Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 56 Detonating a Nuclear Bomb

Affected by the fierce fist wind, the eyes of 'Bipolar Yuan Magnetic' and 'Ruikong Star' were wide open, and their brains went blank. It took a long time to recover.

Grass! Grass, grass, grass, grass!

The fist style alone was so terrifying that the 'Bipolar Yuan Magnetic' couldn't believe how miserable he would look like if he was really hit.

For a moment, regardless of whether Gao Yun was really dead, he had no intention of continuing to fight anyway.

Suddenly, a crazy idea emerged from his mind. He turned around and asked the 'Rui Kong Star' beside him: I remember that there are nuclear bombs on these super armors, right?

Yes, what's wrong with you?

Gao Yun's punch just now also disrupted all the plans of the 'Ruikong Star'. Now he just wants to wait for support to kill Gao Yun and Jiang Yuanhua who have become a puddle of flesh and blood.

But now most of their super factors have been overloaded, and their super powers have dropped to freezing point. If Gao Yun recovers again, they will definitely not be opponents with their strength.

Activate the nuclear bombs and kill them all! 'Bipolar Yuan Magnetic''s eyes were red. It was obvious that he was not speaking out of anger. He really had this plan to let the special nuclear bombs on the twelve super armors explode and complete the mission. The target is killed directly here.

Are you crazy?!

‘Ruikong Star’ opened his eyes wide, obviously in disbelief.

The special nuclear bombs of the new era are not the ones of the old era. They are large and the energy is not concentrated enough. Under the new black box technology, countless destructive weapons have emerged, most of which are banned by the federation.

The special nuclear bomb equipped on the super armor is one of them.

Hidden deep within the three-meter-tall body of the super armor is a special nuclear bomb that can kill the opponent together. Each nuclear bomb can explode with a terrifying power of nearly 100,000 tons.

Twelve machines represent a terrifying power equivalent to more than 1.2 million tons. This is enough to raze several urban areas to the ground and easily kill millions of people. It is the ultimate killer weapon that even A-level heroes cannot Dare to resist.

Why am I crazy? Look! If we don't release the nuclear bomb, we will be the ones who die!

‘Bipolar Yuan Magnetic’ pointed at the pool of flesh and blood transformed by Gao Yun, and pointed at the human head that had begun to take shape, with a harsh tone.

He has forgotten the taboo that nuclear bombs cannot be released in ruins. No matter what happens afterwards, he just wants to kill the annoying Jiang Yuanhua and Gao Yun who bring him fear.

Therefore, under his own will, the nuclear bomb was directly activated by him through the power of the magnetic field. In the next moment, he pushed open the stone door with the Ruikong Star and got out.

A second later, Gao Yun climbed up from the ground dragging his half-healed body, but Jiang Yuanhua's voice immediately rang in his ears.

Be careful! They detonated a nuclear bomb, run!

Looking at the corner, Jiang Yuanhua had already propped himself up at some point, dragging his tired body and reminding Gao Yun.

But it's too late.

The operator lost his life, and after confirmation of authority, the twelve super armors have started the self-destruction process.

In the nuclear reactor of the armor, a shocking fission reaction is taking place. During the fission process of the atomic nucleus, a large amount of energy pours out in the form of high-energy radiation, forming terrifying shock waves and gamma rays.

Infinite light and heat exploded at this moment. If someone were to measure it now, they would definitely find that the temperature at the core of the twelve armors reached a high temperature of 170 million degrees Celsius in an instant.

At this temperature, all steel and alloys will be vaporized in an instant.

Terrifying shock waves and high-energy radiation swept across, and the already fragmented palace instantly collapsed. The huge power was transmitted through the damaged palace to the outside world, and an earth-shattering earthquake broke out.

As soon as 'Bipolar Magnetism' and 'Ruikong Star' left the scope of the ruins, a sky-reaching fire pillar instantly spurted out along the passage of the ruins, causing a group of super battle armors who were on the way to receive the call for help to The B-class hero was shocked.

Who put the nuclear bomb in the ruins?!

A female B-class superhero nicknamed Ice Lotus spoke. Her eyes were full of fear. Someone actually made such a serious mistake and violated the rules carved deep in the world.

In an instant, there was a sound like the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking from around the ruins. Several mountain giants slowly climbed up and let out angry roars.

For a time, the news that a nuclear bomb was detonated in the ruins spread throughout the local area network near the ruins.

The moment they received the news, the twenty-six nobles' floating castle and other large and small floating vehicles were immediately launched and flew towards the location of Minghua City.

This included the Heroes Association's float vehicle. Yan Qiuzhi's face was filled with sadness, but she had no authority to resist the retreat order issued by the headquarters.

President Gao Yun

Detonating nuclear bombs and other extremely destructive weapons in the ruins will arouse the anger of the wasteland, which can only be calmed down with a lot of blood.

The B-class heroes and super armors who were originally preparing for rescue immediately changed direction and left with the large team. If something like this happened, the people who stayed in the ruins could only find a way to escape on their own, and everyone who couldn't leave would. Become the blood food of the wasteland.

Some ground teams with a strong sixth sense also wanted to leave, but the movement brought by a few mountain giants had caused the earth to crack, making it impossible for ordinary vehicles to pass through.

Then, a massacre will begin.

In the ruins, Jiang Yuanhua saw the nuclear bomb explode. His eyes were split as he looked at the shock wave and high-energy radiation that was about to spread. No longer caring about the damage to his body, he activated his super power crazily, smashing the surrounding space into pieces, forming a piece of An independent space with no interaction with the outside world.

As for Gao Yun, he was not so lucky.

The moment the nuclear bomb exploded, his power increased again, and infinite vitality and energy surged in his body.

The body, which originally took a long time to heal and repair, immediately returned to its original state.

But the power of the nuclear bomb in front of him was truly something he could bear alone.

The terrifying heat vaporized his tough flesh and blood in an instant, revealing a crystal-clear skeleton. Even this skeleton showed signs of being vaporized, but in the next microsecond, the flesh and blood of his body grew back again.

Most of the power of a nuclear explosion that could destroy a city was absorbed by him alone.

Jiang Yuanhua watched Gao Yun's body constantly regenerating and destroying, destroying and regenerating in the vast expanse of white.

During this extremely painful process, Gao Yun discovered that his superhuman talent seemed to be absorbing the nuclear explosion in front of him, absorbing almost all the high-energy radiation and heat into his body.


As his strength grows, so does the development of his superhuman talents.

That's right, the sun itself is a huge fireball that is constantly undergoing nuclear fusion, and the properties of nuclear bombs are almost the same and can also be used as his source of power.

However, this weapon is also extremely dangerous.

If the power of this nuclear bomb were just a few more points, it would be able to vaporize his entire body. No matter how strong the vitality provided by Superman's talent, there would be no way for a disappeared person to reappear.

Therefore, when using this power to enhance strength in the future, you must be careful and measured.

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