Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 137 I killed Gao Yun!

One is the white knight who represents victory.

The other is Green in the highest place.

The two faced each other tit for tat, and countless super large disaster entities appeared, casting cold and indifferent eyes on the White Knight.

This is not the first tit-for-tat confrontation between the two.

White Knight, why do you want to confront me? You are also Gao Yun, why do you keep hindering my progress?

Green was sitting on the throne with a cold expression and a slightly unkind tone.

But the white knight in front of him remained silent, just continued to draw the bow and shoot the arrow of light.

Move! Move quickly! I must go back to the past, kill Gao Yun, and save mankind!

Shen Tianji's eyes widened at the side, and his body could not move at all, but he still tried his best to activate his backtracking ability, wanting to go back to a point in time in the past. .

Then, he was completely shocked by what Green said.

In front of him, whether it was the White Knight or Green on the throne, it was Gao Yun?

As if sensing Shen Tianji's thoughts, Green casually deflected the arrow of light in front of him and turned to look at the poor creature that caused his appearance.

There was contempt and contempt in Green's eyes.

You poor fellow who prides himself on being a time traveler. The world you live in has not yet truly faced the abyss. Naturally, you cannot know our true nature.

In that gaze, Shen Tianji felt as if everything about him was clearly seen, even his own biggest secret.

But there was no awe in the emotions that came to his mind, only the anger and hatred of being seen through. He was even fantasizing about the false dream of killing Gao Yun completely.

Ants are always so ignorant and stupid.

Green shook his head and ignored the white knight on the other side.

As the core of all fairy tales and nursery rhymes, even if the white knight represents certain victory, there is no way to threaten him.

And the White Knight's ability to become what he is now has a huge relationship with him.

But now, Green just wants to play with the ridiculous ant in front of him.

Under his power, the scenery of the area where Shen Tianji was located changed, and he found himself back in front of U Domain Gao Yun.

At this moment, his body was suddenly able to move.

Looking at Gao Yun's cold and indifferent eyes, he felt an indescribable feeling of fear for a moment.

After a long time, Gao Yun in front of him did not move at all. It was not until Green's voice came that he understood what was happening now.

Shen Tianji tentatively stretched out his hand and gently touched Gao Yun.


With his touch, there was a sound like broken glass, which made him take a few steps back with lingering fear.

But then, Gao Yun's body shattered into countless parts like glass, and disappeared into the world into sporadic points of light.

Did I kill Gao Yun?

I killed Gao Yun!

Everything in front of him immediately changed Shen Tianji's expression from shock to ecstasy. Under the slight influence of some kind of power, he didn't even remember what had happened to him.

Gao Yun's death only made him ecstatic, and he kept shouting: I am the savior! I saved mankind!

Yes, Gao Yun is dead here.

Including his tens of thousands of clones and true bodies, at this moment, they had completely turned into points of light and disappeared from the world.

Even the Tiandao Temple clone hiding aside looked at the scene that just happened with disbelief. In the federal network, the news of Gao Yun's death spread like the wind, and it was immediately known to everyone.

Gao Yun, who beat him so easily, was killed by Shen Tianji so casually?

Has the other party developed another ability or something strange happened?

Tiandao Temple doesn't know, but he won't continue to pay attention to Gao Yun's incident.

The dead in the wasteland are not worthy of continued attention. It seems that the old ghost Jiuseguang was wrong.

After Gao Yun died, all the new systems in the last six regions collapsed, and they immediately returned to the old system.

The powerful run rampant and regard others as ants, pigs, and dogs.

The lower-class residents were thrown into the slums and made endless sacrifices.

Area Y 3 was completely wiped out by two waves of super-large famines, and no one survived.

As for Shen Tianji, he still looked arrogant and continued to return to Area A 2.

Now that Gao Yun is dead and the future controlled by Gao Yun has disappeared, he no longer needs to worry, he only needs to enjoy the 'freedom' he has worked hard for.

Along the way, Shen Tianji laughed wildly again and again, and the high-intensity sound waves did not restrain at all. Along the way, countless ordinary people were shocked to death from internal organ damage.

Without the threat of the future, how can he continue the human life he gained after traveling through time?

The decision-maker of Noah's military industry never participated in the research, development and manufacturing of technology, but only used force to suppress those who disobeyed. When he was strong, naturally countless people came to serve him one after another.

And as the days go by like this, the situation of mankind continues to be the same, getting worse and worse.

The last six areas lacked the adjudicator and adjudicator-level heroes to guard them. When the next beast tide invaded, twelve areas in a row were swallowed up by wild beasts.

The Sea of ​​Death followed closely behind the beast tide, directly submerging these twelve domains and turning them into undersea ruins.

After Shen Tianji heard the news, he didn't care at all.

In his opinion, except for himself, everyone in this world is a fool, and they will die if they die.

Only those decision makers and councilors who are super powerful like him are worthy of communicating with him.

As for Gao Yun, that was an exception, but the other party was also dead.

In this way, Shen Tianji continued to indulge himself among the warblers, and the human federation continued to decline in this slow death situation.

All the people in the last twelve regions have died, and without many human beings making sacrifices, the paradise zone at the core of the federation has also begun to shrink.

Year after year, super-large famines break out, and humans still have no means of resistance. They can only watch as the areas where they can survive become less and less, and more and more people need to sacrifice.

In the end, the aliens and their companions evacuated the wasteland, and the front line against the disaster disappeared. They chose to continue the past policy of raising humans as livestock to satisfy the appetite of the abyss.

A domain.

The tide of beasts is getting bigger and bigger, and even Domain A has been invaded.

At this time, Shen Tianji was also pushed to the front line. The Yingying Yanyan who accompanied him also died in the last invasion of the little beasts, and he no longer had those shields and room for retreat.

No! I will never die! I still have the power to look back! I can go back to the past countless times to avoid danger!

I will never die! I am a time traveler! I will enjoy everything forever! Everything I should and should enjoy!

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