Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 211 The Edge of the Principality of Thorns

After learning a bunch of abilities and spells, Gao Yun embarked on his journey to the Principality of Thorns alone.

Originally, he wanted to take a carriage to the Principality of Thorns, but he gave up that idea after seeing various abilities that temporarily enhanced physical strength and movement speed.

After leaving Black Cloud City and arriving in a deserted wilderness, Gao Yun continued to add spell after spell to his body.

Increased speed, reduced weight, affinity to the wind element, and a bunch of abilities and skills were released as if for free, just to make him travel faster.

With the addition of dozens of layers of spells, he was now several times faster than a cheetah running at full speed. To an ordinary person, he would disappear without a trace in just a blink of an eye.

In half a day, he had crossed half the distance. But at this time, his body showed that it was weak and in need of rest, which really made him feel a little irritated.

My own existence is still too small, and the dark world has part of my essence, which can affect my performance to a certain extent. Otherwise, if these spells continue to increase, even in the dark world, I will be able to I've finished running around the Earth's equator. Gao Yun found a place with a hidden advantage and sat down, constantly feeling the level of magic brought by his own essence in his heart.

The quality is high and the quantity is small. The main reason is that this fragile body is too troublesome, otherwise he can use his own essence to turn into light and move forward at the speed of light.

And as he gets closer to the Principality of Thorns, the fewer people there are between these areas. When we arrived a hundred kilometers away from the Principality of Thorns, there was no city at all.

There are so many powerful monsters in the Principality of Thorns that they scare other cities and countries.

However, it must be said that the Duke of Thorns was once powerful. It had thirteen powerful witches and captured powerful monsters as pets. Even the demon dragon was the accompanying mount of the Duke of Thorns.

But the powerful Principality of Thorns cannot stand at the apex of the dark world for hundreds of millions of years like the four kingdoms that will never fall silent or die. In the dark world, apart from Green on the Eternal Mountain, the four queens are the most powerful, ruling almost every inch of the four continents and oceans.

Hundreds of years ago, Princess Aurora was born with powerful magic and strength. Even the thirteen witches could not stop the uncontrollable force that brought disaster.

Therefore, twelve witches placed a ban called blessing on Princess Aurora at the same time, and only the last witch turned Princess Aurora's remaining power into Maleficent and swept the entire principality. Only the destined hero or prince who awakens the princess with a kiss can calm all her powers.

Now Maleficent has been around for hundreds of years, and countless princes and warriors are trying to break this curse, but they have died or fled before they could even see the gate of the City of Thorns.

Until now, no one has awakened the sleeping princess and revived the lost principality in the past and revealed it to the world.

Gao Yun used magic to conjure some delicious food and rested for a while.

After his body was full of energy and restored to its peak, Gao Yun slowly embarked on the last section of the road leading to the Principality of Thorns.

As he continued to move forward, the surrounding scenery gradually became devoid of any trace of civilization.

There are thick and green trees everywhere, which grow as they please because no one takes care of them. Everywhere in these jungles, poisonous snakes are spitting messages, and various poisonous insects are hidden in corners that are difficult to observe with the naked eye. As long as someone is not careful, they will be killed by this group of poisons that are enough to take the lives of ordinary people. .

But for Gao Yun, who was hiding in the shadows, he didn't need to worry about the dangers of these mortal objects.

In the stealth state, not to mention that these snakes and insects without wisdom and reason cannot see him. Even if he steps on them, they will not see any trace.

And this is the danger and power of the dark world's ability rules.

Just like if someone targets Gao Yun with a spell that can directly take away a person's life, as long as he does not dodge or use restraint spells, no matter how noble his nature is and how powerful his existence is, he will not be able to protect this body. Avoid harm, and heal it.

This is the outrageous thing about abilities and spells, and even if they go to the void and the worlds, these abilities will still exist, and will overwhelm all concepts and essences of the void and the worlds with an incomparable crushing trend. .

And this is also the reason why the dark world does not explore and develop into the void and other worlds. After all, who would sleep with the sand when they have nothing to do?

But after Gao Yun walked through this junction area, he had to become serious. Otherwise, those weird monsters with powerful abilities are likely to kill his body.

Not long after, Gao Yun was blocked by a wall of vegetation. These roads have not been repaired for many years and have long since become unsuitable for human travel.


Without saying a word, a flame spell was released, immediately burning through the vine wall in front of him. And this magical flame disappeared after burning a big hole in the obstacle, leaving not even a trace of sparks.

Magic is still easy to use. Relying on my essence, I can ignore the type of target. But I still need to make defense judgments on abilities and spells.

Gao Yun took a look at the surrounding scenery, thought about it in his mind, and then continued to walk forward.

His massacre in the Principality of Thorns had only just begun.

Fire impact!




On his way forward, in this land belonging to the Principality of Thorns, it was really a monster taking three steps.

From the weakest green poisonous python with dragon horns, to the fire leopard that pounces on clouds, succubus, spirit demon and a series of high-level monsters. On the outermost territory of the Principality of Thorns, there is also a powerful sub-dragon monster guarding it.

And this is just as the bartender of Black Cloud City said, only a hundred warriors and a hundred archmage can lead him to break through this lost land occupied by many monsters.

As Gao Yun sees more monsters, maybe a hundred warriors and archmages are not enough?

But these monsters are no trouble to him. He cast spells one step at a time, and at a glance, several monsters were ignited by his spells. Under that terrifying magical flame that could burn everything in the world, even the sub-dragon species with abilities and spell resistance was turned into a ball of charcoal in the burning fire.

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