Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 235 Absorbing Eternity

How many seconds are there in eternity?

Once upon a time, there was a shepherd boy who was famous for his ability to give a clever answer no matter what questions others asked him.

The king of his country also heard about it, but he didn't believe it, so he called the shepherd boy.

The king asked three questions for the shepherd boys, and the first two shepherd boys answered them easily. The last question is: How many seconds is eternity?

The shepherd boy replied: There is a diamond mountain in Pomerania. This mountain is extremely high. Every hundred years a bird flies to the mountain and pecks it with its beak. When the whole mountain is pecked off At that moment, the first second of eternity ended.”

At the foot of the Eternal Sacred Mountain, Gao Yun looked at this mountain made entirely of fragments of time, with thoughts in his mind.

This mountain was formed by the accumulation of endless time. Although the time fragments inside could not be absorbed by him on a one-to-one basis, they were still of an unimaginable size.

Now, as long as Gao Yun sits on the Iron Throne again, he can completely absorb the power of this sacred mountain.

So, he took steps towards the top of the sacred mountain.

As he walked, he turned the fairy-tale creatures who were Grimm's servants into blood mist and dispersed it on the periphery of the Eternal Mountain.

How high is the Eternal Mountain?

Naturally, we have to go to the end of eternity to know.

Gao Yun moved upward, and Green sat on the Iron Throne. Green watched him climb.

The distance between the two seems to have never shortened, and the outside world's concept of time cannot affect the interior of the Eternal Mountain.

Can he come up? Green said to himself, doubting Gao Yun's awakening.

The other party has only lived for a few decades in real time. Is he really determined to spend eternity on the Eternal Mountain?

One of the reasons why Green himself could not leave the Eternal Mountain was that he did not have the confidence to cross eternity and leave the Iron Throne. The high clouds below are still climbing upward.

Only those who climb to the top from the bottom of the mountain can cross the Eternal Mountain and cause harm and threat to Green. Otherwise, you can only watch the other party display their abilities and come over.

However, this power has no effect on Gao Yun who is climbing.

Countless fairy tale creatures crawled at Gao Yun's feet, trying to survive.

The next moment, blood rained down, bones and flesh were broken, and their life essence gradually withered away.

In Gao Yun's eyes, fairy tale creatures are no different from bugs on the ground.

The protagonists from various fairy tales appeared one after another. After Gao Yun made his next move, he fell into deathly silence.

Some people have death aspirations and sing countless fairy tales and nursery rhymes.

In an instant, countless beings from fairy tales and nursery rhymes appeared, possessing power that could easily sweep away the void.

In the next second, these new lives and the chanters turned into withering dust.

Slowly, as Gao Yun continued to move forward, his climb also reached a critical point.

Now is the time to test will and truth.

Green thought that in the next trial, the Eternal Holy Mountain would turn eternal events into one second and instill them into Gao Yun's consciousness. If Gao Yun feels any impatience during this process, then his climb will be considered a failure.

So, this is an opportunity for me as well.

Green chuckled and took out a Thunder Spear and a Spear of Destiny.

The next moment, he swung out two divine weapons at the same time and shot them at Gao Yun who was in a daze.

But in the next second, with a flick of a finger, these two artifacts that could penetrate countless worlds were destroyed into countless pieces.


Gao Yun said calmly.

He turned his gaze upward and stepped forward slowly. During the last stretch of the journey, Green tried his best and used countless abilities, just to stop Gao Yun's footsteps.

But his actions failed without exception.

Even for a moment or a pause, Green couldn't do it.

His attacks seemed like illusions in front of Gao Yun. Even if Gao Yun did not defend or counterattack, those artifacts that could penetrate countless worlds were like bubbles that would burst when touched.

As Gao Yun approached, Green became calmer and calmer.

At this time, he suddenly thought of his past.

Perhaps, he made a huge mistake from the moment he appeared.

But how could he accept his fate here?

Violent power surged within his body, and the entire dark world gradually collapsed under his oppression.

Now there is no existence in the dark world that can compete with him for authority, and his power has risen to the extreme.

The collapse of the dark world immediately affected the void.

Countless worlds are pulled by this gravitational force, turning into food to increase Green's size.

Winds of the void formed one after another, blowing everywhere, sweeping up countless apostles of the abyss and other beings, and spreading towards the dark world.

Gao Yun! You are the real mistake! Die!

The noble and sharp silver sword blade was unsheathed and slashed towards Gao Yun who had reached the top of the mountain.

This sword fell, directly cutting a hole in the collapsing dark world.

In an instant, countless masses tilted out along with this opening, bringing immeasurable vitality to the void and destroying countless worlds at the same time.

Weak, too weak.

Gao Yun stretched out two fingers and gently pinched the sword blade in his hand.

Although you are many times more powerful than the White Knight, you are also much more noble than him at the level of your essence.

But facing me, you are still no different than dust on the ground.

The indifferent words came out, and Green immediately became furious and felt that he had been humiliated.

But he was indeed humiliated. Gao Yun never looked at him from the beginning to the end.

Whether he was slashing him in the main world, or now he was about to take away his life and absorb the entire Eternal Sacred Mountain, Gao Yun had always been like this.

Green has never been worthy of being called an obstacle, not even a stepping stone.

Only the word careless suits him best.

The king of apostles who shone in countless worlds in the past and shook the void, the core of all fairy tales and the pillar of darkness.

Now he looks like a embarrassed dog.

Gao Yun!

Invisible force was exerted on Green, making his knees unable to resist, and he knelt down beside Gao Yun.

He looked gloomy and shouted in a hoarse voice, but he could not shake the figure sitting on the Iron Throne.

The ultimate pattern has begun.

In an instant, the dark world shone brightly, turning from blackness to pure white in an instant.

The seven dark pillars turned their heads at the same time and looked at the towering throne that was rising in the void.

The throne seemed to run through the entire void and have endless length. Anyone who wants to see clearly the figure on the throne can only look up at the blurry figure on the throne.

Crimson, let's start the lottery.

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