction] be upgraded?

It seems so…

Chen Xiao thought about it and decided to promote growth talent.

That is, SSSS level reproduction!

First of all, [Dragon Bone] is my core talent, but the problem is that most of the time I can’t use its upper limit!

The physical bonus each time you reproduce, and the 50% strength blessing from the black goat bloodline, have caused your strength to exceed the first-stage limit by more than half!

This is simply rushing towards the second stage limit value!

Secondly, [Dragon Breath] is just an auxiliary talent. Although I use it very frequently, it cannot help me too much.

As for [Dragon Transformation], this is Chen Xiao’s trump card, and it just saved his life.

But Chen Xiao was somewhat reluctant to promote it.

The reason lies in animalization!

The powerful jump in strength is great, but the cost of permanently increasing the number of animals is too high!

Chen Xiao would not use this talent again unless absolutely necessary, so it was naturally excluded.

On the contrary, [Reproduction], as an SSSS-level talent, is already extremely unbelievable!

This time I also got a chance to be promoted!

If used here:

If the conditions become simpler, or if you get more powerful talents, your potential will become infinite.

It sounds like the word potential doesn’t mean much to him, because in the apocalypse, few people are his opponents.

But don’t forget, there are guys like Ma Mian who call themselves “gods” who are watching covetously.

Chen Xiao must become stronger than Ma Mian before the fifth blood moon!

Otherwise, if something happens right away, you may be the first one to deal with it!

Chen Xiao needs to strengthen his potential, which is the foundation in the apocalypse, before he can have a chance with these guys.

“Promote [Reproduction].”

After thinking about this, Chen Xiao no longer hesitated and made a decisive choice for promotion.

The next moment, a voice sounded:

【Animal No. 230001】

【Talent promotion】

[Acquire talents]

[Reproduction SSSSS level growth talent]

Description: Tyrannosaurus rex was extremely fertile and proud of it. One male would dominate many females.

Effect: Intermittently enters a state of reproduction

Note: In this state, practicing dual cultivation with the opposite sex will permanently increase physical strength and power, with a probability of obtaining the talent of the opposite sex, and strengthening this talent.

Note: The opposite sex must have a favorable impression of the gifted person, otherwise they will not obtain the gift (the higher the favorable impression, the greater the increase in physical strength and power, and the higher the probability of obtaining the gift)

Note: After exceeding the one-day time limit, you will not receive any attributes and talents.

After reading the introduction, Chen Xiao took a breath.

Five S’s of talent!

Unheard of!

And its effect is even more incredible!

Comparing the previous descriptions, we can see that there are two changes after this promotion!

The first point is the bonus after [reproduction], from “physical strength” to “physical strength and power”!

The second point is that [Reproduction] will not only obtain the talent with probability, but also strengthen this talent!

“Strengthen talent? What do you mean…”

As if to answer, the voice just sounded:

[Testing reproductive talent]

【Water source】


[Acquire talents]

[All things water SS level creative talent]

Description: One is born with two, two begets three, three begets all things, and the invisible form of water carries the way of all things.

Effect: Those with this talent can create water for no reason, control all the currents in the world, condense water into weapons, and turn liquid into weapons. With the snap of a finger, the relationship between water and water is omnipotent.

Is this really an SS-level talent?

Is your talent so high?

Such an amazing setting is only SS level!

But Chen Xiao suddenly realized that this was a creative talent, the rarest type!

It’s reasonable to ask for more than 100 million yuan!

Somewhat impatiently, Chen Xiao created a “Long Knife of Water” directly in front of Jiang Yunhan.

“Huh? How many talents do you have?”

Jiang Yunhan was obviouslyHis actions were frightening, and he kept thinking in his mind, this guy has never used water!

Chen Xiao did not answer, but slashed at Jiang Yunhan. He wanted to test the strength of this knife!

“Grandma, you want me to try your talent?”

Jiang Yunhan didn’t know what this guy meant. He took a step forward and a green light appeared in his palm.

[Black turtle vitality SSS level magic talent]

He happened to want to try out how abnormal his newly promoted ability was!


The long sword of water hit the green light in Jiang Yunhan’s palm hard, making it difficult to move forward at all.

Of course, Chen Xiao didn’t use any force, he just wanted to try new abilities.

Suddenly, he had a whim, and he controlled the stagnant water in the long knife in his mind, and started to move!

And the faster it moves, the faster it moves!

The water above is so fast that it can burst into water!

This is a fully automatic water jet!

As if Chen Xiao finally found a way to use it, he slashed diagonally towards Jiang Yunhan.


This time, Jiang Yunhan didn’t expect that his long sword suddenly became very domineering and directly broke his defense!


Jiang Yunhan’s palm was instantly injured!

Chen Xiao hurriedly took back the flowing water knife and let it scatter into water stains on the ground.

“Brother, are you okay? I accidentally…”

Jiang Yunhan glanced at him angrily, and a green light appeared in the wound.

In just one second, the wound healed directly!


Chen Xiao’s eyes widened, this guy got a great opportunity!

This kind of talent, even in the capital, has to be protected by a dozen S-class men!

“You are very strong, but it’s a pity that we have different paths.”

Jiang Yunhan felt a little proud when he saw Chen Xiao’s envious expression.

Chen Xiao said disdainfully: “Hey, if it weren’t for the fact that you entrusted your sister to me, I would cut you into pieces and see how you recover.”

The green light in Jiang Yunhan’s palm grew brighter: “I’ll tell you again, don’t try to take advantage of my sister!”

Chen Xiao was about to correct him, but suddenly felt dizzy.

In the center of the arena, a sudden flash of light instantly broke the silence.

The familiar white light poured down like a curtain, filling the entire place in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiao’s figure reappeared on the top of Tuoluo Mountain.

These are all unnatural means!

Rules, horse face!

These are all things that create fear.

Appearing with him were Jiang Yunhan on the side and Liu Changan in the distance.

The four of them slowly approached.

Liu Changan’s eyes were filled with joy, and he looked at Chen Xiao and thanked him: “Thanks to you, I survived.”

Chen Xiao waved his hand: “It’s nothing.”

Then the conversation changed: “I’m just curious, when are you going to kill me?”

One sentence made Liu Changan break into cold sweat on his forehead.

It is true that he never gave up the idea of ​​killing Chen Xiao, but he never had the chance.

Because of his loose mouth and underestimation of the enemy, he let Chen Xiao know too many secrets.

Only the dead can keep secrets!

It’s best to kill that Jiang Yunhan too!

Avoid future troubles forever!

“Why should I kill you?”

Liu Changan acted very naturally and asked questions.

“Hahaha, just kidding.”

Chen Xiao laughed twice, turned around and walked down the mountain, exposing his back to Liu Changan.

Fishing and law enforcement, those willing to take the bait!

At this time, Liu Changan only wanted to kill Chen Xiao, completely forgetting that the rules of the game were broken by Chen Xiao.

How could it be possible to make such a doomsday low-level mistake!

But at this moment,

He had to believe it,

Because the further you delay, the less chance you have!

Others didn’t know it, but he knew that Chen Xiao must have paid some terrible price after fighting with him!

At that time, he suddenly fell to his knees on the ground. It was definitely not that simple. It is very likely that he is still in a weak stage now!

The corners of his mouth couldn’t stop rising!

This opportunity will kill you with one strike!

He wants to catch it!

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