Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 200 Changes in Challengers

After observing his current outfit and general appearance, Gao Yun also understood what situation he was in now.

His appearance and physical characteristics should not have changed much from his past self, except that the clothes he is wearing now are no longer casual clothes, but replaced by a set of medieval traveler clothes. On the outermost part of this outfit, there was a huge cloak that was enough to bury his entire body in the shadows.

He does not have the power given by the dark world, nor does he have a fixed identity, so he is called a wanderer.

Next, he found a knife, two silver coins, and a map from his body.

According to Gao Yun's observation, whether it is a knife or a map, they are composed of a large number of concepts and existences. If these things fell into the void, it would be enough to give birth to a low-level apostle.

Oh help!

Just as Gao Yun was thinking, a huge movement suddenly came from the distance.

He turned his head and looked towards the direction where the noise was coming from, and saw that a strange-looking high-ranking apostle was being chased by two ugly elves. Before the apostle took a few steps, the two elves held one arm in each arm and took him to the sky.


The high-ranking apostle fell from a height of several hundred meters in the sky, and was smashed to death.

If other apostles of the abyss saw this scene, they would probably be frightened out of their souls.

Whether in the void or in the worlds, the apostles of the abyss are immortal existences. Even if their essence is broken, they will only fall into sinking. When enough existences are collected in the future, they can be revived.

But now, after coming to the dark world, the originally immortal Apostle of the Abyss will be thrown to death.

Things that were extremely terrifying to other apostles seemed nothing to Gao Yun. He continued to look at the map and judge his current position.

After entering the dark world just now, a huge disturbance occurred when the female voice introduced the Red Queen. Then something must be happening in the Eastern Kingdom, even affecting the core of the dark world.

This is most likely related to another king in the dark world.

But now, Gao Yun still has to find a way to get the key from the four queens. In this way, you can open up the treasure house of the dark world and absorb and absorb the 'time' you have fought for, so that you can achieve your goal.

As for becoming the king of the dark world? Or defeat Green? These are not his main purposes.

His goal is to gain the power of time that Green gained from traveling from the past to the future. And what supports the power of the Crimson System is also these illusory powers that have no real existence.

Only by gaining these powers of time can he defeat the abyss and make everything run according to his own will.

Huh? There seems to be someone here.

After the two elves dealt with the high-ranking apostle, they suddenly saw Gao Yun's figure.

The elf next to him sniffed and found that he did not smell the breath of outsiders, so he said in a voice like a drake: The master only ordered us to arrest those groups with stinky smells. The people in the dark world The aboriginal people do not allow us to move. As for whether they are covered with a layer of skin, it is up to our rulers to deal with it. Afu, let's go.

The elf named Af heard his partner's words, nodded, and then flew to other places.

Seeing them leaving, Gao Yun just glanced at them.

It seemed like that guy Green was in a hurry, otherwise he wouldn't have sent out so many tools to clean up the excess.

However, he now has a body and identity in the dark world, so naturally he has to do things that are consistent with this identity.

For example, find a place to stay, replenish food and water for this body, and then understand the specific situation of the Southern Kingdom. In this way, he can obtain the keys to the treasure house as soon as possible.

Two days later, Red Persimmon Town.

In the Blackstone Tavern in the town, there are many beings with different identities but the same essence gathered together.

Damn, we've been tricked! We entered this hellish world to gain power, but until someone can collect the four keys, we can't leave. I don't know how many high-ranking apostles I've seen die in the past few days. There was even a king who was torn to pieces by so many slaves and giants. An apostle of the abyss dressed as a blacksmith poured a glass of beer into his mouth, feeling that this glass was enough to double his previous size. Strange stuff.

Hmph, otherwise you think those apostle kings and pillars of darkness are all well-intentioned people who are here to give you benefits? An apostle dressed as a farmer snorted coldly. Gao Yun could tell that the other party was a noble person because of his noble nature. A superior apostle.

I saw him slap a few more copper coins on the table and ask for another glass of beer.

The eyes of those noble beings are not on us, weak ants. Nowadays, this dark world is willing to let us participate in it and enhance our own existence. It is already a blessing.

Instead of seizing those four keys, we should act honestly according to the trajectory of our identity. In this way, before the final winner appears, our size can be several times larger.

From his words, it can be seen that he was a rational and smart person before becoming the apostle of the abyss, otherwise he would not have understood the foundation of his life and be wise and self-protective.

Well, that's what it is said. We can't get involved in these incidents. We can always talk about it.

Someone sighed and responded.

Didn't they gather in this tavern just to chat with the beings who are also apostles of the abyss?

No, no, no, we should be able to participate in these events.

Suddenly, a man stood up and spoke, showing everyone what he had just obtained.

Double cut!

With a swish sound, the apostle drew out the long sword in his hand, and at the same time, two sword shadows were stabbed out.

This is!

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened. They were not shocked by the appearance of the swordsmanship, but they understood what it represented behind the swordsmanship.

When the void invaded those small worlds, these lower-level apostles were all star-devouring beings. Even the weakest among them can devour the strongest being in the small world at will.

Here, the place where the huge existences of the dark world gather, and the supernormal world that accommodates all the existences of the dark pillars. If it were not for this identity, all of them, the lower apostles, would probably be crushed into meat pies.

But the lower apostle in front of him used his weak essence and strength to display miraculous abilities in the dark world.

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