Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 49 Legendary Phantom

The death of the ruins guardian means that the development of the ruins has officially begun.

Well-equipped and well-trained exploration teams entered one after another.

Enter through an ancient bronze door and keep moving forward into the hollow below.

Exploring the ruins is not easy as long as you defeat the guardians of the ruins outside. The monsters and traps inside the ruins are extremely deadly.

Not only are there various wild beasts with high levels, but there is also an existence called the legendary phantom.

They are the products of various rumors, stories and even myths of humans in the past and present. They are embodied by the ruins through some kind of power and possess incredible power.

If these legendary phantoms had not been able to leave the ruins and would only stay in fixed locations, they would have long been classified as a type of famine, alongside fairy tale famines.

According to some data, some legendary phantoms even require multiple A-level superheroes to defeat them. However, such ruins are no longer something that low-level cities like Minghua City can explore.

According to the level of the ruins, there will only be legendary phantoms equivalent to B-level heroes in B-level ruins. If the other party has basically the same reason and world view as human beings, they may be able to avoid fighting with each other.

Within the ruins, narrow paths link rooms or palaces. Even if there is no light source, the interior is still brightly lit, allowing explorers to clearly see all placements and arrangements.

Bang bang

The sound of two firearms firing sounded.

Several explorers finally entered the first palace room.

The huge and empty palace is ventilated on all sides and consists of sixteen tall stone pillars arranged on the left and right. The exquisite and patterned walls and stone pillars are engraved with colorful stories and images.

A group of explorers entered the palace and used terminal equipment to scan the patterns and stories on the pillars.

There are records. The image of this man is very similar to the legendary phantom Sugu Mingzun that I encountered in Dongying City. Could it be...

After the terminal fed back the information, an exploration team member asked his companions.

This idea was quickly rejected by the other team members.

Sushi Mingzun is an A-level legendary phantom. As you know, A-level legendary phantoms can only appear in one place. Unless Dongying City defeats him, Sushi Mingzun will appear in other ruins. And Ours is only a B-level ruins, and there is no way he could appear here.

Yes, but it is undeniable that the legendary phantom that appears in this ruins must be related to Sugu Mingzun, so everyone should be very careful.

As they continued to explore the ruins, messages were sent to the temporary headquarters along the terminal LAN.

Moreover, as the team descended, wild beasts and monsters that frequently appeared in the ruins also emerged from the deeper palaces, causing huge damage to the ordinary exploration team members.

This kind of damage is exactly what the powerful and urban leaders want to see.

This is like a final elimination work or game where lives are used as bets. Heroes and members of the urban department who are weak and have no strengths will be crushed by the terrifying wild beast monsters.

The screams continued.

Everyone has an obsession in their heart, they don't want to die.

Everyone has something to hope for in their heart, and everyone has a belief that they must live.

They had countless reasons to survive, but the sharp claws of the wild beast still easily tore through the alloy armor and tore apart their fragile limbs and organs.

In the ruins, a lot of bloodshed occurs all the time.

Countless wild beasts were also wiped out under the roar of the exploration team members.

Even if a hundred wild beasts replace the life of an exploration team member, it will be a huge loss for them.

Desolate beasts have no intelligence, even A-level desolate beasts only have instincts and weak intelligence. Moreover, the desolate beasts in the ruins are summoned by the power of the wasteland, and there is no limit to their number.

Even if one hundred thousand or one million animals die, the number of wild beasts will not decrease in any way.

So this was just an act of committing suicide that low-level heroes and department members didn't know about.

This is the reason why people die in every expedition. This is the law of the wasteland, and even the top heroes in the Federation cannot change it.

Exploration team members and low-level heroes died one after another, including those around the ruins, and scavengers also continued to die.

When someone sacrifices, someone gains something.

Some exploration team members and low-level heroes shed tears and handed over the collected wild beast crystals and some precious materials to the statistics department, and then received exclusive credits from Minghua City.

In this major operation, hundreds or even thousands are just a small number, and it is normal to gain tens of thousands of credit points. Among those teams that are strong and have made great sacrifices, some have even received millions or tens of millions of credit points. The strong and the lucky.

Thirty-three D-level desolate beasts have broken bodies. They have no core and all major parts are missing. I'll give you five million credit points. Now you can have a good rest.

When the quartermaster saw the data scanned by the instrument, he casually said an unimaginable number.

Five million credits.

With such a huge wealth, as soon as he returns to the city, even if he exchanges for various potions, an ordinary person can grow into an existence approaching an E-class hero.

Wealth is the only thing in this wasteland that can bring people close to class, or even transcend class.

Wealth can make a helpless ordinary person become a hero envied by thousands of people in a few days. Wealth can make a skinny person who has never had a full meal avoid having to eat the same dishes throughout his life. .

All kinds of wealth and unimaginable enjoyment, even in the wasteland, in a low-level city like Minghua City, five million credits are enough for a family to live in extreme luxury.

As long as it does not involve the lives of the rich and powerful, you can buy a lot of things related to heroes, even the meat of high-level wild beasts.

However, the explorer who was rewarded did not feel any excitement. The scene of life and death had just happened before his eyes. His companions, who had been through life and death, were chewed up and swallowed by wild beasts, and not even a single intact limb could be found.

Everyone on the expedition team is a father, a husband, and a son.

They are the backbone of their respective families. Once they die, the family will almost fall apart.


Sobs sounded, and sad emotions filled the place, causing countless explorers and low-level heroes who felt the same to shed tears.

The death of comrades, the mutilation of the body, and the death of a lover or someone made these heroes at the bottom of the city scream deeply in their hearts.

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