Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 184 Pure Energy Battleship


It is the most powerful and most common existence in the material universe.

From the perspective of the earth's night sky, every existence that is emitting starlight is a star located extremely far away in light years.

And these stars are very likely to be like the sun, guarding the existence of groups of intelligent beings.

But in today's Milky Way, stars are being extinguished, like fine velvet swept by flames. The light that once seemed to never stop burning was extinguished, and the seemingly endless energy was collected by advanced civilizations.

Their move was immediately condemned by other lower-level civilizations and higher-level civilizations in the galaxy.

As the main source of energy in the galaxy, stars are naturally indispensable for the growth of civilization. If we only rely on the geothermal heat of the planet itself, it is simply not enough to support the growth and evolution of a civilization.

So the actions of these people are destroying the future of the galaxy.

Even if a civilization becomes extinct, it will still grow again and again as time goes by. But if the star goes out, then the galaxy will become a dead place without the birth of life.

Life can be afraid of the light brought by stars, but it cannot live without the energy brought by stars.

But the Alpha Planet Alliance has now reached the critical point of civilization's life and death. How can they care about the future of other people in the galaxy?

The war order from the human gods has locked their future tightly and is about to drag them to the end.

It's a good thing that this kind of thing that makes them all desperate has not forced them to the point. If any civilization comes to stop them now, it will definitely be counterattacked and retaliated by the alliance of seventy-one civilizations.

Seeing that their warnings were useless, most of the advanced civilizations in the galaxy became angry and cut off diplomatic ties with these seventy-one civilizations.

All other scientific and technological exchanges and commercial transactions have also been withdrawn and used as non-violent restrictions and attacks.

In the past, these things would most likely have reduced the national power of these civilizations and caused many members of the civilization to panic. But now, these innocuous things can't even make them turn their eyes.

Put it out! Let them extinguish it, and I will see how many of the more than 200 billion stars in the Milky Way they can extinguish!

Many advanced civilizations have blocked their borders and deployed a large number of warships and troops at several joint points to prevent these civilizations from jumping over the wall to enter.

However, we have to say that these civilizations have the potential to be forced out of desperate situations.

Seventy-one civilizations, in the Milky Way, nearly 10,000 stars are extinguished every day.

They are either transformed into various technological creations, or made into various warships. What's more, they were made into pure energy attack weapons by these aliens.

Start the construction plan of the Neutron Star Battleship! Mass-produce it. Only in this way can we have the means to win!

All scientists and wise men in the seventy-one civilizations have no reservations at this moment, sharing the technology and conjectures of their own civilizations with each other, and also providing research on each other's big weapons.

Soon, pure energy state and unconventional physics warships were also developed.

Is there any way to activate the black hole? If the black hole can also be used as a battleship, we will definitely be invincible.

As the month came to an end, these civilized scientists gradually fell into madness.

This level of arms race makes them constantly speculate about the horror of mankind, and the fate that seems to never stop touches their tense nerves all the time.

Finally, they put their thoughts on black holes.

Black holes can be said to be the most powerful existence in the material universe. If their powerful characteristics do not affect the outside of the scope, they still need to comply with the laws of reality. I am afraid that the entire universe has long been devoured by black holes and is riddled with holes.

This is simply impossible! If you want to truly control a black hole, that is a technology that only god-level civilizations know. Inside the black hole, all physical laws will fail, and even high dimensions will collapse and become an infinitesimal volume. A singularity of infinite mass!”


We have to try!

If we can build a black hole battleship, we will have an absolute advantage in the war!

With the failure of the Neutron Star Battleship, all Alpha Star Alliance scientists focused their experiments on how to control the black hole and passively create a black hole battleship to sail to the battlefield.

A month later, numerous battleships were spread across thousands of galaxies in a radius, and the entire front was stretched in a straight line to a width of nearly ten thousand light-years.

At the beginning of the war, the human fleet was as easy as chopping up melons and vegetables against ordinary battleships, cruisers, and aliens inside the battleships. But as the intensity of the war increased, these civilizations brought the special warships they developed during this period to the battlefield.

Pure energy battleship! Information state battleship! Quantum battleship!

Let’s start with the pure energy warships. These warships are powerful warships that they developed from the research conducted in the wasteland with the power of the apostles of the abyss.

Battleships in this form can ignore most attacks in the material universe. After their research, the existence of pure energy battleships cannot be restrained by humans, who mostly like physical strikes.

And as all-photon energy battleships, the attacks they can launch are also quite astonishing.

If bombing is aimed at an asteroid, a pure energy warship can smash an asteroid into cosmic dust in one salvo.

Moreover, there are more than hundreds or even thousands of pure energy battleships appearing on the battlefield.

In the life-and-death battle of advanced civilizations in the universe, the number of battleships will always be in the hundreds of millions, and the operators in the battleships may not all be real flesh and blood.

Unlike the people on earth, they all advocate close combat with a sharp edge and blood.

As for information state battleships and quantum state battleships, these two types of battleships are even more abnormal.

One of them represents the result of feedback to the material world, and the other is also a type of pure energy battleship, an enhanced version, and it is like a dimensionality reduction blow to humans.

Ordinary physical means have no way of contacting these non-material warships. Being beaten and unable to fight back is a big loss for mankind.

The situation that could have been said to be one-sided was now reversed in an instant. Some people even died seven or eight times without touching the enemy. How could this kind of thing not make them angry and angry?

This is not to say that they thought they could not beat the other party or that they acted in a demoralizing manner. To humans, it was like the other party had agreed to a duel between the two of them and then took a mop with shit in it and temporarily transformed into Lu Bu to let them I was severely disgusted.

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